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Zou, RJ; Li, WY; Tian~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM  l2011  n13  n20kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033km0002 kEIk keii材料學院t張幼維 ~ n郃兀Aj9A facile and green route to silver nanoparticles in waterck[Wang, Yansong (1); Zhang, Youwei (1); Du, Weiping (1); Wu, Chengxun (1); Zhao, Jiongxin (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Chemical Fibers Research Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China1 k)Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology~  lh烜 n n 10kkkk m0003 kEIk keii材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀qjiA general approach for the growth of metal oxide nanorod arrays on graphene sheets and their applicationsjkbZou, Rujia (1); Zhang, Zhenyu (1); Yu, Li (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China& kChemistry - A European Journal~  ll烜 n 1 n 49kkkk m0004kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀qjiA General Approach for the Growth of Metal Oxide Nanorod Arrays on Graphene Sheets and Their Applications&kZou, RJ; Zhang, ZY; Yu, L; Tia~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$ kCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL  l2011  n17  n49kArticle~ k剛@k 0947-6539k m0005 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t王連軍~ n兀IjAA microexplosion method for the synthesis of graphene nanoribbonskFan, Yuchi (1); Li, Jianlin (2); Liu, Xia (1); Wang, Lianjun (1); Chen, Xihong (3); Sun, Shikuan (3); Kawasaki, Akira (4); Jiang, Wan (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shangh kCarbon~  ll烜 n 49 n 4kkkk m0006kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t王連軍~ n兀IjAA microexplosion method for the synthesis of graphene nanoribbons&kFan, YC; Li, JL; Liu, X; Wang,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCARBON  l2011  n49  n4kArticlekP崡n@k 0008-6223k m0007 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀MjEA mobile Sn nanowire inside a β-Ga2O3 tubek|Zou, Rujia (1); Zhang, Zhenyu (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Ma, Guanxing (1); Song, Guosheng (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China  kSmall~  ll烜 n n 23kkkk m0008kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀qjiA Mobile Sn Nanowire Inside a beta-Ga2O3 Tube: A Practical Nanoscale Electrically/Thermally Driven Switch%kZou, RJ; Zhang, ZY; Tian, QW;~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kSMALL  l2011  n7  n23kArticlek 安 @k 1613-6810k m0009 kISTP k kistp i材料學院 t何春菊~ n癝兀I jAA New Method for the Preparation of Regenerated Chitosan Membrane: k2Ma, BM; Zhang, M; Gao, Y; Sun, ZP; Tang, L; He, CJL kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0010 kSCIE k kscie i材料學院 t韓克清~ n B兀K jCA novel precursor route for the production of Si-B-N ceramic fibers& kZhao, X; Han, KQ; Peng, YQ; Yu~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kMATERIALS LETTERS l2011 n65 n17-18 kArticle k垸~j紅@ k 0167-577X k m0011 kEI kscie k- i材料學院 t王依民~ n嘬鼲% jA tumor pH-responsive complex kXia, Yumin (1); Wang, Yimin (1); Wang, Yanping (1); Tu, Chunlai (2); Qiu, Feng (2); Zhu, Lijuan (2); Su, Yue (2); Yan, Deyue (2); Zhu, Bangshang (3); Zhu, Xinyuan (2) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Material, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Sch kColloids and Surfaces B~ ll烜 n n kkkk m0012 kSCIE kei kscie i材料學院 t王依民~ n嘬鼲u jmA tumor pH-responsive complex: Carboxyl-modified hyperbranched polyether and cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II)& kXia, YM; Wang, YM; Wang, YP; T~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China- k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES l2011 n88 n2 kArticle k儻鱏慳 @ k 0927-7765 k m0013 kSCIE k kscie i材料學院 t楊健茂~ n鄗兀 jA Zn2GeO4-ethylenediamine hybrid nanoribbon membrane as a recyclable adsorbent for the highly efficient removal of heavy metals from contaminated water& kYu, L; Zou, RJ; Zhang, ZY; Son~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS l2011 n47 n38 kArticle kV@ k 1359-7345 k m0014 kEIk keii材料學院 t趙昕~ n袑兀jAlternate multilayer films of poly(vinyl alcohol) and exfoliated graphene oxide fabricated via a facial layer-by-layer assemblymkeZhao, Xin (1); Zhang, Qinghua (1); Hao, Yanping (1); Li, Yingzhi (1); Fang, Ying (1); Chen, Dajun (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kMacromolecules~  lh烜 n 43 n 22kkkk m0015 kEIk keii材料學院t余木火~ n胸鼲Gj?An all-fiber high resolution fiber grating concentration sensor@k8Zhan, Yage (1); Luo, Jun (1); Wu, Hua (2); Yu, Muhuo (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China  kOptik~  lp烜 n nkkkk m0016kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t徐洪耀b219053j|An effective real-time colorimeteric sensor for sensitive and selective detection of cysteine under physiological conditions&kYan, ZQ; Guang, SY; Xu, HY; LiK kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kANALYST  l2011  n136  n9kArticlek霶呺@k 0003-2654k m0017 kEIkkei校刊i材料學院t張玉梅b013936NjFAtom transfer radical polymerization of acrylonitrile in ionic liquidsVkNZhang, Yu-Mei (1); Zhang, Hong-Yan (1); Chen, Xiao-Jun (1); Wang, Hua-Ping (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shanghai Petro-Chemical Co., Ltd., SINOPC, Shanghai 200540, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0018 kEIk keii材料學院t王依民~ n嘬鼲jBackbone-thermoresponsive hyperbranched polyglycerol by random copolymerization of glycidol and 3-methyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)oxetanekXia, Yumin (1); Wang, Yimin (1); Wang, Yanping (1); Wang, Dali (3); Deng, Hongping (2); Zhuang, Yuanyuan (2); Yan, Deyue (2); Zhu, Bangshang (3); Zhu, Xinyuan (2) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, Ch, k$Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m0019kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t王依民~ n嘬鼲jBackbone-Thermoresponsive Hyperbranched Polyglycerol by Random Copolymerization of Glycidol and 3-Methyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)oxetane&kXia, YM; Wang, YM; Wang, YP; W~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China, k$MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS  l2011  n212  n10kArticlek儻鱏@k 1022-1352k m0020 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t胡學超 s退休XjPBio-inspired capillary dry spinning of regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solutionkkcWei, Wei (1); Zhang, Yaopeng (1); Zhao, Yingmei (1); Luo, Jie (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China+ k#Materials Science and Engineering C~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0021kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡學超 s退休XjPBio-inspired capillary dry spinning of regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solution&kWei, W; Zhang, YP; Zhao, YM; L~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaO kGMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS  l2011  n31  n7kArticlek皉h戫|@k 0928-4931k m0022kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t王華平~ n兀`jXBiomimetic mineralization synthesis of hydroxyapatite bacterial cellulose nanocomposites&kYin, N; Chen, SY; Ouyang, Y; TK kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL  l2011  n21  n6kArticlek徛(\忦?k 1002-0071k m0023kISTPkkistpi材料學院q莫秀梅~ o愾鸃dj\BMP2/Dexamethasone Loaded and Release from Core-shell Nanofibers for Bone Tissue EngineeringCk;Su, Y; Su, QQ; Liu, W; Venugopal, JR; Mo, XM; Ramakrisha, Sj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0024 kEIk keii材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀)j!Carbon nanotubes as field emitterkZou, Rujia (1); Hu, Junqing (1); Song, Yuelin (1); Wang, Na (1); Chen, Huihui (1); Chen, Haihua (1); Wu, Jianghong (1); Sun, Yangang (1); Chen, Zhigang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China1 k)Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology~  lh烜 n n 12kkkk m0025 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀2j*CaSi2O2N2OkGGu, Yunxin (1); Zhang, Qinghong (1); Wang, Hongzhi (1); Li, Yaogang (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~  ll烜 n 2 nkkkk m0026kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀jyCaSi2O2N2:Eu nanofiber mat based on electrospinning: facile synthesis, uniform arrangement, and application in white LEDs&kGu, YX; Zhang, QH; Wang, HZ; Li kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY  l2011  n21  n44kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0027kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t秦宗益~ n爑兀jCellulose nanocrystals as green fillers to improve crystallization and hydrophilic property of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) kYu, HY; Qin, ZY; Zhou, Zi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL  l2011  n21  n6kArticlek徛(\忦?k 1002-0071k m0028 kEIk keii材料學院t張慧慧~ n鄇兀bjZCellulose sponge using ionic liquid as solvent-(II) The effect of the content of celluloseWkOZhang, Huihui (1); Xia, Lei (1); Cai, Tao (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~  ll烜 n n 4kkkk m0029 kEIk keii材料學院q朱美芳~ o兀MjECharacteristic swelling-deswelling of polymer/clay nanocomposite gelsEk=Ren, Huai-Yin (1); Zhu, Meifang (1); Haraguchi, Kazutoshi (2) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Material Chemistry Laboratory, Kawamura Institute of Chemical Research, 631 Sakado, Sakura, Chiba 285-0078 kMacromolecules~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0030 kEIk keii材料學院t沈新元 s退休>j6Compatibility and properties of PVA/HPC blend solution,k$Dai, Bei-Bei (1); Shen, Xin-Yuan (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Department of Material Science and Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~  lh烜 n 2 n 12kkkk m0031 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀jContinuous high-throughput phosphopeptide enrichment using microfluidic channels modified with aligned ZnO/TiO2 nanorod arraysRkJHe, Zhongyuan (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Wang, Hongzhi (1); Li, Yaogang (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh kBiomedical Microdevices~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkkD孖l-Cw&Py=SdKZAn7+G6> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? m0032 kSCIE kei kscie i材料學院 t王宏誌~ n0j兀 j~Continuous high-throughput phosphopeptide enrichment using microfluidic channels modified with aligned ZnO/TiO2 nanorod arrays& kHe, ZY; Zhang, QH; Wang, HZ; Li kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kBIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES l2011 n13 n5 kArticle kㄆK7堿@ k 1387-2176 k !m0033 !kEI!k !kei!i材料學院!t馬敬紅~ !n-兀c!j[Continuous mullite fibres prepared by sol-gel dry spinning method using PVP as spinning aidm!keJin, Mingming (1); Kang, Zhuang (1); Liu, Pengchao (1); Ma, Jinghong (1); Gu, Lixia (1); Xu, Jian (1)! kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW! kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ ! ll烜! n 2! n 11!kkkk "m0034 "kEI "kscie "k-"i 東華研究院 "t孫剛"nn"jfControllable fabrication of soap-bubble-like structured polyacrylic acid nano-nets via electro-nettingr"kjYang, Shangbin (1); Wang, Xianfeng (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Qian, Jingfang (3); Sun, Gang (4)" kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Center, Modern Textile Institute, Donghua Univers" k Nanoscale~ " ll烜" n" n"kkkk #m0035#kSCIE #kei #kscie#i 東華研究院 #t孫剛#nn#jfControllable fabrication of soap-bubble-like structured polyacrylic acid nano-nets via electro-netting&#kYang, SB; Wang, XF; Ding, B; Yi# kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# k NANOSCALE # l2011 # n3 # n2#kArticle#k-矟銨@#k 2040-3364#k $m0036$kSCIE$k $kscie$i材料學院$t何創龍~ $op麫$j~Crosslinking of poly(L-lactide) nanofibers with triallyl isocyanutrate by gamma-irradiation for tissue engineering application&$kHe, CL; Feng, W; Cao, LJ; Fan,i$ kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7$ k/JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A $ l2011 $ n99A $ n4$kArticle~ $k@$k 1549-3296$k %m0037 %kEI%k %kei%i材料學院%q朱美芳~ %o兀P%jHDamping properties of the ternary blends with MJLCP and IPN polyacrylate+%k#Wan, Li-Ying (1); Zhu, Mei-Fang (1)% kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong Universit8% k0Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials~ % lh烜% n 41% nSUPPL. 3%kkkk &m0038 &kEI &kscie &k-&i材料學院&t張玉梅&b013936u&jmDiffusion dynamics of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride from cellulose filament during coagulation process&kJiang, Guansen (1); Huang, Weifeng (1); Zhu, Tianxiang (1); Zhang, Chunsai (2); Kumi, Alex Kwasi (1); Zhang, Yumei (1); Wang, Huaping (1); Hu, Liangjian (2)& kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China& k Cellulose~ & ll烜& n& n 4&kkkk 'm0039'kSCIE 'kei 'kscie'i材料學院't張玉梅'b013936u'jmDiffusion dynamics of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride from cellulose filament during coagulation process&'kJiang, GS; Huang, WF; Zhu, TX;i' kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China' k CELLULOSE ' l2011 ' n18 ' n4'kArticle~ 'kv@'k 0969-0239'k (m0040 (kEI(k (kei(i 東華研究院(t俞建勇(b063492V(jNDirect fabrication of highly nanoporous polystyrene fibers via electrospinningK(kCLin, Jinyou (1); Ding, Bin (1); Jianyong, Yu. (2); Hsieh, Youlo (4)( kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, China; (2) Modern Textile Institute, Donghua University, China; (3) College of Textiles, Donghua University, China; (4) University of,( k$ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces~ ( lh烜( n( n 2(kkkk )m0041 )kEI )kscie )k-)i材料學院)q顧利霞 )u退休z)jrDispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in alumina sol for carbon nanotube/alumina composite fiber preparation')kKang, Zhuang (1); Gu, Lixia (1)) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 20164) k,Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology~ ) ll烜) n 3) n)kkkk *m0042*kSCIE *kei *kscie*i材料學院*q顧利霞 *u退休z*jrDispersion of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Alumina Sol for Carbon Nanotube/Alumina Composite Fiber Preparation*kKang, Z; Gu, LXi* kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China4* k,JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY * l2011 * n32 * n8*kArticle*k霶呺?*k 0193-2691*k +m0043 +kEI+k +kei+i材料學院+t張慧慧~ +n鄇兀d+j\Dissolution of silk fibroin in ionic liquids and the structure of the regenerated silk fiberN+kFZhang, Huihui (1); Hu, Chenguang (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1)+ kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW+ kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ + ll烜+ n 2+ n 7+kkkk ,m0044 ,kEI,k ,kei,i材料學院,t沈新元 ,s退休I,jADissolution with bacterial cellulose in NMMO·H2O=,k5Gao, Qiuying (1); Shen, Xinyuan (1); Wang, Zhewei (1), kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Department of Material Science and Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, ChinaW, kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ , ll烜, n 2, n,kkkk -m0045-kISTP -kscie -k--i材料學院-q莫秀梅~ -o愾鸃=-j5Dual drug release from coaxial electrospun nanofibers-k Su, Y; Mo, XM- kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & BD- k<1st Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery- kSEP 14-17, 2010- nnkkkk .m0046.kSCIE .kistp .kscie.i材料學院.q莫秀梅~ .o愾鸃=.j5Dual drug release from coaxial electrospun nanofibers.k Su, Y; Mo, XM. kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China%. kJOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE . l2011 . n152. n.kMeeting Abstract.k!皉h戫@.k 0168-3659.k /m0047 /kEI /kscie /k-/i材料學院/t查劉生~ /n恀兀/jDual stimuli responsive hollow nanogels with IPN structure for temperature controlling drug loading and pH triggering drug releasei/kaXing, Zhimin (1); Wang, Congling (1); Yan, Jie (2); Zhang, Li (2); Li, Lan (2); Zha, Liusheng (1)/ kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, Shangh/ k Soft Matter~ / ll烜/ n/ n 18/kkkk 0m00480kSCIE 0kscie 0kscie0i材料學院0t查劉生~ 0n恀兀0jDual stimuli responsive hollow nanogels with IPN structure for temperature controlling drug loading and pH triggering drug release&0kXing, ZM; Wang, CL; Yan, J; Zhi0 kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k SOFT MATTER 0 l2011 0 n7 0 n180kArticle0k徛(\@0k 1744-683X0k 1m00491kSCIE1k 1kscie1i材料學院1t劉兆峰 1s退休1jDynamic rheological properties and microstructures of liquid-crystalline poly(p-phenyleneterephthalamide) solutions in the presence of single-walled carbon nanotubes&1kCao, YT; Liu, ZF; Gao, XH; Yu,K1 kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China#1 kJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH 1 l2011 1 n18 1 n21kArticle1k顋?5^蝴?1k 1022-97601k 2m0050 2kEI 2kscie 2k-2i紡織學院2t邱夷平2b0543712jEffect of a surface resin layer covering the radiating patch on performance of a three dimensional integrated microstrip antennaT2kLXu, Fujun (1); Yao, Lan (1); Zhao, Da (1); Jiang, Muwen (1); Qiu, Yiping (1)2 kKey Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textile Materials Science and Product Design, College of Te&2 kJournal of Composite Materials~ 2 ll烜2 n2 n2kkkk 3m00513kSCIE 3kei 3kscie3i紡織學院3t邱夷平3b0543723jEffect of a surface resin layer covering the radiating patch on performance of a three dimensional integrated microstrip antenna&3kXu, FJ; Yao, L; Zhao, D; Jiangk3 kcDonghua Univ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&3 kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS 3 l2011 3 n45 3 n153kArticle3kJ +?3k 0021-99833k 4m00524kSCIE4k 4kscie4i材料學院4t秦宗益~ 4n爑兀r4jjEffect of electrolytes on electrochemical properties of graphene sheet covered with polypyrrole thin layer!4kCai, YM; Qin, ZY; Chen, Li4 kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;4 k3PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL 4 l2011 4 n21 4 n64kArticle4k徛(\忦?4k 1002-00714k 5m0053 5kEI5k 5kei5i材料學院 5t李光~ 5n 觚@r5jjEffect of hydrogen bonding on the compressive strength of dihydroxypoly(p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole) fibers`5kXZhang, Tao (1); Jin, Junhong (1); Yang, Shenglin (1); Li, Guang (1); Jiang, Jianming (1)5 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineerin, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China,5 k$ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces~ 5 ld烜5 n5 n 105kkkk 6m0054 6kEI 6kscie 6k-6i材料學院6q朱美芳~ 6o兀{6jsEffect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on crystallization behavior of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)`6kXShan, Gui-Fang (1); Gong, Xue (1); Chen, Wen-Ping (1); Chen, Long (1); Zhu, Mei-Fang (1)6 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China#6 kColloid and Polymer Science~ 6 ll烜6 n 286 n 96kkkk 7m00557kSCIE 7kei 7kscie7i材料學院7q朱美芳~ 7o兀{7jsEffect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on crystallization behavior of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)&7kShan, GF; Gong, X; Chen, WP; C~7 kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China#7 kCOLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE 7 l2011 7 n289 7 n97kArticle7k儻鱏慳@7k 0303-402X7k 8m00568kISTP8k8kistp8i材料學院8t呂永根~ 8n恄兀i8jaEffect of Structure on the Mechanical Properties of PAN-based Carbon Fibers During Graphitization(8k Xiao, H; Lu, YG; Qin, XY; Wen, Yj8 kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Chem Fibers Modificat & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\8 kT11th International Conference in Asia of the International-Union-of-Materials-Resear8 kSEP 25-28, 20108 nnkkkk 9m0057 9kEI 9kscie 9k-9i材料學院9t曹雪雁~ 9n ~兀9jEffect of surface charge of polyethyleneimine-modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the improvement of polymerase chain reactionr9kjCao, Xueyan (1); Chen, Jingjing (2); Wen, Shihui (2); Peng, Chen (3); Shen, Mingwu (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1)9 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un9 k Nanoscale~ 9 ll烜9 n9 n 49kkkk :m0058:kSCIE :kei :kscie:i材料學院:t曹雪雁~ :n ~兀:jEffect of surface charge of polyethyleneimine-modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the improvement of polymerase chain reaction&:kCao, XY; Chen, JJ; Wen, SH; Pe: kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China: k NANOSCALE : l2011 : n3 : n4:kArticle:k-矟銨@:k 2040-3364:k ;m0059;kSCIE;k ;kscie;i材料學院;t楊曙光~ ;n傼@p;jhEffect of temperature on the build-up and post hydrothermal processing of hydrogen-bonded PVPON/PAA film%;kMa, JH; Yang, SG; Li, YF; Xu,i; kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k SOFT MATTER ; l2011 ; n7 ; n19;kArticle;k徛(\@;k 1744-683X;k <m0060 <kEI<k <kei<i材料學院<t張慧慧~ <n鄇兀p<jhEffect of the kinds of carbon nanotubes on the structure and properties of CNTs/Lyocell composite fibers\<kTGuan, Baohui (1); Lu, Jiang (1); Zhang, Huihui (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1)< kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW< kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ < ll烜< n 2< n 8<kkkk =m0061 =kEI =kscie =k-=i材料學院=t於俊榮~ =n3兀m=jeEffect of UHMWPE concentration on the extracting, drawing, and crystallizing properties of gel fibersk=kcXiao, Mingming (1); Yu, Junrong (1); Zhu, Jiajian (1); Chen, Lei (1); Zhu, Jing (1); Hu, Zuming (1)= kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Educ$= kJournal of Materials Science~ = ll烜= n 4= n 17=kkkk >m0062>kSCIE >kei >kscie>i材料學院>t於俊榮~ >n3兀m>jeEffect of UHMWPE concentration on the extracting, drawing, and crystallizing properties of gel fibers&>kXiao, MM; Yu, JR; Zhu, JJ; Chei> kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$> kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE > l2011 > n46 > n17>kArticle~ >k0i@>k 0022-2461>k ?m0063?kISTP?k?kistp?i材料學院 ?q周哲~ ?o i Aw?joEffects of Microcrystalline Cellulose on the Thermal Properties of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate))?k!Zhou, Z; Yu, HY; Zhu, MF; Qin, ZYL? kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\? kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011)? kJUL 29-31, 2011? nnkkkkD鬕l(w9I cg$Q"38'kw7 @@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ @m0064@kISTP@k@kistp@i材料學院@t何春菊~ @n癝兀@jzEffects of SiO2 on the Structure of Poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) Microporous Membrane via Thermally Induced Phase Sep)@k!Wu, XL; Qin, AW; Shun, JF; He, CJL@ kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;@ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials@ kJUN 07-08, 2011@ nnkkkk Am0065AkSCIEAk AkscieAi材料學院At胡祖明~ An 蔟@bAjZEffects of Three Parameters on the Diameter of Electrospun Poly(ethylene oxide) Nanofibers&AkHe, SW; Li, SS; Hu, ZM; Yu, JRiA kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1A k)JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY A l2011 A n11 A n2AkArticleAk5^篒 ?Ak 1533-4880Ak Bm0066 BkEI Bkscie Bk-Bi材料學院Bt李耀剛 Bs校外BjElectromagnetic wave absorption properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with La-doped BaTiO3 nanocrystals synthesized by a solvothermal method`BkXBi, Cheng (1); Zhu, Meifang (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Li, Yaogang (1); Wang, Hongzhi (2)B kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China'B kMaterials Chemistry and Physics~ B ll烜B n 12B nBkkkk Cm0067CkSCIE Ckei CkscieCi材料學院Ct李耀剛 Cs校外CjElectromagnetic wave absorption properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with La-doped BaTiO3 nanocrystals synthesized by a solvothermal method&CkBi, C; Zhu, MF; Zhang, QH; Li,iC kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China'C kMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS C l2011 C n126 C n3CkArticleCkZd;@Ck 0254-0584Ck Dm0068 DkEI Dkscie Dk-Di 東華研究院 Dt孫剛DnDjElectro-nettingfDk^Wang, X. (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Si, Yang (1); Yang, Shangbin (3); Sun, Gang (4)D kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Center, Modern Textile Institute, Donghua UniversD k Nanoscale~ D ll烜D nD n 3Dkkkk Em0069EkSCIE Ekei EkscieEi 東華研究院 Et孫剛EnmEjeElectro-netting: Fabrication of two-dimensional nano-nets for highly sensitive trimethylamine sensing&EkWang, XF; Ding, B; Yu, JY; Si,iE kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaE k NANOSCALE E l2011 E n3 E n3EkArticleEk-矟銨@Ek 2040-3364Ek Fm0070 FkEI Fkscie Fk-Fi材料學院Fq莫秀梅~ Fo愾鸃mFjeElectrospun silk fibroin-hydroxybutyl chitosan nanofibrous scaffolds to biomimic extracellular matrixuFkmZhang, Kuihua (1); Qian, Yongfang (2); Wang, Hongsheng (2); Fan, Linpeng (2); Huang, Chen (2); Mo, Xiumei (1)F kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibres and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Biomaterials and Tissue En8F k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~ F ll烜F n 2F nFkkkk Gm0071GkSCIE Gkei GkscieGi材料學院Gq莫秀梅~ Go愾鸃mGjeElectrospun Silk Fibroin-Hydroxybutyl Chitosan Nanofibrous Scaffolds to Biomimic Extracellular Matrix&GkZhang, KH; Qian, YF; Wang, HS;~G kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibres & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7G k/JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION G l2011 G n22 G n8GkArticleGkuV?Gk 0920-5063Gk Hm0072HkSCIEHk HkscieHi材料學院Hq莫秀梅~ Ho愾鸃{HjsEncapsulation and Controlled Release of Heparin from Electrospun Poly(L-Lactide-co-epsilon-Caprolactone) Nanofibers&HkSu, Y; Li, XQ; Liu, YA; Su, QQiH kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7H k/JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION H l2011 H n22 H n1-3HkArticleHkuV?Hk 0920-5063Hk Im0073 IkEI Ikscie Ik-Ii材料學院It史向陽~ In 麫zIjrEncapsulation of 2-methoxyestradiol within multifunctional poly(amidoamine) dendrimers for targeted cancer therapyZIkRWang, Yin (1); Guo, Rui (2); Cao, Xueyan (2); Shen, Mingwu (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1)I kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua UnI k Biomaterials~ I ll烜I n 3I nIkkkk Jm0074JkSCIE Jkei JkscieJi材料學院Jt史向陽~ Jn 麫zJjrEncapsulation of 2-methoxyestradiol within multifunctional poly(amidoamine) dendrimers for targeted cancer therapy&JkWang, Y; Guo, R; Cao, XY; SheniJ kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaJ k BIOMATERIALS J l2011 J n32 J n12JkArticleJkV-矟@Jk 0142-9612Jk Km0075 KkEI Kkscie Kk-Ki 東華研究院 Kt丁彬Kb164849UKjMEngineering biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces of electrospun nanomaterialsLKkDWang, Xianfeng (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Wang, Moran (4)K kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research CenK k Nano Today~ K ll烜K nK n 5Kkkkk Lm0076LkSCIE Lkei LkscieLi 東華研究院 Lt丁彬Lb164849ULjMEngineering biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces of electrospun nanomaterials&LkWang, XF; Ding, B; Yu, JY; Wan~L kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL k NANO TODAY L l2011 L n6 L n5LkReview~ Lk@Lk 1748-0132Lk Mm0077 MkEIMk MkeiMi材料學院Mt史向陽~ Mn 麫MjEnhanced dechlorination of trichloroethylene using electrospun polymer nanofibrous mats immobilized with iron/palladium bimetallic nanoparticleslMkdMa, Hui (1); Huang, Yunpeng (2); Shen, Mingwu (2); Guo, Rui (2); Cao, Xueyan (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1)M kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un&M kJournal of Hazardous Materials~ M lp烜M n211-21M nMkkkk Nm0078 NkEINk scie/istp Nk-Ni材料學院 Nt郭睿~ Nn0麫tNjlEnhanced X-ray attenuation property of dendrimer-entrapped gold nanoparticles complexed with diatrizoic acidNkzGuo, Rui (1); Wang, Han (3); Peng, Chen (4); Shen, Mingwu (2); Zheng, Linfeng (3); Zhang, Guixiang (3); Shi, Xiangyang (1)N kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un&N kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ N ll烜N n 2N n 13Nkkkk Om0079OkSCIEOk scie/ei/istp OkscieOi材料學院 Ot郭睿~ On0麫tOjlEnhanced X-ray attenuation property of dendrimer-entrapped gold nanoparticles complexed with diatrizoic acid&OkGuo, R; Wang, H; Peng, C; SheniO kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&O kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY O l2011 O n21 O n13OkArticleOkZd;@Ok 0959-9428Ok Pm0080PkSCIEPk PksciePi材料學院Pt王連軍~ Pn兀PPjHEstablishment and Application of the MSP Test under Multi-Field Coupling%PkDeng, QH; Wang, LJ; Wang, HZ;P kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,P k$RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING P l2011 P n40P nPkArticlePk恕E扼?Pk 1002-185XPk Qm0081 QkEI Qkscie Qk-Qi材料學院Qt沈明武~ Qnp{兀QjxExcellent copper(II) removal using zero-valent iron nanoparticle-immobilized hybrid electrospun polymer nanofibrous matsrQkjXiao, Shili (1); Ma, Hui (3); Shen, Mingwu (3); Wang, Shanyuan (4); Huang, Qingguo (5); Shi, Xiangyang (1)Q kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Green Processing and Functional Textiles of New TextilQ kColloids and Surfaces A~ Q ll烜Q n 38Q n01/03/12Qkkkk Rm0082 RkSCIE Rkei RkscieRi材料學院Rt沈明武~ Rnp{兀RjxExcellent copper(II) removal using zero-valent iron nanoparticle-immobilized hybrid electrospun polymer nanofibrous mats&RkXiao, SL; Ma, H; Shen, MW; WanAR k9Univ Georgia, Dept Crop & Soil Sci, Griffin, GA 30223 USAGR k?COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS R l2011 R n381 R n1-3RkArticleRk儻鱏@Rk 0927-7757Rk Sm0083SkSCIESk SkscieSi材料學院 St?SnSjExperimental characterizations of bending fatigue of a four-step 3-D braided rectangular composite under different stress levels&SkZhao, Q; Jin, LM; Jiang, LL; ZtS klDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China5S k-JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES S l2011 S n30 S n18SkArticleSk$仌C?Sk 0731-6844Sk Tm0084 TkSCIETk TkscieTi材料學院Tk史向陽~ Tn 麫TjExploring the dark side of MTT viability assay of cells cultured onto electrospun PLGA-based composite nanofibrous scaffolding materials&TkQi, RL; Shen, MW; Cao, XY; GuoiT kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaT kANALYST T l2011 T n136 T n14TkArticleTk霶呺@Tk 0003-2654Tk Um0085 UkISTPUk UkistpUi材料學院Uq莫秀梅~ Uo愾鸃]UjUFabrication and Characterization of Collagen-Chitosan-P(LLA-CL) Nanofibrous ScaffoldsMUkEYin, AL; Mo, XM; Wu, JL; Li, J; Sheng, XY; Wu, CC; Dong, JM; Geng, XHU kw Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;U k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsU kJUN 07-08, 2011U nnkkkk Vm0086 VkSCIEVk VkscieVi材料學院Vk史向陽~ Vn 麫VjFabrication and characterization of water-stable electrospun polyethyleneimine/polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers with super dye sorption capability&VkFang, X; Xiao, SL; Shen, MW; GiV kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China V kNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY V l2011 V n35 V n2VkArticle~ VkHp@Vk 1144-0546Vk Wm0087 WkEIWk WkeiWi材料學院 Wt肖茹~ Wvp7兀Wj|Fabrication and morphology development of isotactic polypropylene nanofibers from isotactic polypropylene/polylactide blends5Wk-Liu, Peng (1); Ouyang, Yang (1); Xiao, Ru (1)W kState Key Lab for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China*W k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ W lp烜W nW nWkkkk Xm0088 XkEIXkscie Xk-Xi 東華研究院Xt俞建勇Xb063492jXjbFabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces inspired by lotus leaf and silver ragwort leafjXkbLin, Jinyou (1); Cai, Yu (3); Wang, Xianfeng (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Wang, Moran (4)X kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Center, Research Institute of Donghua University,X k Nanoscale~ X ll烜X nX n 3Xkkkk Ym0089YkSCIE Ykei YkscieYi 東華研究院Yt俞建勇Yb063492jYjbFabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces inspired by lotus leaf and silver ragwort leaf&YkLin, JY; Cai, Y; Wang, XF; DiniY kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY k NANOSCALE Y l2011 Y n3 Y n3YkArticleYk-矟銨@Yk 2040-3364Yk Zm0090ZkSCIEZk ZkscieZi材料學院Zq何創龍~ Zo轟izZjrFabrication of fibrinogen/P(LLA-CL) hybrid nanofibrous scaffold for potential soft tissue engineering applications&ZkHe, CL; Xu, XH; Zhang, F; Cao,iZ kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7Z k/JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A Z l2011 Z n97A Z n3ZkArticle~ Zk@Zk 1549-3296Zk [m0091[kISTP[k[kistp[i材料學院[t王朝生~ [v犣鸃d[j\Fabrication of hierarchical microporous structures with controlled morphology and topography![kLi, M; Wang, CS; Wang, HPE[ k= Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China\[ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011)[ kJUL 29-31, 2011[ nnkkkk \m0092\kSCIE\k \kscie\i 東華研究院 \t丁彬\b164849u\jmFabrication of polymer/layered silicate intercalated nanofibrous mats and their bacterial inhibition activity&\kDeng, HB; Li, XY; Ding, B; Du,~\ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS \ l2011 \ n83 \ n2\kArticle\k/$ @\k 0144-8617\k ]m0093 ]kEI]kscie ]k-]i材料學院]t陳彥模 ]s退休s]jkFabrication, surface properties and protein encapsulation/release studies of electrospun gelatin nanofibers7]k/Liu, Shuiping (1); Su, Yan (1); Chen, Yanmo (1)] kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh8] k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~ ] ll烜] n 22] n 7]kkkk ^m0094^kSCIE ^kei ^kscie^i材料學院^t陳彥模 ^s退休s^jkFabrication, Surface Properties and Protein Encapsulation/Release Studies of Electrospun Gelatin Nanofibers ^kLiu, SP; Su, Y; Chen, YMi^ kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7^ k/JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION ^ l2011 ^ n22 ^ n7^kArticle^kuV?^k 0920-5063^k _m0095 _kEI_kscie _k-_i材料學院_t王華平~ _n兀y_jqFacile fabrication of flexible magnetic nanohybrid membrane with amphiphobic surface based on bacterial cellulose{_ksZhang, Wen (1); Chen, Shiyan (1); Hu, Weili (1); Zhou, Bihui (1); Yang, Zhenhua (1); Yin, Na (1); Wang, Huaping (1)_ kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China_ kCarbohydrate Polymers~ _ ll烜_ n_ n_kkkkD轏lQ<3xJ),"@.B-*)`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ `m0096`kSCIE `kei `kscie`i材料學院`t王華平~ `n兀y`jqFacile fabrication of flexible magnetic nanohybrid membrane with amphiphobic surface based on bacterial cellulose&`kZhang, W; Chen, SY; Hu, WL; Zh` kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Key Lab Text Sci &Technol, Minist Educ,Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China` kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS ` l2011 ` n86 ` n4`kArticle`k/$ @`k 0144-8617`k am0097 akEIakscie ak-ai材料學院at史向陽~ an 麫ajFacile immobilization of gold nanoparticles into electrospun polyethyleneimine/polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers for catalytic applicationswakoFang, Xu (1); Ma, Hui (2); Xiao, Shili (3); Shen, Mingwu (2); Guo, Rui (2); Cao, Xueyan (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1)a kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Shanghai 2&a kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ a ll烜a n 2a n 12akkkk bm0098bkSCIE bkei bksciebi材料學院bt史向陽~ bn 麫bjFacile immobilization of gold nanoparticles into electrospun polyethyleneimine/polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers for catalytic applications&bkFang, X; Ma, H; Xiao, SL; Shenib kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&b kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY b l2011 b n21 b n12bkArticlebkZd;@bk 0959-9428bk cm0099 ckEIckscie ck-ci材料學院ct張清華~ cn蠥兀|cjtFacile preparation and enhanced capacitance of the polyaniline/sodium alginate nanofiber network for supercapacitorsYckQLi, Yingzhi (1); Zhao, Xin (1); Xu, Qian (1); Zhang, Qinghua (1); Chen, Dajun (1)c kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chinac kLangmuir~ c ll烜c nc n 10ckkkk dm0100dkSCIE dkei dksciedi材料學院dt張清華~ dn郃兀|djtFacile Preparation and Enhanced Capacitance of the Polyaniline/Sodium Alginate Nanofiber Network for Supercapacitors&dkLi, YZ; Zhao, X; Xu, Q; Zhang,~d kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinad kLANGMUIR d l2011 d n27 d n10dkArticledkX9慈v@dk 0743-7463dk em0101 ekEIekscie ek-ei材料學院et陳仕艷~ enpq兀lejdFlexible electrically conductive nanocomposite membrane based on bacterial cellulose and polyaniline^ekVHu, Weili (1); Chen, Shiyan (1); Yang, Zhenhua (1); Liu, Luting (1); Wang, Huaping (1)e kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai, 201620, China'e kJournal of Physical Chemistry B~ e ll烜e n 11e nekkkk fm0102fkSCIE fkei fksciefi材料學院ft陳仕艷~ fnpq兀lfjdFlexible Electrically Conductive Nanocomposite Membrane Based on Bacterial Cellulose and Polyaniline&fkHu, WL; Chen, SY; Yang, ZH; Lif kDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Key Lab High Performance Fiber & Prod,Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China'f kJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B f l2011 f n115 f n26fkArticlefk 皉h @fk 1520-6106fk gm0103gkISTPgkgkistpgi材料學院 gt陳蕾~ gn7兀Bgj:Flow Behavior of Heterocyclic Aramid Concentrated Solution:gk2Chen, L; Hu, ZM; Gao, BS; Tang, GP; Yu, JR; Zhu, Jjg kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaUg kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processesg kNOV 06-08, 2010g nnkkkk hm0104 hkEIhkscie hk-hi材料學院ht楊曙光~ hn傼@hjFluorescence staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy study of hydrogen-bonded poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/poly(acrylic acid) filmhkCao, Yugai (1); Wang, Chunyan (1); Yang, Shuguang (1); Li, Yuefang (2); Yang, Xiaoli (1); Zhang, Chenggui (2); Ma, Jinghong (1); Xu, Jian (1)h kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Laboratory of Polymer Physih kColloids and Surfaces A~ h ll烜h n 39h n 1hkkkk im0105ikSCIE ikei ikscieii材料學院il楊曙光 ~ in傼@ijFluorescence staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy study of hydrogen-bonded poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/poly(acrylic acid) film&ikCao, YG; Wang, CY; Yang, SG; Lii kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaGi k?COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS i l2011 i n392 i n1ikArticleik儻鱏@ik 0927-7757ik jm0106 jkEIjkscie jk-ji材料學院jt王華平~ jn兀jj|Formaldehyde sensors based on nanofibrous polyethyleneimine/bacterial cellulose membranes coated quartz crystal microbalanceZjkRHu, Weili (1); Chen, Shiyan (1); Liu, Luting (1); Ding, Bin (1); Wang, Huaping (1)j kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Cen j kSensors and Actuators, B~ j ll烜j nj n 2jkkkk km0107kkSCIE kkei kkscieki材料學院kt王華平~ kn兀kj|Formaldehyde sensors based on nanofibrous polyethyleneimine/bacterial cellulose membranes coated quartz crystal microbalance&kkHu, WL; Chen, SY; Liu, LT; Dink kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Key Lab High Performance Fiber & Prod, Coll Mat Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(k k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL k l2011 k n157 k n2kkArticlekk蓈緹/@kk 0925-4005kk lm0108lkSCIElk lkscieli材料學院 lt肖茹~ lnp7兀ljFormation and Morphology Development of Poly(butylene terephthalate) Nanofibers from Poly(butylene terephthalate)/Cellulose Acetate Butyrate Immiscible BlendslkLi, MF; Xiao, R; Sun, Gpl khColl Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China'l kPOLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE l l2011 l n51 l n5lkArticlelk扼?lk 0032-3888lk mm0109mkISTPmkmkistpmi材料學院mt史向陽~ mn 麫emj]Formation of Fe3O4@Au Core-shell Nanoparticles as a Dual Contrast Agent for MR and CT Imaging"mkCai, HD; Shen, MW; Shi, XYLm kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;m k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsm kJUN 07-08, 2011m nnkkkk nm0110nkISTPnknkistpni材料學院nt王夏琴 ns現金bnjZFormation of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Different Sizes and Shapes for Self-cleaning Textiles+nk#Yu, HG; Wang, H; Zhou, XP; Wang, XQcn k[ Donghua Univ, Coll Mat, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;n k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsn kJUN 07-08, 2011n nnkkkk om0111 okEI okscie ok-oi材料學院ot李耀剛 os校外ojyFunctionalization of PNIPAAm microgels using magnetic graphene and their application in microreactors as switch materialsQokIHou, Chengyi (1); Zhang, Qinghong (1); Wang, Hongzhi (1); Li, Yaogang (2)o kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201602, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh&o kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ o ll烜o n 2o nokkkk pm0112pkSCIE pkei pksciepi材料學院pt李耀剛 ps校外pjyFunctionalization of PNIPAAm microgels using magnetic graphene and their application in microreactors as switch materials%pkHou, CY; Zhang, QH; Wang, HZ;ip kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201602, Peoples R China&p kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY p l2011 p n21 p n28pkArticlepkZd;@pk 0959-9428pk qm0113 qkEI qkscie qk-qi材料學院 qt潘鼎 qs退休MqjEGel spinning of polyacrylonitrile fibers with medium molecular weightMqkELiu, Shuiping (1); Tan, Lianjiang (1); Pan, Ding (1); Chen, Yanmo (1)q kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghq kPolymer International~ q ll烜q n 6q nqkkkk rm0114rkSCIE rkei rkscieri材料學院 rt潘鼎 rs退休MrjEGel spinning of polyacrylonitrile fibers with medium molecular weight&rkLiu, SP; Tan, LJ; Pan, D; Chenir kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinar kPOLYMER INTERNATIONAL r l2011 r n60 r n3rkArticlerk;逴崡n?rk 0959-8103rk sm0115skISTP skscie sk-si材料學院sq莫秀梅~ so愾鸃Esj=Genipin crosslinked gelatin nanofibers for tissue engineeringsk Su, Y; Mo, XMs k Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; [Su, Yan; Mo, Xiumei] Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biotechnol, ShDs k<1st Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Deliverys kSEP 14-17, 2010s nnkkkk tm0116tkSCIE tkistp tkscieti材料學院tq莫秀梅~ to愾鸃Etj=Genipin crosslinked gelatin nanofibers for tissue engineeringtk Su, Y; Mo, XMit kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China%t kJOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE t l2011 t n152t ntkMeeting Abstracttk!皉h戫@tk 0168-3659tk um0117 ukEIuk ukeiui材料學院ut陳大俊~ un`兀YujQGrafting poly(methyl methacrylate) onto polyimide nanofibers via "click" reaction\ukTChang, Zhenjun (1); Xu, Yuan (1); Zhao, Xin (1); Zhang, Qinghua (1); Chen, Dajun (1)u kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China,u k$ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces~ u ld烜u nu n 12ukkkk vm0118 vkEIvk vkeivi材料學院vt張青紅~ vnPx兀\vjTHigh efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells based on the anatase TiO2 solsQvkIHao, Yanming (1); Shi, Guoying (2); Qian, Difeng (1); Zhang, Qinghong (1)v kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua UnFv k>Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society~ v ll烜v n 3v nvkkkk wm0119 wkEI wkscie wk-wi材料學院wt胡俊青~ wn饃兀RwjJHighly aligned SnO2 nanorods on graphene sheets for gas sensorsmwkeZhang, Zhenyu (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Song, Guosheng (1); Yu, Li (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1)w kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China&w kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ w ll烜w n 2w n 43wkkkk xm0120xkSCIE xkei xksciexi材料學院xt胡俊青~ xn饃兀Gxj?Highly aligned SnO2 nanorods on graphene sheets for gas sensors%xkZhang, ZY; Zou, RJ; Song, GS;~x kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&x kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY x l2011 x n21 x n43xkArticlexkZd;@xk 0959-9428xk ym0121 ykEI ykscie yk-yi 東華研究院 yt丁彬yb164849yj~Highly sensitive humidity sensors based on electro-spinning/netting a polyamide 6 nano-fiber/net modified by polyethyleneimineLykDWang, Xianfeng (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Wang, Moran (5)y kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education&y kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ y ll烜y n 2y n 40ykkkk zm0122zkSCIE zkei zksciezi 東華研究院 zt丁彬zb164849zj~Highly sensitive humidity sensors based on electro-spinning/netting a polyamide 6 nano-fiber/net modified by polyethyleneimine&zkWang, XF; Ding, B; Yu, JY; Waniz kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&z kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY z l2011 z n21 z n40zkArticlezkZd;@zk 0959-9428zk {m0123 {kEI {kscie {k-{i材料學院{t王華平~ {n兀{jzHighly stable and sensitive humidity sensors based on quartz crystal microbalance coated with bacterial cellulose membranek{kcHu, Weili (1); Chen, Shiyan (1); Zhou, Bihui (1); Liu, Luting (1); Ding, Bin (1); Wang, Huaping (1){ kKey Laboratory of High-Performance Fiber and Product, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Center, Modern Textile Institute, Donghua University { kSensors and Actuators, B~ { ll烜{ n{ n{kkkk |m0124|kSCIE |kei |kscie|i材料學院|t王華平~ |n兀|jzHighly stable and sensitive humidity sensors based on quartz crystal microbalance coated with bacterial cellulose membrane&|kHu, WL; Chen, SY; Zhou, BH; Li| kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Key Lab High Performance Fiber & Prod,Modern Text, Minist Educ,Coll Mat Sci & Engn,Nanomat Res Ctr, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(| k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL | l2011 | n159 | n1|kArticle|k蓈緹/@|k 0925-4005|k }m0125}kSCIE}k }kscie}i材料學院}t鄒儒佳~ }n悋兀q}jiHigh-precision, large-domain three-dimensional manipulation of nano-materials for fabrication nanodevices&}kZou, RJ; Yu, L; Zhang, ZY; Che~} kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China"} kNANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS } l2011 } n6} n}kArticle}k+儻@}k 1931-7573}k ~m0126~kSCIE~k ~kscie~i材料學院~t陳誌鋼~ ~n皔兀~jHydrophilic Cu9S5 Nanocrystals: A Photothermal Agent with a 25.7% Heat Conversion Efficiency for Photothermal Ablation of Cancer Cells in Vivo%~kTian, QW; Jiang, FR; Zou, RJ;~~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China~ kACS NANO ~ l2011 ~ n5 ~ n12~kArticle~k?5^篒%@~k 1936-0851~k m0127 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t孫彥剛~ n盁 AjHydrophilic flower-like cus superstructures as an efficient 980 nm laser-driven photothermal agent for ablation of cancer cellskTian, Qiwei (1); Tang, Minghua (1); Sun, Yangang (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Zhu, Meifang (1); Yang, Shiping (2); Wang, Jinglong (3); Wang, Jianhua (3); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Chemistry, S kAdvanced Materials~  ll烜 n nkkkkD圠lU8[%N`]xJ,G#R^4%9 m0128kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t孫彥剛~ n盁 AjHydrophilic Flower-Like CuS Superstructures as an Efficient 980 nm Laser-Driven Photothermal Agent for Ablation of Cancer Cells&kTian, QW; Tang, MH; Sun, YG; Z~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kADVANCED MATERIALS l2011 n23 n31kArticlek/$+@k 0935-9648k m0129kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t孫彥剛~ n盁 AjHydrothermal synthesis, growth mechanism, and properties of three-dimensional micro/nanoscaled hierarchical architecture films of hemimorphite zinc silicate&kSun, YG; Zou, RJ; Tian, QW; Wu~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n7kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0130 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀jImproving preferred orientation and mechanical properties of PAN-based carbon fibers by pretreating precursor fibers in nitrogenYkQQin, Xianying (1); Lu, Yonggen (1); Xiao, Hao (1); Hao, Yuchen (1); Pan, Ding (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China kCarbon~ ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0131kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀jImproving preferred orientation and mechanical properties of PAN-based carbon fibers by pretreating precursor fibers in nitrogen&kQin, XY; Lu, YG; Xiao, H; Hao,~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCARBON l2011 n49 n13kArticlekP崡n@k 0008-6223k m0132kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀jwIn situ structural evolution from GeO nanospheres to GeO/(Ge, GeO2) core-shell nanospheres and to Ge hollow nanospheres&kWu, JH; Han, LB; Wang, N; Song~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n14kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0133kISTPkkistpi材料學院t何春菊~ n癝兀IjAIn Situ Synthesis of Regenerated-Cellulose/Fe3O4 Composite Fibers:k2Tang, L; Diao, J; Sun, ZP; Wu, XL; Sun, JF; He, CJj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0134 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t王夏琴 s現金jInfluence of esterification crosslinking structures of rayon fibers with 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid on tensile propertiesbkZWang, Xiaqin (1); Zhou, Xingping (2); Wu, Lishun (3); Zhang, Jingfang (1); Li, Xuefeng (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemical Engine* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ ll烜 n 1 n 6kkkk m0135kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t王夏琴 s現金jInfluence of Esterification Crosslinking Structures of Rayon Fibers with 1,2,3,4-Butanetetracarboxylic Acid on Tensile Properties&kWang, XQ; Zhou, XP; Wu, LS; Zh~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE l2011 n121 n6kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0136 kEIk keii材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀j~Influence of Fe on structure and properties of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers during heat treatment at high temperaturenkfHao, Yu-Chen (1); Lu, Yong-Gen (1); Qin, Xian-Ying (1); Xu, Min-Duan (1); Xiao, Hao (1); Pan, Ding (1)u kmMinistry of Education Key Laboratory of High Performance Fiber(B), Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaK kCCailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment~ ll烜 n nkkkk m0137kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t秦宗益~ n爑兀jInfluence of Shell Layer Thickness on Electrochemical Process for Polyaniline and Polypyrrole Coaxial Nanofibers as Supercapacitor Electrode MaterialskZhang, Y; Qin, ZYi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China! kINTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS l2011 n128 nkArticle~ k>@k 1058-4587k m0138 kEIk keii材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀Gj?Influence of solution concentration on reaction kinetics of PAN=k5Wang, Xiaohua (1); Qin, Xianying (1); Lv, Yonggen (1)\ kTMaterial Science and Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ ll烜 n n 4kkkk m0139kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t鄒黎明~ n*兀jjbInfluences of oxidation and reduction treatments on the properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes&kGuo, LF; Zou, LM; Wei, YZ; LinY kQSongjiang Univ Town, Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China< k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY l2011 n241 nkMeeting Abstract~ kk 0065-7727k m0140 kEIk keii材料學院 t?nEj=Initial fuel temperature effects on burning rate of pool firejkbChen, Bing (1); Lu, Shou-Xiang (1); Li, Chang-Hai (1); Kang, Quan-Sheng (1); Lecoustre, Vivien (3) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers, Polymer Maters Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310014, China; (3) Depar& kJournal of Hazardous Materials~ ll烜 n 18 n01/03/12kkkk m0141 kEIk keii材料學院t查劉生~ n恀兀jInvestigation of Ag nanoparticles loading temperature responsive hybrid microgels and their temperature controlled catalytic activitytklLiu, Yun-Yun (1); Liu, Xiao-Yun (2); Yang, Jian-Mao (2); Lin, Dan-Li (2); Chen, Xiao (2); Zha, Liu-Sheng (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Dong Hua University, Shang kColloids and Surfaces A~ lp烜 n 39 nkkkk m0142 kEIkscie k-i 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849ZjRInvestigation of silica nanoparticle distribution in nanoporous polystyrene fiberslkdDing, Bin (1); Lin, Jinyou (1); Wang, Xianfeng (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Yang, Jianmao (4); Cai, Yu (3) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Cen k Soft Matter~ ll烜 n n 18kkkk m0143kSCIE kei ksciei 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849ZjRInvestigation of silica nanoparticle distribution in nanoporous polystyrene fibers&kDing, B; Lin, JY; Wang, XF; Yu~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k SOFT MATTER l2011 n7 n18kArticlek徛(\@k 1744-683Xk m0144 kEI kscie k-i 東華研究院 t孫剛njLabel-free ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of copper(ii) ions utilizing polyaniline/polyamide-6 nano-fiber/net sensor stripsfk^Ding, Bin (1); Si, Yang (1); Wang, Xianfeng (2); Yu, Jianyong (2); Feng, Li (4); Sun, Gang (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Cen& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ ll烜 n nkkkk m0145kSCIE kei ksciei 東華研究院 t孫剛njLabel-free ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of copper(II) ions utilizing polyaniline/polyamide-6 nano-fiber/net sensor strips%kDing, B; Si, Y; Wang, XF; Yu,~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY l2011 n21 n35kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0146 kEI kscie k-i 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849hj`Large-scale fabrication of two-dimensional spider-web-like gelatin nano-nets via electro-nettingNkFWang, Xianfeng (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Yang, Jianmao (5) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile kColloids and Surfaces B~ ll烜 n n 2kkkk m0147kSCIE kei ksciei 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849hj`Large-scale fabrication of two-dimensional spider-web-like gelatin nano-nets via electro-netting&kWang, XF; Ding, B; Yu, JY; Yan~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China- k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES l2011 n86 n2kArticlek儻鱏慳 @k 0927-7765k m0148kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t孫彥剛~ n盁 AVjNLarge-scaled star-shaped alpha-MnS nanocrystals with novel magnetic properties&kTian, QW; Tang, MH; Jiang, FR;~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS l2011 n47 n28kArticlekV@k 1359-7345k m0149 kEIk keii材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀jLayer-by-layer assembling TiO2 film from anatase TiO2 sols as the photoelectrochemical sensor for the determination of chemical oxygen demand`kXYuan, Sujun (1); Mao, Ruiyi (1); Li, Yaogang (2); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Wang, Hongzh      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~i (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, MOE, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Techn kElectrochimica Acta~ lp烜 n 6 nkkkk m0150 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀ljdLightly doped single crystalline porous Si nanowires with improved optical and electrical propertieskChen, Huihui (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Chen, Haihua (1); Wang, Na (1); Sun, Yangang (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Wu, Jianghong (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ ll烜 n 21 n 3kkkk m0151kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀ljdLightly doped single crystalline porous Si nanowires with improved optical and electrical properties&kChen, HH; Zou, RJ; Chen, HH; W~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY l2011 n21 n3kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0152 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t沈青🌭🪰,~ nE兀VjNLignin-based activated carbon fibers and controllable pore size and propertiesbkZShen, Qing (1); Zhang, Tao (1); Zhang, Wen-Xin (1); Chen, Shuai (1); Mezgebe, Mebrahtu (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fiber and Polymer Materials, Polymer Department of Donghua University, 201620 Songjiang, Shanghai, China* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ ll烜 n 12 n 2kkkk m0153kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t 沈青🧑🏼‍🦱,123992~ nE兀VjNLignin-Based Activated Carbon Fibers and Controllable Pore Size and Properties%kShen, Q; Zhang, T; Zhang, WX;v knDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fiber & Polymer Mat, Polymer Dept, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE l2011 n121 n2kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0154 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t 沈青,123992~ nE兀|jtLiquids adsorption behavior and surface properties of polyanilines doped by lignosulfonate-modified carbon nanotubesNkFShen, Qing (1); Mezgebe, Mebrahtu (1); Li, Fei (1); Dong, Jin-Qiao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fiber and Polymer, Polymer Department of Donghua University, 2999 N. Renmin Rd. Songjiang, 201620 Shanghai, China kColloids and Surfaces A~ ll烜 n 39 n01/03/12kkkk m0155kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t 沈青,123992~ nE兀|jtLiquids adsorption behavior and surface properties of polyanilines doped by lignosulfonate-modified carbon nanotubes&kShen, Q; Mezgebe, M; Li, F; Dor kjDonghua Univ, Polymer Dept, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fiber & Polymer, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaG k?COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS l2011 n390 n1-3kArticlek儻鱏@k 0927-7757k m0156 kEIk keii材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡odj\Mechanism of dielectric constant variation of POSS-based organic-inorganic molecular hybridsskkZhang, Chao (1); Guang, Shanyi (1); Zhu, Xiaobo (1); Xu, Hongyao (1); Liu, Xiangyang (3); Jiang, Minhua (2) kCollege of Material Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Cry' kJournal of Physical Chemistry C~ lh烜 n 114 n 51kkkk m0157 kEIk keii材料學院t王朝生~ v犣鸃6j.Melt processability of polytetrafluoroethyleneKkCLi, Min (1); Zhang, Wei (2); Wang, Chaosheng (1); Wang, Huaping (1) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Polymer Textile and Fiber Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, Unite* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ lp烜 n nkkkk m0158kISTP kscie k-i材料學院 t沈青~ nE兀YjQModel on layer-by-layer self-assembly of chitosan/lignosulfonate multilayer films7k/Wei, H; Yu, HR; Bai, W; Qin, RJ; Ma, X; Shen, Q kDonghua Univ, Dept Polymer, Shanghai, Peoples R China; Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fiber & Polymers, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaT kL241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) kMAR 27-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0159kSCIE kistp ksciei材料學院 t沈青~ nE兀YjQModel on layer-by-layer self-assembly of chitosan/lignosulfonate multilayer films&kWei, H; Yu, HR; Bai, W; Qin, R= k5Donghua Univ, Dept Polymer, Shanghai, Peoples R China< k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY l2011 n241 nkMeeting Abstract~ kk 0065-7727kD Ll=Lv/(Ql-cs Dk1 *Me[3, m0160kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀pjhMolar ratio of In to urea directed formation of In2O3 hierarchical structures: cubes and nanorod-flowers&kHe, ZY; Chen, ZH; Li, YG; ZhanK kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n7kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0161 kEI kscie k-i材料學院 t肖茹~ np7兀jMorphology development and size control of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) nanofibers prepared from poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/cellulose acetate butyrate in situ fibrillar composites/k'Li, M.F. (1); Xiao, R. (1); Sun, G. (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Fiber and Polymer Science,$ kJournal of Materials Science~ ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0162kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院 t肖茹~ np7兀jMorphology development and size control of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) nanofibers prepared from poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/cellulose acetate butyrate in situ fibrillar compositeskLi, MF; Xiao, R; Sun, G~ kvDongHua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$ kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE l2011 n46 n13kArticle~ k0i@k 0022-2461k m0163 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀jMorphology-selective synthesis and wettability properties of well-aligned Cu2-xSe nanostructures on a copper substratekChen, Haihua (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Wang, Na (1); Chen, Huihui (1); Zhang, Zhenyu (1); Sun, Yangang (1); Yu, Li (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ ll烜 n 2 nkkkk m0164kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀~jvMorphology-selective synthesis and wettability properties of well-aligned Cu2-xSe nanostructures on a copper substrate&kChen, HH; Zou, RJ; Wang, N; Ch~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY l2011 n21 n9kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0165kSCIEk ksciei 東華研究院 t孫剛njxNanoparticle decorated fibrous silica membranes exhibiting biomimetic superhydrophobicity and highly flexible properties&kZhao, F; Wang, XF; Ding, B; Lii kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k RSC ADVANCES l2011 n1 n8kArticle~ kk 2046-2069k m0166 kEIk keii 東華研究院t俞建勇b063492;j3Nanoporous polystyrene fibers for oil spill cleanupvknLin, Jinyou (1); Shang, Yanwei (3); Ding, Bin (1); Yang, Jianmao (4); Yu, Jianyong (2); Al-Deyab, Salem S. (5) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Cen! kMarine Pollution Bulletin~ lp烜 n 6 n 2kkkk m0167 kEI kscie k-i 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849kjcNanoporous polystyrene fibers functionalized by polyethyleneimine for enhanced formaldehyde sensingokgZhang, Chunyan (1); Wang, Xianfeng (1); Lin, Jinyou (2); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Pan, Ning (4) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, 1882 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nan kSensors and Actuators, B~ ll烜 n 15 nkkkk m0168kSCIE kei ksciei 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849kjcNanoporous polystyrene fibers functionalized by polyethyleneimine for enhanced formaldehyde sensing%kZhang, CY; Wang, XF; Lin, JY;~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL l2011 n152 n2kArticlek蓈緹/@k 0925-4005k m0169 kEI kscie k-i材料學院q朱美芳~ o兀^jVNoncovalent binding interactions of polyacrylamide and clay in nanocomposite hydrogelsjkbWu, Yongtao (1); Xia, Mengge (1); Fan, Qingqing (1); Zhang, Yan (1); Yu, Hao (1); Zhu, Meifang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China* k"Journal of Polymer Science, Part B~ ll烜 n 49 n 4kkkk m0170kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院q朱美芳~ o兀^jVNoncovalent Binding Interactions of Polyacrylamide and Clay in Nanocomposite Hydrogels&kWu, YT; Xia, MG; Fan, QQ; Zhan~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China9 k1JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS l2011 n49 n4kArticlek逍"垸~?k 0887-6266k m0171 kEIk keii材料學院 t李光~ n 觚@xjpNovel fluorinated polyimides derived from 9,9-bis(4-amino-3,5- difluorophenyl)fluorene and aromatic dianhydridesOkGWang, Chenyi (1); Zhao, Xiaoyan (1); Li, Guang (1); Jiang, Jianming (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China) k!Polymer Degradation and Stability~ ld烜 n nkkkk m0172 kEI kscie k-i材料學院 t李光~ n 觚@jwNovel fluorinated polyimides derived from an unsymmetrical diamine containing trifluoromethyl and methyl pendant groupsRkJWang, Chen-Yi (1); Zhao, Hui-Peng (1); Li, Guang (1); Jiang, Jian-Ming (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China* k"Polymers for Advanced Technologies~ ll烜 n 2 n 12kkkk m0173kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院 t李光~ n 觚@jwNovel fluorinated polyimides derived from an unsymmetrical diamine containing trifluoromethyl and methyl pendant groups&kWang, CY; Zhao, HP; Li, G; Jia~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES l2011 n22 n12kArticlekuV@k 1042-7147k m0174kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t楊健茂~ n鄗兀ijaOne-pot synthesis of large-scaled Janus Ag-Ag2S nanoparticles and their photocatalytic properties&kJiang, FR; Tian, QW; Tang, MH;~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n24kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0175kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t孫彥剛~ n盁 APjHOne-step aqueous solution synthesis of Ge nanocrystals from GeO2 powders&kWu, JH; Sun, YG; Zou, RJ; Songp khColl Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n11kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0176kSCIEk ksciei 東華研究院 t孫剛njjbOne-step Electro-spinning/netting Technique for Controllably Preparing Polyurethane Nano-fiber/net&kHu, JP; Wang, XF; Ding, B; Lin~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS l2011 n32 n21kArticlek褚Mb@k 1022-1336k m0177 kEIk keii材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀IjAOriented free-standing ammonium vanadium oxide nanobelt membraneskZou, Rujia (1); Zhang, Zhenyu (1); Yu, Li (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Wu, Jianghong (1); Sun, Yangang (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China& kChemistry - A European Journal~ lh烜 n 16 n 48kkkk m0178 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀MjEPDMAA/Clay nanocomposite hydrogels based on two different initiationsJkBWang, Yaru (1); Ma, Jinghong (1); Yang, Shuguang (1); Xu, Jian (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kColloids and Surfaces A~ ll烜 n 39 n01/03/12kkkk m0179kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀MjEPDMAA/Clay nanocomposite hydrogels based on two different initiations&kWang, YR; Ma, JH; Yang, SG; Xui kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaG k?COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS l2011 n390 n1-3kArticlek儻鱏@k 0927-7757k m0180 kEIk keii材料學院t史向陽~ n 麫xjpPEGylated dendrimer-entrapped gold nanoparticles for in vivo blood pool and tumor imaging by computed tomographykPeng, Chen (1); Zheng, Linfeng (2); Chen, Qian (1); Shen, Mingwu (3); Guo, Rui (3); Wang, Han (2); Cao, Xueyan (3); Zhang, Guixiang (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Radiology, Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated First P k Biomaterials~ lp烜 n 3 nkkkk m0181 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t楊健茂~ n鄗兀jPhase and luminescent intensity control of hydrophilic rare-earth up-converting nanophosphors prepared by one-pot solvothermal synthesispkhSong, Yuelin (1); Tian, Qiwei (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Yang, Jianmao (2); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Re' kJournal of Alloys and Compounds~ ll烜 n 5 n 23kkkk m0182kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t楊健茂~ n鄗兀jPhase and luminescent intensity control of hydrophilic rare-earth up-converting nanophosphors prepared by one-pot solvothermal synthesis&kSong, YL; Tian, QW; Zou, RJ; C~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China' kJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS l2011 n509 n23kArticlekZd;逴@k 0925-8388k m0183 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t張清華~ n蠥兀j{Platinum-antimony doped tin oxide nanoparticles supported on carbon black as anode catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells_kWPan, Chengqiang (1); Li, Yingzhi (1); Ma, Yuehui (1); Zhao, Xin (1); Zhang, Qinghua (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kJournal of Power Sources~ ll烜 n 1 n 15kkkk m0184kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院 t🍀?nj{Platinum-antimony doped tin oxide nanoparticles supported on carbon black as anode catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells&kPan, CQ; Li, YZ; Ma, YH; Zhao,~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kJOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES l2011 n196 n15kArticlek琨彝@k 0378-7753k m0185 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@jPoly (dimethyl siloxane)/poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) interpenetrating polymer network beads as potential capsules for biomedical useUkMTang, Qi (1); Yu, Jun-Rong (1); Chen, Lei (1); Zhu, Jing (1); Hu, Zu-Ming (1) kzState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kCurrent Applied Physics~ ll烜 n 11 n 3kkkk m0186kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@jPoly (dimethyl siloxane)/poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) interpenetrating polymer network beads as potential capsules for biomedical use&kTang, Q; Yu, JR; Chen, L; Zhu,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS l2011 n11 n3kArticle~ k纆@k 1567-1739k m0187kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t王雪芬 ~ n鄌兀jPoly(ethyleneimine) nanofibrous affinity membrane fabricated via one step wet-electrospinning from poly(vinyl alcohol)-doped poly(ethyleneimine) solution system and its application&kWang, XF; Min, MH; Liu, ZY; Yai kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE l2011 n379 n1-2kArticle~ kx@k 0376-7388k m0188 kEIkscie k-i 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849jPolyamide 6 composite nano-fiber/net functionalized by polyethyleneimine on quartz crystal microbalance for highly sensitive formaldehyde sensorsLkDDing, Bin (1); Wang, Xianfeng (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Wang, Moran (4) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nanomaterials Research Center, Modern Textile Institute, Donghua Univers& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ ll烜 n nkkkk m0189kSCIE kei ksciei 東華研究院 t丁彬b164849jPolyamide 6 composite nano-fiber/net functionalized by polyethyleneimine on quartz crystal microbalance for highly sensitive formaldehyde sensors&kDing, B; Wang, XF; Yu, JY; Wani kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY l2011 n21 n34kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0190 kEIk keii材料學院t史向陽~ n 麫jPolyelectrolyte multilayer-assisted immobilization of zero-valent iron nanoparticles onto polymer nanofibers for potential environmental applicationskyXiao, Shili (1); Wu, Siqi (3); Shen, Mingwu (3); Guo, Rui (3); Huang, Qingguo (4); Wang, Shanyuan (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Col, k$ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces~ ld烜 n n 12kkkk m0191 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t劉兆峰 s退休YjQPolypropylene/polyamide 6/polypropylene-g-maleic anhydride blending monofilamentsIkAMa, Haiyan (1); Liu, Zhaofeng (1); Zhang, Jun (2); Ma, Haijun (2) kState Key Laboratory of Fibers Modification, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226000, China# kJournal of Polymer Research~ ll烜 n 1 n 6kkkkD豈lu< n//Up@&u0T~8U4^G m0192kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t劉兆峰 s退休xjpPolypropylene/polyamide 6/polypropylene-g-maleic anhydride blending monofilaments: effects of quench temperature&kMa, HY; Liu, ZF; Zhang, J; Ma,V kNDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Fibers Modificat, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China# kJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH l2011 n18 n6kArticlek顋?5^蝴?k 1022-9760k m0193 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@vjnPorous silicone hydrogel interpenetrating polymer networks prepared using a template method for biomedical useUkMTang, Qi (1); Yu, Jun-Rong (1); Chen, Lei (1); Zhu, Jing (1); Hu, Zu-Ming (1) kzState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kPolymer International~ ll烜 n n 7kkkk m0194kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@vjnPorous silicone hydrogel interpenetrating polymer networks prepared using a template method for biomedical use&kTang, Q; Yu, JR; Chen, L; Zhu,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER INTERNATIONAL l2011 n60 n7kArticlek;逴崡n?k 0959-8103k m0195 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t胡學超 s退休jxPosttreatment of the dry-spun fibers obtained from regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solution in ethanol aqueous solutionJkBWei, Wei (1); Zhang, Yaopeng (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China% kJournal of Materials Research~ ll烜 n n 9kkkk m0196kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡學超 s退休jxPosttreatment of the dry-spun fibers obtained from regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solution in ethanol aqueous solution&kWei, W; Zhang, YP; Shao, HL; H~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH l2011 n26 n9kArticlek媗琨?k 0884-2914k m0197 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t胡學超 s退休YjQPreparation and characterization of electrospun silk fibroin/sericin blend fibers]kUHang, Yichun (1); Zhang, Yaopeng (1); Jin, Yuan (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China% kJournal of Materials Research~ ll烜 n 2 n 23kkkk m0198kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡學超 s退休YjQPreparation and characterization of electrospun silk fibroin/sericin blend fibers&kHang, YC; Zhang, YP; Jin, Y; S~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH l2011 n26 n23kArticlek媗琨?k 0884-2914k m0199kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t沈新元 s退休jPreparation and Characterization of Gelatin-Poly(L-lactic) Acid/Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Composite Nanofibrous Scaffolds&kFeng, SQ; Shen, XY; Fu, ZY; Sh} kuDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers& Polymer Mat, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS l2011 n50 n9kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0200kISTPkkistpi材料學院t孫俊芬~ n k兀YjQPreparation and Characterization of Mixed Matrix Membranes for Protein Adsorption4k,Zhao, J; Sun, JF; Tang, ZX; Tong, FQ; He, CJL kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0201kSCIEk ksciei材料學院 t🔖?nyjqPreparation and Characterization of Montmorillonite/Polypyrrole Nanocomposites by In-Situ Chemical Polymerization&kGao, JW; Li, G; Yao, YF; Jiang~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS l2011 n50 n7kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0202kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡oojgPreparation and near-infrared optical limiting property of fluorene-containing functional polyacetylene&kLin, NB; Feng, Y; Guang, SY; XK kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS l2011 n22 n10kArticlek矟銨芀?k 1001-8417k m0203 kEIk keii材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡oojgPreparation and properties of a functional polyacetylene with quinoline-based heterocyclic azo pendantsRkJYan, Z.Q. (1); Chen, Y.F. (1); Guang, S.Y. (1); Xu, H.Y. (1); Li, L.F. (1) kCollege of Material Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymeric Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China" kPolymer Science - Series B~ ll烜 n 5 n09/10/12kkkk m0204kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡oojgPreparation and Properties of a Functional Polyacetylene with Quinoline-Based Heterocyclic Azo Pendants%kYan, ZQ; Chen, YF; Guang, SY;K kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER SCIENCE SERIES B l2011 n53 n9-10kArticlekB`逍"坩?k 1560-0904k m0205 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡oqjiPreparation and properties of electron injecting molecular hybrid materials with high thermal performanceYkQWang, Xin (1); Guang, Shanyi (1); Xu, Hongyao (1); Su, Xinyan (1); Lin, Naibo (1) kCollege of Material Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Chemistry, Ch& kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ ll烜 n nkkkk m0206kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡oqjiPreparation and properties of electron injecting molecular hybrid materials with high thermal performance&kWang, X; Guang, SY; Xu, HY; SuK kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY l2011 n21 n34kArticlekZd;@k 0959-9428k m0207 kEIkscie k-i材料學院t胡學超 s退休Aj9Preparation and properties of MWCNT/Lyocell carbon fibersMkELu, Jiang (1); Yang, Ge-Sheng (1); Shao, Hui-Li (1); Hu, Xue-Chao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Chemical and Env0 k(Xinxing Tan Cailiao/New Carbon Materials~ ll烜 n 2 nkkkk m0208kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡學超 s退休Aj9Preparation and properties of MWCNT/Lyocell carbon fibers&kLu, J; Yang, GS; Shao, HL; Hu,~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China kNEW CARBON MATERIALS l2011 n26 n5kArticleksh戫|??k 1007-8827k m0209 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t陳仕艷~ npq兀\jTPreparation and properties of photochromic bacterial cellulose nanofibrous membranesMkEHu, Weili (1); Liu, Shuiping (1); Chen, Shiyan (1); Wang, Huaping (1) kKey Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, 201620 Shanghai, Chin k Cellulose~ ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0210kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t陳仕艷~ npq兀\jTPreparation and properties of photochromic bacterial cellulose nanofibrous membranes&kHu, WL; Liu, SP; Chen, SY; Wan kDonghua Univ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ,Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CELLULOSE l2011 n18 n3kArticle~ kv@k 0969-0239k m0211kISTPkkistpi材料學院 t肖茹~ np7兀ZjRPreparation and Properties of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate) Nanofiber MembranekLi, MF; Xiao, R; Sun, G kw Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0212kSCIEk ksciei材料學院 t王彪~ nPa兀njfPreparation and Properties of Polystyrene/Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposites by In Situ Polymerization&kPeng, K; Wang, B; Chen, SY; Zhe k]Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fiber & Polymers, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS l2011 n50 n10kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0213 kEIk keii材料學院t徐洪耀~ n陡ojxPreparation of Cd2+-doped TiO2 nanopaticle and influence mechanism of their energy level structureQkITan, Yun-Feng (1); Zhang, Chao (1); Yan, Zheng-Quan (1); Xu, Hong-Yao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymeric Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China8 k0Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials~ lh烜 n 41 n 11kkkk m0214 kEIk keii材料學院t張慧慧~ n鄇兀zjrPreparation of cellulose sponge using ionic liquid as solvent - (I) The effect of the amount of pore forming agentZkRZhang, Hui-Hui (1); Xia, Lei (1); Cai, Tao (1); Shao, Hui-Li (1); Hu, Xue-Chao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ lh烜 n 2 n 12kkkk m0215 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀TjLPreparation of mesophase pitch-based carbon foams with supercritical tolueneNkFLu, Yonggen (1); Li, Zhiqiang (1); Wang, Peng (1); Yang, Changling (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Donghua University, Shang* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ ll烜 n 12 n 1kkkk m0216kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀TjLPreparation of Mesophase Pitch-Based Carbon Foams with Supercritical Toluene&kLu, YG; Li, ZQ; Wang, P; Yang,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE l2011 n121 n1kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0217kISTP kscie k-i材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀_jWPreparation of Nanorod-Like Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals and Their Photovoltaic Properties*k"Zhang, QH; Li, S; Li, YG; Wang, HZj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference (INEC)/Symposium on Nanoscience an kJAN 03-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0218kSCIE kistp ksciei材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀_jWPreparation of Nanorod-Like Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals and Their Photovoltaic Properties&kZhang, QH; Li, S; Li, YG; Wangi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY l2011 n11 n12kArticlek5^篒 ?k 1533-4880k m0219kISTPkkistpi材料學院t呂永根~ n恄兀kjcPreparation of Polyacrylonitrile High Modulus Carbon Fibers by Catalytic Graphitization Using Boron(k Wen, Y; Lu, YG; Qin, XY; Xiao, Hj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Chem Fibers Modificat & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT11th International Conference in Asia of the International-Union-of-Materials-Resear kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m0220 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀j|Preparation of pt-loaded TiO2 nanotubes/nanocrystals composite photocatalysts and their photocatalytic propertiesfk^Yu, Wei-Wei (1); Zhang, Qing-Hong (1); Shi, Guo-Ying (2); Li, Yao-Gang (1); Wang, Hong-Zhi (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un: k2Wuji Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Inorganic Materials~ ll烜 n nkkkk m0221kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀yjqPreparation of Pt-loaded TiO2 Nanotubes/Nanocrystals Composite Photocatalysts and Their Photocatalytic Properties&kYu, WW; Zhang, QH; Shi, GY; Lii kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS l2011 n26 n7kArticle~ k@F@k 1000-324Xk m0222 kEIk keii材料學院t胡學超 s退休`jXProperties and structure of MWNTs/cellulose composite fibers prepared by Lyocell process[kSLu, Jiang (1); Zhang, Huihui (1); Jian, Yihui (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fiber and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemical and Envi* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ lp烜 n nkkkk m0223 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀TjLRecent research on one-dimensional silicon-based semiconductor nanomaterialsFk>Zhang, Zhenyu (1); Zou, Rujia (1); Yu, Li (1); Hu, Junqing (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, China> k6Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences~ ll烜 n nkkkkDIl0gBX]=Z}SJ5 eo m0224kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡俊青~ n饃兀jRecent Research on One-Dimensional Silicon-Based Semiconductor Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Structures, Properties and Applications&kZhang, ZY; Zou, RJ; Yu, L; Hu,w koDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai, Peoples R China> k6CRITICAL REVIEWS IN SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS SCIENCES l2011 n36 n3kReviewk蓈緹"@k 1040-8436k m0225kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t沈新元 s退休ZjRRegenerated bacterial cellulose fibers prepared by the NMMO center dot H2O process!kGao, QY; Shen, XY; Lu, XK~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS l2011 n83 n3kArticlek/$ @k 0144-8617k m0226 kEIk keii材料學院 t?nWjORelative density of selective laser sintering AISI316L stainless steel productsQkILu, Zhong-Liang (1); Liu, Jin-Hui (3); Shi, Yu-Sheng (3); Li, Di-Chen (4) kKey Laboratory of High Performance Fibers and Products of Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaote k]Fenmo Yejin Cailiao Kexue yu Gongcheng/Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy~ ll烜 n 1 n 4kkkk m0227kISTPkkistpi材料學院t何春菊~ n癝兀WjOResearch on Ion Liquids-plasticized Acrylonitrile Terpolymers for Melt SpinningIkASun, ZP; Gao, Y; Ma, BM; Tang, L; Li, XL; Wu, XL; Sun, JF; He, CJj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0228kISTPkkistpi材料學院 t?nbjZResearch on the Reaction Condition and Process of Microcapsules via In-situ Polymerization.k&Xin, CZ; Wang, LN; Wang, YW; Huang, XGj kb Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kEInternational Conference on Green Building Technologies and Materials k MAY 30, 2011 nnkkkk m0229kISTP kscie k-i材料學院 t沈青~ nE兀@j8Rheological behavior of lignosulfonate/chitosan solution4k,Yu, HR; Shen, Q; Wei, H; Mezgebe, M; Geng, J kDonghua Univ, Dept Polymer, Shanghai, Peoples R China; Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fiber & Polymer Mat, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaT kL241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) kMAR 27-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0230kSCIE kistp ksciei材料學院 t沈青~ nE兀@j8Rheological behavior of lignosulfonate/chitosan solution&kYu, HR; Shen, Q; Wei, H; Mezge= k5Donghua Univ, Dept Polymer, Shanghai, Peoples R China< k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY l2011 n241 nkMeeting Abstract~ kk 0065-7727k m0231kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t孫俊芬~ n k兀[jSRheology of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)/Polyethersulfone Blend Concentrated SolutionskWu, LS; Sun, JF~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$ kJOURNAL OF POLYMER MATERIALS l2011 n28 n3kArticlek"垸~j?k 0973-8622k m0232kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀j'Schizophrenic' micellisation of poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly(2-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate: from spherical to worm-like micelles&kZhang, XH; Ma, JH; Yang, SG; X~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kMICRO & NANO LETTERS l2011 n6 n10kArticlekh戫|?5?k 1750-0443k m0233kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀7j/Schizophrenic Micellization of Block Copolymers&kZhang, XH; Ai, CJ; Ma, JH; Xu,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY l2011 n23 n4kArticlek榥兝梳?k 1005-281Xk m0234 kEIk keii材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀SjKSchizophrenic micellization of novel entirely hydrophilic diblock copolymerLkDZhang, Xiaohui (1); Ai, Changjun (1); Ma, Jinghong (1); Xu, Jian (1) kzState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaW kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ ll烜 n 2 nkkkk m0235 kEIk keii 東華研究院 t孫剛njwSelf-assembled monolayer of 3-mercaptopropionic acid on electrospun polystyrene membranes for Cu2+ detectionWkOSun, Min (1); Ding, Bin (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Hsieh, You-Lo (5); Sun, Gang (5) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile kSensors and Actuators, B~ lp烜 n 16 nkkkk m0236 kEIk keii材料學院t李耀剛 s校外rjjSelf-organized TiO2 nanorod arrays on glass substrate for self-cleaning antireflection coatingsPkHMu, Qinghui (1); Li, Yaogang (1); Wang, Hongzhi (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology0 k(Journal of Colloid and Interface Science~ lp烜 n 36 n 1kkkk m0237kISTPkkistpi材料學院t吳琪琳b123696njfSEM and AFM studies on the surface and cross section morphology of rayon-based activated carbon fibersKkCWang, GX; Han, H; Li, LW; Quan, HY; Shi, YP; Qin, WZ; Lu, P; Wu, QLl kd Donghua Univ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT11th International Conference in Asia of the International-Union-of-Materials-Resear kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m0238 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀ajYSimultaneous tuning for excitation and emission of N doped Sr 2SiO4OkGGu, Yunxin (1); Zhang, Qinghong (1); Li, Yaogang (2); Wang, Hongzhi (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology' kJournal of Alloys and Compounds~ ll烜 n 509 n 6kkkk m0239kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀bjZSimultaneous tuning for excitation and emission of N doped Sr2SiO4:Eu for white light LEDs&kGu, YX; Zhang, QH; Li, YG; Wani kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China' kJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS l2011 n509 n6kArticlekZd;逴@k 0925-8388k m0240 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t韓克清~ n B兀j|Simultaneously enhancing mechanical properties and melt flow ability of polyamide 6 by blending with a hyperbranched polymerHk@Han, Keqing (1); Zhang, Xiong (1); Zhan, Shan (1); Yu, Muhuo (1) kState Key Laboratory of Modification for Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China1 k)Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B~ ll烜 n 50 n 2kkkk m0241kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t韓克清~ n B兀j|Simultaneously Enhancing Mechanical Properties and Melt Flow Ability of Polyamide 6 by Blending with a Hyperbranched Polymer%kHan, KQ; Zhang, XO; Zhan, SA;~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS l2011 n50 n2kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0242kSCIEk ksciei材料學院q朱美芳~ o兀{jsSize-controlled and large-scale synthesis of organic-soluble Ag nanocrystals in water and their formation mechanism%kShi, YY; Sun, B; Zhou, Z; Wu,~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL l2011 n21 n6kArticlek徛(\忦?k 1002-0071k m0243 kEIk keii材料學院t史向陽~ n 麫jySize-controlled synthesis of dendrimer-stabilized silver nanoparticles for X-ray computed tomography imaging applicationskLiu, Hui (1); Wang, Han (3); Guo, Rui (2); Cao, Xueyan (2); Zhao, Jinglong (3); Luo, Yu (2); Shen, Mingwu (2); Zhang, Guixiang (3); Shi, Xiangyang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un kPolymer Chemistry~ lh烜 n nkkkk m0244kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t鄒儒佳~ n悋兀2j*SnO2 nanoribbons: excellent field-emitters&kZou, RJ; Hu, JQ; Zhang, ZY; Ch~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n7kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0245kSCIEk ksciei材料學院w顧利霞 x退休[jSSol-Gel Synthesis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Alumina-Silica FiberskKang, Z; Gu, LXi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS l2011 n50 n7kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0246 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t沈新元 s退休KjCSolubility of bacteria cellulose in zinc chloride aqueous solutions)k!Lu, Xinkun (1); Shen, Xinyuan (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kCarbohydrate Polymers~ ll烜 n n 1kkkk m0247kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t沈新元 s退休KjCSolubility of bacteria cellulose in zinc chloride aqueous solutionskLu, XK; Shen, XY~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS l2011 n86 n1kArticlek/$ @k 0144-8617k m0248 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t張玉梅~ n8薂OjGSolution rheology of cellulose in 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloridetklChen, Xun (1); Zhang, Yumei (1); Wang, Huaping (1); Wang, Shih-Wa (2); Liang, Siwei (2); Colby, Ralph H. (2) kState Key Laboratory of Modification for Fiber Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Par kJournal of Rheology~ ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0249kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t張玉梅~ n8薂OjGSolution rheology of cellulose in 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloride%kChen, X; Zhang, YM; Wang, HP;I kAPenn State Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, University Pk, PA 16802 USA kJOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY l2011 n55 n3kArticlekm琨@k 0148-6055k m0250kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t王宏誌~ n0j兀ujmSolvent-controlled formation and photoelectrochemical sensing properties of 3-dimensional TiO2 nanostructures&kMu, QH; Li, YG; Wang, HZ; Zhani kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM l2011 n13 n20kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033k m0251kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t陳仕艷~ npq兀QjISolvent-free acetylation of bacterial cellulose under moderate conditions&kHu, WL; Chen, SY; Xu, QS; Wang kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Key Lab Text Sci &Technol, Minist Educ,Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS l2011 n83 n4kArticlek/$ @k 0144-8617k m0252 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t石國英~ n@@{jsSolvothermal synthesis and magneto-optical properties of Zn 1-xNixO hierarchical microspheresakYLiu, Zhifu (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Shi, Guoying (3); Li, Yaogang (1); Wang, Hongzhi (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh3 k+Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials~ ll烜 n 323 n 7kkkk m0253kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t石國英~ n@@dj\Solvothermal synthesis and magneto-optical properties of Zn1-xNixO hierarchical microspheres&kLiu, ZF; Zhang, QH; Shi, GY; Li kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China3 k+JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS l2011 n323 n7kArticle~ k@f@k 0304-8853k m0254kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t李耀剛 s校外QjISolvothermal Sysnthesis of Sb-Doped SnO2 Nanospheres and Their Properties&kZhu, BJ; Zhou, F; Zhang, QH; Ci kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. k&CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY l2011 n27 n2kArticlekj紅?k 1001-4861k m0255 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t張幼維 ~ n郃兀vjnStable and pH-responsive core-shell nanoparticles based on HEC and PMAA networks via template copolymerization>k6Zhang, Y. (1); Jin, Q. (1); Chen, Y. (1); Zhao, J. (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Chemical Fibers Research Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China( k Journal of Nanoparticle Research~ ll烜 n n 10kkkkDzHlV;6:p vSIq )      m0256kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t張幼維 ~ n郃兀vjnStable and pH-responsive core-shell nanoparticles based on HEC and PMAA networks via template copolymerization&kZhang, Y; Jin, Q; Chen, Y; Zha kDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Chem Fibers Res Inst, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH  l2011  n13  n10kArticlek矟銨芀 @k 1388-0764k m0257 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t查劉生~ n恀兀6j.Stimulus responsive nanogels for drug deliveryAk9Zha, Liusheng (1); Banik, Brittany (2); Alexis, Frank (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634, Unit k Soft Matter~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0258kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t查劉生~ n恀兀6j.Stimulus responsive nanogels for drug delivery$kZha, LS; Banik, B; Alexis, Fi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k SOFT MATTER  l2011  n7  n13kReviewk徛(\@k 1744-683Xk m0259kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t李耀剛 s校外cj[Structural colored fiber fabricated by a facile colloid self-assembly method in micro-space%kLiu, ZF; Zhang, QH; Wang, HZ;i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS  l2011  n47  n48kArticlekV@k 1359-7345k m0260 kEI kscie k-i材料學院 t陳培~ n埗 AkjcStructure and crystallization of ZnO-B2O3-P 2O5 glassesKkCChen, Pei (1); Li, Shengchun (1); Qiao, Wenjie (1); Li, Yaogang (1) kCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, North Renmin Road, 2999#, Songjiang, District, Shanghai 201620, China# kGlass Physics and Chemistry~  ll烜 n 3 n 1kkkk m0261kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院 t陳培~ n埗 A>j6Structure and Crystallization of ZnO-B2O3-P2O5 Glasses&kChen, P; Li, SC; Qiao, WJ; Li,K kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kGLASS PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY  l2011  n37  n1kArticlek皉h戫|?k 1087-6596k m0262 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@ijaStructure and properties of polyimide (BTDA-TDI/MDI co-polyimide) fibers obtained by wet-spinningkwXiang, Hong Bing (1); Huang, Zhong (1); Liu, Li Qi (1); Chen, Lei (2); Zhu, Jing (2); Hu, Zu Ming (2); Yu, Jun Rong (3) kCollege of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Man-made Fiber Research Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) State Key Laboratory for kMacromolecular Research~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0263kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t胡祖明~ n 蔟@ijaStructure and properties of polyimide (BTDA-TDI/MDI co-polyimide) fibers obtained by wet-spinning%kXiang, HB; Huang, Z; Liu, LQ;O kGDonghua Univ, Man Made Fiber Res Inst, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kMACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH  l2011  n19  n7kArticlek 皉?k 1598-5032k m0264 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t陳惠芳~ n犤鼲Bj:Structure of PAN precursor in thermal-induced gel spinningEk=Chen, Huifang (1); Du, Weiping (1); Ye, Wu (1); Pan, Ding (1) kKey Laboratory of High Performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Reference and Consulting Department, Library, Donghua University, Shangha* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 1 n 2kkkk m0265 kSCIE kei kscie i材料學院 t陳惠芳~ n佰鼲B j:Structure of PAN Precursor in Thermal-Induced Gel Spinning% kChen, HF; Du, WP; Ye, W; Pan,k  kcDonghua Univ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*  k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n122  n2 kArticle k9慈v緹? k 0021-8995 k m0266 kEI k kei i材料學院 t胡學超 s退休c j[Studies on the post-treatment of the dry-spun fibers from regenerated silk fibroin solution] kUWei, Wei (1); Zhang, Yaopeng (1); Zhao, Yingmei (1); Shao, Huili (1); Hu, Xuechao (1)  kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China  kMaterials and Design~  lp烜  n 3  n kkkk m0267 kSCIE k kscie i材料學院 t胡祖明~ n 蔟@ jStudy on Morphology and Characterization of Poly(mphenylene isophtalamide)/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Nanofibers by Electrospinning& kHe, SW; Liu, LQ; Gao, BS; Cheni  kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1  k)JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY  l2011  n11  n5 kArticle k5^篒 ? k 1533-4880 k m0268 kSCIE k kscie i材料學院 t孫俊芬~ n k兀i jaStudy on Nanometer Hybrid Low Dielectric Constant Materials from Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioixanes& kXu, HY; Yan, ZQ; Zhang, C; Su,~  kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8  k0CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE  l2011  n32  n9 kReview k+儻? k 0251-0790 k m0269 kISTP k kistp i材料學院 t孫俊芬~ n0k兀G j?Study on Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Polyetherimide Blend Membranes4 k,Tang, ZX; Sun, JF; Zhao, J; Tong, FQ; He, CJ  kw Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;  k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials  kJUN 07-08, 2011  nnkkkk m0270 kEIk keii材料學院t張耀鵬~ nPT兀^jVStudy on spinning process of silkworm by using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction]kUHuang, Yan (1); Zhang, Yao-Peng (1); Luo, Jie (1); Shao, Hui-Li (1); Hu, Xue-Chao (1)} kuCollege of Material Science and Engineering, Institute of Chemical Fibers, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaC k;Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu/Atomic Energy Science and Technology~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0271kISTPkkistpi材料學院 t李光~ n 觚@SjKStudy on Structure and Rheological Properties of PET/PTT/MMT NanocompositeskWang, LY; Li, S; Li, G kw Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaO kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials kMAY 28-30, 2011 nnkkkk m0272kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t鄒黎明~ n*兀XjPStudy on the compatibility of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and polyacrylonitrile&kGuo, LF; Zou, LM; Hu, GD; Xie,Y kQSongjiang Univ Town, Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China< k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  l2011  n241 nkMeeting Abstract~ kk 0065-7727k m0273kISTPkkistpi材料學院t劉兆峰 s退休ej]Study on the Structure and Performance of the Large Diameter PPS/PA(6) Blending Monofilaments)k!Ma, HY; Liu, ZF; Zhang, J; Ma, HJW kO Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Fibers Modificat, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaO kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials kMAY 28-30, 2011 nnkkkk m0274 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t沈新元 s退休cj[Submicron ion-exchange fibers of polystyrene and styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer blends<k4Feng, Shu-Qin (1); Shen, Xin-Yuan (1); Ji, Ya-Li (1) kzState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China1 k)Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0275kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t沈新元 s退休cj[Submicron Ion-Exchange Fibers of Polystyrene and Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer Blends"kFeng, SQ; Shen, XY; Ji, YLi kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS  l2011  n50  n9kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0276kSCIEk ksciei材料學院 t?n_jWSurface modification of porous poly(tetrafluoroethylene) film via cold plasma treatment%kShi, TN; Shao, ML; Zhang, HR;~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n258  n4kArticlekm琨@k 0169-4332k m0277kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t彭治漢~ n j兀UjMSynthesis and characteristics of thermoplastic elastomer based on polyamide-6&kYi, CW; Peng, ZH; Wang, HP; Li kxDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER INTERNATIONAL  l2011  n60  n12kArticlek;逴崡n?k 0959-8103k m0278 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t王新威 s現金jSynthesis and characterization of MWCNTs/Co1-xZn xFe2O4 magnetic nanocomposites and their use in hydrogelsakYChen, Ying (1); Wang, Xinwei (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Li, Yaogang (1); Wang, Hongzhi (2) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China' kJournal of Alloys and Compounds~  ll烜 n 509 n 9kkkk m0279kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t王新威 s現金qjiSynthesis and characterization of MWCNTs/Co1-xZnxFe2O4 magnetic nanocomposites and their use in hydrogels%kChen, Y; Wang, XW; Zhang, QH;b kZDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai, Peoples R China' kJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS  l2011  n509  n9kArticlekZd;逴@k 0925-8388k m0280kSCIEk ksciei材料學院 t李光~ n 觚@ljdSynthesis and characterization of poly(aryl ether ketone)s with fluorinated phenyl in the side chain&kXie, J; Peng, WY; Li, G; Jiang~ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER BULLETIN  l2011  n67  n1kArticlekP崡n凐?k 0170-0839k m0281kSCIEk ksciei材料學院t李耀剛 s校外j}Synthesis and Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated by BaTiO(3) Nanoparticles&kBi, C; Zhu, MF; Zhang, QH; Li,i kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY  l2011  n11  n2kArticlek5^篒 ?k 1533-4880k m0282kISTPkkistpi材料學院t何春菊~ n癝兀OjGSynthesis of PVP-PDMS Polymer Conetworks with an Amphiphilics Structure:k2Li, XL; Qiao, SS; Tang, L; Sun, ZP; Wu, XL; He, CJL kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0283 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀^jVSynthesis of zwitterionic shell cross-linked micelles with pH-dependent hydrophilicity`kXZhang, Xiaohui (1); Ai, Changjun (1); Ma, Jinghong (1); Xu, Jian (1); Yang, Shuguang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, 201620 Shanghai, China0 k(Journal of Colloid and Interface Science~  ll烜 n 35 nkkkk m0284kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t馬敬紅~ n-兀^jVSynthesis of zwitterionic shell cross-linked micelles with pH-dependent hydrophilicity&kZhang, XH; Ai, CJ; Ma, JH; Xu,~ kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n356  n1kArticle~ k0s@k 0021-9797k m0285 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t史向陽~ n 麫ajYTargeted delivery of doxorubicin into cancer cells using a folic acid-dendrimer conjugatekwWang, Yin (1); Cao, Xueyan (2); Guo, Rui (2); Shen, Mingwu (2); Zhang, Mengen (2); Zhu, Meifang (1); Shi, Xiangyang (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un kPolymer Chemistry~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0286kSCIE kei ksciei材料學院t史向陽~ n 麫ajYTargeted delivery of doxorubicin into cancer cells using a folic acid-dendrimer conjugate&kWang, Y; Cao, XY; Guo, R; Sheni kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER CHEMISTRY  l2011  n2  n8kArticlekbX9碒@k 1759-9954k m0287 kEI kscie k-i材料學院t張青紅~ nPx兀jTemplate-free formation of vertically oriented TiO2 nanorods with uniform distribution for organics-sensing applicationPkHMu, Qinghui (1); Li, Yaogang (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Wang, Hongzhi (1) kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Maters Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai,& kJournal of Hazardous Materials~  ll烜 n 18 n01/03/12kkkkD馞lQ/JLH49  7]# !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? m0288 kSCIE kei kscie i材料學院 t張青紅~ nPx兀 jwTemplate-free formation of vertically oriented TiO2 nanorods with uniform distribution for organics-sensing application& kMu, QH; Li, YG; Zhang, QH; WanK  kCDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&  kJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  l2011  n188  n1-3 kArticle k詘&@ k 0304-3894 k !m0289 !kEI!k !kei!i材料學院!t胡祖明~ !n 蔟@E!j=The choice of solvent for the wet spinning of P84 copolyimidel!kdXiang, Hongbing (1); Huang, Zhong (1); Zhu, Jing (1); Chen, Lei (1); Yu, Junrong (1); Hu, Zuming (1)! kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, ShanghaW! kOGaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering~ ! ll烜! n 2! n!kkkk "m0290"kSCIE"k "kscie"i材料學院 "t🤥?"nT"jLThe Effect of Negative Bias Voltage on Porous Silica Films Photoluminescence&"kYang, QY; Wang, DX; Ding, K; ZD" k<Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China!" kINTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS " l2011 " n129" n"kArticle~ "k>@"k 1058-4587"k #m0291#kISTP#k#kistp#i材料學院#t王朝生~ #v犣鸃g#j_The Preparation, Morphology and Mechanical Performance of Thermolplastic Elastomer Based on PA6,#k$Yi, CW; Wang, CS; Peng, ZH; Wang, HPl# kd Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;# k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials# kJUN 07-08, 2011# nnkkkk $m0292 $kEI $kscie $k-$i材料學院$t余木火~ $n胸鼲$jThe thermal and mechanical properties of ultra-high molecular polyethylene/montmorillonite clay (UHMWPE/MMT) nanocomposites using gel and pressure-induced flow process (PIF)+$k#Babiker, Musa E. (1); Muhuo, Yu (1)$ kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, P.O. Box 201620, Shanghai, China'$ kPolymers and Polymer Composites~ $ ll烜$ n 1$ n 8$kkkk %m0293%kSCIE %kei %kscie%i材料學院%t余木火~ %n嘭鼲%jThe Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Molecular Polyethylene/Montmorillonite Clay (UHMWPE/MMT) Nanocomposites Using Gel and Pressure-Induced Flow Process (PIF)%kBabiker, ME; Yu, MHw% koDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China%% kPOLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES % l2011 % n19 % n8%kArticle%kw緹/菰?%k 0967-3911%k &m0294 &kEI&k&kei校刊&i材料學院&t余木火~ &n鷺鼲&jThe thermal and mechanical properties of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene/montmorillonite (UHMWPE/MMT) nanocomposites hybrid gel using pressure-induced flow (PIF) processingz&krBabiker, Musa E. (1); Zhang, Sen (1); Feng, Xiao-Ling (1); Wang, Guang-Cheng (1); Tang, Yi-Fei (1); Yu, Mu-Huo (1)& kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7& k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ & ll烜& n 2& n 2&kkkk 'm0295 'kEI'k 'kei'i材料學院't陳大俊~ 'n`兀v'jnThermo- and pH-sensitive behavior of hydrogels based on oligo (ethylene glycol) methacrylates and acrylic acid4'k,Wang, Y. (1); Yuan, Z.C. (1); Chen, D.J. (1)' kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 201620, China$' kJournal of Materials Science~ ' lp烜' n' n'kkkk (m0296 (kEI(k (kei(i材料學院(t張幼維 ~ (n郃兀_(jWThermodynamic study of non-solvent/dimethyl sulfoxide/polyacrylonitrile ternary systems>(k6Zhang, Jian (1); Zhang, Youwei (1); Zhao, Jiongxin (1)( kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China( kPolymer Bulletin~ ( ll烜( n 6( n 6(kkkk )m0297)kSCIE)k )kscie)i材料學院)t張幼維 ~ )n郃兀)j{Thermodynamic study of non-solvent/dimethyl sulfoxide/polyacrylonitrile ternary systems: effects of the non-solvent species%)kZhang, J; Zhang, YW; Zhao, JX) kDonghua Univ, Chem Fibers Res Inst, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China) kPOLYMER BULLETIN ) l2011 ) n67 ) n6)kArticle)kP崡n凐?)k 0170-0839)k *m0298 *kEI *kscie *k-*i 東華研究院 *t孫剛*n*jThree-dimensional sensing membrane functionalized quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for chloramphenicol detection in real timeU*kMSun, Min (1); Ding, Bin (1); Lin, Jinyou (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Sun, Gang (5)* kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, West Yan'an Road 1882, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key * kSensors and Actuators, B~ * ll烜* n 16* n 1*kkkk +m0299 +kEI+k +kei+i材料學院+t王連軍~ +n兀+jTi3SiC2-(Ti3SiC2-SiC) functionally graded materials by spark plasma sintering reactive synthesis method Part 1 - Gradient optimizationsp+khJiang, W. (1); Zhang, J.F. (3); Wang, L.J. (1); Tu, R. (3); Yang, X.Q. (4); Chen, G. (4); Zhai, P.C. (4)+ kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology+ kMaterials Technology~ + lh烜+ n 25+ n 5+kkkk ,m0300 ,kEI,k ,kei,i材料學院,t王連軍~ ,n兀,jTi3SiC2-(Ti3SiC2-SiC) functionally graded materials by spark plasma sintering reactive synthesis method Part 2 - Fabrication and characterizationp,khJiang, W. (1); Zhang, J.F. (3); Wang, L.J. (1); Tu, R. (3); Yang, X.Q. (4); Chen, G. (4); Zhai, P.C. (4), kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology, kMaterials Technology~ , lh烜, n 25, n 5,kkkk -m0301 -kEI-kscie -k--i材料學院-t張青紅~ -nPx兀-jTiO2 nanofibers fixed in a microfluidic device for rapid determination of chemical oxygen demand via photoelectrocatalysisP-kHMu, Qinghui (1); Li, Yaogang (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Wang, Hongzhi (1)- kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanc - kSensors and Actuators, B~ - ll烜- n 15- n-kkkk .m0302.kSCIE .kei .kscie.i材料學院.t張青紅~ .nPx兀.jzTiO2 nanofibers fixed in a microfluidic device for rapid determination of chemical oxygen demand via photoelectrocatalysis&.kMu, QH; Li, YG; Zhang, QH; Wana. kYDonghua Univ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, MOE, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(. k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL . l2011 . n155 . n2.kArticle.k蓈緹/@.k 0925-4005.k /m0303/kSCIE/k /kscie/i材料學院/t楊健茂~ /n鄗兀Y/jQUniform ZnSe microspheres self-assembled from ZnSe polyhedron shaped nanocrystals&/kWang, N; Zou, RJ; Chen, HH; Ch~/ kvDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China/ k CRYSTENGCOMM / l2011 / n13 / n5/kArticle/k#垸~j@/k 1466-8033/k 0m0304 0kEI 0kscie 0k-0i材料學院 0t李光~ 0n 觚@g0j_UV accelerated aging and aging resistance of dihydroxy poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) fibers`0kXZhang, Tao (1); Jin, Junhong (1); Yang, Shenglin (1); Li, Guang (1); Jiang, Jianming (1)0 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineerin, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China*0 k"Polymers for Advanced Technologies~ 0 ll烜0 n0 n 50kkkk 1m03051kSCIE 1kei 1kscie1i材料學院 1t李光~ 1n 觚@g1j_UV accelerated aging and aging resistance of dihydroxy poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) fibers&1kZhang, T; Jin, JH; Yang, SL; L1 k|Donghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Coll Mat Sci & Engineerin, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*1 k"POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 1 l2011 1 n22 1 n51kArticle1kuV@1k 1042-71471k 2m0306 2kEI 2kscie 2k-2i材料學院2t秦宗益~ 2n爑兀r2jjVapor sensing properties of thermoplastic polyurethane multifilament covered with carbon nanotube networks2kFan, Qingqing (1); Qin, Zongyi (1); Villmow, Tobias (2); Pionteck, Jürgen (2); Pötschke, Petra (2); Wu, Yongtao (1); Voit, Brigitte (3); Zhu, Meifang (1)2 kState Key Laboratory of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Polymer Reactions and Blends, 2 kSensors and Actuators, B~ 2 ll烜2 n 12 n 12kkkk 3m03073kSCIE 3kei 3kscie3i材料學院3t秦宗益~ 3n爑兀r3jjVapor sensing properties of thermoplastic polyurethane multifilament covered with carbon nanotube networks%3kFan, QQ; Qin, ZY; Villmow, T;t3 klDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(3 k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 3 l2011 3 n156 3 n13kArticle3k蓈緹/@3k 0925-40053k 4m0308 4kEI 4kscie 4k-4i材料學院 4t潘鼎 4s退休f4j^Water effect on the rheologic behavior of PAN solution during thermal-induced gelation process84k0Tan, Lianjiang (1); Pan, Ding (1); Pan, Ning (2)4 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Califo*4 k"Polymers for Advanced Technologies~ 4 ll烜4 n 24 n4kkkk 5m03095kSCIE 5kei 5kscie5i材料學院 5t潘鼎 5s退休f5j^Water effect on the rheologic behavior of PAN solution during thermal-induced gelation process5kTan, LJ; Pan, D; Pan, Ni5 kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*5 k"POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 5 l2011 5 n22 5 n125kArticle5kuV@5k 1042-71475k 6m03106kISTP6k6kistp6i材料學院6t陳大俊~ 6n`兀y6jqWater Vapor Transmission through Breathable Films of Polyurethanes Chain-extended by 4,4 '-Diaminodiphenyle Ether6kZuo, L; Chen, DJL6 kD Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;6 k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials6 kJUN 07-08, 20116 nnkkkk 7m0311 7kEI 7kscie 7k-7i材料學院7t李耀剛 7s校外h7j`White light emission from Mn-doped ZnSe d-dots synthesized continuously in microfluidic reactorsR7kJShao, Pengtao (1); Wang, Hongzhi (1); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Li, Yaogang (2)7 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201602, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh&7 kJournal of Materials Chemistry~ 7 ll烜7 n 27 n7kkkk 8m03128kSCIE 8kei 8kscie8i材料學院8t李耀剛 8s校外h8j`White light emission from Mn-doped ZnSe d-dots synthesized continuously in microfluidic reactors&8kShao, PT; Wang, HZ; Zhang, QH;i8 kaDonghua Univ, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201602, Peoples R China&8 kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 8 l2011 8 n21 8 n448kArticle8kZd;@8k 0959-94288k 9m03139kISTP9kscie 9k-9i 東華研究院 9kni9jaA fractional variational iteration method for solving fractional nonlinear differential equations9kWu, GCH9 k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China99 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics9 kSEP 25-28, 20109 nnkkkk :m0314:kSCIE:kistp :kscie:i 東華研究院 :ini:jaA fractional variational iteration method for solving fractional nonlinear differential equations:kWu, GCH: k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1: k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS : l2011 : n61 : n8:kArticle:k潦扼?:k 0898-1221:k ;m0315;kISTP;kscie ;k-;i 東華研究院 ;i徐嵐;n;;j3A Hamiltonian approach for a plasma physics problem ;kXu, L; k Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China; [Xu, Lan] Soochow Univ, Natl Engn Lab Modern Silk, Suzhou, Peoples R China9; k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics; kSEP 25-28, 2010; nnkkkk <m0316<kSCIE<kistp <kscie<i 東華研究院 <i徐嵐<n;<j3A Hamiltonian approach for a plasma physics problem <kXu, LH< k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1< k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS < l2011 < n61 < n8<kArticle<k潦扼?<k 0898-1221<k =m0317=kSCIE=k =kscie=i 東華研究院=i謝孔良=b114184=jAdsorption properties of nano-cellulose hybrid containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane and removal of reactive dyes from aqueous solution!=kXie, KL; Zhao, WG; He, XMH= k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China= kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS = l2011 = n83 = n4=kArticle=k/$ @=k 0144-8617=k >m0318 >kEI >kscie >k->i 東華研究院>t石國英~ >n@@>jAnatase TiO2 sols derived from peroxotitanium acid and to form transparent TiO2 compact film for dye-sensitized solar cellsc>k[Qian, Difeng (1); Li, Yaogang (2); Zhang, Qinghong (2); Shi, Guoying (3); Wang, Hongzhi (1)> kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glasses Manufacturing Technology'> kJournal of Alloys and Compounds~ > ll烜> n 50> n 41>kkkk ?m0319?kSCIE ?kei ?kscie?i 東華研究院?t石國英~ ?n@@?j{Anatase TiO2 sols derived from peroxotitanium acid and to form transparent TiO2 compact film for dye-sensitized solar cells&?kQian, DF; Li, YG; Zhang, QH; Sa? kYDonghua Univ, MOE, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China'? kJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ? l2011 ? n509 ? n41?kArticle?kZd;逴@?k 0925-8388?kD婮l `"/H&`-(X r@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ @m0320@kISTP@k@kistp@i 東華研究院@t俞建勇@b063492@jzFabrication of Chloramphenicol Biosensors based on Electrospun Fibrous Membranes and Antibody-Functionalized Quartz Crysta@kSun, M; Ding, B; Yu, JYZ@ kR Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Nanomat Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8@ k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium@ kMAY 27-29, 2011@ nnkkkk Am0321AkSCIEAk AkscieAi 東華研究院At王宏誌~ An0j兀^AjVFast Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals in a Microfluidic Reactor&AkZhang, L; Li, YG; Zhang, QH; SaA kYDonghua Univ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, MOE, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA kCHEMISTRY LETTERS A l2011 A n40 A n12AkArticleAk1Zd?Ak 0366-7022Ak Bm0322BkISTPBkBkistpBi 東華研究院 Bt寧偉Bb227044lBjdInfluence of ZrO(2) on oxidation resistant properties of glass-based coating on molybdenum substrate#BkWang, QW; Wang, HZ; Ning, WbB kZ Donghua Univ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, MOE, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaRB kJInternational Conference on Materials Science and Engineering ApplicationsB kJAN 15-16, 2011B nnkkkk Cm0323CkSCIECk CkscieCi 東華研究院Ct張青紅~ CnPx兀oCjgMechanical properties of dental resin composites by co-filling diatomite and nanosized silica particles&CkWang, H; Zhu, MF; Li, YG; ZhanaC kYDonghua Univ, MOE, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaOC kGMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS C l2011 C n31 C n3CkArticleCk皉h戫|@Ck 0928-4931Ck Dm0324DkSCIEDk DkscieDi 東華研究院Di謝孔良Db114184jDjbMicelle dyeing with low liquor ratio for reactive dyes using dialkyl maleic acid ester surfactants%DkXie, KL; Cheng, FF; Zhao, WG;HD k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China%D kJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION D l2011 D n19 D n4DkArticleDk7堿`逍@Dk 0959-6526Dk Em0325EkISTP Ekscie Ek-Ei 東華研究院 Ei徐嵐En=Ej5Numerical study of magnetic electrospinning processesEkXu, L; Wu, Y; Nawaz, YE k Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China; [Xu, Lan] Soochow Univ, Natl Engn Lab Modern Silk, Suzhou 215021, Peoples R China; [Wu, Yue] Shanghai Univ Polit Sci & Law, Dept Econ9E k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear DynamicsE kSEP 25-28, 2010E nnkkkk Fm0326FkSCIE Fkistp FkscieFi 東華研究院 Fi徐嵐Fn=Fj5Numerical study of magnetic electrospinning processesFkXu, L; Wu, Y; Nawaz, YHF k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1F k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS F l2011 F n61 F n8FkArticleFk潦扼?Fk 0898-1221Fk Gm0327 GkEI Gkscie Gk-Gi紡織學院Gm劉麗芳Gp054565YGjQOptimal design of superfine polyamide fabric by electrostatic flocking technology]GkULiu, Lifang (1); Xie, Hao (2); Cheng, Longdi (1); Yu, Jianyong (3); Yang, Shuzhen (2)G kThe Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, China; (3) Modern Textile Institute, Donghua University, S G kTextile Research Journal~ G ll烜G n 81G n 1Gkkkk Hm0328HkSCIE Hkei HkscieHi紡織學院Hm劉麗芳Hp054565YHjQOptimal design of superfine polyamide fabric by electrostatic flocking technology&HkLiu, LF; Xie, H; Cheng, LD; YuHH k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China H kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL H l2011 H n81 H n1HkArticleHk潦扼?Hk 0040-5175Hk Im0329 IkEI Ikscie Ik-Ii 東華研究院Ii謝孔良Ib114184IjSelf-Emulsifying polysiloxanes containing multi-cationic groups as resin to improve fastness properties of dyed cellulose fabrics7Ik/Xie, Kongliang (1); Hou, Aiqin (2); Xu, Lei (2)I kModern Textile Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China$I kPigment and Resin Technology~ I ll烜I n 4I n 2Ikkkk Jm0330JkSCIE Jkei JkscieJi 東華研究院Ji謝孔良Jb114184JjSelf-emulsifying polysiloxanes containing multil-cationic groups as resin to improve fastness properties of dyed cellulose fabricsJkXie, KL; Hou, AQ; Xu, LAJ k9Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai, Peoples R China"J kPIGMENT & RESIN TECHNOLOGY J l2011 J n40 J n2JkArticleJk9慈v緹?Jk 0369-9420Jk Km0331KkSCIEKk KkscieKi 東華研究院Ki何吉歡KnPKjHSILK IS OF CHINA, AND CHINA IS OF SILK: A RESPONSE TO GOOD ET AL. (2009)KkHe, JHHK k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaK k ARCHAEOMETRY K l2011 K n53K nKkEditorial MaterialKk!皉h戫?Kk 0003-813XKk Lm0332LkISTP Lkscie Lk-Li 東華研究院 LkntLjlStudy of the effects of the Reynolds number on circular porous slider via variational iteration algorithm-IILkFaraz, NHL k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China9L k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear DynamicsL kSEP 25-28, 2010L nnkkkk Mm0333MkSCIE Mkistp MkscieMi 東華研究院 MkntMjlStudy of the effects of the Reynolds number on circular porous slider via variational iteration algorithm-IIMkFaraz, NHM k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1M k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS M l2011 M n61 M n8MkArticleMk潦扼?Mk 0898-1221Mk Nm0334 NkEI Nkscie Nk-Ni 東華研究院Nm劉麗芳Np054565~NjvUnit yarn-reduction technique and flexural properties of tapered composites based on four-step row and column braiding;Nk3Liu, Zhaolin (1); Liu, Lifang (1); Yu, Jianyong (2)N kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Modern Textile Institute, DongN kComposites Part A~ N ll烜N n 4N n 12Nkkkk Om0335OkSCIE Okei OkscieOi 東華研究院Om劉麗芳Op054565~OjvUnit yarn-reduction technique and flexural properties of tapered composites based on four-step row and column braiding OkLiu, ZL; Liu, LF; Yu, JYHO k@Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China;O k3COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING O l2011 O n42 O n12OkArticle~ Ok豴@Ok 1359-835XOk Pm0336PkISTPPkPkistpPi紡織學院Pm鐘躍崎Pp054675IPjA3D Mesh Deformation Technology for Generation of Virtual Garments&PkJiang, JF; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SYBP k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8P k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics SymposiumP kMAY 27-29, 2011P nnkkkk Qm0337 QkEI Qkscie Qk-Qi紡織學院Qm顧伯洪Qp053921QjA Multi-scale geometrical model for finite element analyses of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven composite under ballistic penetration8Qk0Luan, Kun (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1)Q kxCollege of Textiles, Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China<Q k4CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences~ Q ll烜Q n 7Q nQkkkk Rm0338RkSCIE Rkei RkscieRi紡織學院Rm顧伯洪Rp053921RjA Multi-scale Geometrical Model for Finite Element Analyses of Three-dimensional Angle-Interlock Woven Composite under Ballistic Penetration RkLuan, K; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHiR kaDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8R k0CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES R l2011 R n79 R n1RkArticleRk+儻黢?Rk 1526-1492Rk Sm0339 SkEISkSkei校刊Si紡織學院Sm張佩華Sp062980ISjAA new measurement system for static and dynamic clothing pressureBSk:Wang, Yong-Rong (1); Zhang, Pei-Hua (1); Feng, Xun-Wei (1)S kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7S k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ S ll烜S n 2S n 3Skkkk Tm0340TkISTPTkTkistpTi紡織學院Tm李毓陵Tp0526843Tj+A New Structure of Woven Artificial Trachea;Tk3Wang, YY; Li, Q; Liu, YY; Li, YL; Wang, WZ; Duan, LkT kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;T k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsT kJUN 07-08, 2011T nnkkkk Um0341UkSCIEUk UkscieUi紡織學院Um於偉東Up061339XUjPA new transient approach for testing water vapor diffusion of fabrics and fibersUkSong, WF; Yu, WDGU k?Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai, Peoples R China@U k8INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY U l2011 U n23 U n5UkArticleUk削S慳涏?Uk 0955-6222Uk Vm0342VkISTPVkVkistpVi紡織學院Vm柯勤飛VpGVj?A Novel Electrospinning Collector for Aligned Nanofibrous Tubes VkHuang, C; Ke, QF; Mo, XM`V kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;V k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsV kJUN 07-08, 2011V nnkkkk Wm0343WkISTP Wkscie Wk-Wi紡織學院Wm徐衛林WppWjhA novel heparin release system based on blends of biomedical polyurethane and native silk fibroin powder5Wk-Yang, HJ; Xu, HY; Liu, HT; Ouyang, CX; Xu, WLW k Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; [Xu, Haiye; Liu, Hongtao; Xu, Weilin] Wuhan Text Univ, Text Res Ctr, Wuhan 430073, Peoples R China; [Ouyang, Chenxi] Huazhong Univ Sci & TecDW k<1st Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled DeliveryW kSEP 14-17, 2010W nnkkkk Xm0344XkSCIE Xkistp XkscieXi紡織學院Xm徐衛林XppXjhA novel heparin release system based on blends of biomedical polyurethane and native silk fibroin powder&XkYang, HJ; Xu, HY; Liu, HT; OuyAX k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China%X kJOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE X l2011 X n152X nXkMeeting AbstractXk!皉h戫@Xk 0168-3659Xk Ym0345 YkEIYkscie Yk-Yi紡織學院Ym張佩華Yp062980`YjXA smart mannequin system for the pressure performance evaluation of compression garmentsxYkpWang, Yongrong (1); Cui, Yinhua (1); Zhang, Peihua (1); Feng, Xunwei (2); Shen, Jianming (2); Xiong, Qiuyuan (1)Y kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China Y kTextile Research Journal~ Y ll烜Y n 8Y nYkkkk Zm0346ZkSCIE Zkei ZkscieZi紡織學院Zm張佩華Zp062980`ZjXA smart mannequin system for the pressure performance evaluation of compression garments%ZkWang, YR; Cui, YH; Zhang, PH;AZ k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China Z kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL Z l2011 Z n81 Z n11ZkArticleZk潦扼?Zk 0040-5175Zk [m0347 [kEI[k [kei[i紡織學院[m徐衛林[pM[jEA study of influence of the delivery rubber roller on yarn propertiesi[kaXia, Zhigang (1); Wang, Xin (2); Huang, Juan (2); Wang, Yan (2); Ye, Wenxiang (2); Xu, Weilin (1)[ kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, China; (2) Hubei Key Laboratory for New Textile Materials and Applications, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China [ kTextile Research Journal~ [ ll烜[ n[ n[kkkk \m0348 \kEI\kscie \k-\i紡織學院\m郁崇文\p052991a\jYA study of the drafting force in roller drafting and its influence on sliver irregularity=\k5Lin, Qian (1); Oxenham, William (2); Yu, Chongwen (1)\ kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, United States(\ k Journal of the Textile Institute~ \ ll烜\ n 10\ n\kkkk ]m0349]kSCIE ]kei ]kscie]i紡織學院]m郁崇文]p052991a]jYA study of the drafting force in roller drafting and its influence on sliver irregularity"]kLin, Q; Oxenham, W; Yu, CW?] k7N Carolina State Univ, Coll Text, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA(] k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE ] l2011 ] n102 ] n11]kArticle]k 皉?]k 0040-5000]k ^m0350 ^kEI^k ^kei^i紡織學院^m徐衛林^pT^jLA study on the relationship between irregularity and hairiness of spun yarns]^kUXia, Zhigang (1); Wang, Hongshan (1); Wang, Xin (2); Ye, Wenxiang (2); Xu, Weilin (1)^ kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, China; (2) Hubei Key Laboratory for New Textile Materials and Applications, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China ^ kTextile Research Journal~ ^ ll烜^ n 8^ n^kkkk _m0351 _kEI_kscie _k-_i紡織學院_m顧伯洪_p053921_jyA unit-cell approach of finite element analysis for transverse impact damage of 3-D biaxial spacer weft-knitted composite+_k#Lv, L. (1); Sun, B. (1); Gu, B. (1)_ kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan Province 450007, China_ kStrain~ _ ll烜_ n_ nSUPPL. 1_kkkkDhDl7slqLMQj405`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ `m0352`kSCIE `kei `kscie`i紡織學院`m顧伯洪`p053921`jyA Unit-Cell Approach of Finite Element Analysis for Transverse Impact Damage of 3-D Biaxial Spacer Weft-Knitted Composite`kLv, L; Sun, B; Gu, BA` k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China` kSTRAIN ` l2011 ` n47` n`kArticle`k儻鱏慳?`k 0039-2103`k am0353akISTPakakistpai紡織學院 am丁辛ap052760caj[Accelerated Degradation of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate) Filaments in Alkaline SolutionakChen, Y; Ding, XBa k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;a k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsa kJUN 07-08, 2011a nnkkkk bm0354 bkEIbkscie bk-bi紡織學院bm龍海如bp061308XbjPAdaptive detection of weft-knitted fabric defects based on machine vision system&bkSun, Yao (1); Long, Hai-ru (1)Kb kCCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Songjiang, Shanghai, China(b k Journal of the Textile Institute~ b ll烜b nb n 10bkkkk cm0355ckSCIE ckei ckscieci紡織學院cm龍海如cp061308XcjPAdaptive detection of weft-knitted fabric defects based on machine vision systemckSun, Y; Long, HR:c k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China(c k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE c l2011 c n102 c n10ckArticleck 皉?ck 0040-5000ck dm0356 dkEIdkdkei校刊di紡織學院dm薛文良dp054648?dj7Air velocity fluctuation in reed groove of air-jet loomadkYWei, Meng-Yuan (1); Xue, Wen-Liang (1); Lu, Wei-Mm (2); Chen, Ge (3); Zhu, Zhang-Chen (1)d kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai 200135, China; (7d k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ d ll烜d n 2d n 2dkkkk em0357ekISTPekscie ek-ei紡織學院em曾泳春ep054351rejjAir-Flow Field of the Melt-Blowing Slot Die via Numerical Simulation and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms,ek$Sun, YF; Liu, BW; Wang, XH; Zeng, YCBe k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaNe kF5th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Compositese kJUN 20-23, 2010e nnkkkk fm0358fkSCIEfkistp fksciefi紡織學院fm曾泳春fp054351rfjjAir-Flow Field of the Melt-Blowing Slot Die via Numerical Simulation and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms&fkSun, YF; Liu, BW; Wang, XH; ZeAf k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*f k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE f l2011 f n122 f n6fkArticlefk9慈v緹?fk 0021-8995fk gm0359 gkEIgkscie gk-gi紡織學院gm顧伯洪gp053921gjAn analytical model for the ballistic impact of three dimensional angle-interlock woven fabric penetrated by a rigid cylindro-spherical projectile<gk4Hou, Yangqing (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1)g kCollege of Textiles, Key Laboratory of high-performance fibers and products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of T g kTextile Research Journal~ g ll烜g n 8g ngkkkk hm0360hkSCIE hkei hksciehi紡織學院hm顧伯洪hp053921hjAn analytical model for the ballistic impact of three dimensional angle-interlock woven fabric penetrated by a rigid cylindro-spherical projectile hkHou, YQ; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHah kYZhongyuan Inst Technol, Dept Text Engn, Zhengzhou 450007, Henan Province, Peoples R China h kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL h l2011 h n81 h n12hkArticlehk潦扼?hk 0040-5175hk im0361ikISTPikikistpii紡織學院 imp^ijVAn Artificial Immune Algorithm Based Intelligent Monitoring System in Grinding Process"ikLv, ZJ; Xiang, Q; Pang, JZ`i kX Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaMi kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineeringi kAPR 09-11, 2011i nnkkkk jm0362jkISTPjkjkistpji紡織學院jm鐘躍崎jp054675djj\An Innovative Method for Dealing with Profiled Fiber Microscopic Image Segmentation Problems%jkWang, ZL; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SYBj k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8j k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumj kMAY 27-29, 2011j nnkkkk km0363kkISTPkkkkistpki紡織學院km杜趙群kp054696Akj9Analysis of Characters and Structures of Polylactic FiberkkDu, ZQ; Xu, Y; Yu, WDkk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaOk kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materialsk kMAY 28-30, 2011k nnkkkk lm0364lkSCIElk lkscieli紡織學院lm杜趙群lp054696NljFAnalysis of structure and bending property of spacer fabric composites&lkDu, ZQ; Yu, WD; Hiroyuki, H; Yjl kbDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinal kINDUSTRIA TEXTILA l l2011 l n62 l n2lkArticlelk9慈v緹?lk 1222-5347lk mm0365mkISTPmkmkistpmi紡織學院 mm傅婷mp260001`mjXAnalysis of the Additional Twists on the Fiber Band in Compact Field of Compact Spinning3mk+Wang, J; Liu, HG; Yang, JP; Chen, GW; Fu, TYm kQ Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China[m kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silkm kSEP 10-12, 2010m nnkkkk nm0366 nkEInkscie nk-ni紡織學院nm徐廣標np0546987nj/Analysis of the bending property of kapok fiberGnk?Xu, Guangbiao (1); Luo, Jin (1); Lou, Ying (1); Wang, Fumei (1)Gn k?College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China(n k Journal of the Textile Institute~ n ll烜n n 10n nnkkkk om0367okSCIE okei okscieoi紡織學院om徐廣標op0546987oj/Analysis of the bending property of kapok fiber&okXu, GBA; Luo, J; Lou, Y; Wang,Ao k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(o k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE o l2011 o n102 o n2okArticleok 皉?ok 0040-5000ok pm0368 pkEIpkpkei校刊pi紡織學院pm楊建平pp051290wpjoAnalysis on the characterization of the twist insertion level and its effect of the compact and ring spun yarns8pk0Yang, Jian-Ping (1); Fu, Ting (1); Wang, Jun (1)p kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7p k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ p ll烜p n 2p n 3pkkkk qm0369qkISTPqkqkistpqi紡織學院qm俞建勇qb063492}qjuAntibacterial Activity of Antibiotic-loaded Electrospun Halloysite/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Composite Nanofibers2qk*Qi, RL; Zheng, FY; Liu, H; Yu, JY; Shi, XY`q kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;q k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsq kJUN 07-08, 2011q nnkkkk rm0370rkISTPrkrkistpri紡織學院rm俞建勇rb063492Grj?Antimicrobial activities of Extracts of Apocynum venetum Fibers*rk"Li, MH; Han, GT; Zhang, YM; Yu, JYBr k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaOr kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materialsr kMAY 28-30, 2011r nnkkkk sm0371skISTPskskistpsi紡織學院 sm王璐sp051199sjzAtibacterial Property of Wool Fabrics Treated by Natural Antibacterial Finishing Agent and Perfumed Finishing Agent Extrac"skCao, JJ; Zhang, B; Wang, Lks kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;s k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialss kJUN 07-08, 2011s nnkkkk tm0372tkISTPtktkistpti紡織學院tm李立輕tp054360YtjQAutomatic Inspection of Silk Fabric Density Based on Multi-Scale Wavelet AnalysistkZhou, JA; Li, LQBt k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[t kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silkt kSEP 10-12, 2010t nnkkkk um0373ukISTPukukistpui紡織學院um李立輕up054360;uj3Automatic Inspection of Silk Spinning Yarn FinenessukLiu, CW; Li, LQBu k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[u kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silku kSEP 10-12, 2010u nnkkkk vm0374vkISTPvkvkistpvi紡織學院vm高衛東vpIvjAAutomatic Location of Pills in Woven Fabric Based on Gabor Filter+vk#Gao, WD; Wang, SY; Pan, RR; Liu, JH:v k2 Donghua Univ, Sch Text, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaLv kD4th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Ceeusro v k2011v nnkkkk wm0375 wkEI wkscie wk-wi紡織學院wm顧伯洪wp053921jwjbBallistic penetration of conically cylindrical steel projectile into 3D orthogonal woven composite9wk1Jia, Xiwen (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1)w kKey Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zheng&w      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ kJournal of Composite Materials~ w ll烜w nw n 9wkkkk xm0376xkSCIE xkei xksciexi紡織學院xm顧伯洪xp053921xjBallistic penetration of conically cylindrical steel projectile into 3D orthogonal woven composite: a finite element study at microstructure level xkJia, XW; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHax kYZhongyuan Inst Technol, Dept Text Engn, Zhengzhou 450007, Henan Province, Peoples R China&x kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS x l2011 x n45 x n9xkArticlexkJ +?xk 0021-9983xk ym0377 ykEI ykscie yk-yi紡織學院ym於偉東yp061339Dyj<Band structure in two-dimensional fiberair phononic crystals6yk.Yang, Shu (1); Yu, Wei-Dong (1); Pan, Ning (1)y kCollege of Textiles and Center of Soft Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) College of Textiles and Materials, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China; (3) Biological and Agriculty k Physica B~ y ll烜y n 406y n 4ykkkk zm0378zkSCIE zkei zksciezi紡織學院zm於偉東zp061339Ezj=Band structure in two-dimensional fiber-air phononic crystalszkYang, S; Yu, WD; Pan, N:z k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China"z kPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER z l2011 z n406 z n4zkArticlezk5^篒 ?zk 0921-4526zk {m0379{kISTP{kscie {k-{i紡織學院{m史向陽{p114844{jzBiocompatibility and drug release properties of electrospun halloysite nanotube-doped poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) compos:{k2Qi, RL; Guo, R; Shen, MW; Cao, XY; Yu, JY; Shi, XY{ kDonghua Univ, Dept Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China; Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China; Donghua Univ, Modern Text Inst, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaT{ kL241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS){ kMAR 27-31, 2011{ nnkkkk |m0380|kSCIE |kistp |kscie|i紡織學院|m史向陽|p114844|jBiocompatibility and drug release properties of electrospun halloysite nanotube-doped poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) composite nanofibers&|kQi, RL; Guo, R; Shen, MW; Cao,:| k2Donghua Univ, Dept Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China<| k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | l2011 | n241| n|kMeeting Abstract~ |k|k 0065-7727|k }m0381 }kEI}k }kei}i紡織學院}m史向陽}p114844t}jlBiocompatibility of electrospun halloysite nanotube-doped poly(Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid) composite nanofibersn}kfQi, Ruiling (1); Cao, Xueyan (3); Shen, Mingwu (3); Guo, Rui (3); Yu, Jianyong (1); Shi, Xiangyang (1)} kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) College of8} k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~ } lp烜} n 2} n01/04/12}kkkk ~m0382~kISTP~k~kistp~i紡織學院~m史向陽~p114844~jwCarbon Nanotube-incorporated Multilayered Polymer Nanofibrous Scaffolding Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications2~k*Luo, Y; Qi, RL; Fang, Y; Shen, MW; Shi, XY`~ kX Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;~ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials~ kJUN 07-08, 2011~ nnkkkk m0383 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院 m丁辛p052760~jvChemical treatments of bamboo to modify its moisture absorption and adhesion to vinyl ester resin in humid environment:k2Chen, Hongyan (1); Miao, Menghe (2); Ding, Xin (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, PO Box 21, Belmont, VIC 3216, Austral& kJournal of Composite Materials~  ll烜 n nkkkkDClv7u`9(+ m0384kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m丁辛p052760~jvChemical treatments of bamboo to modify its moisture absorption and adhesion to vinyl ester resin in humid environment#kChen, HY; Miao, MH; Ding, X_ kWDonghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS  l2011  n45  n14kArticlekJ +?k 0021-9983k m0385 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院 m晏雄p051174jClassification and identification of damage mechanisms in polyethylene self-reinforced laminates by acoustic emission technique9k1Wang, Xu (1); Zhang, Hui-Ping (1); Yan, Xiong (1)t klKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, China kPolymer Composites~  ll烜 n n 6kkkk m0386kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m晏雄p051174jClassification and Identification of Damage Mechanisms in Polyethylene Self-Reinforced Laminates by Acoustic Emission Technique"kWang, X; Zhang, HP; Yan, Xc k[Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China kPOLYMER COMPOSITES  l2011  n32  n6kArticlekV-攙?k 0272-8397k m0387 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m徐衛林p[jSCoating superfine down powder on polypropylene for the production of dyeable fibersZkRLiu, Xin (1); Huang, Juan (2); Huang, Jingjing (1); Li, Wenbin (2); Xu, Weilin (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Green Processing and Functional Textiles of New Textile Materials, Ministry of Education, Wuhan Textile Universit kFibers and Polymers~  ll烜 n 1 n 2kkkk m0388kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m徐衛林p[jSCoating Superfine Down Powder on Polypropylene for the Production of Dyeable Fibers%kLiu, X; Huang, JA; Huang, JJ;A k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIBERS AND POLYMERS  l2011  n12  n2kArticlek崡n兝?k 1229-9197k m0389kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m鐘躍崎p054675WjOCombination of Implicit Integration and Collision Response for Cloth Simulation$kLiu, HY; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SYB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0390kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m王璐p051199SjKComparative Aging Failing Mechanism in Four Different Types of Stent-grafts-k%Liu, B; Wang, SJ; Wang, L; Guidoin, Rk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0391 kEIkkei校刊i紡織學院m薛文良p054648fj^Comparison of flow field distribution and characteristic on different compact spinning systemsek]Xue, Wen-Liang (1); Wei, Meng-Yuan (3); Wang, Yan (1); Cheng, Long-Di (1); Zhang, Rui-Yin (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, Dongh7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0392kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339]jUComparison of Fractal Phenomena for Sound Absorption Behavior in Two Fiber AssemblieskYang, S; Yu, WD; Pan, N; k3 Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0393kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m杜趙群p054696PjHComparison of properties characterization between CHES-F, KES-F and FAST&kDu, ZQ; Shen, H; Zhou, TX; Zhej kbDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kINDUSTRIA TEXTILA  l2011  n62  n3kArticlek9慈v緹?k 1222-5347k m0394 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m於偉東p061339jjbComparison of thermal protective performance of aluminized fabrics of basalt fiber and glass fiber'kHao, Licai (1); Yu, Weidong (1) kTextile Materials and Technology Laboratory, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Garment and Art Design, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314001, China kFire and Materials~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m0395kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m於偉東p061339jjbComparison of thermal protective performance of aluminized fabrics of basalt fiber and glass fiberkHao, LC; Yu, WDN kFDonghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIRE AND MATERIALS  l2011  n35  n8kArticle~ k燷@k 0308-0501k m0396 kEIkkei校刊i紡織學院 mpdj\Correlation between the surface quality and the lapping parameters in loose abrasive lapping;k3Yuan, Yi-Gao (1); Luo, Yi-Lan (1); Zhu, Shi-Gen (1) k|Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0397kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m胡吉永p054969jxDependence of Activation Probability of Cutaneous Nociceptors on Features of Fiber Ends Protruding above Fabric Surfaces&kHu, JY; Ding, X; Hu, YJ; Ke, W` kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0398kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758ojgDesign of an eco-power automobile body made from green composite and its structural optimization in FEA(k Luan, K; Sun, B; Gu, B; Zhang, J; k3 Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011) kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0399kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m張佩華p062980Aj9Develop flexible piezoelectric PVDF nano-fibrous membrane#kWang, YR; Zhang, PH; Xu, CYB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK kC7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology kJUN 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0400 kEIkkei校刊i紡織學院m薛文良p054648NjFDynamic analysis of four-bar beating-up mechanism with joint clearanceek]Xue, Wen-Liang (1); Chen, Guo-Zhen (2); Chen, Ge (3); Zhu, Zhang-Chen (1); Cheng, Long-Di (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shanghai ShenAn Textile Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200020, China; (3) College of Mecha7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m0401kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m邱夷平p054371YjQEffect of Atmospheric Plasma Treatment on Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Interfacial Adhesion&kZhao, Y; Zhang, CY; Shao, X; W^ kVDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Text Mat & Prod Design, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China2 k*JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n25  n20kArticlek紅V?k 0169-4243k m0402 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m郁崇文p052991ZjREffect of fiber length distribution and fineness on theoretical unevenness of yarn;k3Lin, Qian (1); Yan, Guangsong (2); Yu, Chongwen (1) k|College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou 450007, China( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 10 nkkkk m0403kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m郁崇文p052991ZjREffect of fiber length distribution and fineness on theoretical unevenness of yarn kLin, QA; Yan, GS; Yu, CWA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n3kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0404kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院 m紀峰p054599`jXEffect of Glycerol Coating on the Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of UHMWPE Fibers&kJi, F; Hong, YY; Peng, SJ; He,U kMDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Adv Text Prod, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China2 k*JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n26  n1-3kArticlek紅V?k 0169-4243k m0405kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339kjcEffect of Morphology and Structure of Fiber and Yarn on Fuzzing and Pilling of Wool Knitted FabricskWan, AL; Yu, WDO kG Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k<International Conference on Materials Science and Technology kDEC 27-28, 2010 nnkkkk m0406 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m徐衛林pHj@Effect of repeated winding on carded ring cotton yarn properties`kXXia, Zhigang (1); Wang, Xin (2); Ye, Wenxiang (2); Xu, Weilin (1); Eltahir, Hafiz A. (3) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China; (3) Faculty of Textiles, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Suda kFibers and Polymers~  ll烜 n n 4kkkk m0407kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m徐衛林pHj@Effect of Repeated Winding on Carded Ring Cotton Yarn Properties%kXia, ZG; Wang, X; Ye, WX; Xu,A k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIBERS AND POLYMERS  l2011  n12  n4kArticlek崡n兝?k 1229-9197k m0408 kEIk keii紡織學院m覃小紅p054676\jTEffect of solution concentration on jet stretching of electrospinning PVA nanofibery(k Lin, Jia (1); Xiao-Hong, Qin (1)r kjKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China9 k1International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research~  ll烜 n 3 n 6kkkk m0409kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m邱夷平p054371jEffect of storage condition and aging on acrylic acid inverse emulsion surface-grafting polymerization of PET films initiated by atmospheric pressure plasmas&kSun, J; Yao, L; Sun, S; Gao, Zb kZDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Text Mat Sci & Prod Design, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n205  n8-9kArticlekZd;啐?k 0257-8972k m0410 kEIk keii紡織學院m郁崇文p052991}juEffect of the geometric parameters on a flexible fiber motion in a tangentially injected divergent swirling tube flowPkHGuo, Hui-Fen (1); Yu, Chong-Wen (1); Xu, Bin-Gang (2); Li, Sheng-Yan (2) kCollege of Textile, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong4 k,International Journal of Engineering Science~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0411 kEIk keii紡織學院m王府梅p053916yjqEffects of fiber crimp configurations on the face texture of knitted fabrics made with PTT/PET bicomponent fibersLkDLuo, Jin (1); Wang, Fumei (1); Xu, Guangbiao (1); Chuah, Hoe Hin (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Shell Global Solutions, PO Box 4327, Houston TX, United States0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  ll烜 n n 1kkkk m0412kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m王府梅p053916yjqEffects of Fiber Crimp Configurations on the Face Texture of Knitted Fabrics Made with PTT/PET Bicomponent Fibers&kLuo, J; Wang, FM; Xu, GB; Chua: k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS  l2011  n6  n1kArticlek 皉?k 1558-9250k m0413 kEIk keii紡織學院m朱蘇康p~jvEffects of layer stacking sequence on temperature response of multi-layer composite materials under dynamic conditionsHk@Tian, Mingwei (1); Zhu, Sukang (1); Chen, Qun (2); Pan, Ning (1) kInstitute of Physics of Fibrous Soft Matters, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United Stat# kApplied Thermal Engineering~  lp烜  n33-34 n 1kkkk m0414 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m徐衛林pljdEfficient synthesis of zwitterionic sulfobetaine group functional polyurethanes via "click" reaction+k#Huang, Jingjing (1); Xu, Weilin (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Green Processing and Functional Textiles of New Textile Materials, Ministry of Education, Wuhan Textile Universit* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 1 n 2kkkk m0415kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m徐衛林pljdEfficient Synthesis of Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine Group Functional Polyurethanes via 'Click' ReactionkHuang, JJ; Xu, WLA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n122  n2kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995kD[Dle*RIgq{V m0416 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m王府梅p053916}juElasticity of woven fabrics made of polytri-methylene terephthalate/ polyethylene terephthalate bicomponent filamentsBk:Luo, Jin (1); Wang, Fu-Mei (1); Li, Dan (2); Xu, Bugao (3) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, China; (3) School of Human Ecology, University of Texas at Austin  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n n 8kkkk m0417kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王府梅p053916|jtElasticity of woven fabrics made of polytri-methylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate bicomponent filaments&kLuo, J; Wang, FM; Li, D; Xu, BA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0418kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m莫秀梅p114553dj\Electrospun collagen-chitosan-TPU nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineered tubular grafts&kHuang, C; Chen, R; Ke, QF; Mor_ kWDonghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China- k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES  l2011  n82  n2kArticlek儻鱏慳 @k 0927-7765k m0419kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院 m王璐p051199`jXElectrospun Nanoporous Poly(butylenes succinate-co-bytylene terephthalate) Nonwoven Mats&kWang, L; Liu, YS; Mo, LF; Liu,A k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China5 k-ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  l2011 n nkArticle~ k繢@k 1687-6822k m0420kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m俞建勇b063492mjeElectrospun Poly (gamma-glumatic acid) Nanofibers: Fabrication, Characterization, and Water StabilitykWang, SG; Shi, XY` kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0421kISTPkkistpi紡織學院r王紅聲p114754Gj?Electrospun Silk Fibroin Nanofibrous Matrices Loading Vitamin CFk>Fan, LP; Cai, ZX; Sheng, XY; Cui, CJ; Wang, HS; He, CL; Mo, XM` kX Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0422kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 mpijaEmpirical Analysis on the Choice of International Transfer's Mode for Chinese Textile EnterpriseskLi, T; Chen, SYP kH Donghua Univ, Res Ctr Text Econ & Management, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaX kPIEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC) kSEP 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0423 kEIk keii紡織學院 m丁辛p052760jEmulsion electrospun vascular endothelial growth factor encapsulated poly(l-lactic acid-co-Ε-caprolactone) nanofibers for sustained release in cardiac tissue engineeringmkeTian, Lingling (1); Prabhakaran, Molamma P. (2); Ding, Xin (1); Kai, Dan (3); Ramakrishna, Seeram (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Health Care and Energy Materials Laboratory, E3-05-12, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative, Faculty of Engineering, National$ kJournal of Materials Science~  lp烜 n 4 n 7kkkk m0424 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921{jsEnergy absorption of 3D orthogonal woven fabric under ballistic penetration of hemispherical-cylindrical projectileIkAShi, Wenfeng (1); Hu, Hong (2); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1) kKey Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers and Products, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Po( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m0425kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921{jsEnergy absorption of 3D orthogonal woven fabric under ballistic penetration of hemispherical-cylindrical projectile&kShi, WF; Hu, H; Sun, BZ; Gu, Bv knDonghua Univ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n10kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0426 kEIk keii紡織學院m徐衛林pvjnEnhanced impact strength and deviated thermal decomposition of PP and PS toughened with graft-modified rubberskkcLiu, Hongtao (1); Zuo, Danying (2); Liu, Heng (2); Li, Linzhou (2); Li, Jianlin (2); Xu, Weilin (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Green Processing and Functionalization of New Textile Materials, Wuhan University of Science and Engineering, Mi k E-Polymers~  lh烜 n nkkkk m0427 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院 m姚瀾p054919MjEESR study of atmospheric pressure plasma jet irradiated aramid fibersEk=Sun, Jie (1); Yao, Lan (1); Sun, Shiyuan (1); Qiu, Yiping (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, China; (2) Department of Technical Textiles, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) College of Te' kSurface and Coatings Technology~  ll烜 n  n23-24kkkk m0428kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m姚瀾p054919MjEESR study of atmospheric pressure plasma jet irradiated aramid fibers%kSun, J; Yao, L; Sun, SY; Qiu,Q kIDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Tech Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n205  n23-24kArticlekZd;啐?k 0257-8972k m0429kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m王府梅p053916>j6Evaluation Method for Fabric Non-iron Pleat PlasticitykZhao, LH; Wang, FMM kE Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Songjiang 201620, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011) kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0430 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m劉曉艷p054697Ej=Evaluation of high performance fabric under light irradiation8k0Liu, Xiaoyan (1); Yu, Weidong (1); Pan, Ning (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Division of Textiles, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United States* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 120 n 1kkkk m0431kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m劉曉艷p054697Ej=Evaluation of High Performance Fabric Under Light IrradiationkLiu, XY; Yu, WD; Pan, NA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n1kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0432 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565rjjEvaluation of the availability of easy cationic dyeable copolyester fibers as electrostatic flocking pilesJkBLiu, Lifang (1); Cheng, Longdi (1); Yu, Jianyong (1); Xie, Hao (1) kKey Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Modern Textile In* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 120 n 1kkkk m0433kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565rjjEvaluation of the Availability of Easy Cationic Dyeable Copolyester Fibers as Electrostatic Flocking Piles&kLiu, LF; Cheng, LD; Yu, JY; Xi_ kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n1kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0434kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339ijaEvaluation of The Wool Fiber Surface Modified by Chlorine and Pilling Propensity of Single JerseykWan, AL; Yu, WDO kG Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0435kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m林婧p260167XjPExperimental Study of the Buckling Fatigue of the Stent-graft's Textile Scaffold-k%Lin, J; Wang, L; Shen, GT; Guidoin, Rk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0436 kEIkkei校刊i紡織學院m張瑞雲p063631`jXFabric wetting and wicking measurement based on dynamic image acquisition and processing=k5Zhang, Rui-Yun (1); Pan, Ning (2); Jiang, Fu-Qing (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Textiles and Clothing, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United States7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m0437 kEIk keii紡織學院m邱夷平p054371ijaFabrication and characterization of LATP/PAN composite fiber-based lithium-ion battery separatorsOkGLiang, Yinzheng (1); Lin, Zhan (2); Qiu, Yiping (1); Zhang, Xiangwu (2) kDepartment of Textile Materials Science and Product Design, College of Textile, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Fiber and Polymer Science Program, Department of Textile Engineering Che kElectrochimica Acta~  ll烜 n n 18kkkk m0438 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院 m姚瀾p054919j|Fabrication and characterization of microstrip array antennas integrated in the three dimensional orthogonal woven compositekYao, Lan (1); Jiang, Muwen (1); Zhou, Dongchun (1); Xu, Fujun (1); Zhao, Da (1); Zhang, Wenwen (1); Zhou, Nanting (1); Jiang, Qian (1); Qiu, Yiping (1) k{Department of Textile Materials Science and Product Design, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kComposites Part B~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0439kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m姚瀾p054919j|Fabrication and characterization of microstrip array antennas integrated in the three dimensional orthogonal woven composite&kYao, L; Jiang, MW; Zhou, DC; Xb kZDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Text Mat Sci & Prod Design, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kCOMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING  l2011  n42  n4kArticlekV-闡?k 1359-8368k m0440 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m王府梅p053916OjGFactors affecting crimp configuration of PTT/PET bi-component filaments4k,Luo, Jin (1); Wang, Fumei (1); Xu, Bugao (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Human Ecology, University of Texas at Austin, United States  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 8 n 5kkkk m0441kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王府梅p053916OjGFactors affecting crimp configuration of PTT/PET bi-component filaments kLuo, J; Wang, FM; Xu, BGA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n5kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0442kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m張元明pGj?Fast evaluation of pectin content in ramie using NIR techniques.k&Jiang, W; Han, GT; Zhang, YM; Chen, JHB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011) kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0443kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m汪軍p053987^jVFeature Extraction Using Auto-Regression Spectral Analysis for Fabric Defect Detection!kZhou, JA; Bu, HG; Wang, JB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk kSEP 10-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0444 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921jFiber inclination model for finite element analysis of three-dimensional angle interlock woven composite under ballistic penetration8k0Cui, Feng (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1) kKey Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers and Products, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zheng& kJournal of Composite Materials~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0445kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921jFiber inclination model for finite element analysis of three-dimensional angle interlock woven composite under ballistic penetrationkCui, F; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHi kaDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS  l2011  n45  n14kArticlekJ +?k 0021-9983k m0446kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758YjQFinite Element Analysis and Calculation of Tongue-tearing Process of Woven FabrickWang, P; Sun, BZB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k<International Conference on Materials Science and Technology kDEC 27-28, 2010 nnkkkk m0447 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921>j6Finite element modeling of woven fabric tearing damageUkMWang, Ping (1); Ma, Qian (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Hu, Hong (2); Gu, Bohong (1) kCollege of Textiles, Key Laboratory of high-performance fibers and products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong P  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 8 nkkkkDNFlv 9wJ9jh' {3 m0448kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921>j6Finite element modeling of woven fabric tearing damage&kWang, P; Ma, Q; Sun, BZ; Hu, Hv knDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n12kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0449 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m顧伯洪p053921ojgFinite element simulation of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven fabric undergoing ballistic impact9k1Jin, Limin (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1) kCollege of Textiles, Key Laboratory of High-Performance, Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 10 nkkkk m0450kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758ojgFinite element simulation of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven fabric undergoing ballistic impact kJin, LM; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHo kgDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n11kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0451kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m於偉東p061339MjEFractal phenomenon in sound absorbing behavior of down fiber assemblykYang, S; Yu, WD; Pan, NA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n11kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0452 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758ljdFrequency features of co-woven-knitted fabric (CWKF) composite under tension at various strain ratesUkMMa, Pibo (1); Hu, Hong (2); Zhang, Yan (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1) kKey Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hun kComposites Part A~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0453kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758ljdFrequency features of co-woven-knitted fabric (CWKF) composite under tension at various strain rates%kMa, PB; Hu, H; Zhang, Y; Sun,u kmDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Highperformance Fibers & Prod, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING  l2011  n42  n5kArticle~ k豴@k 1359-835Xk m0454 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院 m趙俐p062834jFuzzy-integrative judgment on the end-use performance of knitted fabrics made with polytrimethylene terephthalate blended yarns6k.Zhao, Li (1); Hu, Hong (2); Wang, Shao-hui (1) kDepartment of Knitting and Garment, Textile Institute of Dong Hua University, Textile Building, 4012 2999North Renmin Road, Song Jiang District, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 8 n 17kkkk m0455kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m趙俐p062834jFuzzy-integrative judgment on the end-use performance of knitted fabrics made with polytrimethylene terephthalate blended yarns kZhao, L; Hu, H; Wang, SHF k>Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n17kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0456 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院 m胡紅pTjLGeometrical analysis of co-woven knitted preform for composite reinforcement6k.Xu, Yanhua (1); Hu, Hong (3); Yuan, Xinlin (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College, Nantong 216007, China; (3) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytec( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 10 n 5kkkk m0457kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院 m胡紅pTjLGeometrical analysis of co-woven knitted preform for composite reinforcementkXu, YH; Hu, H; Yuan, XL\ kTHong Kong Polytech Univ, Inst Text & Clothing, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n5kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0458 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m王善元pPjHHollow PET fibers containing silver particles as antibacterial materials?k7Lin, Ling (1); Gong, Wen-Zhong (2); Wang, Shan-Yuan (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Shenzhen High Technology Fiber Materials Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, China( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 10 n 5kkkk m0459kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王善元pPjHHollow PET fibers containing silver particles as antibacterial materials"kLin, L; Gong, WZ; Wang, SY: k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n5kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0460 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m邱夷平p054371|jtHydrophobic surface modification of ramie fibers with ethanol pretreatment and atmospheric pressure plasma treatmentkzZhou, Zhou (1); Liu, Xingchen (1); Hu, Benting (1); Wang, Jilong (1); Xin, Danwei (1); Wang, Zhengjia (1); Qiu, Yiping (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China' kSurface and Coatings Technology~  ll烜 n 20  n17-18kkkk m0461kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m邱夷平p054371|jtHydrophobic surface modification of ramie fibers with ethanol pretreatment and atmospheric pressure plasma treatment&kZhou, Z; Liu, XC; Hu, BT; Wangp khDonghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, China Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n205  n17-18kArticlekZd;啐?k 0257-8972k m0462 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758RjJImpact damage of 3D cellular woven composite from unit-cell level analysis;k3Tang, Yuyuan (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, 200051, China; (2) Department of Textile Engineering, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, 450007, China1 k)International Journal of Damage Mechanics~  ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0463kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758RjJImpact Damage of 3D Cellular Woven Composite from Unit-cell Level Analysis!kTang, YY; Sun, BZ; Gu, BHA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1 k)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS  l2011  n20  n3kArticlek +冼?k 1056-7895k m0464kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m王府梅p053916XjPImproved Computation Formula of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Porous Materials#kCui, P; Wang, FM; Liang, ZY< k4 Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shang Hai, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes kNOV 06-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0465kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m邱夷平p054371_jWImproving carbon fiber adhesion to polyimide with atmospheric pressure plasma treatment&kXie, JF; Xin, DW; Cao, HY; Wanv knDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n206  n2-3kArticlekZd;啐?k 0257-8972k m0466 kEIk keii紡織學院m徐衛林ppjhImproving the adhesive property of polyester fabric with sodium hydroxide and corona discharge treatmentHk@Ma, Pibo (1); Huang, Jiarun (1); Huang, Juan (2); Xu, Weilin (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Textile Research Center, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China2 k*Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0467kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m莫秀梅p114553kjcIn Vitro Culture of Pig Iliac Endothelial Cell on Silk Fibroin/Chitosan Blend Nanofibrous MembranesEk=Cai, ZX; Sheng, XY; Wu, JL; Fang, J; Wang, HS; He, CL; Mo, XMB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0468kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m徐衛林pvjnInflammatory response of native silk fibroin powder/polyurethane composite membrane containing aspirin in vivo6k.Yang, HJ; Xu, HY; Wang, WC; Ouyang, CX; Xu, WLB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk kSEP 10-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0469kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m高晶p054757ZjRInfluence of Alkali Treatment on Properties of Casein Grafted Acrylonitrile FiberskGao, JB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaO kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials kMAY 28-30, 2011 nnkkkk m0470 kEIk keii紡織學院m邱夷平p054371jInfluence of He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment on subsequent wet desizing of polyacrylate on PET fabrics5k-Li, Xuming (1); Lin, Jun (1); Qiu, Yiping (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textile and Clothing, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China kApplied Surface Science~  lp烜 n 25 nkkkk m0471 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m王府梅p053916zjrInfluence of mercerization on micro-structure and properties of kapok blended yarns with different blending ratios%kLiu, Jie (1); Wang, Fumei (1) kDonghua University, College of Textiles, College Building, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Henan Institute of Engineering, 62 Tongbai Road, Zhengzhou PR 450007, China0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0472kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王府梅p053916zjrInfluence of Mercerization on Micro-structure and Properties of Kapok Blended Yarns with Different Blending RatioskLiu, J; Wang, FMA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS  l2011  n6  n3kArticlek 皉?k 1558-9250k m0473 kEIk keii紡織學院m邱夷平p054371jInfluence of moisture on wettability and sizing properties of raw cotton yarns treated with He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet)k!Sun, Shiyuan (1); Qiu, Yiping (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, China; (2) Department of Technical Textiles, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) College of Te' kSurface and Coatings Technology~  lp烜 n 20 n08/09/12kkkk m0474 kEIk keii紡織學院m徐衛林pOjGInfluence of temperature on corona discharge treatment of cotton fibersGk?Ma, Pibo (1); Huang, Juan (2); Cao, Genyang (2); Xu, Weilin (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Textile Research Center, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China kFibers and Polymers~  lh烜 n 1 n 6kkkk m0475kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m杜趙群p054696NjFIn-situ Complex Testing of Fabrics Stiffness and Properties by A Senor)k!Du, ZQ; Zhou, TX; Gang, Z; Yu, WDk kc Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (IC kJAN 06-07, 2011 nnkkkk m0476 kEIk keii紡織學院 m林婧p2601674j,Intra-operative fenestration of stent graftskLin, Jing (1); Guidoin, Robert (2); Wang, Lu (1); Li, Bin (2); Nutley, Mark (4); Zhang, Ze (2); Jing, Zaiping (3); Douville, Yvan (2) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University an8 k0Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0477 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m於偉東p061339IjAInvestigation of the sound-absorbing behavior of fiber assemblies5k-Yang, Shu (1); Yu, Weidong (1); Pan, Ning (1) kCollege of Textiles and Center of Soft Materials, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of California,  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n n 7kkkk m0478kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m於偉東p061339IjAInvestigation of the sound-absorbing behavior of fiber assemblieskYang, S; Yu, WD; Pan, NA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n7kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0479kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339\jTInvestigation on Effective Heat Conductivity of Fibrous Assemblies by Fractal Method kSong, WF; Liu, Q; Yu, WDO kG Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkkD訣lf n5xE7D1l\~4 m0480 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m裴澤光p094986jInvestigation on the dynamic behavior of the fiber in the vortex spinning nozzle and effects of some nozzle structure parameters*k"Pei, Zeguang (1); Yu, Chongwen (1)c k[Donghua University, College of Textiles, No.2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai, 201620, China0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  ll烜 n n 2kkkk m0481kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m裴澤光p094986jInvestigation on the Dynamic Behavior of the Fiber in the Vortex Spinning Nozzle and Effects of Some Nozzle Structure ParameterskPei, ZG; Yu, CWA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS  l2011  n6  n2kArticlek 皉?k 1558-9250k m0482 kEIk keii紡織學院m裴澤光p094986^jVInvestigation on the motion of different types of fibers in the vortex spinning nozzleLkDPei, Zeguang (1); Hu, Biyu (1); Diao, Chuanyun (1); Yu, Chongwen (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China' kPolymer Engineering and Science~  lp烜 n 5 nkkkk m0483 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758qjiInvestigations of puncture behaviors of woven fabrics from finite element analyses and experimental testsYkQSun, Baozhong (1); Wang, Yonxin (1); Wang, Ping (1); Hu, Hong (2); Gu, Bohong (1) kCollege of Textiles, Key Laboratory of high-performance fibers and products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Po  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m0484kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758qjiInvestigations of puncture behaviors of woven fabrics from finite element analyses and experimental tests&kSun, BZ; Wang, YX; Wang, P; Huv knDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n10kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0485kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m杜趙群p054696QjIJacobian Algorithm on Features Selection and Evaluation of CHES-FY System kZhou, TX; Ji, GK; Du, ZQL kD Donghua Univ, Teaching Affair Off, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m0486kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m李發學p054753WjOKINETICS OF CELLULOSE REGENERATION FROM CELLULOSE-NaOH/THIOUREA/UREA/H2O SYSTEM kZhang, S; Li, FX; Yu, JYO kGMinist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n45  n9-10kArticlek殭櫃櫃?k 0576-9787k m0487kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m王善元pVjNLatent-Crimp Behavior of PET/PTT Elastomultiester and a Concise InterpretationkChen, SH; Wang, SYN kFDonghua Univ, Dept Text Mat & Design, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS  l2011  n50  n7kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0022-2348k m0488 kEIkkei校刊i紡織學院m薛文良p0546485j-Mathematical characterization of twisted yarnhk`Xue, Wen-Liang (1); Wei, Meng-Yuan (1); Lu, Wei-Min (2); Qian, Jing-Fang (1); Cheng, Long-Di (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai 200135, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0489 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m杜趙群p054696IjAMeasurement and characterization of bending stiffness for fabricsZkRDu, Zhao-Qun (1); Zhou, Tianxian (1); Yan, Ni (1); Hua, Shen (1); Yu, Wei-Dong (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Clothing and Art Design, Jiaxing University, Ji kFibers and Polymers~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0490kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m杜趙群p054696IjAMeasurement and Characterization of Bending Stiffness for Fabrics&kDu, ZQ; Zhou, TX; Yan, N; Hua,h k`Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIBERS AND POLYMERS  l2011  n12  n1kArticlek崡n兝?k 1229-9197k m0491kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m鐘躍崎p0546757j/Mesh topology in scanned garment reconstruction$kLiu, HY; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SY: k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China@ k8INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n23  n2-3kArticlek削S慳涏?k 0955-6222k m0492kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m孫寶忠p054758dj\Micromechanics Analysis of the Tensile Behavior of Twaron Fiber Tows at Various Strain RateskZhu, LT; Sun, BZB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k<International Conference on Materials Science and Technology kDEC 27-28, 2010 nnkkkk m0493 kEIk keii紡織學院 mpbjZMicroporous membrane with temperature-sensitive breathability based on PU/PNIPAAm semi-IPNGk?Lv, Haining (1); Xue, Yuan (2); Cai, Zaisheng (1); Sun, Jie (1) kDepartment of Textile Dyeing and Finishing, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Light Chemical Engineering, College of* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  lp烜 n 12 nSUPPL. 1kkkk m0494 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565Fj>Modification of natural bamboo fibers for textile applicationsbkZLiu, Lifang (1); Wang, Qianli (1); Cheng, Longdi (1); Qian, Jingfang (1); Yu, Jianyong (1) kThe Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Modern Textil kFibers and Polymers~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0495kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565Fj>Modification of Natural Bamboo Fibers for Textile Applications%kLiu, LF; Wang, QL; Cheng, LD;_ kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIBERS AND POLYMERS  l2011  n12  n1kArticlek崡n兝?k 1229-9197k m0496kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m何建新p8j0Morphology Control of Electrospun TSF NanofiberskSun, SM; He, JXB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0497kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m蔣金華p054995hj`Natural fibre/polypropylene wrap spun yarns and preforms for structured thermoplastic composites%kJiang, JH; Wang, ZX; Chen, NLB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK kC7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology kJUN 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0498kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m胡吉永p054969^jVNeuromechanical representation of fabric-evoked prickliness: a fiber-skin-neuron model&kHu, JY; Li, Y; Ding, X; Hu, JY_ kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCOGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS  l2011  n5  n2kArticle~ k燲@k 1871-4080k m0499 kEIk keii紡織學院m王善元pjwNonformaldehyde durable press finishing of cotton fabrics using the combination of maleic acid and sodium hypophosphiteBk:Peng, Huitao (1); Yang, Charles Q. (2); Wang, Shanyuan (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, United States kCarbohydrate Polymers~  lp烜 n nkkkk m0500kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m陳南梁p061313]jUNonlinear Rate-dependent Stress-strain Behavior of Light-weight Textile Conveyor Belt%kWang, ZX; Jiang, JH; Chen, NLB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK kC7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology kJUN 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0501 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m李發學p054753TjLNovel Cellulose/SPI Blend bio-fibers Prepared via Direct Dissolving Approach:k2Zhang, Shuai (1); Li, Faxue (1); Yu, Jian Yong (1)t klCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai, Shanghai 201620, China0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  ll烜 n n 1kkkk m0502kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m李發學p054753TjLNovel Cellulose/SPI Blend bio-fibers Prepared via Direct Dissolving Approach!kZhang, SA; Li, FX; Yu, JY/ k'Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS  l2011  n6  n1kArticlek 皉?k 1558-9250k m0503kISTPkkistpi紡織學院r王紅聲p114754XjPNovel Vitamin E-Loaded Silk Fibroin Nanofiber Mats Fabricated by ElectrospinningLkDSheng, XY; Fan, LP; Cui, CJ; Li, J; Wu, JL; Mo, XM; He, CL; Wang, HS` kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0504kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m朱方龍pjNumerical Modeling of Heat and Moisture Through Wet Cotton Fabric Using the Method of Chemical Thermodynamic Law Under Simulated FirekZhu, FL; Li, KJ: k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China kFIRE TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n47  n3kArticlek$仌C?k 0015-2684k m0505 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m裴澤光p094986\jTNumerical simulation of fiber motion in the nozzle of Murata vortex spinning machine*k"Pei, Zeguang (1); Yu, Chongwen (1)G k?College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 10 n 4kkkk m0506kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m裴澤光p094986\jTNumerical simulation of fiber motion in the nozzle of Murata vortex spinning machinekPei, ZG; Yu, CWA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n4kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0507kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m裴澤光p094986jNumerical study on the effect of nozzle pressure and yarn delivery speed on the fiber motion in the nozzle of Murata vortex spinningkPei, ZG; Yu, CWA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES  l2011  n27  n1kArticlek逴崡n?k 0889-9746k m0508kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m丁辛p052760Hj@On the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behaviour of the PVC-Coated Fabric$kZhang, WL; Ding, X; Yang, XDB k: Dondhua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaR kJInternational Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Applications kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0509 kEIk keii紡織學院m王新厚p053868njfOptimal geometry design of the coat-hanger die with uniform outlet velocity and minimal residence time(k Han, Wanli (1); Wang, Xinhou (1) kDepartment of Textile Engineering, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Donghua Univers* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  lp烜 n nkkkk m0510 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m王新厚p053868jOptimal geometry design of the melt-blowing slot die with high stagnation temperature via the orthogonal array method and numerical simulation)k!Sun, Yafeng (1); Wang, Xinhou (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n 102 n 1kkkk m0511kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王新厚p053868jOptimal geometry design of the melt-blowing slot die with high stagnation temperature via the orthogonal array method and numerical simulationkSun, YF; Wang, XHA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n1kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000kD狟l -&pRVW}JFg      m0512kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m許福軍p054993VjNPhysics-based Model for Predicting the Performance of a Miniature Wind Turbine)k!Xu, FJ; Hu, JZ; Qiu, YP; Yuan, FGJ kB Donghua Univ, Dept Text Mat Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTConference on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and A kMAR 07-10, 2011 nnkkkk m0513kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m關國平p054985NjFPlasma and Ultraviolet Irradiation Initiated Grafting Treatment of PETJkBZhan, Q; Guan, GP; Yang, XY; Peng, L; Wang, Q; Wang, L; Guidoin, Rk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0514kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m王新厚p053868XjPPrediction of Electrospun Nanofiber Morphology Using Gene Expression ProgrammingkNurwaha, D; Wang, XHB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0515 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m王新厚p053868SjKPrediction of rotor spun yarn strength using support vector machines method1k)Nurwaha, Deogratias (2); Wang, Xinhou (1) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China kFibers and Polymers~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0516kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m王新厚p053868SjKPrediction of Rotor Spun Yarn Strength Using Support Vector Machines MethodkNurwaha, D; Wang, XHA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kFIBERS AND POLYMERS  l2011  n12  n4kArticlek崡n兝?k 1229-9197k m0517 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565qjiPrediction of the vertical permeability of needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles by fractal geometry theory8k0Liu, L. (1); Ji, L. (2); Guo, F. (3); Yu, J. (4) kThe Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, 2999 RenMin Road North, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 RenMin Road# kGeosynthetics International~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0518kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m劉麗芳p054565qjiPrediction of the vertical permeability of needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles by fractal geometry theory$kLiu, L; Ji, L; Guo, F; Yu, J_ kWDonghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kGEOSYNTHETICS INTERNATIONAL  l2011  n18  n4kArticle~ k[@k 1072-6349k m0519 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m裴澤光p094986jPrediction of the vortex yarn tenacity from some process and nozzle parameters based on numerical simulation and artificial neural network*k"Pei, Zeguang (1); Yu, Chongwen (1)_ kWCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 8 n 17kkkk m0520kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m裴澤光p094986jPrediction of the vortex yarn tenacity from some process and nozzle parameters based on numerical simulation and artificial neural networkkPei, ZG; Yu, CWA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n17kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0521 kISTP k kistp i紡織學院 m關國平 p054985J jBPreliminary Study on Heparin-immobilization of Silk Fibroin Fibers> k6Peng, L; Guan, GP; Zhan, Q; Yang, XY; Wang, L; Zhou, Hk  kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;  k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials  kJUN 07-08, 2011  nnkkkk m0522 kISTP k kistp i紡織學院 m劉曉艷 p054697d j\Preparation and Characterization of Microencapsulated n-Octadecane as Phase Change Materials: k2Cui, RM; Liu, XY; Yu, WD; He, LX; Jia, QC; Liu, XMB  k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8  k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium  kMAY 27-29, 2011  nnkkkk m0523 kISTP k kistp i紡織學院 m柯勤飛 pv jnPreparation and Characterization of PET Electrospinning-meltblown Composite Nanofiber Mat for Blood Filtration. k&Guo, SS; Ke, QF; Wang, H; Li, X; Li, YB  k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;  k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials  kJUN 07-08, 2011  nnkkkk m0524 kEI kscie k- i紡織學院 m林玲 pn jfPreparation and characterizations of antibacterial PET-based hollow fibers containing silver particles` kXLin, Ling (1); Gong, Wenzhong (2); Wang, Xuan (3); Li, Xiaoqiang (4); Wang, Shanyuan (1)  kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Shenzhen High Technology Fibers CO. Ltd., Shenzhen, China; (3) Ningbo Advanced Textile Technology and Fashion CAD Key Laboratory,  kMaterials Letters~  ll烜  n 6  n kkkk m0525 kSCIE kei kscie i紡織學院 m林玲 pn jfPreparation and characterizations of antibacterial PET-based hollow fibers containing silver particles& kLin, L; Gong, WZ; Wang, X; Li,A  k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kMATERIALS LETTERS  l2011  n65  n9 kArticle k垸~j紅@ k 0167-577X k m0526kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m王富軍p055019ijaPreparation and Compression Elasticity Property of "Hat-like" Textile for Branch Endovascular GraCk;Li, C; Wang, FJ; Wang, L; Yang, JR; Li, YL; Li, B; Jing, ZPk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0527kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i朱利民pcj[Preparation and controlled release of degradable polymeric ketoprofen-saccharide conjugates&kWu, CY; Quan, J; Xie, JG; Bran_ kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOLYMER BULLETIN  l2011  n67  n4kArticlekP崡n凐?k 0170-0839k m0528kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 m王璐p051199_jWPreparation and Evaluation of Prototype of Woven Small-caliber Artificial Blood VesselsQkIYang, XY; Guan, GP; Wang, L; Peng, L; Wang, YY; Zhan, Q; Li, YL; King, MWk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0529 kEIkscie k-i紡織學院m李發學p054753SjKPreparation and properties of bacterial cellulose/alginate blend Bio-Fibers&kZhang, Shuai (1); Luo, Jin (1)i kaDnghua University, College of Textiles, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0530kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m李發學p054753SjKPreparation and Properties of Bacterial Cellulose/Alginate Blend Bio-FiberskZhang, S; Luo, J@ k8Dnghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k(JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS  l2011  n6  n3kArticlek 皉?k 1558-9250k m0531kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339jyPreparation of the Layer-by-Layer Deposited Silver Nanoparticles Multilayer Films on Poly(Ethylene Terephalate) Substrate*k"Cheng, DS; Liu, XY; Wu, JH; Yu, WDO kG DongHua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0532 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m邱夷平p054371rjjProducing superior composites by winding carbon nanotubes onto a mandrel under a poly(vinyl alcohol) spraykLiu, Wei (1); Zhang, Xiaohua (3); Xu, Geng (3); Bradford, Philip D. (2); Wang, Xin (2); Zhao, Haibo (2); Zhang, Yingying (4); Jia, Quanxi (4); Yuan, Fuh-Gwo (2); Li, Qingwen (3); Qiu, Yiping (1); Zhu, Yuntian (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, United States; (3) Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Suzhou 21512 kCarbon~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0533kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m邱夷平p054371rjjProducing superior composites by winding carbon nanotubes onto a mandrel under a poly(vinyl alcohol) spray&kLiu, W; Zhang, XH; Xu, G; BradG k?Suzhou Inst Nanotech & Nanobion, Suzhou 215123, Peoples R China kCARBON  l2011  n49  n14kArticlekP崡n@k 0008-6223k m0534kSCIEk ksciei紡織學院m鐘躍崎p054675PjHProfiled fiber cross-sectional shape characterization for identification%kWang, ZL; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SY: k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China@ k8INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n23  n2-3kArticlek削S慳涏?k 0955-6222k m0535kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m杜趙群p054696sjkQualitative Characterization and Identification of Polylactic Fiber based on GC-MS, IR and Element Analysis0k(Du, ZQ; Luo, YF; Xu, Y; Zheng, G; Yu, WDk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaO kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials kMAY 28-30, 2011 nnkkkk m0536 kEIk keii紡織學院r王紅聲p114754xjpRegenerated silk fibroin nanofibrous matrices treated with 75% ethanol vapor for tissue-engineering applicationswkoFan, Linpeng (1); Wang, Hongsheng (1); Zhang, Kuihua (1); He, Chuanglong (1); Cai, Zengxiao (1); Mo, Xiumei (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science8 k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~  lp烜 n 2 n01/04/12kkkk m0537kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 mpYjQResearch on Patterns of Traditional Lu Silk and Application in Ecological Textile kLu, WA k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0538kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m覃小紅p054676Hj@Research on Water resistance of Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofiber MatskDou, GX; Qin, XHk kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk kSEP 10-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0539kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 mp6j.Research on Wool Improvements in Modern ShanxikXiao, AL; Guo, XMB k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 20 kAUG 21-22, 2011 nnkkkk m0540 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m李發學p054753Bj:Rheological properties of cellulose-NaOH complex solutions=k5Zhang, Shuai (1); Li, F.A.-Xue (3); Yu, Jian-Yong (3) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Modern Textile Institute, Dong* k"Cellulose Chemistry and Technology~  ll烜 n 4 n05/06/12kkkk m0541kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m李發學p054753fj^RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CELLULOSE-NaOH COMPLEX SOLUTIONS: FROM DILUTE TO CONCENTRATED STATES kZhang, S; Li, FX; Yu, JYQ kIMinist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n45  n5-6kArticlek殭櫃櫃?k 0576-9787k m0542kISTPkkistpi紡織學院m於偉東p061339[jSSelf-assembly of Silver Nanoparticles on Cotton Fabric and its UV-blocking Property*k"Cheng, DS; Liu, XY; Wu, JH; Yu, WDH k@ DongHua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0543 kEIk keii紡織學院m張慧萍p053638sjkSeven-hole hollow polyester fibers as reinforcement in sound absorption chlorinated polyethylene compositesgk_Jiang, Sheng (1); Xu, Yunyan (2); Zhang, Huiping (1); White, Chris Branford (3); Yan, Xiong (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Textile, Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College, Nantong, China; kApplied Acoustics~  lp烜 n 7 n 3kkkkD銪l\  s  E !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? m0544 kISTP k kistp i紡織學院 m王府梅 p053916A j9Shape Recoverability Mechanism of "PTT Shape Memory Fabri kZhao, LH; Wang, FMB  k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaU  kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes  kNOV 06-08, 2010  nnkkkk !m0545 !kEI !kscie !k-!i紡織學院!m郁崇文!p052991!jSimulating the motion of a flexible fiber in 3D tangentially injected swirling airflow in a straight pipe - Effects of some parametersP!kHGuo, Hui-Fen (1); Xu, Bin-Gang (2); Yu, Chong-Wen (1); Li, Sheng-Yan (2)! kCollege of Textile, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong7! k/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer~ ! ll烜! n 5 ! n21-22!kkkk "m0546"kSCIE "kei "kscie"i紡織學院"m郁崇文"p052991"jSimulating the motion of a flexible fiber in 3D tangentially injected swirling airflow in a straight pipe-Effects of some parameters&"kGuo, HF; Xu, BG; Yu, CW; Li, SA" k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7" k/INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER " l2011 " n54 " n21-22"kArticle"kㄆK7堿@"k 0017-9310"k #m0547 #kEI#k#kei校刊#i紡織學院#m程隆棣#p053498i#jaSimulation and analysis of fiber motion in condensing zone of compact spinning with lattice apronN#kFWang, Yan (1); Hua, Zhi-Hong (2); Cheng, Long-Di (1); Yuan, Li-Jun (3)# kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Hunan Huasheng Dongting Ramie Textile Co., LTD, Yueyang 414007,7# k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ # lh烜# n# n 5#kkkk $m0548$kISTP$k$kistp$i紡織學院$m郁崇文$p052991C$j;Simulation and Prediction of the Unevenness of Drafted Yarn$kYan, GS; Su, YHB$ k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8$ k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium$ kMAY 27-29, 2011$ nnkkkk %m0549%kISTP%k%kistp%i紡織學院%m覃小紅%p054676I%jASimulation of Electric Field for Single Needle in Electrospinning%kWang, YS; Qin, XHB% k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;% k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials% kJUN 07-08, 2011% nnkkkk &m0550&kISTP&k&kistp&i紡織學院&m覃小紅&p054676:&j2Simulation Study of Stable Jets in Electrospinning&kZhang, JZ; Qin, XHB& k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;& k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials& kJUN 07-08, 2011& nnkkkk 'm0551 'kEI 'kscie 'k-'i紡織學院'm鐘躍崎'p054675Y'jQSketch-based wrinkle generation for three-dimensional virtual garment prototypingB'k:Jiang, Juan Fen (1); Zhong, Yueqi (1); Wang, Shan Yuan (1)' kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, North Renming Rd, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Textile Fabric Technology, China ' kTextile Research Journal~ ' ll烜' n 8' n 18'kkkk (m0552(kSCIE (kei (kscie(i紡織學院(m鐘躍崎(p054675Y(jQSketch-based wrinkle generation for three-dimensional virtual garment prototyping&(kJiang, JF; Zhong, YQ; Wang, SYA( k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China ( kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL ( l2011 ( n81 ( n18(kArticle(k潦扼?(k 0040-5175(k )m0553 )kEI)k )kei)i紡織學院)m朱蘇康)pg)j_Skin thermal stimulation on touching cool fabric from the transient stage to steady-state stage9)k1Tian, Mingwei (1); Zhu, Sukang (1); Pan, Ning (1)) kInstitute of Physics of Fibrous Soft Matters, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United Stat1) k)International Journal of Thermal Sciences~ ) lp烜) n 5) n)kkkk *m0554 *kEI*k *kei*i紡織學院*m何吉歡*p:*j2Soft compressible porous mat for "flying" vehicles,*k$Liu, Yang-Shuai (1); He, Ji-Huan (2)* kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) National Engineering Laboratory of Modern Silk, Soochow University, No. 1, Shizi Street, Suzhou 215006, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of3* k+Mathematical and Computational Applications~ * lh烜* n* n 5 SPEC.IS*kkkk +m0555+kSCIE+k +kscie+i紡織學院+m王榮武+p054920I+jAStereovision for three-dimensional measurements of fabric pilling +kXu, BG; Yu, WR; Wang, RW:+ k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China + kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL + l2011 + n81 + n20+kArticle+k潦扼?+k 0040-5175+k ,m0556 ,kEI,kscie ,k-,i紡織學院,m覃小紅,p0546767,j/Stretching of the steady jet in electrospinningX,kPQin, Xiaohong (1); Jia, Lin (1); Lu, Wenyun (1); Shou, Dahua (2); Fan, Jintu (2), kDonghua University, 2999 Renmin Road, North Songjiang, Shanghai, China; (2) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong , kTextile Research Journal~ , ll烜, n 8, n 4,kkkk -m0557-kSCIE -kei -kscie-i紡織學院-m覃小紅-p054676k-jcStretching of the steady jet in electrospinning: theoretical analysis and experimental verification&-kQin, XH; Jia, L; Lu, WY; Shou,F- k>Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China - kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL - l2011 - n81 - n4-kArticle-k潦扼?-k 0040-5175-k .m0558 .kEI.k .kei.i紡織學院.m徐步高.pD.j<Structural characteristics of low torque and ring spun yarnsN.kFGuo, Y. (1); Tao, X.M. (2); Xu, B.G. (2); Feng, J. (2); Wang, S.Y. (1). kCollege of Textile, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong . kTextile Research Journal~ . ll烜. n. n 8.kkkk /m0559/kISTP/k/kistp/i紡織學院/m李毓陵/p052684^/jVStructure and Bending Behavior of Small Diameter Tapered and Corrugated Vascular Graft9/k1Du, XZ; Li, YL; Wang, L; Ding, X; Zhu, LJ; Yu, WJk/ kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;/ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials/ kJUN 07-08, 2011/ nnkkkk 0m05600kISTP0k0kistp0i紡織學院0m郁崇文0p052991;0j3Structure and Properties of Acrylic Self-twist Yarn0kCui, H; Yu, CWB0 k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China80 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium0 kMAY 27-29, 20110 nnkkkk 1m0561 1kEI1k 1kei1i紡織學院1m李發學1p054753h1j`Structure and properties of novel cellulose fibres produced from NaOH/PEG-treated cotton linters;1k3Zhang, Shuai (1); Li, Fa-Xue (1); Yu, Jian-Yong (2)1 kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Modern Textile Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China11 k)Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition)~ 1 lh烜1 n 191 n 121kkkk 2m0562 2kEI 2kscie 2k-2i紡織學院2m何建新2pp2jhStructure and properties of novel electrospun tussah silk fibroin/poly(lactic acid) composite nanofibersa2kYHe, Jianxin (1); Qin, Yongrui (2); Cui, Shizhong (2); Gao, Yaying (1); Wang, Shanyuan (1)2 kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Henan Key Laboratory of Textile Materials, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China$2 kJournal of Materials Science~ 2 ll烜2 n 462 n 92kkkk 3m05633kSCIE 3kei 3kscie3i紡織學院3m何建新3pp3jhStructure and properties of novel electrospun tussah silk fibroin/poly(lactic acid) composite nanofibers&3kHe, JX; Qin, YR; Cui, SZ; Gao,A3 k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$3 kJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 3 l2011 3 n46 3 n93kArticle~ 3k0i@3k 0022-24613k 4m0564 4kEI 4kscie 4k-4i紡織學院4m覃小紅4p054676d4j\Structure and property of electrospun pan nanofibers by different pre-oxidated heating rates4kQin, Xiao-Hong (1)4 kKey Laboratory of Textile Science Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, DongHua University, No. 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai, China&4 kJournal of Industrial Textiles~ 4 ll烜4 n4 n 14kkkk 5m05655kSCIE 5kei 5kscie5i紡織學院5m覃小紅5p054676d5j\Structure and Property of Electrospun PAN Nanofibers by Different Pre-oxidated Heating Rates5kQin, XHc5 k[DongHua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China&5 kJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES 5 l2011 5 n41 5 n15kArticle5k削S慳涜?5k 1528-08375k 6m05666kISTP6k6kistp6i紡織學院6m何建新6pe6j]Structure and Thermal Properties of Antheraea yamamai, Antheraea pernyi and Bombyx mori Silks6kLi, J; Pu, CC; He, JXB6 k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;6 k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials6 kJUN 07-08, 20116 nnkkkk 7m0567 7kEI7k7kei校刊7i紡織學院7m莊勤亮7p0528337jStudies of stability in electrical property and sensitivity of polypyrrole conductive fabrics used for intelligent flexible sensors7kZhuang, Qin-Liang (1){7 ksKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China77 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ 7 lh烜7 n 27 n7kkkk 8m0568 8kEI8k8kei校刊8i紡織學院8m程隆棣8p053498a8jYStudy on airflow field of condensing zone in compact spinning system with perforated drumA8k9Gao, Jin-Xia (1); Zou, Zhuan-Yong (1); Cheng, Long-Di (1){8 ksKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China78 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ 8 lh烜8 n8 n 58kkkk 9m05699kISTP9k9kistp9i紡織學院9m王榮武9p054920W9jOStudy on Measuring Microfiber Diameter in Melt-blown WebBased on Image Analysis/9k'Chen, ZY; Wang, RW; Zhang, XM; YinBaopuB9 k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[9 kSInternational Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Science9 kAUG 18-19, 20119 nnkkkk :m0570:kISTP:k:kistp:i紡織學院:m於偉東:p061339T:jLStudy on Physico-chemical Treatment to Reduce Pilling of Wool Knitted Fabric:kWan, AL; Yu, WDO: kG Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8: k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium: kMAY 27-29, 2011: nnkkkk ;m0571;kISTP;k;kistp;i紡織學院;m程隆棣;p053498p;jhStudy on Spinning Technology and Properties of Yarn Produced by Compact Spinning with Inspiratory Groove%;kZhang, XC; Zou, WL; Cheng, LD`; kX Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8; k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium; kMAY 27-29, 2011; nnkkkk <m0572<kISTP<k<kistp<i紡織學院<m覃小紅<p054676K<jCStudy on Structures of Electrospinning Cellulose Acetate nanofibers!<kWang, H; Qin, XH; Cao, JHB< k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[< kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk< kSEP 10-12, 2010< nnkkkk =m0573=kISTP=k=kistp=i紡織學院=m郭臘梅=p053948a=jYStudy on Synthesis of Poly-glycerol Fatty Acid Esters and Its Antistatic Finish on Fabric'=kHu, LZ; Guo, LM; He, XD; He, YYB= k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;= k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials= kJUN 07-08, 2011= nnkkkk >m0574>kISTP>k>kistp>i紡織學院>m俞建勇>b063492C>j;Study on the Chemical Constituents of Apocynum venetum Bark3>k+Li, MH; Han, GT; Chen, H; Yu, JY; Zhang, YMB> k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\> kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011)> kJUL 29-31, 2011> nnkkkk ?m0575?kISTP?k?kistp?i紡織學院?m俞建勇?b063492L?jDStudy on the Fiber Diameter of Polyactic Melt Blown Nonwoven Fabrics?kWu, LL; Chen, T; Yu, JYB? k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[? kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk? kSEP 10-12, 2010? nnkkkkD锧l&E[& 0m @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ @m0576@kISTP@k@kistp@i紡織學院@m楊小明@p219021f@j^Study on the Hand Spinning Wheel in a Copy of the Mural Painting Collected by Mr. Liu Xianzhou@kLi, Q; Li, B; Yang, XMB@ k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\@ kTInternational Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 20@ kAUG 21-22, 2011@ nnkkkk Am0577AkSCIEAk AkscieAi紡織學院Am王府梅Ap053916AjzStudy on the measured error of thermal conductivity of the fibrous porous materials. Part II. Improved calculating formula#AkCui, P; Wang, FM; Liang, ZY:A k2Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaA kINDUSTRIA TEXTILA A l2011 A n62 A n2AkArticleAk9慈v緹?Ak 1222-5347Ak Bm0578BkISTPBkBkistpBi紡織學院Bm靳向煜Bp061362VBjNStudy on the Preparation and Hydrophilic Properties of PP/CHA Nonwoven Fabrics#BkFan, LL; Cheng, DS; Jin, XYUB kM Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Tech Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China8B k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics SymposiumB kMAY 27-29, 2011B nnkkkk Cm0579 CkEICk CkeiCi紡織學院Cm何吉歡CpTCjLStudy on the stability of steiner tree structure of explosion-proof textiles(Ck Wu, Ling-Ye (1); He, Ji-Huan (2)C kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) National Engineering Laboratory of Modern Silk, Soochow University, No. 1, Shizi Street, Suzhou 215006, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of3C k+Mathematical and Computational Applications~ C lh烜C nC n 5 SPEC.ISCkkkk Dm0580DkISTPDkDkistpDi紡織學院 Dm王璐Dp051199WDjOStudy on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Barbed Suture(Dk He, LW; Li, Y; Wang, L; King, MWkD kc Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;D k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsD kJUN 07-08, 2011D nnkkkk Em0581 EkEIEk EkeiEi紡織學院 Em高晶Ep054757jEjbSurface modification of low temperature plasma-pretreated ePTFE film by AAc graft copolymerizationVEkNChen, Kui (1); Gao, Jing (1); Yu, Jianyong (2); Huan, Weihai (4); Ma, Yizi (4)E kSchool of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Modern Textile Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (3) Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Donghua$E kHuagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal~ E ll烜E nE n 4Ekkkk Fm0582FkSCIEFk FkscieFi紡織學院Fm邱夷平Fp054371dFj\Surface Modification of Nylon 6 Films Treated with an He/O-2 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet&FkGao, ZQ; Sun, J; Peng, SJ; YaoAF k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*F k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE F l2011 F n120 F n4FkArticleFk9慈v緹?Fk 0021-8995Fk Gm0583GkISTPGkGkistpGi紡織學院Gm於偉東Gp061339TGjLSurface Modification of Wool Fibers by Ecologically Ozone-assisted TreatmentGkWan, AL; Yu, WDOG kG Donghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaDG k<International Conference on Materials Science and TechnologyG kDEC 27-28, 2010G nnkkkk Hm0584HkISTPHkHkistpHi紡織學院Hm史向陽Hp114844HjzSynthesis and Characterization of Electrospun Nanofibrous Mats Containing Iron/Palladium Bimetallic Nanoparticles for DechHkMa, H; Shi, XY`H kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;H k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsH kJUN 07-08, 2011H nnkkkk Im0585 IkEIIkIkei校刊Ii紡織學院 ImpvIjnSynthesis of hyperbranched polymers and its effect on water vapor permeability of microfiber synthetic leatherCIk;Qiang, Tao-Tao (1); Wang, Xue-Chuan (2); Ren, Long-Fang (2)I kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Resource and Environment, Shaanxi University of Science and Technolo7I k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ I lh烜I n 2I nIkkkk Jm0586JkISTPJkJkistpJi紡織學院Jm孫寶忠Jp054758AJj9Tearing and Stabbing Strength of Industrial Woven FabricsJkWang, PAJ k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaDJ k<International Conference on Materials Science and TechnologyJ kDEC 27-28, 2010J nnkkkk Km0587KkSCIEKk KkscieKi紡織學院Km陳南梁Kp061313MKjETensile behavior of textile reinforced flexible composites with notch%KkWang, ZX; Jiang, JH; Chen, NL_K kWDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Engn Res Ctr Tech Text, Minist Educ, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaK kINDUSTRIA TEXTILA K l2011 K n62 K n1KkArticleKk9慈v緹?Kk 1222-5347Kk Lm0588 LkEI Lkscie Lk-Li紡織學院Lm孫寶忠Lp054758eLj]Tensile behaviors of co-woven-knitted fabric reinforced composites under various strain ratesULkMMa, Pibo (1); Hu, Hong (2); Zhu, Lvtao (1); Sun, Baozhong (1); Gu, Bohong (1)L kKey Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hun&L kJournal of Composite Materials~ L ll烜L n 4L nLkkkk Mm0589MkSCIE Mkei MkscieMi紡織學院Mm孫寶忠Mp054758eMj]Tensile behaviors of co-woven-knitted fabric reinforced composites under various strain rates&MkMa, PB; Hu, H; Zhu, LT; Sun, BvM knDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&M kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS M l2011 M n45 M n24MkArticleMkJ +?Mk 0021-9983Mk Nm0590NkISTPNkNkistpNi紡織學院Nm張建春Np=Nj5The Adsorptive Performance and Kinetics of China-hemp3Nk+Zhang, H; Ma, T; Zhang, J; Zhang, JC; Li, TBN k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8N k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics SymposiumN kMAY 27-29, 2011N nnkkkk Om0591OkISTPOkOkistpOi紡織學院Om邱夷平Op054371COj;The Application and Study of Flax Fibersin Medical TextilesOkGuo, XM; Qiu, YPBO k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;O k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsO kJUN 07-08, 2011O nnkkkk Pm0592PkISTPPkPkistpPi紡織學院Pm郁崇文Pp052991iPjaThe application of peracetic acid and sodium percarbonate in green production processing of ramie PkLiu, GL; Cui, QL; Yu, CWBP k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaYP kQInternational Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Materials EngineeringP kMAR 26-28, 2011P nnkkkk Qm0593 QkEI Qkscie Qk-Qi紡織學院Qm於偉東Qp061339AQj9The bio-inspired study of homogeneous composite materials6Qk.Liu, Yang (1); Yin, Rong (2); Yu, Wei-Dong (1)Q kTextile Materials and Technology Laboratory, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) College of Garment and A&Q kJournal of Composite Materials~ Q ll烜Q n 45Q n 1Qkkkk Rm0594RkSCIE Rkei RkscieRi紡織學院Rm於偉東Rp061339ARj9The Bio-inspired Study of Homogeneous Composite MaterialsRkLiu, Y; Yin, R; Yu, WDNR kFDonghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&R kJOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS R l2011 R n45 R n1RkArticleRkJ +?Rk 0021-9983Rk Sm0595SkISTPSkSkistpSi紡織學院Sm於偉東Sp061339CSj;The design of Untwisted Yarn-Dyed dobby double-faced Fabric+Sk#Sun, LS; Guan, XN; Qing-Liu; Yu, WDBS k: Donghua Univ, Text Inst, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[S kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern SilkS kSEP 10-12, 2010S nnkkkk Tm0596 TkEI Tkscie Tk-Ti紡織學院Tm於偉東Tp061339\TjTThe effects of wool surface characteristic on fuzzing and pilling of knitted fabrics'TkWan, Ailan (1); Yu, Weidong (1)T kTextile Materials and Technology Laboratory Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Garment and Art Design, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314001, ChinaT kFibers and Polymers~ T ll烜T n 1T nTkkkk Um0597UkSCIE Ukei UkscieUi紡織學院Um於偉東Up061339\UjTThe Effects of Wool Surface Characteristic on Fuzzing and Pilling of Knitted FabricsUkWan, AL; Yu, WDNU kFDonghua Univ, Text Mat & Technol Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaU kFIBERS AND POLYMERS U l2011 U n12 U n4UkArticleUk崡n兝?Uk 1229-9197Uk Vm0598VkISTPVkVkistpVi紡織學院 Vm丁辛Vp052760ZVjRThe Influence of Heat Setting Conditions on Mechanical Properties of PTT Filaments*Vk"Chen, Y; Ding, X; Li, YL; Zhao, XQBV k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8V k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics SymposiumV kMAY 27-29, 2011V nnkkkk Wm0599 WkEIWk WkeiWi紡織學院 Wm王洪Wp054566rWjjThe influences of hydrophilic finishing of PET fibers on the properties of hydroentangled nonwoven fabrics[WkSHong, Wang (1); Lianshun, Pang (1); Xiangyu, Jin (1); Baopu, Yin (1); Haibo, Wu (1)W kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Rd., Songjiang District, Shanghai, 201620, China0W k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~ W lh烜W nW n 4Wkkkk Xm0600XkSCIEXk XkscieXi紡織學院Xm胡吉永Xp054969Xj}The mechanics of buckling fiber in relation to fabric-evoked prickliness: a theory model of single fiber prickling human skin&XkHu, JY; Li, Y; Ding, X; Hu, JY_X kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(X k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE X l2011 X n102 X n12XkArticleXk 皉?Xk 0040-5000Xk Ym0601YkISTPYkYkistpYi紡織學院Ym王富軍Yp055019PYjHThe Numerical Simulation of Pulsatile Flow in Curved-shape Branch Vessel#YkZhang, L; Wang, FJ; Wang, L`Y kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;Y k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsY kJUN 07-08, 2011Y nnkkkk Zm0602ZkISTPZkZkistpZi紡織學院Zm劉曉艷Zp054697VZjNThe Optical Stability Effect of Multi-Layer High Reflection Film on the Fabric"ZkHuang, FF; Liu, XY; Yu, WDBZ k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8Z k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics SymposiumZ kMAY 27-29, 2011Z nnkkkk [m0603[kISTP[k[kistp[i紡織學院[m柯勤飛[pi[jaThe Preparation and Performance of Electret & Electrospinning Blood Filtrating Meltblown Nonwoven.[k&Li, X; Wang, H; Guo, SS; Ke, QF; Li, Y`[ kX Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;[ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials[ kJUN 07-08, 2011[ nnkkkk \m0604 \kEI \kscie \k-\i紡織學院 \m王洪\p054566\j|The properties of native silk fibroin (SF) solution/gel from bombyx mori silkworms during the full fifth instar larval stage\\kTWang, Hong (1); Mao, Ningtao (2); Hu, Xuechao (3); Shao, Huili (3); Jin, Xiangyu (3)\ kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Centre for Technical Textiles, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United KingdI\ kAJournal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition~ \ ll烜\ n\ n 2\kkkk ]m0605]kSCIE ]kei ]kscie]i紡織學院 ]m王洪]p054566]j|The Properties of Native Silk Fibroin (SF) Solution/Gel from Bombyx mori Silkworms during the Full Fifth Instar Larval Stage&]kWang, H; Mao, NT; Hu, XC; Shao_] kWDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK] kCJOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION ] l2011 ] n26 ] n2]kArticle]k-矟銨?]k 1000-2413]k ^m0606^kISTP^k^kistp^i紡織學院 ^m王璐^p051199x^jpThe Relationship between Wall Structure and Biomechanical Properties of Small Diameter ePTFE Arterial Prostheses3^k+Ji, XP; Wang, L; Zou, T; Wang, FJ; King, MWd^ k\ Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China;^ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials^ kJUN 07-08, 2011^ nnkkkk _m0607_kISTP_k_kistp_i紡織學院_m勞繼紅_p0512266_j.The Study of Bleaching Silk Sanitary Materials#_kWang, WW; Lao, JH; Yang, YQB_ k: Donghua Univ, Text Coll, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[_ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk_ kSEP 10-12, 2010_ nnkkkkDl<vpt :g(J`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ `m0608`kISTP`k`kistp`i紡織學院`m柯勤飛`pR`jJThe Study on Finishing Process of SMS Medical Nonwoven Composite Materials `kJin, PL; Ke, QF; Yin, BPB` k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;` k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials` kJUN 07-08, 2011` nnkkkk am0609 akEIak akeiai紡織學院am覃小紅ap054676SajKThe study on the air volume fraction of electrospun nanofiber nonwoven mats,ak$Qin, Xiao-Hong (1); Xin, Dong-Po (1)a kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chinaa kFibers and Polymers~ a lh烜a n 1a n 4akkkk bm0610bkSCIEbk bksciebi紡織學院bm李發學bp054753bjThe thermal, mechanical and viscoelastic properties of poly(butylene succinate-co-terephthalate) (PBST) copolyesters with high content of BT unitsbkLuo, SL; Li, FX; Yu, JYAb k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China#b kJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH b l2011 b n18 b n3bkArticlebk顋?5^蝴?bk 1022-9760bk cm0611 ckEIck ckeici紡織學院cm杜趙群cp054696cjTheoretical study on the bending rigidity of filament yarns with an elliptical cross-section using energy method. I. Theoretical modeling9ck1Du, Zhaoqun (1); Xu, Bingang (2); Yu, Weidong (1)c kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechc kFibers and Polymers~ c lh烜c n 1c n 6ckkkk dm0612 dkEIdk dkeidi紡織學院dm杜趙群dp054696djTheoretical study on the bending rigidity of filament yarns with an elliptical cross-section using energy method. II. Numerical evaluation9dk1Du, Zhaoqun (1); Xu, Bingang (2); Yu, Weidong (1)d kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloond kFibers and Polymers~ d lh烜d n 1d n 7dkkkk em0613ekISTP ekscie ek-ei紡織學院em王新厚ep053868SejKThree-Dimensional Model of Whipping Motion in the Processing of Microfibers#ekSun, YF; Zeng, YC; Wang, XHBe k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaXe kPInternational Symposium on New Frontiers in Chemical and Biochemical Engineeringe kNOV 26-27, 2009e nnkkkk fm0614fkSCIEfkistp fksciefi紡織學院fm王新厚fp053868SfjKThree-Dimensional Model of Whipping Motion in the Processing of Microfibers#fkSun, YF; Zeng, YC; Wang, XHAf k9Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China3f k+INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH f l2011 f n50 f n2fkArticlefkL7堿`@fk 0888-5885fk gm0615gkSCIE gkei gksciegi紡織學院gm俞建勇gb063492gjThree-dimensional sensing membrane functionalized quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for chloramphenicol detection in real time&gkSun, M; Bin, D; Lin, JY; Yu, J~g kvDonghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(g k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL g l2011 g       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~n160 g n1gkArticlegk蓈緹/@gk 0925-4005gk hm0616hkISTPhkhkistphi紡織學院hm王府梅hp053916QhjITribological Testing Method between Knitted Fabric and Skin in Wet StateshkWang, X; Wang, FMBh k: Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\h kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011)h kJUL 29-31, 2011h nnkkkk im0617ikISTPikikistpii紡織學院im邱夷平ip054371wijoUsing Electrospinning Method to Synthesize Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Oxide Electrolyte for Lithium-ion Battery%ikLiang, YZ; Qiu, YP; Zhang, XWci k[ Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Dept Text Mat Sci & Prod Design, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;i k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsi kJUN 07-08, 2011i nnkkkk jm0618jkSCIEjk jkscieji紡織學院jm邱夷平jp054371{jjsWettability and sizing property improvement of raw cotton yarns treated with He/O-2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet%jkSun, SY; Sun, J; Yao, L; Qiu,jj kbDonghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinaj kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE j l2011 j n257 j n6jkArticlejkm琨@jk 0169-4332jk km0619 kkEIkkkkei校刊ki紡織學院 kknKkjCWorld economy and the export dependence of China's textile industry+kk#Zhang, Shen-Yong (1); Lu, Sheng (2)k kResearch Center of Textile Economy and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211, United States7k k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ k lh烜k nk n 5kkkkk lm0620 lkEIlkscie lk-lk 分析測試中心ly楊健茂lb124846clj[Hydrothermal synthesis and optical properties of zinc silicate hierarchical superstructuresRlkJYang, Jianmao (1); Sun, Yangang (2); Chen, Zhigang (2); Zhao, Xiaopeng (3)l kResearch Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, No.2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers anl kMaterials Letters~ l ll烜l n 6 l n19-20lkkkk mm0621mkSCIE mkei mksciemk 分析測試中心my楊健茂mb124846cmj[Hydrothermal synthesis and optical properties of zinc silicate hierarchical superstructures&mkYang, JM; Sun, YG; Chen, ZG; ZRm kJDonghua Univ, Res Ctr Anal & Measurement, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinam kMATERIALS LETTERS m l2011 m n65 m n19-20mkArticlemk垸~j紅@mk 0167-577Xmk nm0622 nkEI nkscie nk-nk 分析測試中心ny楊健茂nb124846Enj=Silver nanotubes - Biopolymer-assisted hydrothermal synthesisqnkiYang, Jianmao (1); Gao, Shuyan (2); Jia, Xiaoxia (2); Chen, Yanli (2); Chen, Zhigang (3); Hu, Junqing (3)n kResearch Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Henan Normal University, 46 Jianshe street, Xinxiang 4530%n kCanadian Journal of Chemistry~ n ll烜n n 8n n 10nkkkk om0623okSCIE okei okscieok 分析測試中心oy楊健茂ob124846Eoj=Silver nanotubes - Biopolymer-assisted hydrothermal synthesis&okYang, JM; Gao, SY; Jia, XX; ChRo kJDonghua Univ, Res Ctr Anal & Measurement, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China@o k8CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE CHIMIE o l2011 o n89 o n10okArticleokZd;唧?ok 0008-4042ok pm0624pkISTPpkpkistppi服裝學院 pknbpjZA Brief Analysis on Characteristics and Ideas of the Design of New-type LED Domestic LampspkPing, WEp k=Donghua Univ, Fash Art Design Inst, Shanghai, Peoples R China\p kTInternational Academic Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering App kJUL 15-16, 2011p nnkkkk qm0625qkISTPqkqkistpqi服裝學院 qi李俊qp073695mqjeA Comparison of Test Methods for Thermal Protective Performance of Fire-fighters' Protective Clothing&qkZhou, L; Lu, YH; Li, J; Li, XH\q kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8q k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumq kMAY 27-29, 2011q nnkkkk rm0626rkISTPrkrkistpri服裝學院ri王雲儀rp074741UrjMA Study on Apparel Merchandising Based on Two Hierarchical Forecasting Models!rkWang, YY; Zhang, Y; Li, M\r kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8r k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumr kMAY 27-29, 2011r nnkkkk sm0627skISTPskskistpsi服裝學院si劉詠梅sp073474bsjZAuto-generation of Cloth Patterns by Linking Three-dimensional Scanning and CAD TechnologyskLiu, YM; Yin, PYOs kG Donghua Univ, Fash & Art Design Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8s k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiums kMAY 27-29, 2011s nnkkkk tm0628tkISTPtktkistpti服裝學院 ti李俊tp073695ttjlClothing Area Factors of Tibetan Clothing Ensembles Determined by Photographic Method and Estimated Equation tkGuo, XF; Li, J; Wang, YYBt k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8t k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumt kMAY 27-29, 2011t nnkkkk um0629ukISTPukukistpui服裝學院ui王雲儀up074741guj_Comparative Evaluation on Absorption & Quick-drying Properties of Antibacterial Knitted Fabrics)uk!Wang, SW; Wang, YY; Hu, SR; Li, J\u kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China;u k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materialsu kJUN 07-08, 2011u nnkkkk vm0630vkISTPvkvkistpvi服裝學院 vi李俊vp073695KvjCEffect of Shoulder Shape Factors on Pattern Design of Set-in Sleeve"vkZhao, MM; Li, J; Zhang, ZFBv k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8v k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumv kMAY 27-29, 2011v nnkkkk wm0631wkISTPwkwkistpwi服裝學院wi李小輝wp075038JwjBEffects of Body Motions on Clothing Air Gap in Protective Clothing wkLi, XH; Wang, YY; Lu, YH\w kT Donghua Univ, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8w k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumw kMAY 27-29, 2011w nnkkkk xm0632xkISTPxkxkistpxi服裝學院xi張向輝xp074935QxjIEffects of Clothing Design on Ventilation Determined by Tracer Gas MethodxkZhang, XH; Li, J\x kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8x k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumx kMAY 27-29, 2011x nnkkkk ym0633ykSCIEyk ykscieyi服裝學院yi王雲儀yp074741tyjlEvaluating the Moisture Transfer Property of the Multi-layered Fabric System in Firefighter Turnout Clothing&ykWang, YY; Zong, YJ; Li, J; ZhaAy k9Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China+y k#FIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE y l2011 y n19 y n6ykArticleyk/$?yk 1230-3666yk zm0634zkISTPzkzkistpzi服裝學院zi劉詠梅zp073474:zj2Generation of an Automatic Jeans Pattern Using CADzkZhou, D; Liu, YMBz k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8z k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposiumz kMAY 27-29, 2011z nnkkkk {m0635{kISTP{k{kistp{i服裝學院{i丁雪梅{p074410E{j=Industrial Carbon Footprint: A Case Study on Knitting Fabrics;{k3Wang, LL; Wang, LH; Du, C; Yu, JM; Ding, XM; Wu, XYI{ kA Donghua Univ, Fash Inst Design, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8{ k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium{ kMAY 27-29, 2011{ nnkkkk |m0636 |kISTP|k |kistp|i服裝學院|i丁雪梅|p074410D|j<Industrial Water Footprint: A Case Study on Knitting Fabrics:|k2Wang, LL; Liu, XL; Du, C; Yu, JM; Ding, XM; Wu, XYI| kA Donghua Univ, Fash Inst Design, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8| k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium| kMAY 27-29, 2011| nnkkkk }m0637}kISTP}k}kistp}i服裝學院}i張文斌 }s退休z}jrInvestigation of Seam Pucker in Lightweight Silk Fabric Part II: The Influence of Sewing Conditions on Seam Pucker}kWu, QY; Zhang, WBB} k: Donghua Univ, Fash Coll, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8} k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium} kMAY 27-29, 2011} nnkkkk ~m0638 ~kEI~k ~kei~i服裝學院~i張昭華~p075007{~jsMathematical simulation and experimental measurement of clothing surface temperature under different sized air gaps8~k0Zhang, Zhaohua (1); Wang, Yunyi (1); Li, Jun (1)~ kFashion Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China; (3) Changzhou Textile and Garment Institute,~ kFibers and Polymers~ ~ lh烜~ n 1~ n 6~kkkk m0639 kEIkkei校刊i服裝學院i崔誌英p216453VjNModeling thermal protective performance of multilayer fabrics for firefighters,k$Cui, Zhi-Ying (1); Yang, Hai-Yan (1)E k=Fashion Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkkDlO,n{i m0640kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i劉詠梅p073474^jVResearch on the Automatic Generation Technology of the Qipao Individual Pattern-making!kYao, Q; Liu, YM; Zhang, CB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0641kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i劉詠梅p073474bjZResearch on the Relationship between Bust Ease and Body Float Based on Donghua Basic BlockkLiu, YM; Wu, LHH k@ Donghua Univ, Fash & Art Design Inst, Shanghai, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0642kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i張文斌 s退休RjJResearch on the shielding performance of electromagnetic shielding clotheskLi, Y; Zhang, WBB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes kNOV 06-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0643kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i楊以雄p071396XjPStudy of Performance Assessment of Current Domestic Home Textile Chain OperationkBi, TY; Yang, YXB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0644kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i王雲儀p074741jjbStudy on Characterization of Fabric Tactility by Muscle Action Potential in Electromyography (EMG)(k Wang, YP; Wang, YY; Yu, M; Li, J\ kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0645kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i張向輝p0749357j/Study on the Main Factors of Marketable CostumekZhang, XH; Xu, XBM kE Donghua Univ, Fash Art Design Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China[ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk kSEP 10-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0646kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i張渭源 s退休UjMSubjective Assessment of Women's Pants' Fit Analysis Using Live and 3D Models%kZhang, LL; Zhang, WY; Xiao, HB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaQ kIInternational Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Science kJAN 08-09, 2011 nnkkkk m0647kISTPkkistpi服裝學院 i王敏~ p(AmjeThe Relation between Air Gaps under Clothing and Clothing Surface Temperature in Single Layer GarmentkWang, M; Wang, YY\ kT Donghua Univ, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0648kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i劉詠梅p0734743j+The Research on Modelling of Fashion Styles!kChen, WQ; Liu, YM; Liu, YB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0649kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i張昭華p075007MjEThe volume of Air Gaps under Clothing and Its Related Thermal EffectskZhang, ZH; Li, J\ kT Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0650 kEIk keii服裝學院 kp/j'Thermoplastic films from wheat proteinsPkHChen, Lihong (1); Reddy, Narendra (2); Wu, Xiongying (1); Yang, Yiqi (1) kFashion and Art Design Institute and College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design, Universi% kIndustrial Crops and Products~  lp烜 n 3 nkkkk m0651kISTPkkistpi服裝學院i於曉坤p014263Dj<Wearing Stability of Brassiere Strap Basing on Daily Actions(k Yu, XK; He, JZ; Zhang, WB; Xu, QB k: Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0652 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017VjNA constrained ant colony optimization algorithm for learning Bayesian networksPkHWang, Xiang (1); Zheng, Jianguo (1); Zhang, Chaoqun (1); Yan, Ruixia (1)b kZGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, ChinaG k?Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0653 kEIk scie/istp k-i管理學院i鄭建國b219017SjKA new immune clone algorithm to solve the constrained optimization problems+k#Zhou, Liang (1); Zheng, Jianguo (1)y kqGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, 1882 West Yan'an Rd., Shanghai, 200051, China' kWSEAS Transactions on Computers~  ll烜 n n 4kkkk m0654kISTPkscie/ei k-i管理學院i鄭建國b219017SjKA New Immune Clone Algorithm to solve the constrained optimization problemskZhou, L; Zheng, JG_ kW Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kT2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Science (ICIC kJAN 09-10, 2011 nnkkkk m0655kSCIEkei/istp ksciei管理學院i鄭建國b219017SjKA New Immune Clone Algorithm to solve the constrained optimization problemskZhou, L; Zheng, JG^ kVDonghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China> k6INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL  l2011  n14  n3kArticle~ k?k 1343-4500k m0656kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i楊東b084899ajYA Petri-net Approach for Modeling Product Configuration Problems under Mass CustomizationkYang, Dk kcDonghua Univ, Sch Business & Management, Dept Informat Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaH k@Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology kJAN 23-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0657kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i周力b082792gj_A STUDY OF SERVICE QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR ERP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BASED ON SERVQUAL MODELkZhou, LG k?Donghua Univ, Coll Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIM kDEC 12-13, 2011 nnkkkk m0658kISTPkkistpi管理學院i甘昌盛n博士 VjNA study on private food companies to enhance the environmental competitivenesskGan, CSW kODonghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaX kPIEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC) kSEP 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0659kISTPkkistpi管理學院i姚衛新b084448bjZA Study on the Difference of IT Skill between Retrained Professionals and Recent GraduateskYao, WXJ kBDongHua Univ, Sch Business & Adm, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaM kEInternational Conference on Computer Science and Education (CSE 2011) kJUL 09-10, 2011 nnkkkk m0660 kEIkkei校刊i管理學院i湯兵勇b083684bjZAgent modeling of user preferences based on fuzzy classified ANNs In automated negotiationHk@Gu, Tie-Jun (1); Tang, Bing-Yong (1); Ma, Xi-Jun (2); Li, Yi (3) kGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Institute of Computer Network System, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230001, China; (3) Informati7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0661 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017Dj<Binary tree of posterior probability support vector machines=k5Wang, Dong-Li (1); Zheng, Jian-Guo (1); Zhou, Yan (2) kGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China& kJournal of Zhejiang University~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0662kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i徐琪b219040njfCombined Contract of Buyback and Pricing Flexibility to Coordinating Supply Chain Under Price UpdatingkYin, LN; Xu, Q_ kW Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information En kMAY 21-22, 2011 nnkkkk m0663 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017VjNConstrained ant colony optimization b algorithm for learning bayesian networks+k#Wang, Xiang (1); Zheng, Jianguo (1)b kZGlorious sun school of business and management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China5 k-Journal of Convergence Information Technology~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0664 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017JjBDifferential evolution algorithm using piecewise mutation operator,k$Liu, Ronghui (1); Zheng, Jianguo (1) kGlorious School of Business and Management, Donghua University, No. 1882, Yan'an Xilu, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Henan University of Urban Constructio kICIC Express Letters~  ll烜 n n 11kkkk m0665 kEIk keii管理學院i翟育明n博士 RjJDominance-based rough set and its applications in decision-making analysis8k0Zhai, Yuming (1); Cai, Hong (1); Yan, Ruixia (1) kGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai XingJian College, Shanghai 200051, China8 k0Journal of Information and Computational Science~  lh烜 n 7 n 8kkkk m0666kISTPkkistpi管理學院i鄭建國b219017Aj9Immune Clone Algorithm to Solve the Multi-object ProblemskZhou, LA; Zheng, JG_ kW Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaQ kIInternational Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Science kJAN 08-09, 2011 nnkkkk m0667 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017Fj>Improved Bayesian optimization algorithm with fast convergenceQkIWang, Xiang (1); Zheng, Jianguo (1); Zhang, Chaoqun (1); Liu, Ronghui (1)b kZGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China kHuazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m0668kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i拓中n博士 JjBImproved BP neural network's application in the bank early warningkTuo, Z; Wang, LY_ kW Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaX kPInternational Conference on Power Electronics and Engineering Application (PEEA) kDEC 24-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0669kISTPkkistpi管理學院i王千紅b084282jzIssuing on the Financial Support for Private Enterprises Development in Zhejiang Province On the View of Banks Improving CkWang, QHU kMDonghua Univ, Dept Econ, Sch Business & Management, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaX kPIEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC) kSEP 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0670 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017KjCMulti-objective model for uncertain portfolio optimization problems+k#Jianguo, Zheng (1); Liang, Zhou (1)b kZGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, ChinaE k=International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology~  ll烜 n n 8kkkk m0671kSCIEk ksciei管理學院 i範宏b084235PjHON THE DEGREE DISTRIBUTION OF A BIPARTITE NETWORK WITH REWIRING DYNAMICSkFan, H; Wang, Z^ kVDonghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1 k)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B  l2011  n25  n3kArticlek#垸~j莢?k 0217-9792kD>l  q 'ZB m0672 kEIk keii管理學院i王曉鋒b084024JjBOptimal design of reverse logistics network on e-waste in Shanghai?k7Wang, Xiaofeng (1); Zhang, Kejing (3); Yang, Bao'an (3) kDepartment of Logistics and Electronic Commerce, Donghua University, Shanghai, 200051, China; (2) MIS, Glorious Sun Building, No. 1882, Yan'an Road West, Shanghai, 2000051, China; (3) Department of MaE k=International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations~  ll烜 n n03/04/12kkkk m0673 kEIk keii管理學院i趙紅巖b084148~jvResearch of rough sets and grey relational analysis theory applied in the enterprise's core competitiveness evaluation>k6Zhai, Yuming (1); Zhao, Hongyan (1); Chen, Rongyao (1) kGlorious Sun School of Business Management, Donghua University, No. 1882, Yan'an Road West, Changning District, Shanghai 200051, China$ kICIC Express Letters, Part B~  ll烜 n n 4kkkk m0674kISTPkkistpi管理學院i劉海峰b0144739j1Research on Rough Set Model Based on Golden Ratio"kZhai, YM; Yan, RX; Liu, HFV kN Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business Adm, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China[ kSInternational Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Science kAUG 18-19, 2011 nnkkkk m0675kISTPkkistpi管理學院i趙紅巖b084148^jVResearch on Routing Arithmetic basing on Scale-Free Centrality in Betweenness networks"kCai, H; Zhao, HY; Chen, RYR kJ Donghua Univ, Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China[ kSInternational Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Science kAUG 18-19, 2011 nnkkkk m0676kISTPkkistpi管理學院i高長春b219014ej]Research on the Knowledge Innovation Abilities of University Science Parks Based on GEM Model(k Wubaogen; Zhangjia; Gaochangchun] kU Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Academic Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Ap kJUL 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0677 kEIk keii管理學院i鄭建國b219017PjHReviews of current studying progress on quantum evolutionary computationbkZQian, Jie (1); Zheng, Jian-Guo (1); Zhang, Chao-Qun (1); Wang, Xiang (1); Yan, Rui-Xia (1)b kZGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China- k%Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision~  ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0678kISTPkkistpi管理學院i石春樂b015126Bj:RFID-based Fast Fashion Supply Chain Optimization Strategy!kZhang, Y; Xu, HJ; Shi, CL] kU Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m0679kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i徐琪b219040ej]Shapley Model with Innovative Incentive Factor in Profit Distribution Automotive Supply Chaink Liu, Z; Xu, Q] kU Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, DHU, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaK kC2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management kMAR 22-24, 2011 nnkkkk m0680kISTPkkistpi管理學院i姚衛新b084448[jSStudy on the Balancing and Improving of Assembling Line for A Type of Scanner ShellkYao, WXJ kBDonghua Univ, Sch Business & Adm, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2011 kSEP 16-18, 2011 nnkkkk m0681 kEIkkei校刊i管理學院i吉余峰b084020IjATesting for nonlinearity in five emerging markets' exchange rates'kJi, Yu-Feng (1); Lei, Qiang (2) kGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200052, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m0682 kEIkkei校刊i管理學院i趙君麗b084332=j5The impact of outsourcing on local industry upgrading(k Zhao, Jun-Li (1); Li, Laubie (2) kGlorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) International Graduate School of Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide 5000, Australia7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0683kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i徐琪b219040wjoThe integration of wireless location technology and GIS in the Logistics Information System and its applicationkFeng, F; Hou, SY; Xu, Q^ kV Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 20051, Peoples R China[ kSInternational Conference on Automation, Communication, Architectonics and Materials kJUN 18-19, 2011 nnkkkk m0684kISTPkkistpi管理學院 i周力b082792dj\THE IT OUTSOURCING SERVICE QUALITY EVALUATION SYSTEM BASED ON DS EVIDENTIAL REASONING THEORYkZhou, LG k?Donghua Univ, Coll Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIM kDEC 12-13, 2011 nnkkkk m0685kISTPkkistpi管理學院i朱淑珍b083857WjOThe Study on Relationship Between Organizational Inertia and Product InnovationkLiu, M; Zhu, SZ_ kW Donghua Univ, Glorious Sun Sch Business & Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0686kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i趙聖印n[jS1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-3-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-4-(1H-indol-3-yl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dionekXie, ZX; Zhao, SYX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA k9ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  l2011  n67 nkArticlekh戫|?5?k 1600-5368k m0687kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i李洪啟n0j(1,2-Bis(2-methoxy-6-formylphenoxy)ethane%kLi, HQ; Cai, L; Chen, DL; Li, k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA k9ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  l2011  n67 nkArticlekh戫|?5?k 1600-5368k m0688kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i李洪啟nfj^3-{1-[2-(2-Chlorophenyl)hydrazinylidene]-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl}-7-diethylamino-2H-chromen-2-one&kChen, H; Cai, L; Yu, CC; Li, H k}Donghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Eco Text, Minist Educ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA k9ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  l2011  n67 nkArticlekh戫|?5?k 1600-5368k m0689kISTPkkistpi化工學院i周興平n]jUA Facile Synthesis of Uniform Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles via W/O Microemulsion!kWang, H; Yu, HG; Zhou, XPY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0690kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i余燈廣njjbA modified coaxial electrospinning for preparing fibers from a high concentration polymer solution&kYu, DG; Branford-White, C; WhiX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kEXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS  l2011  n5  n8kArticlek琨襇?k 1788-618Xk m0691kISTPkkistpi化工學院i周興平n[jSA Novel Synthesis of Nano-sized Uniform Anatase Titania from W/O Type Microemulsion"kLiu, YG; Zhu, CZ; Zhou, XPY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0692kISTPkkistpi化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃UjMA Novel Three-dimensional Composite Scaffold for Cartilage Tissue Engineering7k/Wu, CC; Wu, JL; Li, J; Yin, AL; Mo, XM; Zhou, Yt kl Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0693kISTPkkistpi化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃jjbA Preliminary Study on Hyaluronic Acid/collagen Complex Porous Scaffold Prepared by LyophilizationTkLWu, JL; Li, J; Wu, CC; Yin, AL; Sheng, XY; Liu, W; Dong, JM; Mo, XM; Zhou, Yt kl Donghua Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0694kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i邵誌宇nEj=A TRITERPENOID AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM Myrica rubra SEEDS%kYang, XX; Tang, YM; Zhao, SY;X kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kCHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS  l2011  n47  n4kArticlekX9慈v?k 0009-3130k m0695 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i楊一奇nFj>Acetylation of chicken feathers for thermoplastic applicationsKkCHu, Chunyan (1); Reddy, Narendra (2); Yan, Kelu (1); Yang, Yiqi (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design, 234 HECO Building, University of Nebraska-Lin2 k*Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry~  ll烜 n 5 n 19kkkk m0696kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i楊一奇nFj>Acetylation of Chicken Feathers for Thermoplastic Applications&kHu, CY; Reddy, N; Yan, KL; YanX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China2 k*JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY  l2011  n59  n19kArticlek/$仌@k 0021-8561k m0697 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i蔡再生najYAdsorption kinetics and isotherms of a pesticide on polyester fibers by carrier finishingCk;Zhang, X.L. (1); Cai, Z.S. (1); Zhao, Y.P. (1); Sun, G. (2) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Division of Textiles, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, United States; (3) Modern Textil* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 120 n 2kkkk m0698kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i蔡再生najYAdsorption Kinetics and Isotherms of a Pesticide on Polyester Fibers by Carrier Finishing%kZhang, XL; Cai, ZS; Zhao, YP;Q kIDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n2kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0699 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i謝孔良b114184jAdsorption removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from waste water using nano-cellulose hybrids containing reactive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanesOkGXie, Kongliang (1); Jing, Lixia (1); Zhao, Weiguo (1); Zhang, Yanli (1) kDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, 200051, China* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 12 nkkkk m0700kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i謝孔良b114184jAdsorption Removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from Waste Water Using Nano-Cellulose Hybrids Containing Reactive Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes&kXie, KL; Jing, LX; Zhao, WG; Zo kgDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Dept Chem & Chem Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n122  n5kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0701 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i朱利民nej]Affinity adsorption of bromelain on Reactive Red 120 immobilized magnetic composite particlesakYSong, Ming-Min (1); Nie, Hua-Li (1); Zhou, Yu-Ting (1); Zhu, Li-Min (1); Bao, Jin-Yue (3) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Songjiang University City, 2999, North Remin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Laboratory of Science and Technology of) k!Separation Science and Technology~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0702kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i朱利民nej]Affinity Adsorption of Bromelain on Reactive Red 120 Immobilized Magnetic Composite Particles&kSong, MM; Nie, HL; Zhou, YT; ZX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China) k!SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n46  n3kArticlek溎 皉h?k 0149-6395k m0703kSCIEk ksciei化工學院 i孟清nQjIAlternative Nucleophilic Residues in Intein Catalysis of Protein Splicing&kQi, XM; Wang, J; Meng, Q; Liu,R kJDonghua Univ, Inst Biol Sci & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kPROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS  l2011  n18  n12kArticlek逴崡n?k 0929-8665kD楥lb345="[fN~ m0704kSCIEk ksciei化工學院k史向陽njAminopropyltriethoxysilane-mediated surface functionalization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro toxicity assay&kWang, SG; Wen, SH; Shen, MW; GX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China- k%INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE  l2011  n6 nkArticle~ k恠@k 1178-2013k m0705 kEIk keii化工學院 i楊光n^jVAntimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticle impregnated bacterial cellulose membrane_kWYang, Guang (1); Xie, Jianjian (1); Hong, Feng (1); Cao, Zhangjun (1); Yang, Xuexia (1) kGroup of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory f kCarbohydrate Polymers~  lp烜 n 8 n 1kkkk m0706kSCIEk ksciei化工學院 i李凱njApplication of a novel method PCR-ligase detection reaction for tracking predator-prey trophic links in insect-resistant GM rice ecosystem&kLi, K; Tian, J; Wang, QX; ChenR kJDonghua Univ, Inst Biol Sci & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k ECOTOXICOLOGY  l2011  n20  n8kArticle~ kpm@k 0963-9292k m0707kISTPkkistpi化工學院i張彥中nxjpAttachment and Proliferation of Mouse Bone Marrow Stem Cells on Electrospun Chitosan-based Nanofibrous Scaffolds/k'Peng, HJ; Yin, Z; Ouyang, HW; Zhang, YZ k Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Dept Bioengn, Lab Biomimet Mat Regenerat Med, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0708 kEIk keii化工學院 i洪楓nGj?Bacterial cellulose production from cotton-based waste textilesukmHong, Feng (1); Guo, Xiang (1); Zhang, Shuo (3); Han, Shi-fen (1); Yang, Guang (1); Jönsson, Leif J. (4) kGroup of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory fo kBioresource Technology~  lp烜 n 10 nkkkk m0709kISTPkkistpi化工學院i朱利民n@j8Bio-panning Affinity Ligand of Pepsin with Phage DisplayHk@Wang, W; Chen, TX; Tian, LQ; Branford-White, C; Nie, HL; Zhu, LMY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0710 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院m郁崇文p052991XjPChanges in the bacterial community structure and diversity during bamboo rettingkFu, Jiajia (1); Mueller, Henry (2); de Castro, Joao V. (2); Yu, Chonewen (1); Cavaco-Paulo, Artur (3); Guebitz, Georg M. (2); Nyanhongo, Gibson S. (2) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Graz University of Technology, Graz, A kBiotechnology Journal~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m0711kSCIE kei ksciei紡織學院m郁崇文p052991XjPChanges in the bacterial community structure and diversity during bamboo retting&kFu, JJ; Mueller, H; de Castro,b kZDonghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kBIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  l2011  n6  n10kArticle~ kk 1860-6768k m0712kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i蔡再生nXjPCharacterization and Photocatalytic Performance of Rb+-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts#kJing, XH; Cai, ZS; Ding, XYR kJDonghua Univ, Coll Chem, Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China kSPECTROSCOPY LETTERS  l2011  n44  n3kArticlek5^篒 ?k 0038-7010k m0713 kEIkkei校刊i化工學院 i林苗n]jUCharacterization of perfluorooctane sulfonate by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry8k0Meng, Li-Juan (1); Yang, Yong (2); Lin, Miao (1) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Inspection Center of Industrial Product and Raw-Materials, Shanghai Entr7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m0714kISTPkkistpi化工學院 i王煒njzChemical Modification of Polyester Fibers with Amide-siloxane Film and its Antimicrobial Property by Electro-less Silver P kYang, YY; Yu, D; Wang, W k DongHua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Natl Engn Res Ctr Dyeing & Finishing Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures Engineering (I kJUN 11-12, 2011 nnkkkk m0715kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i余燈廣nmjeCoaxial electrospinning with organic solvent for controlling the size of self-assembled nanoparticles&kYu, DG; Zhu, LM; Bligh, SWA; BX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS  l2011  n47  n4kArticlekV@k 1359-7345k m0716 kEI kscie k-i紡織學院r柯勤飛najYCross-linking of gelatin and chitosan complex nanofibers for tissue-engineering scaffoldsakYQian, Yong-Fang (1); Zhang, Kui-Hua (2); Chen, Feng (2); Ke, Qin-Fei (1); Mo, Xiu-Mei (2) kCollege of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Lab, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering, Donghua Universi8 k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~  ll烜 n 2 nkkkk m0717kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃ajYCross-Linking of Gelatin and Chitosan Complex Nanofibers for Tissue-Engineering Scaffolds%kQian, YF; Zhang, KH; Chen, F;s kkDonghua Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7 k/JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION  l2011  n22  n8kArticlekuV?k 0920-5063k m0718 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i侯愛芹n]jUDecolorisation of reactive dye wastewater and the effect of surfactants using laccase)k!Hou, Aiqin (1); Zhang, Xufang (1)} kuNational Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kColoration Technology~  ll烜 n 1 n 3kkkk m0719kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i侯愛芹n]jUDecolorisation of reactive dye wastewater and the effect of surfactants using laccasekHou, AQ; Zhang, XFa kYDonghua Univ, Natl Engn Res Ctr Dyeing & Finishing Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCOLORATION TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n127  n3kArticlek慳浤 邦?k 1472-3581k m0720kISTPkkistpi化工學院k史向陽nLjDDendrimer-entrapped Gold Nanoparticles Enable Enhanced Gene Delivery3k+Shan, YB; Peng, C; Luo, T; Cao, AM; Shi, XYY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 210620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0721kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i邵超英nj}Determination of Trace Amounts of Boron in Steels by On-line Reaction/Concentration/Separation Using an Anion-exchange ColumnkShao, CY; Yoshimura, KX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kANALYTICAL SCIENCES  l2011  n27  n3kArticlek瓽醶?k 0910-6340k m0722 kEI kscie k-i化工學院 i羅艷njjbEffect of microencapsulation on dyeing behaviors of disperse dyes without auxiliary solubilizationTkLYan, Luo (1); Yi, Zhong (1); Ben, Zhang (1); Juan, Du (1); Shuilin, Chen (1) k{Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Ecoa-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 120 n 1kkkk m0723kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院 i羅艷njjbEffect of Microencapsulation on Dyeing Behaviors of Disperse Dyes Without Auxiliary Solubilization&kLuo, Y; Zhong, Y; Zhang, B; Dub kZDonghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n1kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0724 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i何瑾馨nwjoEffect of microwave curing on antimicrobial activity of chitosan biguanidine hydrochloride treated wool fabrics4k,Zhao, Xue (1); Min, Jie (1); He, Jin-xin (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile Science, Technology Ministry of Education College of Textiles, D( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n n 9kkkk m0725kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i何瑾馨nwjoEffect of microwave curing on antimicrobial activity of chitosan biguanidine hydrochloride treated wool fabricskZhao, X; Min, J; He, JXX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n9kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0726kISTPkkistpi化工學院i蔡再生nojgEffect of N-isopropylacrylamide on the Structure and Swelling Behavior of microporous polyurethane film)k!Lv, HN; Cai, ZS; Qian, C; Xue, YAp kh Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Dept Text Dyeing & Finishing, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes kNOV 06-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0727kISTPkkistpi 機械學院? knjzEffects of Mechanical Activation during the Synthesis of Tungsten Carbide Powders by Carbothermic Reduction of Tungsten Ox'kMa, J; Zhu, SG; Ding, H; Gu, WSF k> Donghua Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaG k?6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids kJUL 05-07, 2010 nnkkkk m0728kISTPkkistpi化工學院i張彥中nIjAElectrically Driven Spinning of Aligned Ultrafine Chitosan Fibers.k&Yuan, HH; Feng, B; Peng, HJ; Zhang, YZ k Donghua Univ, Lab Biomimet Mat Regenerat Med, Dept Bioengn, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0729kISTPkkistpi化工學院i何創龍~ o轟i^jVElectrochemical Mineralization of Porous Gelatin Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering<k4Zhang, F; Feng, W; Cao, LJ; He, CL; Wang, HS; Mo, XMs kk Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0730 kEIk keii化工學院 i王煒ocj[Electroless silver plating on the PET fabrics modified with 3-mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane>k6Lili, Li (1); Dan, Yu (1); Le, Wang (1); Wei, Wang (1) kzKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  lp烜 n 12 n 3kkkk m0731 kEIk keii化工學院i余燈廣o9j1Electrospinning of concentrated polymer solutionskYu, Deng-Guang (1); Branford-White, Christopher J. (2); Chatterton, Nicholas P. (2); White, Kenneth (2); Zhu, Li-Min (1); Shen, Xia-Xia (1); Nie, Wei (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute for Health Research and Policy, London Metropolitan University, London N7 8DB, U kMacromolecules~  lh烜 n 43 n 24kkkk m0732kISTPkkistpi化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃VjNElectrospun Chitosan/Silk Fibroin Blend Nanofibers for Skin Tissue EngineeringBk:Cai, ZX; Fan, LP; Yin, AL; Li, J; Wang, HS; He, CL; Mo, XMu km Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0733kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i朱利民onjfElectrospun diclofenac sodium loaded Eudragit (R) L 100-55 nanofibers for colon-targeted drug delivery&kShen, XX; Yu, DG; Zhu, LM; BraX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. k&INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS  l2011  n408  n1-2kArticle~ k餿@k 0378-5173k m0734 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i邢彥軍oijaEnhanced washing durability of hydrophobic coating on cellulose fabric using polycarboxylic acids^kVHuang, Wenqi (1); Xing, Yanjun (1); Yu, Yunyi (1); Shang, Songmin (3); Dai, Jinjin (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Donghua University, Ministry of E kApplied Surface Science~  ll烜 n 257 n 9kkkk m0735kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i邢彥軍oijaEnhanced washing durability of hydrophobic coating on cellulose fabric using polycarboxylic acids&kHuang, WQ; Xing, YJ; Yu, YY; SX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n257  n9kArticlekm琨@k 0169-4332kDFl0kbX6$. b{ m0736kISTPkscie/ei k-i化工學院 k郭睿otjlEnhanced X-ray attenuation property of dendrimer-entrapped gold nanoparticles complexed with diatrizoic acid>k6Guo, R; Wang, H; Shen, MW; Peng, C; Zhang, GX; Shi, XY kDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China; Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Radiol, Affiliated Shanghai Peoples Hosp 1, Coll Med, Shanghai 200030, Peoples R ChinaT kL241st National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) kMAR 27-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0737kSCIEk scie/ei/istp ksciei化工學院 k郭睿otjlEnhanced X-ray attenuation property of dendrimer-entrapped gold nanoparticles complexed with diatrizoic acid&kGuo, R; Wang, H; Shen, MW; PenQ kIDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China< k4ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  l2011  n241 nkMeeting Abstract~ kk 0065-7727k m0738kISTPkkistpi化工學院i王紅聲p114754MjEEthanol vapor-induced morphology and structure change of silk fibroinDk<Fan, LP; Cai, ZX; Wu, CC; Geng, XH; Wang, HS; He, CL; Mo, XMt kl Donghua Univ, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaR kJInternational Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Applications kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0739kISTPkkistpi化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃fj^Fabrication and Characterization of P(LLA-CL)/SF Nano-yarns Reinforced Silk Fibroin Composites:k2Li, J; Wu, JL; Sheng, XY; Yin, AL; Zhou, Y; Mo, XMx kp Donghua Univ, Inst Biol Sci & Biotechnol, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0740kISTPkkistpi化工學院i朱利民njxFabrication and Characterization of Ultrafine Captopril-loaded Poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA) Fibermats Using Electrospinning+k#Zhang, H; Quan, J; Xie, JG; Zhu, LMY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0741 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i趙亞萍n`jXFabrication of conductive network formed by polyaniline-ZnO composite on fabric surfacesRkJZhao, Ya-Ping (1); Cai, Zai-Sheng (2); Zhou, Zhao-Yi (3); Fu, Xiao-Lan (2) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un kThin Solid Films~  ll烜 n 51 n 18kkkk m0742kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i趙亞萍n`jXFabrication of conductive network formed by polyaniline-ZnO composite on fabric surfaces&kZhao, YP; Cai, ZS; Zhou, ZY; FX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kTHIN SOLID FILMS  l2011  n519  n18kArticle~ k爂@k 0040-6090k m0743kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i何創龍nzjrFabrication of gelatin-hyaluronic acid hybrid scaffolds with tunable porous structures for soft tissue engineering&kZhang, F; He, CL; Cao, LJ; FenX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China: k2INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES  l2011  n48  n3kArticlek9慈v緹@k 0141-8130k m0744 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i蔡再生n^jVFabrication of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics by silica hydrosol and hydrophobizationEk=Xu, Lihui (1); Zhuang, Wei (1); Xu, Bi (1); Cai, Zaisheng (1) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un kApplied Surface Science~  ll烜 n 25 nkkkk m0745kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i蔡再生n^jVFabrication of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics by silica hydrosol and hydrophobization&kXu, LH; Zhuang, W; Xu, B; Cai, k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n257  n13kArticlekm琨@k 0169-4332k m0746 kEIkkei校刊i化工學院i卿鳳翎nQjIFluorinated hyperbranched poly(urea-urethane)s containing reactive groupsAk9Tang, Wei-Yi (1); Huang, Yan-Gen (1); Qing, Feng-Ling (1) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organ7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0747 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i朱利民n|jtHelium/oxygen atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment for hydrophilicity improvement of grey cotton knitted fabrickTian, Liqiang (1); Nie, Huali (1); Chatterton, Nicholas P. (3); Branford-White, Christopher J. (3); Qiu, Yiping (4); Zhu, Limin (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile (Donghua University), Ministry of Education, kApplied Surface Science~  ll烜 n 25 n 16kkkk m0748kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i朱利民n|jtHelium/oxygen atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment for hydrophilicity improvement of grey cotton knitted fabric&kTian, LQ; Nie, HL; Chatterton,Q kIDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n257  n16kArticlekm琨@k 0169-4332k m0749 kEIk keii化工學院 i楊群nj{Highly efficient reinforcement of poly-l-lactide materials by polymer blending of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymerhk`Yang, Qun (1); Hirata, Masayuki (2); Lu, Danian (1); Nakajima, Hajime (2); Kimura, Yoshiharu (2) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Bio-Based Materials Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology kBiomacromolecules~  ll烜 n 1 nkkkk m0750 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i曹張軍njIdentification of a keratinase-producing bacterial strain and enzymatic study for Its improvement on shrink resistance and tensile strength of wool- and polyester-blended fabriczkrCai, Shao-Bo (1); Huang, Zheng-Hua (1); Zhang, Xing-Qun (2); Cao, Zhang-Jun (1); Zhou, Mei-Hua (3); Hong, Feng (1) kGroup Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science. k&Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology~  ll烜 n 163 n 1kkkk m0751kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i曹張軍njIdentification of a Keratinase-Producing Bacterial Strain and Enzymatic Study for Its Improvement on Shrink Resistance and Tensile Strength of Wool- and Polyester-Blended Fabric&kCai, SB; Huang, ZH; Zhang, XQ;} kuDonghua Univ, Grp Microbiol Engn & Ind Biotechnol, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. k&APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY  l2011  n163  n1kArticlekJ +?k 0273-2289k m0752kISTPkkistpi化工學院k史向陽nxjpImproved Biocompatibility of Polyethyleneimine Modified with Acetamide, Hydroxyl, Carboxyl Groups and PEG Chains#kWen, SH; Zheng, FY; Shi, XYY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0753 kEIkscie k-i化工學院k史向陽njImproved cellular response on multiwalled carbon nanotube-incorporated electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan nanofibrous scaffoldsk{Liao, Huihui (1); Qi, Ruiling (3); Shen, Mingwu (2); Cao, Xueyan (2); Guo, Rui (2); Zhang, Yanzhong (2); Shi, Xiangyang (1) kKey Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Universit kColloids and Surfaces B~  ll烜 n 8 nkkkk m0754kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i史向陽njImproved cellular response on multiwalled carbon nanotube-incorporated electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan nanofibrous scaffolds&kLiao, HH; Qi, RL; Shen, MW; CaX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China- k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES  l2011  n84  n2kArticlek儻鱏慳 @k 0927-7765k m0755kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i何瑾馨nGj?Improvement in dyeability of wool fabric by microwave treatmentkZhao, X; He, JXX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China2 k*INDIAN JOURNAL OF FIBRE & TEXTILE RESEARCH  l2011  n36  n1kArticle~ kk 0971-0426k m0756 kEIk keii化工學院i余燈廣n}juImproving effects of electrospun composite nanofibers on the dissolution and permeation of poorly water soluble drugs`kXYu, Deng-Guang (1); Yang, Jian-Mao (2); Shen, Xia-Xia (1); Nie, Wei (1); Zhu, Li-Min (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Center of Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China8 k0Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials~  lh烜 n 41 nSUPPL. 3kkkk m0757 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i余燈廣n]jUImproving polymer nanofiber quality using a modified co-axial electrospinning processkYu, Deng-Guang (1); Branford-White, Christopher (2); Bligh, S. W. Annie (2); White, Kenneth (2); Chatterton, Nicholas P. (2); Zhu, Li-Min (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute for Health Research and Policy, Faculty of Life Science, London Metropolitan Uni+ k#Macromolecular Rapid Communications~  ll烜 n n09/10/12kkkk m0758kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i余燈廣n]jUImproving Polymer Nanofiber Quality Using a Modified Co-axial Electrospinning Process&kYu, DG; Branford-White, C; BliX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS  l2011  n32  n9-10kArticlek褚Mb@k 1022-1336k m0759 kEIkscie k-i化工學院 i李戎nFj>In situ polymerization of aniline on acrylamide grafted cottonikaLi, Rong (1); Liu, Gaofeng (2); Gu, Feng (2); Wang, Zheng (2); Song, Yang (2); Wang, Jianqing (2) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textile* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 120 n 2kkkk m0760kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院 i李戎nFj>In Situ Polymerization of Aniline on Acrylamide Grafted Cotton&kLi, R; Liu, GF; Gu, F; Wang, Zb kZDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n2kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0761 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i朱利民n}juIn vitro controlled release of polymeric drug-saccharide conjugates with ketoprofen, ibuprofen, and naproxen pendantslkdWu, Chengyao (1); Xie, Jiangang (1); Branford-White, Christopher (3); Quan, Jing (1); Zhu, Limin (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Department of Chemistry, Zhengzhou Normal University, Zhengzhou, China; (3) Institute for* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 12 n 3kkkk m0762kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i朱利民n}juIn Vitro Controlled Release of Polymeric Drug-Saccharide Conjugates with Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen Pendants&kWu, CY; Xie, JG; Branford-WhitX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n121  n3kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0763kISTPkkistpi化工學院i倪似愚n_jWInitial in Vitro Interaction of HUV with Diameter-controlled Nano-porous Anodic Alumina<k4Zhang, YF; Ni, SR; Ni, SY; Chang, J; Zhou, XP; Wu, PY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0764kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i周興平nhj`In-Situ Polymerization Approach for Preparation of Rare Earth Fluoride Phosphors Coated with PAA!kLi, X; Zhou, XP; Wang, XQX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY  l2011  n11  n11kArticlek5^篒 ?k 1533-4880k m0765kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i朱利民nSjKIonic Liquids-Promoted S-Methylation of Thiols Utilizing Dimethyl Carbonate%kXie, JA; Wu, CY; Christopher,X kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China> k6PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS  l2011  n186  n1kArticlek扼x殞?k 1042-6507k m0766 kEIk keii化工學院i朱利民nSjKIsolation and characterization of hemicelluloses from cottonseed coat wastedk\Hu, Yingqing (1); Nie, Huali (1); White, Christopher B. (2); Zhao, Zheng (1); Zhu, Limin (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile (Donghua University), Ministry of Educ3 k+Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy~  lh烜 n n 4kkkk m0767kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i陳沛然nfj^Kinetic resolution of allylic alcohols via stereoselective acylation catalyzed by lipase PS-30kChen, PR; Xiang, PW kODonghua Univ, Sch Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kTETRAHEDRON LETTERS  l2011  n52  n44kArticlekX9慈v@k 0040-4039kD7Jl'bQ`{&ow      m0768kISTPkkistpi化工學院i朱利民nej]Laccase Pretreatment for Enhancing the Effect on Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Cotton Fabric>k6Tian, LQ; Branford-White, C; Wang, W; Nie, HL; Zhu, LMY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0769 kEIk keii化工學院i謝孔良b114184njfLow temperature bleaching and dyeing properties of modified cellulose fabrics with triazine derivative?k7Xie, Kongliang (1); Hu, Chuanguo (2); Zhang, Xufang (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Zhejiang Jiaxin Silk Corporation Ltd., Jiaxing 314000, China kCarbohydrate Polymers~  lp烜 n 8 n 2kkkk m0770 kEI kscie k-i化工學院 i俞丹nrjjMechanisms and kinetics of chelating reaction between chitosan and Pd(II) in chemical plating pretreatmentBk:Dan, Yu (1); Jinxin, He (1); Yuehui, Ma (1); Wei, Wang (1) kThe Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renming road, Shanghai 201620, China  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 81 n 1kkkk m0771kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院 i俞丹nrjjMechanisms and kinetics of chelating reaction between chitosan and Pd(II) in chemical plating pretreatment&kYu, D; He, JX; Ma, YH; Wang, Wt klDonghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n1kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0772 kEI kscie k- iknBj:Microporous membranes based on electro-conducting polymersIkATao, Yong (1); Yu, Guangshui (2); Wang, Xin (2); Wang, Zhaobo (3) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Rubber-Plastics, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Ministry4 k,International Journal of Polymeric Materials~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0773kSCIE kei kscie iknBj:Microporous Membranes Based on Electro-Conducting Polymers&kTao, Y; Yu, GS; Wang, X; Wang,[ kSDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai, Peoples R China4 k,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS  l2011  n60  n9kArticlek$仌C?k 0091-4037k m0774kISTPkkistpi化工學院i莫秀梅~ o愾鸃mjeModification of Electrospinning with a Dynamic Liquid Collection System to Produce Nanoyarn ScaffoldsRkJWu, JL; Li, J; Wu, CC; Yin, AL; Sheng, XY; Liu, W; Liu, JY; Mo, XM; Yan, Zt kl Donghua Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0775 kEI kscie k-i化工學院 i朱泉nsjkModified silica sol coatings for highly hydrophobic cotton and polyester fabrics using a one-step procedure\kTZhu, Quan (1); Gao, Qinwen (2); Guo, Yuliang (2); Yang, Charles Q. (3); Shen, Li (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Dymatic Chemicals, Inc., Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong 528305, China; (3) Department of Textil5 k-Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m0776kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院 i朱泉nsjkModified Silica Sol Coatings for Highly Hydrophobic Cotton and Polyester Fabrics Using a One-Step Procedure&kZhu, Q; Gao, QW; Guo, YL; YangX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China3 k+INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH  l2011  n50  n10kArticlekL7堿`@k 0888-5885k m0777 kISTP k kistp i化工學院 i何創龍 n~ jvMorphology and Thermal Properties of Hybrid Nanofibrous Scaffold of Poly(L-lactic acid) and Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)F k>Cao, LJ; Feng, W; Zhang, LQ; Hu, JW; Cheng, X; Qiu, KX; He, CLZ  kR Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chenm Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;  k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials  kJUN 07-08, 2011  nnkkkk m0778 kSCIE k kscie i化工學院 i史向陽 no jgMultifunctional dendrimer/combretastatin A4 inclusion complexes enable in vitro targeted cancer therapy& kZhang, MG; Guo, R; Wang, Y; CaX  kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China-  k%INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE  l2011  n6  n kArticle~ k恠@ k 1178-2013 k m0779 kSCIE k kscie i化工學院 i李洪啟 n] jUNew thiopyran-4-spiro-2 '-(1,3-dithiolane): Formation mechanism and crystal structure kLi, HQ; Zhang, ZB; Li, L  k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS  l2011  n22  n3 kArticle k矟銨芀? k 1001-8417 k m0780 kEI kscie k- i化工學院 i黃焰根 n] jUNitrogen-rich salts based on energetic nitroaminodiazido[1,3,5]triazine and GuanazineG k?Huang, Yangen (1); Zhang, Yanqiang (2); Shreeve, Jean'Ne M. (2)  kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-234&  kChemistry - A European Journal~  ll烜  n 1  n kkkk m0781 kSCIE kei kscie i化工學院 i黃焰根 n] jUNitrogen-Rich Salts Based on Energetic Nitroaminodiazido[1,3,5]triazine and Guanazine& kHuang, YG; Zhang, YQ; Shreeve,X  kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$  kCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL  l2011  n17  n5 kArticle~ k剛@ k 0947-6539 k m0782 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i卿鳳翎nXjPNonbiofouling surface based on amphiphilic alkanethiol self-assembled monolayersQkIFeng, Shijun (1); Huang, Yangen (1); Wang, Qiang (2); Qing, Feng-Ling (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Lu, Shanghai 201620,& kSurface and Interface Analysis~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0783kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i卿鳳翎nXjPNonbiofouling surface based on amphiphilic alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers&kFeng, SJ; Huang, YG; Wang, QA;X kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kSURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS  l2011  n43  n4kArticle~ k]@k 0142-2421k m0784 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i李洪啟n'jNovel coumarin fluorescent dyesjkbLi, Hongqi (1); Cai, Li (1); Li, Jinxing (1); Hu, Yixin (1); Zhou, Pingping (1); Zhang, Jiming (1) kzKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China kDyes and Pigments~  ll烜 n n 3kkkk m0785kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i李洪啟njzNovel coumarin fluorescent dyes: Synthesis, structural characterization and recognition behavior towards Cu(II) and Ni(II)&kLi, HQ; Cai, L; Li, JX; Hu, YX k|Donghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kDYES AND PIGMENTS  l2011  n91  n3kArticlek5^篒  @k 0143-7208k m0786kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i何創龍nojgNovel fluorinated polymers bearing phosphonated side chains: synthesis, characterization and properties!kZhu, YQ; Chen, HH; He, CLX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH  l2011  n18  n6kArticlek顋?5^蝴?k 1022-9760k m0787 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i何創龍nQjINovel polyelectrolytes containing perfluorocyclobutane and triazole units>k6Zhu, Yuanqin (1); Chen, Haihua (2); He, Chuanglong (1) kDepartment of Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Applied Physics, College of Physical Science and Technolog kPolymer Journal~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0788kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i何創龍n}juNovel polyelectrolytes containing perfluorocyclobutane and triazole units: synthesis, characterization and properties!kZhu, YQ; Chen, HH; He, CL\ kTDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Dept Chem, Shanghai, Peoples R China kPOLYMER JOURNAL  l2011  n43  n3kArticlekT慳浤 ?k 0032-3896k m0789 kEIkkei校刊i化工學院i孟衛東nSjKNovel waterborne fluorinated polyurethane containing fluoroalkyl side chain/k'Huang, Yan-Ping (1); Meng, Wei-Dong (1) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organ7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0790 kEI kscie k-i化工學院i朱利民njOptimization of adsorption conditions of BSA on thermosensitive magnetic composite particles using response surface methodology]kUSong, Ming-Min (1); Branford-White, Christopher (2); Nie, Hua-Li (1); Zhu, Li-Min (1) kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Songjiang University City, 2999 North Remin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute for Health Research and Policy kColloids and Surfaces B~  ll烜 n 8 nkkkk m0791kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i朱利民njOptimization of adsorption conditions of BSA on thermosensitive magnetic composite particles using response surface methodology&kSong, MM; Branford-White, C; Nm keDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Songjiang Univ City 201620, Shanghai, Peoples R China- k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES  l2011  n84  n2kArticlek儻鱏慳 @k 0927-7765k m0792kISTPkkistpi化工學院i張彥中nLjDPhase Separation of the Electrospun Gelatin/PCL Composite Nanofibers.k&Feng, B; Yuan, HH; Peng, HJ; Zhang, YZ k Donghua Univ, Lab Biomimet Mat Regenerat Med, Dept Bioengn, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0793 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i卿鳳翎nUjMPolyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based fluoroether-containing terpolymers<k4Gao, Yu (1); He, Chuanglong (2); Qing, Feng-Ling (2) kResearch Institute of Donghua University, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3)* k"Journal of Polymer Science, Part A~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0794kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i卿鳳翎njPolyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Fluoroether-Containing Terpolymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Their Water and Oil Repellency Evaluation for Cotton Fabric kGao, Y; He, CL; Qing, FLX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY  l2011  n49  n24kArticlek'1Z@k 0887-624Xk m0795 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i陸大年nj|Preparation and biodegradation of hydroxyl terminated poly(fumaric acid-co-diethylene glycol) and its segmented polyurethaneQkIYang, Qun (1); Shao, Fen-Juan (1); Lu, Da-Nian (1); Kimura, Yoshiharu (2) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Techno* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  ll烜 n 12 nkkkk m0796kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i陸大年nj|Preparation and Biodegradation of Hydroxyl Terminated Poly(fumaric acid-co-diethylene glycol) and Its Segmented Polyurethane&kYang, Q; Shao, FJ; Lu, DN; Kim k|Donghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China* k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE  l2011  n120  n4kArticlek9慈v緹?k 0021-8995k m0797kISTPkkistpi化工學院i何創龍nej]Preparation and Characterization of Drug-loaded PLGA Microspheres for Bone Tissue Engineering:k2Feng, W; Cao, LJ; Gao, YX; Qiu, KX; Hu, JW; He, CLY kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0798 kEIkscie k-i化工學院i毛誌平njPreparation and characterization of flame-retardant lamellar Mg(OH) 2 thin films on citric acid-treated cotton fabricskMao, Qinghui (1); Zhang, Linping (1); Huang, Dehui (1); Wang, Dan (1); Huang, Yang (1); Xu, Hong (1); Cao, Huantian (2); Mao, Zhiping (1) kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies, University of Delaware, Newar& kSurface and Interface Analysis~  ll烜 n 4 n 5kkkk m0799kSCIE kei ksciei化工學院i毛誌平njwPreparation and characterization of flame-retardant lamellar Mg(OH)(2) thin films on citric acid-treated cotton fabrics&kMao, QH; Zhang, LP; Huang, DH;a kYDonghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kSURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS  l2011  n43  n5kArticle~ k]@k 0142-2421kD馟lGO%#  V[52A7IYI !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? m0800 kEI k kei iknA j9Preparation and characterization of hydroxybutyl chitosan] kUZhu, Bin (1); Wei, Changzheng (2); Hou, Chunlin (3); Gu, Qisheng (2); Chen, Dajun (1)  kState Key Laboratory of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Shanghai Qisheng Biological Preparation CO.,  k E-Polymers~  lh烜  n  n kkkk !m0801!kISTP!k!kistp!i化工學院!i何創龍!nj!jbPreparation and Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Delivery of Growth Factors3!k+Feng, W; Cao, LJ; Qiu, KX; Cheng, X; He, CLY! kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;! k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials! kJUN 07-08, 2011! nnkkkk "m0802 "kEI"kscie "k-"i化工學院"i徐永芬"nQ"jIPreparation and characterization of novel polyimides with hydroxyl groupsI"kAXu, Yongfen (1); Fei, Fei (1); Zhao, Jiongxin (2); Yu, Xinhai (1)" kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, North Renmin Road 2999, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University,1" k)Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B~ " ll烜" n 5" n 11"kkkk #m0803#kSCIE #kei #kscie#i化工學院#i徐永芬#nQ#jIPreparation and Characterization of Novel Polyimides with Hydroxyl Groups%#kXu, YF; Fei, F; Zhao, JX; Yu,X# kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8# k0JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS # l2011 # n50 # n11#kArticle#k儻鱏慳?#k 0022-2348#k $m0804 $kEI$kscie $k-$i化工學院$i朱利民$nt$jlPreparation and characterization of TAM-loaded HPMC/PAN composite fibers for improving drug-release profilesp$khShen, Xiaxia (1); Yu, Dengguang (1); Zhang, Xiaofei (1); Branford-White, Christopher (2); Zhu, Limin (1)$ kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute for Health Research and Policy, Lond8$ k0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition~ $ ll烜$ n 2$ n 16$kkkk %m0805%kSCIE %kei %kscie%i化工學院%i朱利民%nt%jlPreparation and Characterization of TAM-Loaded HPMC/PAN Composite Fibers for Improving Drug-Release Profiles&%kShen, XX; Yu, DG; Zhang, XF; BX% kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7% k/JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION % l2011 % n22 % n16%kArticle%kuV?%k 0920-5063%k &m0806 &kEI&kscie &k-&i化工學院 &i洪楓&nk&jcPreparation and evaluation of a kind of bacterial cellulose dry films with antibacterial properties5&k-Wei, Bin (1); Yang, Guang (1); Hong, Feng (1)& kGroup of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory fo& kCarbohydrate Polymers~ & ll烜& n 84& n 1&kkkk 'm0807'kSCIE 'kei 'kscie'i化工學院 'i洪楓'nk'jcPreparation and evaluation of a kind of bacterial cellulose dry films with antibacterial properties!'kWei, B; Yang, GA; Hong, F}' kuDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Grp Microbiol Engn & Ind Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China' kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS ' l2011 ' n84 ' n1'kArticle'k/$ @'k 0144-8617'k (m0808 (kEI(k(kei校刊(i化工學院 (i俞丹(n|(jtPreparation and properties of conductive polyester fabric based on Ni-P chemical plating with Pd-chitosan activationD(k<Yu, Dan (1); He, Jin-Xin (1); Ma, Yue-Hui (1); Wang, Wei (1)( kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science Technology of Exo-textile, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201627( k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ ( ll烜( n 2( n 2(kkkk )m0809)kISTP)k)kistp)i化工學院 )i鐘毅)n;)j3Preparation and Properties of Magnetic Microcapsule")kZhou, JL; Luo, Y; Zhong, YY) kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;) k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials) kJUN 07-08, 2011) nnkkkk *m0810*kISTP*k*kistp*i化工學院*i蔡再生*np*jhPreparation and Properties of NCC (Nanocrystalline Cellulose)/PLA (Poly (lactic acid)) Bionanocomposites"*kSun, J; Zhang, WY; Cai, ZS[* kS Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechonoly, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;* k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials* kJUN 07-08, 2011* nnkkkk +m0811+kISTP+k+kistp+i化工學院 +i徐紅+nF+j>Preparation and properties of PLLA-co-bis A/VMT nanocomposites+kBai, YL; Xu, H; Mao, ZPc+ k[ Donghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaU+ kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes+ kNOV 06-08, 2010+ nnkkkk ,m0812 ,kEI,k ,kei,i化工學院,i侯愛芹,n,j|Preparation and UV-protective properties of functional cellulose fabrics based on reactive azobenzene Schiff base derivative=,k5Hou, Aiqin (1); Zhang, Chunxiang (1); Wang, Yuyan (1), kNational Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China, kCarbohydrate Polymers~ , lp烜, n, n,kkkk -m0813-kISTP-k-kistp-i化工學院 -i王煒-nh-j`Preparation of Antibacterial Silver-coated PET Fibers with High Conductivity by Two-step Process)-k!Yang, YY; Xie, JJ; Yu, D; Wang, W- k| Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Natl Engn Res Ctr Dyeing & Finishing Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;- k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials- kJUN 07-08, 2011- nnkkkk .m0814.kSCIE.k .kscie.i化工學院 .i俞丹.nx.jpPreparation of conductive wool fabrics and adsorption behaviour of Pd (II) ions on chitosan in the pre-treatment.kYu, D; Wang, W; Wu, JW. kyDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. kSYNTHETIC METALS . l2011 . n161 . n1-2.kArticle.k$仌C?.k 0379-6779.k /m0815 /kEI /kscie /k-/i化工學院/i邢彥軍/nj/jbPreparation of durable superhydrophobic surface by sol-gel method with water glass and citric acidZ/kRLiu, Jinyun (1); Huang, Wenqi (1); Xing, Yanjun (1); Li, Rong (3); Dai, Jinjin (1)/ kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Donghua University, Ministry of E1/ k)Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology~ / ll烜/ n/ n 1/kkkk 0m08160kSCIE 0kei 0kscie0i化工學院0i邢彥軍0nj0jbPreparation of durable superhydrophobic surface by sol-gel method with water glass and citric acid%0kLiu, JY; Huang, WQ; Xing, YJ;X0 kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China10 k)JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 0 l2011 0 n58 0 n10kArticle0k&1?0k 0928-07070k 1m08171kSCIE1k 1kscie1i化工學院 1i陳婷1np1jhPreparation of monomeric B27 Lys destripeptide insulin by intein mediated expression in Escherichia coli&1kChen, T; Li, LJ; Hao, HL; QiaoO1 kGDongHua Univ, Inst Biol Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+1 k#PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 1 l2011 1 n80 1 n11kArticle1k1Zd?1k 1046-59281k 2m08182kISTP2k2kistp2i化工學院 2i洪楓2nZ2jRPreparation of Nano-silver Impregnated Bacterial Cellulose Films as Wound Dressing!2kXie, JJ; Yang, G; Hong, F~2 kv Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Grp Microbiol Engn & Ind Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;2 k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials2 kJUN 07-08, 20112 nnkkkk 3m0819 3kEI3k 3kei3i化工學院 3i徐紅3n\3jTPreparation of PLLA-co-bis a ER/VMT nanocomposites by in situ polymerization process53k-Xu, Hong (1); Bai, Yali (1); Mao, Zhiping (1)3 kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile (Donghua University), Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua U&3 kOpen Materials Science Journal~ 3 ll烜3 n3 n3kkkk 4m0820 4kEI 4kscie 4k-4i化工學院 4i權靜4n4j{Preparation of ultrafine fast-dissolving feruloyl-oleyl-glycerol-loaded polyvinylpyrrolidone fiber mats via electrospinning4kQuan, Jing (1); Yu, Yang (1); Branford-White, Christopher (2); Williams, Gareth R. (2); Yu, Deng-Guang (1); Nie, Wei (1); Zhu, Li-Min (1)4 kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute for Health Research and Policy, London Metropolitan University, London N78 DB, U4 kColloids and Surfaces B~ 4 ll烜4 n 84 n4kkkk 5m08215kSCIE 5kei 5kscie5i化工學院 5i權靜5n5j{Preparation of ultrafine fast-dissolving feruloyl-oleyl-glycerol-loaded polyvinylpyrrolidone fiber mats via electrospinning&5kQuan, J; Yu, Y; Branford-WhiteX5 kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China-5 k%COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 5 l2011 5 n88 5 n15kArticle5k儻鱏慳 @5k 0927-77655k 6m08226kISTP6k6kistp6i化工學院6i朱利民6nQ6jIPreparation of Ultrafine Zein/Gelatin Fiber Composite via Electrospinning<6k4Nie, W; Branford-White, C; Shen, XX; Yu, DG; Zhu, LMY6 kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;6 k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials6 kJUN 07-08, 20116 nnkkkk 7m08237kISTP7k7kistp7i化工學院7i朱利民7nh7j`Pretreatment by Xylanase and Low Temperature Bio-bleaching of Cotton Fabric with Glucose Oxidase37k+Zhao, Z; Nie, HL; Chen, TC; Zhu, Q; Zhu, LMY7 kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;7 k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials7 kJUN 07-08, 20117 nnkkkk 8m0824 8kEI 8kscie 8k-8i化工學院8k史向陽8nb8jZProbing the molecular weight of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers and derivatives using SDS-PAGEN8kFXiao, Tongyu (1); Cao, Xueyan (2); Wang, Shige (3); Shi, Xiangyang (1)8 kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua Un8 kAnalytical Methods~ 8 ll烜8 n8 n 108kkkk 9m08259kSCIE 9kei 9kscie9i化工學院9k史向陽9nb9jZProbing the molecular weight of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers and derivatives using SDS-PAGE&9kXiao, TY; Cao, XY; Wang, SG; SX9 kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China9 kANALYTICAL METHODS 9 l2011 9 n3 9 n109kArticle9k崡n兝?9k 1759-96609k :m0826:kISTP:k:kistp:i化工學院 :i洪楓:nc:j[Production of Bacterial Cellulose by Using Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Tuber:kHan, X; Hong, F~: kv Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Grp Microbiol Engn & Ind Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;: k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials: kJUN 07-08, 2011: nnkkkk ;m0827;kSCIE;k ;kscie;i化工學院;i趙聖印;nG;j?Progress in the Study of 4-Hydroxy-2-pyridone Natural Alkaloids!;kTang, YM; Li, J; Zhao, SYX; kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,; k$CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ; l2011 ; n31 ; n1;kArticle;k垸~j紅?;k 0253-2786;k <m0828<kISTP<k<kistp<i化工學院<i莫秀梅~ <o愾鸃<jzRapid Mineralization of P(LLA-CL)/Collagen Composite Nanofibrous Scaffolds with 10 Times Simulated Body Fluid for Bone TisO<kGLiu, W; Su, Y; Cai, ZX; Zhang, KH; Al-Deyab, SS; Ramakrishna, S; Mo, XMs< kk Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;< k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials< kJUN 07-08, 2011< nnkkkk =m0829 =kSCIE=k =kscie=i化工學院=i陳沛然=n~=jvRecent Advances in the Ferrier-Type Rearrangement Reactions and Their Applications in the Complex Bio-active Molecules=kChen, PR; Xiang, PX= kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,= k$CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY = l2011 = n31 = n8=kArticle=k垸~j紅?=k 0253-2786=k >m0830>kSCIE>k >kscie>i化工學院>i趙聖印>n9>j1Recent Development in the Synthesis of Pregabalin&>kChen, YS; Li, X; Cheng, RN; ZhX> kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,> k$CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY > l2011 > n31 > n10>kArticle>k垸~j紅?>k 0253-2786>k ?m0831?kSCIE?k ?kscie?i化工學院?i卿鳳翎?n?jRegioselective synthesis of 5-trifluoromethyl-1,2,3-triazole nucleoside analogues via TBS-directed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction&?kXiong, ZR; Qiu, XL; Huang, YG;X? kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China%? kJOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY ? l2011 ? n132 ? n3?kArticle?k$仌C@?k 0022-1139?kDgElbS'9Y4@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ @m0832@kISTP@k@kistp@i機械學院 @knj@jbResearch on the Relationship between Yarn Path and Yarn Tension in Tufting Carpet Equipment System(@k Xu, Y; Sun, ZJ; Meng, Z; Sun, YZ?@ k7 Donghua Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaY@ kQInternational Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering@ kAPR 16-17, 2011@ nnkkkk Am0833AkSCIEAk AkscieAi化工學院Ai朱利民AnrAjjSH-Methylation of SH-Containing Heterocycles with Dimethyl Carbonate via Phase-Transfer Catalytic Reaction&AkXie, JG; Quan, J; Li, SB; ZhenXA kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China A kSYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS A l2011 A n41 A n6AkArticleAk恕E扼?Ak 0039-7911Ak Bm0834 BkEIBk BkeiBi化工學院Bi何瑾馨BnBj~SiO2/TiO2 multilayer films grown on cotton fibers surface at low temperature by a novel two-step process<Bk4Liu, Baojiang (1); Wang, Zhenhua (2); He, Jinxin (1)B kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620,B kMaterials Letters~ B lp烜B n 6B n 1Bkkkk Cm0835CkSCIECk CkscieCi化工學院 Ci張煊CnCjSolvent-dependent intramolecular charge transfer dual fluorescence of p-dimethylaminobenzanilide bearing steric ortho,ortho-dimethyl substituents at amido anilineCkZhang, X; Jiang, YBXC kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0C k(PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES C l2011 C n10 C n11CkArticleCky&1@Ck 1474-905XCk Dm0836DkSCIEDk DkscieDi化工學院 Di孟清DnXDjPSpontaneous C-cleavage of a mini-intein without its conserved N-terminal motif A DkQi, XM; Meng, Q; Liu, XQRD kJDonghua Univ, Inst Biol Sci & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k FEBS LETTERS D l2011 D n585 D n15DkArticleDk琨襇 @Dk 0014-5793Dk Em0837 EkEI Ekscie Ek-Ei化工學院Ei毛誌平EnrEjjStructural characteristics and physical properties of lotus fibers obtained from Nelumbo nucifera petiolesEk|Pan, Ying (1); Han, Guangting (1); Mao, Zhiping (1); Zhang, Yuanming (2); Duan, Hui (2); Huang, Jiancheng (2); Qu, Lijun (2)E kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile (Ministry of Education), Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, Growing Base forE kCarbohydrate Polymers~ E ll烜E n 8E nEkkkk Fm0838FkSCIE Fkei FkscieFi化工學院Fi毛誌平FnrFjjStructural characteristics and physical properties of lotus fibers obtained from Nelumbo nucifera petioles&FkPan, Y; Han, GT; Mao, ZP; ZhanrF kjQingdao Univ, Lab New Fiber Mat & Modern Text, Growing Base State Key Lab, Qingdao 266071, Peoples R ChinaF kCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS F l2011 F n85 F n1FkArticleFk/$ @Fk 0144-8617Fk Gm0839 GkEIGk GkeiGi化工學院Gi朱利民GnsGjkSustained release of ethyl cellulose micro-particulate drug delivery systems prepared using electrospraying^GkVHuang, Li-Ya (1); Yu, Deng-Guang (2); Branford-White, Christopher (3); Zhu, Li-Min (1)G kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Material Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technol$G kJournal of Materials Science~ G lp烜G nG nGkkkk Hm0840 HkEI Hkscie Hk-Hi化工學院Hi邢彥軍HnpHjhSynthesis and application of long-chain alkyl quaternary ammonium-functionalized hyperbranched polyester\HkTDu, Yingying (1); Chen, Qianlan (1); Shen, Li (1); Xing, Yanjun (1); Dai, Jinjin (1)H kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile (Donghua University), Ministry of*H k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ H ll烜H n 12H n 5Hkkkk Im0841IkSCIE Ikei IkscieIi化工學院Ii邢彥軍InpIjhSynthesis and Application of Long-Chain Alkyl Quaternary Ammonium-Functionalized Hyperbranched Polyester&IkDu, YY; Chen, QL; Shen, L; XinXI kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*I k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE I l2011 I n121 I n5IkArticleIk9慈v緹?Ik 0021-8995Ik Jm0842JkISTPJkJkistpJi化工學院Ji李洪啟JnhJj`Synthesis and Application of New Benzotriazole Derivatives as UV Absorbers for Polyester FabricsBJk:Yang, YY; Li, HQ; He, XD; Mu, BN; Chen, YJ; Nan, Y; Zou, YJ k} Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaOJ kGInternational Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced MaterialsJ kMAY 28-30, 2011J nnkkkk Km0843 KkEI Kkscie Kk-Ki化工學院Ki李洪啟KneKj]Synthesis and characterisation of microencapsulated 7-alkyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin dyesRKkJHu, Yixin (1); Zhong, Yi (1); Li, Jinxing (1); Cai, Li (1); Li, Hongqi (1)K kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 2016K kColoration Technology~ K ll烜K n 12K n 5Kkkkk Lm0844LkSCIE Lkei LkscieLi化工學院Li李洪啟LneLj]Synthesis and characterisation of microencapsulated 7-alkyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin dyes&LkHu, YX; Zhong, Y; Li, JX; Cai,L k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL kCOLORATION TECHNOLOGY L l2011 L n127 L n5LkArticleLk慳浤 邦?Lk 1472-3581Lk Mm0845 MkEI Mkscie Mk-Mi化工學院Mi謝孔良Mb114184zMjrSynthesis and characterization of chiral compounds containing cationic groups as chiral dopants in liquid crystalsAMk9Xie, Kongliang (1); Zhang, Chunxiang (1); Yu, Yanhong (1)pM khCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China0M k(Journal of Colloid and Interface Science~ M ll烜M n 3M n 2Mkkkk Nm0846NkSCIE Nkei NkscieNi化工學院Ni謝孔良Nb114184zNjrSynthesis and characterization of chiral compounds containing cationic groups as chiral dopants in liquid crystals"NkXie, KL; Zhang, CX; Yu, YHXN kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0N k(JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE N l2011 N n360 N n2NkArticle~ Nk0s@Nk 0021-9797Nk Om0847 OkEI Okscie Ok-Oi化工學院Oi楊一奇OnOjSynthesis and characterization of highly flexible thermoplastic films from cyanoethylated corn distillers dried grains with solublesKOkCHu, Chunyan (1); Reddy, Narendra (2); Yan, Kelu (1); Yang, Yiqi (1)O kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design, 234 HECO Building, University of Nebraska-Lin2O k*Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry~ O ll烜O n 5O nOkkkk Pm0848PkSCIE Pkei PksciePi化工學院Pi楊一奇PnPjSynthesis and Characterization of Highly Flexible Thermoplastic Films from Cyanoethylated Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles&PkHu, CY; Reddy, N; Yan, KL; YanXP kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China2P k*JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY P l2011 P n59 P n5PkArticlePk/$仌@Pk 0021-8561Pk Qm0849QkISTPQkQkistpQi化工學院Qi周興平QnlQjdSynthesis and Characterization of Stable Monodispersed Ag Nanoparticles via W/O Microemulsion Method,Qk$Zhu, CZ; Liu, YG; Zhou, XP; Wang, XQYQ kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;Q k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsQ kJUN 07-08, 2011Q nnkkkk Rm0850RkSCIERk RkscieRi化工學院Ri李洪啟RnBRj:Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Mestranol Acetate%RkLi, HQ; Qian, HC; Li, JX; Ma,R k|Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+R k#JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY R l2011 R n41 R n8RkArticleRk&1?Rk 1074-1542Rk Sm0851SkSCIESk SkscieSi化工學院Si趙聖印Sn[SjSSynthesis and Fluorescence Properties of N-Benzamidobisindolylmaleimide Derivatives&SkFan, M; Xie, ZX; Xu, ZH; Ping,XS kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,S k$CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY S l2011 S n31 S n6SkArticleSk垸~j紅?Sk 0253-2786Sk Tm0852TkISTPTkTkistpTi化工學院Ti朱利民TnYTjQSynthesis and Identification of Thermo-responsive Copolymers: Poly (NVCL-co-OVAG):Tk2Wu, JX; Quan, J; Branford-White, C; Li, Y; Zhu, LMYT kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;T k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsT kJUN 07-08, 2011T nnkkkk Um0853UkSCIEUk       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~UkscieUi化工學院Ui謝孔良Ub114184UjSynthesis and optical activity of isosorbide chiral derivative containing fluorocarbon group as chiral dopant in liquid crystal materials"UkXie, KL; Su, YH; Zhang, CXXU kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China U kCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS U l2011 U n22 U n12UkArticleUk矟銨芀?Uk 1001-8417Uk Vm0854 VkEIVkVkei校刊Vi化工學院Vi卿鳳翎VnVjSynthesis and wetting behavior of polyurethanes containing polyoxetane soft blocks with semifluorinated and bromomethyl side chainsRVkJHuang, Ji-Qing (1); Wang, Jun (1); Meng, Wei-Dong (1); Qing, Feng-Ling (1)V kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Organo Fluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organ7V k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ V lh烜V nV n 5Vkkkk Wm0855 WkEIWk WkeiWi化工學院Wi卿鳳翎WnWjSynthesis of γ-monofluorinated goniothalamin analogues via regio- and stereoselective ring-opening hydrofluorination of epoxideSWkKChen, Jun-Ling (1); Zheng, Feng (2); Huang, Yangen (1); Qing, Feng-Ling (1)W kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Lu, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Or$W kJournal of Organic Chemistry~ W ll烜W nW nWkkkk Xm0856XkSCIEXk XkscieXi化工學院Xi黃焰根XnXjSynthesis of alpha-fluoro-beta-amino acids via the Reformatsky reaction of chiral N-tert-butylsulfinylimines with ethyl bromofluoroacetate%XkJing, ZT; Huang, YG; Qing, FLXX kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China X kCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS X l2011 X n22 X n8XkArticleXk矟銨芀?Xk 1001-8417Xk Ym0857YkSCIEYk YkscieYi化工學院Yi卿鳳翎YnYjSynthesis of gamma-Monofluorinated Goniothalamin Analogues via Regio- and Stereoselective Ring-Opening Hydrofluorination of Epoxide&YkChen, JL; Zheng, F; Huang, YG;XY kPDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$Y kJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Y l2011 Y n76 Y n16YkArticle~ Yk衶@Yk 0022-3263Yk Zm0858ZkISTPZkZkistpZi化工學院Zi史向陽ZnoZjgSynthesis, Characterization, and X-Ray Attenuation Property of Dendrimer-Stabilized Bi2S3 NanoparticlesZkYi, F; Chen, P; Shi, XYYZ kQ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;Z k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile MaterialsZ kJUN 07-08, 2011Z nnkkkk [m0859[kSCIE[k [kscie[i化工學院[i毛誌平[nI[jAThe anatomy of lotus fibers found in petioles of Nelumbo nucifera&[kPan, Y; Han, GT; Mao, ZP; Zhanb[ kZDonghua Univ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[ kAQUATIC BOTANY [ l2011 [ n95 [ n2[kArticle[kㄆK7堿?[k 0304-3770[k \m0860\kISTP\k\kistp\i化工學院\i莫秀梅~ \o愾鸃\jzThe Characterization of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/Silk Fibroin Blend Nanofibrous Mats with the Methanol Vapor Treatmen:\k2Liu, JY; Wu, JL; Fan, LP; He, CL; Wang, HS; Mo, XMt\ kl Donghua Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn & Biol Engn, Biomat & Tissue Engn Lab, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China;\ k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials\ kJUN 07-08, 2011\ nnkkkk ]m0861]kISTP]k]kistp]i化工學院]i朱利民]n]jyThe Effects of Using Pure Helium and Helium/Oxygen Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatments on Improving Wettability of"]kTian, LQ; Nie, HL; Zhu, LMR] kJ Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Shanghai, Peoples R China8] k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium] kMAY 27-29, 2011] nnkkkk ^m0862^kISTP^k^kistp^i機械學院 ^knq^jiThe Pattern Management Mathematical Method of Computer Flat Knitting Machines Based on Embedded Processor^kHan, Q; Hou, PWh^ k` Donghua Univ, Res Ctr Text Equipment Engn, Coll Mech Engineer, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL^ kD6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics (CJCM 2010)^ kSEP 10-12, 2010^ nnkkkk _m0863 _kEI _kscie _k-_i化工學院 _i徐紅_nF_j>The preparation and antibacterial effects of dopa-cotton/AgNPse_k]Xu, Hong (1); Shi, Xue (1); Ma, Hui (1); Lv, Yihang (1); Zhang, Linping (1); Mao, Zhiping (1){_ ksKey Lab of Science and Technology of Eco-textile, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China_ kApplied Surface Science~ _ ll烜_ n 25_ n 15_kkkkD酕lm8y /i(,  `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ `m0864`kSCIE `kei `kscie`i化工學院 `i徐紅`nF`j>The preparation and antibacterial effects of dopa-cotton/AgNPs%`kXu, H; Shi, X; Ma, H; Lv, YH;` k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China` kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE ` l2011 ` n257 ` n15`kArticle`km琨@`k 0169-4332`k am0865 akEIak akeiai化工學院ai陸大年anwajoThe production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis with desizing wastewater and application in soaping processMakELi, Ming-Jian (1); Yang, Qun (1); Shao, Fen-Juan (1); Lu, Da-Nian (1)a kKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China*a k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~ a ll烜a n 12a n 3akkkk bm0866bkSCIEbk bksciebi化工學院bi陸大年bnwbjoThe Production of Lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis with Desizing Wastewater and Application in Soaping Process&bkLi, MJ; Yang, Q; Shao, FJ; Lu,b k|Donghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Key Lab Sci & Technol Ecotext, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China*b k"JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE b l2011 b n121 b n3bkArticlebk9慈v緹?bk 0021-8995bk cm0867 ckEIckckei校刊ci化工學院ci趙曙輝cnccj[The synthesis of cyclodextrin derivatives with ethilenic bond and their application on silkOckGFang, Xi (1); Huang, Liang-Chen (1); Zhao, Shu-Hui (1); Huang, Fang (1)c kCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua Univers7c k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ c ll烜c n 2c n 3ckkkk dm0868 dkEIdkdkei校刊di化工學院di戴瑾瑾dnhdj`To improve the dispersibility of carbon black in water with plasma and organic amines treatmentsKdkCCao, Shu-Hua (1); Shen, Li (1); Dai, Jin-Jin (1); Dong, Zhi-Jun (1)d kzKey Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghva University, Shanghai 201620, China7d k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ d lh烜d n 2d ndkkkk em0869 ekEI ekscie ek-ei化工學院 ei洪楓enrejjWheat straw acid hydrolysate as a potential cost-effective feedstock for production of bacterial celluloseMekEHong, Feng (1); Zhu, Ying Xue (1); Yang, Guang (1); Yang, Xue Xia (1)e kGroup of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory fo8e k0Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology~ e ll烜e n 8e n 5ekkkk fm0870fkSCIE fkei fksciefi化工學院 fi洪楓fnrfjjWheat straw acid hydrolysate as a potential cost-effective feedstock for production of bacterial cellulose&fkHong, F; Zhu, YX; Yang, GA; Ya}f kuDonghua Univ, Coll Chem Chem Engn & Biotechnol, Grp Microbiol Engn & Ind Biotechnol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8f k0JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY f l2011 f n86 f n5fkArticlefk蛞MbX@fk 0268-2575fk gm0871gkISTPgkgkistpgi機械學院 gknHgj@Yarn Tension Analysis in Typical Carpet Tufting Equipment System2gk*Xu, Y; Sun, ZJ; Meng, Z; Sun, YZ; Chen, GF?g k7 Donghua Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaLg kD4th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Ceeusro g k2011g nnkkkk hm0872 hkEIhkhkei校刊hi環境學院hi楊再福~ hn棼@Ehj=2-Steps preparation activated carbon from Solidago CanadensisMhkELuo, Lai-Sheng (1); Yang, Zai-Fu (1); Yu, Yang (1); Zhou, Mei-Hua (1)dh k\College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7h k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ h lh烜h n 2h nhkkkk im0873ikSCIE ikei ikscieii環境學院 ii陳亮is外聘教授oijgA batch decolorization and kinetic study of Reactive Black 5 by a bacterial strain Enterobacter sp GY-1&ikChen, G; Huang, MH; Chen, L; CPi kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7i k/INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION i l2011 i n65 i n6ikArticleikd;逴崡@ik 0964-8305ik jm0874 jkEIjkscie jk-ji環境學院 ji陳亮js外聘教授pjjhA batch decolorization and kinetic study of Reactive Black 5 by a bacterial strain Enterobacter sp. GY-1PjkHChen, Gang (1); Huang, Man hong (1); Chen, Liang (1); Chen, Dong hui (1)|j ktCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, North Renmin Road 2999, Shanghai 201620, China9j k1International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation~ j ll烜j nj n 6jkkkk km0875kkSCIEkk kkscieki環境學院ki沈恒根~ kn靶鸃kj{A CFD study on optimal venting volume and air flow distribution in a special designed hood system for controlling dust flow#kkSong, GJ; Yang, L; Shen, HGPk kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinak k CHINA FOUNDRY k l2011 k n8 k n3kkArticlekk榥兝恃?kk 1672-6421kk lm0876 lkEIlk lkeili環境學院li陳東輝ls外聘教授ZljRAlternative water resources for rural residential development in Western Australia`lkXZhang, Yan (1); Grant, Andrew (2); Sharma, Ashok (2); Chen, Donghui (3); Chen, Liang (4)l kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Land and Water, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), P.O. Box 56, Gra"l kWater Resources Management~ l lh烜l nl n 1lkkkk mm0877 mkEImkmkei校刊mi環境學院 mi陳亮ms外聘教授kmjcAnaerobic biodecolorization of remazol dye by a strain of enterobacter isolated from textile sludgeJmkBChen, Gang (1); Chen, Ye (1); Huang, Man-Hong (1); Chen, Liang (1)cm k[School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7m k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ m ll烜m n 2m n 3mkkkk nm0878 nkEInk nkeini環境學院 ni王浩~ nn鑠A}njuApplication of the freezing period hydrodynamics and water quality model to water pollution accident in Songhua RivertnklSun, Shao-Chen (1); Wei, Huai-Bin (3); Xiao, Wei-Hua (2); Zhou, Zu-Hao (2); Wang, Hao (2); He, Hua-Xiang (2)n kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Wat`n kXJilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition)~ n ll烜n n 4n n 5nkkkk om0879okISTPokokistpoi環境學院oi陳東輝os外聘教授SojKAqueous Photodegradation of Selected Antibiotics under Different Conditions#okWu, Y; Chen, DH; Kookana, RPo kH Donghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaLo kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES)o k OCT, 2011o nnkkkk pm0880 pkEI pkscie pk-pi環境學院pi張麗莎~ pn麫$pjBi2WO6 micro/nano-structurescpk[Zhang, Lisha (1); Wang, Huanli (1); Chen, Zhigang (1); Wong, Po Keung (2); Liu, Jianshe (1)p kState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Life Sciencep kApplied Catalysis B~ p ll烜p np n01/02/12pkkkk qm0881qkSCIE qkei qkscieqi環境學院qi張麗莎~ qn麫sqjkBi2WO6 micro/nano-structures: Synthesis, modifications and visible-light-driven photocatalytic applications&qkZhang, LS; Wang, HL; Chen, ZG;q k{Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China)q k!APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL q l2011 q n106 q n1-2qkReview~ qk@qk 0926-3373qk rm0882rkISTPrkrkistpri環境學院 ri陳亮rs外聘教授frj^Biotreatment of azo dyeing wastewater using a modified anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic reactor system-rk%Chen, G; Huang, MH; Chen, L; Chen, DHQr kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaYr kQInternational Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Materials Engineeringr kMAR 26-28, 2011r nnkkkk sm0883skSCIEsk sksciesi環境學院si黃滿紅~ sn麫fsj^Characteristics and aluminum reuse of textile sludge incineration residues after acidification%skHuang, MH; Chen, L; Chen, DH;Ps kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China/s k'JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA s l2011 s n23 s n12skArticle~ sk纃@sk 1001-0742sk tm0884tkISTPtktkistpti環境學院 ti田晴~ tnp整@WtjOCharacteristics of membrane fouling of dye wastewater treatment by combined MBR1tk)Lou, YP; Tian, Q; Xin, YY; Yang, B; Li, FQt kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaLt kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES)t k OCT, 2011t nnkkkk um0885 ukEIuk ukeiui環境學院ui莊惠生us外聘教授}ujuCharacterization and activity of visible-light-driven TiO2 photocatalyst codoped with lanthanum and iodine7uk/Li, Ling (1); Zhuang, Huisheng (1); Bu, Dan (1)u kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, Chinau kApplied Surface Science~ u ll烜u n 25u nukkkk vm0886vkISTPvkvkistpvi環境學院vi沈恒根~ vn靶鸃ivjaCharacters of Nickel-loaded Activated Carbon Fibers and Adsorption Experiments of Gaseous Mercury$vkDing, JD; Diao, YF; Shen, HGJv kB Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaUv kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processesv kNOV 06-08, 2010v nnkkkk wm0887 wkEIwkwkei校刊wi環境學院wi陳勇航~ wn麫wjComparison of aerosol optical properties over the semi-arid region of Loess Plateau between dusty and non-dusty periods in winter and springlwkdChen, Yong-Hang (1); Bai, Hong-Tao (1); Pan, Hu (1); Zhang, Ping (1); Gong, Xin (1); Zhang, Ruan (1)w kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Semi-arid Climate Change, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7300007w k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ w lh烜w n 2w nwkkkk xm0888 xkEI xkscie xk-xi環境學院xi李賢英~ xn 麫mxjeControlled synthesis of CdSe quantum dot by non-coordinating solvent approach in a micro-flow-reactor+xk#Li, Xian-Ying (1); Jin, Wu-Song (2)x kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chi:x k2Wuji Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Inorganic Materials~ x ll烜x n 2x n 8xkkkk ym0889ykSCIE ykei ykscieyi環境學院yi李賢英~ yn 麫myjeControlled Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dot by Non-coordinating Solvent Approach in a Micro-flow-reactorykLi, XY; Jin, WSPy kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China&y kJOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS y l2011 y n26 y n8ykArticle~ yk@F@yk 1000-324Xyk zm0890zkISTPzkzkistpzi環境學院zi李登新~ zn鼗 AqzjiCoupled ZnO/TiO(2) Nanorods Deposited in the Pores of Expanded Graphite Prepared by Microwave Irradiation,zk$Zhu, MC; Wang, EQ; Zhang, YC; Li, DXQz kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaYz kQInternational Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineeringz kAPR 16-17, 2011z nnkkkk {m0891{kSCIE{k {kscie{i環境學院{i王兆慧~ {n 麫{j{Degradation of reactive dyes by contact glow discharge electrolysis in the presence of Cl- ions: Kinetics and AOX formation&{kRamjaun, SN; Yuan, RX; Wang, ZP{ kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China{ kELECTROCHIMICA ACTA { l2011 { n58{ n{kArticle{k-矟銨@{k 0013-4686{k |m0892|kSCIE|k |kscie|i環境學院|i趙曉祥~ |n梨鸃o|jgDeveloping a qPCR method to quantify AhR-PCP-DNA complex for detection of environmental trace-level PCP&|kZhao, XX; Pang, XQ; Chaisuwan,P| kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China| k ECOTOXICOLOGY | l2011 | n20 | n5|kArticle~ |kpm@|k 0963-9292|k }m0893}kSCIE}k }kscie}i環境學院 }i王軍~ }n`懨@I}jADevelopment of a new polymer membrane - PVB/PVDF blended membrane}kYan, L; Wang, JP} kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China} k DESALINATION } l2011 } n281} n}kArticle~ }k0p@}k 0011-9164}k ~m0894~kISTP~k~kistp~i環境學院~i嚴登華~s外聘教授~jyDiscussion of Interactive and Driving Mechanism between Regional Terrestrial Carbon Cycle and "Natural-artificial" Binary6~k.Qin, TL; Yan, DH; Xiao, WH; Wang, LH; Zhao, ZXQ~ kI Donghua Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaO~ kGInternational Conference on Energy, Environment and Development (ICEED)~ kDEC 08-09, 2010~ nnkkkk m0895 kEIk keii環境學院 i李方~ n0麫jyEffect of polyvinyl alcohol addition to model Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) on membrane filtration performanceTkLLi, Fang (1); Tian, Qing (1); Yang, Bo (1); Wu, Liang (1); Deng, Chunhua (2) kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A and M University, College Station, TX 77843, United States k Desalination~  lp烜 n 28 nkkkkDZGlq8*;?s47gk m0896 kEIkkei校刊i環境學院 i鐘珂~ n 邴@_jWEffect of ventilation strategies on particle distribution in a two-zone ventilated roomgk_Zhong, Ke (1); Yang, Xiu-Feng (1); Kang, Yan-Ming (1); Chen, Yong-Hang (1); Xiong, Xiao-Jie (1)c k[School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 2kkkk m0897 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i柳建設~ n麫sjkEffects of chloride ion on degradation of Acid Orange 7 by sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processVkNYuan, Ruixia (1); Ramjaun, Sadiqua N. (1); Wang, Zhaohui (1); Liu, Jianshe (1)e k]College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China& kJournal of Hazardous Materials~  ll烜 n 19 nkkkk m0898kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i王兆慧~ n 麫jEffects of chloride ion on degradation of Acid Orange 7 by sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process: Implications for formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds&kYuan, RX; Ramjaun, SN; Wang, ZP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  l2011  n196 nkArticlek詘&@k 0304-3894k m0899 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i王兆慧~ n 麫NjFEffects of chloride ions on bleaching of azo dyes by Co2+/oxone regent]kUWang, Zhaohui (1); Yuan, Ruixia (1); Guo, Yaoguang (1); Xu, Lei (1); Liu, Jianshe (1)e k]College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China& kJournal of Hazardous Materials~  ll烜 n 1 n01/03/12kkkk m0900kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i王兆慧~ n 麫`jXEffects of chloride ions on bleaching of azo dyes by Co2+/oxone regent: Kinetic analysis&kWang, ZH; Yuan, RX; Guo, YG; XP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  l2011  n190  n1-3kArticlek詘&@k 0304-3894k m0901 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i亢燕銘~ n邴@ujmEffects of supply air temperature and inlet location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms:k2Kang, Yanming (1); Wang, Youjun (1); Zhong, Ke (1)c k[School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China k Particuology~  ll烜 n n 6kkkk m0902kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i亢燕銘~ n邴@ujmEffects of supply air temperature and inlet location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms$kKang, YM; Wang, YJ; Zhong, KO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k PARTICUOLOGY  l2011  n9  n6kArticlek鳶慳浤?k 1674-2001k m0903kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i喬錦麗~ n@麫njfElectrocatalytic Activity of CoPy/C Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte%kXu, L; Qiao, JL; Ding, L; Hu,P kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA  l2011  n27  n10kArticle~ kS@k 1000-6818k m0904 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i柳建設~ n麫jElectrochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles-coated gold nanoporous film electrode and its application to amperometric detection for trace Cr(VI)ikaXu, He (1); Zheng, Qiaoli (1); Yang, Ping (1); Liu, Jianshe (1); Xing, Sujie (2); Jin, Litong (2) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China kScience China Chemistry~  ll烜 n n 6kkkk m0905kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i柳建設~ n麫jElectrochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles-coated gold nanoporous film electrode and its application to amperometric detection for trace Cr(VI)&kXu, H; Zheng, QL; Yang, P; LiuO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kSCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY  l2011  n54  n6kArticle~ kY@k 1674-7291k m0906 kEIk keii環境學院i刁永發~ n囝鸃jExperimental studies on adsorption capability of different properties of carbon-containing fiber for Hg0 removal in coal-fired flue gases7k/Diao, Yongfa (1); Hao, Weihui (1); Zou, Yue (1)w koSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, Chinae k]Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0907kISTPkkistpi環境學院i沈恒根~ n靶鸃RjJExperimental Study on the Properties of Modified PSA Fiber after Corrosion$kYuan, XY; Shen, HG; Wang, ZHI kA Donghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Materials Engineering kMAR 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0908 kEIkscie k-i環境學院 i王浩~ n鑠A\jTFlood simulation using parallel genetic algorithm integrated wavelet neural networks`kXWang, Yuhui (1); Wang, Hao (2); Lei, Xiaohui (2); Jiang, Yunzhong (2); Song, Xinshan (1) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, 1 South Yuyuantan R kNeurocomputing~  ll烜 n n 17kkkk m0909kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院 i王浩~ n鑠A\jTFlood simulation using parallel genetic algorithm integrated wavelet neural networks&kWang, YH; Wang, H; Lei, XH; JiO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kNEUROCOMPUTING  l2011  n74  n17kArticle~ k纁@k 0925-2312k m0910 kEIkscie k-i環境學院i周美華 s退休hj`Improved acetone sensing properties of ZnO hollow nanofibers by single capillary electrospinning<k4Wei, Shaohong (1); Zhou, Meihua (1); Du, Weiping (3) kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang Normal University, Henan 455000, China; (3) Libr  kSensors and Actuators, B~  ll烜 n 16 n 1kkkk m0911kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i周美華 s退休hj`Improved acetone sensing properties of ZnO hollow nanofibers by single capillary electrospinning!kWei, SH; Zhou, MH; Du, WPP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China( k SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL  l2011  n160  n1kArticlek蓈緹/@k 0925-4005k m0912kISTPkkistpi環境學院 i田晴~ np整@zjrKinetics of Phosphorus Removal and Recovery as Struvite from Wastewaters with Medium-low Phosphorous Concentration(k Tao, FF; Tian, Q; Li, F; Yang, BP kH Donghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m0913kISTPkkistpi環境學院 i陳亮s外聘教授UjMModeling of Grey Correlation Applied in Water Quality Analysis of Urban RiverkLiu, L; Gao, P; Chen, LI kA Univ Donghua, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaK kCInternational Conference on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering kFEB 20-21, 2011 nnkkkk m0914 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i鄧文義~ nP 麫KjCMoisture distribution in sludges based on different testing methodshk`Deng, Wenyi (1); Li, Xiaodong (2); Yan, Jianhua (2); Wang, Fei (2); Chi, Yong (2); Cen, Kefa (2) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang Uni) k!Journal of Environmental Sciences~  ll烜 n n 5kkkk m0915kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i鄧文義~ nP 麫KjCMoisture distribution in sludges based on different testing methods&kDeng, WY; Li, XD; Yan, JH; WanO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China/ k'JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA  l2011  n23  n5kArticle~ k纃@k 1001-0742k m0916 kEIk keii環境學院i柳建設~ n麫zjrNumerical modeling of potential profiles in electrical double layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cell surface?k7Wang, Zhao-Hui (1); Xie, Xue-Hui (1); Liu, Jian-She (1) kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Resources Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, ChinaI kAZhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0917 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i蘇亞欣~ n擂鸃ej]Numerical simulation of effect of inlet configuration on square cyclone separator performance;k3Su, Yaxin (1); Zheng, Anqiao (1); Zhao, Bingtao (2) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China kPowder Technology~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0918kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i蘇亞欣~ n擂鸃ej]Numerical simulation of effect of inlet configuration on square cyclone separator performance#kSu, YX; Zheng, AG; Zhao, BTO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPOWDER TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n210  n3kArticle~ kj@k 0032-5910k m0919kISTPkkistpi環境學院i蘇亞欣~ n擂鸃ej]Numerical simulation of the natural ventilation in workshop with different air inlet openingskSu, YX; Wan, XP kH Donghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materia kJUN 18-20, 2011 nnkkkk m0920 kEIk keii環境學院i蘇亞欣~ n擂鸃MjEOne dimensional steady model for natural ventilation of solar chimney*k"Su, Ya-Xin (1); Liu, Zhong-Bao (1)d k\School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, Chinah k`Tumu Jianzhu yu Huanjing Gongcheng/Journal of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m0921kISTPkkistpi環境學院i黃躍武~ n臌@mjeOptimum performance characteristics of an irreversible four-temperature-level absorption refrigeratorkHuang, YW; Sun, DXQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011) kOCT 14-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0922 kEIk keii環境學院 knjParticle concentrations and effectiveness of free-standing air filters in bedrooms of children with asthma in Detroit, MichigankDu, Liuliu (1); Batterman, Stuart (2); Parker, Edith (3); Godwin, Christopher (2); Chin, Jo-Yu (2); O'Toole, Ashley (2); Robins, Thomas (2); Brakefield-Caldwell, Wilma (4); Lewis, Toby (2) kDonghua University, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029, United States; (3) Universit  kBuilding and Environment~  ll烜 n n 11kkkk m0923 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i宋新山~ n壘鸃jPerformance of laboratory-scale constructed wetlands coupled with micro-electric field for heavy metal-contaminating wastewater treatmentpkhSong, Xinshan (1); Yan, Denghua (2); Liu, Zhenhong (1); Chen, Yan (1); Lu, Shoubo (1); Wang, Daoyuan (1) kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) China Inst. of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100044, China kEcological Engineering~  ll烜 n 3 n 12kkkk m0924kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i宋新山~ n壘鸃jPerformance of laboratory-scale constructed wetlands coupled with micro-electric field for heavy metal-contaminating wastewater treatment&kSong, XS; Yan, DH; Liu, ZH; ChP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING  l2011  n37  n12kArticlek +@k 0925-8574k m0925 kEIkkei校刊i環境學院i莊惠生s外聘教授jyPhotocatalytic degradation of acid blue 62 over La/I/TiO2 nanocomposite photocatalyst under simulated sunlight8k0Li, Ling (1); Zhuang, Hui-Sheng (1); Bu, Dan (1) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m0926 kEIkscie k-i環境學院i劉亞男~ n @MjEPost-discharge treatment of air effluents polluted by butyl-mercaptanFk>Liu, Y.N. (1); Braci, L. (2); Cavadias, S. (2); Ognier, S. (2) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dong Hua University, C-201620, Shanghai, China; (2) UPMC Univ Paris 06, EA 3492, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Traitements de Sur kJournal of Physics D~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m0927kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i劉亞男~ n @jjbPost-discharge treatment of air effluents polluted by butyl-mercaptan: the role of nitrate radical&kLiu, YN; Braci, L; Cavadias, SO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China, k$JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS  l2011  n44  n9kArticlek'1Z@k 0022-3727kD'Gl)A"gfboMB m0928 kEIkscie k-i環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AjPrediction of pre-oxidation efficiency of refractory gold concentrate by ozone in ferric sulfate solution using artificial neural networks?k7Li, Qing-Cui (1); Li, Deng-Xin (1); Chen, Quan-Yuan (1)d k\College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaL kDTransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 2kkkk m0929kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AjPrediction of pre-oxidation efficiency of refractory gold concentrate by ozone in ferric sulfate solution using artificial neural networks kLi, QC; Li, DX; Chen, QYP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China: k2TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA  l2011  n21  n2kArticlek誼&1?k 1003-6326k m0930kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i劉振鴻~ n癩鸃pjhPreparation and characterization of activated carbon produced from rice straw by (NH4)(2)HPO4 activation%kGao, P; Liu, ZH; Xue, G; Han,P kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n102  n3kArticlek霶呺@k 0960-8524k m0931kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 A]jUPreparation and Characterization of Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Coated by Oleic AcidkWu, JJ; Li, DXQ kI Donghus Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 2016200, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m0932kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i周美華 s退休ajYPreparation and characterization of PAN-based ultra-fine activated carbon fiber adsorbent&kYu, Y; Zhou, MH; Xue, G; JiangO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kJOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS  l2011  n18  n3kArticlek+儻?k 1380-2224k m0933kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 A}juPreparation and Properties of Composite Photocatalyst of Needle ZnO Nanorod Grafted in the Pores of Expanded Graphite@k8Zhao, SJ; Wang, EQ; Zhu, MC; Ding, LN; Zhang, YC; Li, DXQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering kAPR 16-17, 2011 nnkkkk m0934kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i周美華 s退休jyPREPARATION AND RECONGNITION PROPERTIES OF MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYETHERSULFONE NANOFIBER MEMBRANES TOWARDS BISPHENOL A&kGong, JL; Su, B; Luo, LS; ZhouP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kACTA POLYMERICA SINICA  l2011 n  n11kArticlek削S慳涜?k 1000-3304k m0935kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AjzPreparation of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles by Use of Catalytically Oxidized Liquids of Cyanide Tailings by NOx and Research of Its(k Wu, JJ; Li, DX; Ye, Y; Zhang, YCQ kI Donghus Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 2016200, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m0936kISTPkkistpi環境學院i馬承愚~ n剝鸃@j8Properties of Activated Carbon Prepared from Ramie StalkkXie, ZD; Ma, CYQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; k3International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials kJUN 07-08, 2011 nnkkkk m0937kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i柳建設~ n麫kRapid Determination of Mercury Species in Sewage Sludge by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography On-line Coupled with Cold-Vapor Atomic-Fluorescence Spectrometry after Ultrasound-assisted ExtractionkGao, E; Liu, JSP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kANALYTICAL SCIENCES  l2011  n27  n6kArticlek瓽醶?k 0910-6340k m0938kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 Acj[Removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution onto expanded graphite by adsorption processck[Zhu, MC; Yang, T; Huang, JB; Zhang, YC; Li, DX; Zhang, QQ; Xiao, J; Song, J; Bao, JY; Li, PQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Sci kSEP 24-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0939kSCIEk ksciei環境學院 i許賀~ n 麫jSensitive Voltammetric Detection of Trace Heavy Metals in Real Water Using Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes/Nafion Composite Film Electrode&kXu, H; Zheng, QL; Yang, P; LiuO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$ kCHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY  l2011  n29  n4kArticle~ k郣@k 1001-604Xk m0940 kEIk keii環境學院i蘇亞欣~ n擂鸃[jSSimulation of turbulent flow in square cyclone separator with different gas exhaust;k3Su, Yaxin (1); Zhao, Bingtao (2); Zheng, Anqiao (1) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China5 k-Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research~  ll烜 n 5 n 21kkkk m0941 kEIkkei校刊i環境學院i刁永發~ n囝鸃ujmStructural performance and characterization of polyimide doped activated carbon fibers for mercury adsorption^kVDiao, Yong-Fa (1); Hao, Wei-Hui (1); Zou, Yue (1); Yu, Wan-Xuan (1); Zhang, Run-Pu (1)c k[School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m0942kSCIEk ksciei環境學院 i許賀~ n 麫njfStudy on Microwave Irradiated-Voltammetry Synergetic System for the Detection of Trace Pb(II) in Water&kXu, H; Yang, P; Zheng, QL; LiuO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kACTA CHIMICA SINICA  l2011  n69  n16kArticlekuV?k 0567-7351k m0943kSCIEk ksciei環境學院 i薛罡~ n摞@jzSynergy between surface adsorption and photocatalysis during degradation of humic acid on TiO2/activated carbon composites&kXue, G; Liu, HH; Chen, QY; HilO kGDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China& kJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  l2011  n186  n1kArticlek詘&@k 0304-3894k m0944kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AYjQSynthesis and characterization of poly(ethylene glycol)-grafted expanded graphite]kUZhu, MC; Li, KZ; Qing, X; Qi, W; Zeng, SL; Mao, YJ; Hu, Y; Zhang, YC; Li, DX; Liu, ALQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Sci kSEP 24-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0945kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i喬錦麗~ n@麫jSynthesis and Properties of Chemically Cross-Linked Poly(vinyl alcohol) Modified Quaterized Hydroxyethylcellulose Ethoxylate as Novel Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membrane&kLiu, LL; Ding, L; Xu, L; Qiao,P kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China# kACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA  l2011  n27  n11kArticle~ kS@k 1000-6818k m0946kISTPkkistpi環境學院i喬錦麗~ n@麫jzSynthesis and properties of chemically cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol)/quaterized hydroxyethylcellulose ethoxylate (PVA/Q8k0Liu, LL; Xu, L; Xie, J; Ding, L; Qiao, JL; Li, GQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011) kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m0947kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AmjeSynthesis, characterization and adsorption property of expanded graphite/conducting polymer composite\kTZhu, MC; Qi, W; Mao, YJ; Hui, Y; Qing, X; Li, KZ; Ye, Y; Zhang, YC; Li, DX; Chai, HMQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Sci kSEP 24-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0948kISTPkkistpi環境學院i沈恒根~ n靶鸃?j7The Mechanical Properties of PSA Fibers after Corrosion-k%Yuan, XY; Shen, HG; Wang, ZH; Hou, WLI kA Donghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes kNOV 06-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0949kISTPkkistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AjzThe Study of Manufacture of the New Type Coal Ash Ceramsite and Treating Landscape Waste Water with the New Type Coal Cera kShi, PH; Zhu, XF; Li, DXQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaU kMInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes kNOV 06-08, 2010 nnkkkk m0950 kEIkkei校刊i環境學院i周亞素b093289WjOThermal analysis of the ground properties with a single borehole heat exchanger<k4Wang, Yao-Ping (1); Zhou, Ya-Su (1); Wu, Shen-Yi (2) kSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Built Environment, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n n 5kkkk m0951kISTPk kistpi環境學院i李登新~ n鼗 AZjRTiO2 Nanotube Deposited in the Pores of Expanded Graphite by Microwave Irradiation,k$Wang, EQ; Zhu, MC; Zhang, YC; Li, DXQ kI Donghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering kAPR 16-17, 2011 nnkkkk m0952 kEI kscie k-i環境學院i周美華 s退休{jsToluene sensing properties of SnO2ZnO hollow nanofibers fabricated from single capillary electrospinning;k3Wei, Shaohong (1); Zhang, Yan (1); Zhou, Meihua (1) kCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang Normal University, Henan 455000, China; (3) Depa" kSolid State Communications~  ll烜 n 1 n 12kkkk m0953kSCIE kei ksciei環境學院i周美華 s退休qjiToluene sensing properties of SnO2-ZnO hollow nanofibers fabricated from single capillary electrospinning#kWei, SH; Zhang, Y; Zhou, MHP kHDonghua Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China" kSOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS  l2011  n151  n12kArticlek褚Mb?k 0038-1098k m0954kSCIEk ksciei環境學院i劉振鴻~ n癩鸃hj`Utilization of the sludge derived from dyestuff-making wastewater coagulation for unfired bricks&kLiu, ZH; Chen, QY; Xie, XB; XuS kKDonghua Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200051, PR, Peoples R China+ k#CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS  l2011  n25  n4kArticlek蛞MbX?k 0950-0618k m0955kISTPkkistpi機械學院i於海燕p094551UjMA Cloth Simulation Method for Cloth/Machinery Coupled System Unified Modeling,k$Yu, HY; Wang, YX; Wang, SZ; Geng, ZFe k] Donghua Univ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Text Machinery, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaT kLInternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2010) kOCT 28-30, 2010 nnkkkk m0956 kEIk keii機械學院i陳曉川p094624ej]A family cars' life cycle cost (LCC)-oriented hybrid modelling approach combining ANN and CBR>k6Chen, Xiaochuan (1); Yang, Jianguo (1); Li, Beizhi (1)R kJMechanical Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China< k4World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology~  ll烜 n 7 nkkkk m0957kISTPkkistpi機械學院i楊建國p094577WjOA Fast and Precise Measuring Method for Large Workpiece Based on Machine VisionkZhou, H; Yang, JG@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation kDEC 07-09, 2010 nnkkkk m0958kISTPkkistpi機械學院i楊建國p094578Hj@A Mutual Information Based Image Measurement for Large WorkpiecekZhou, H; Yang, JG@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010 kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0959kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998{jsA New Method for Temperature Measurement to Determine the Temperature Variation in Cylindrical Grinding Contact Arc5k-Li, BZ; Zhu, DH; Pang, JZ; Zhou, ZX; Yang, JG@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation kDEC 07-09, 2010 nnkkkkD廋lM3A(]8 4+Us m0960kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998jjbA Three-fold Approach to Solve Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problems by Artificial Immune Algorithm kWu, SS; Li, BZ; Yang, JG@ k8 Donghua Univ, Dept Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation kDEC 07-09, 2010 nnkkkk m0961 kEIkscie k-i機械學院i顧鴻波 z退休pjhAccurate prediction of the ring-spinning equation in zero air drag based on homotopy perturbation method%kYin, Rong (1); Gu, Hongbo (1)U kMCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China( k Journal of the Textile Institute~  ll烜 n n 9kkkk m0962kSCIE kei ksciei機械學院i顧鴻波 z退休pjhAccurate prediction of the ring-spinning equation in zero air drag based on homotopy perturbation methodkYin, R; Gu, HBF k>Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE  l2011  n102  n9kArticlek 皉?k 0040-5000k m0963kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998ajYAn Adaptive Edge Detection Method for Image Polluted by Hybrid Noise in Image Measurement"kLi, BZ; Chen, HJ; Yang, JGG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China= k5International Conference on Key Engineering Materials kMAR 25-27, 2011 nnkkkk m0964kISTPkkistpi機械學院i王生澤p0949216j.An Image-based Visual Servoing for ManipulatorkTian, SX; Wang, SZG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK kCInternational Conference on Computer-aided Material and Engineering kMAR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m0965kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998Aj9An Intelligent Control System of Candy Production Process-k%Zhang, JL; Li, BZ; Yang, JG; Chen, HY@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 20 kAUG 21-22, 2011 nnkkkk m0966 kEIk keii機械學院i孫以澤p260250<j4Analytical approach of creep behavior of carpet yarnIkAGao, Xiaoping (1); Sun, Yize (1); Meng, Zhuo (1); Sun, Zhijun (1) kCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Light Industry and Textile, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot 010051, China* k"Journal of Applied Polymer Science~  lp烜 n 12 n 2kkkk m0967 kEIkscie k-i機械學院i孫以澤p260250VjNAnalytical approach of mechanical behavior of carpet yarn by mechanical modelsIkAGao, Xiaoping (1); Sun, Yize (1); Meng, Zhuo (1); Sun, Zhijun (1) kCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, No. 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Light Industry and Textile, Inner Mongolia University of Technology kMaterials Letters~  ll烜 n n 14kkkk m0968kSCIE kei ksciei機械學院i孫以澤p260250VjNAnalytical approach of mechanical behavior of carpet yarn by mechanical models&kGao, XP; Sun, YZ; Meng, Z; SunF k>Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kMATERIALS LETTERS  l2011  n65  n14kArticlek垸~j紅@k 0167-577Xk m0969 kEIk keii機械學院i孫以澤p260250jApplication of fuzzy controller with particle swarm optimization algorithm to maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic generation system5k-Wu, Haitao (1); Sun, Yize (1); Meng, Chuo (1)i kaCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, Chinae k]Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering~  ll烜 n 3 n 6kkkk m0970kISTPkkistpi機械學院i陳廣鋒p094603dj\Design of Step Motor and RS-485 based Yarn Feeding Control System for Carpet Tufting Machine+k#Chen, GF; Sun, HC; Wang, WB; Li, QQG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0971kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p0949989j1Dynamic Analysis of a High-Speed Grinding Spindle*k"Pang, JZ; Li, BZ; Yang, JG; Wu, ZPG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaH k@Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology kJAN 23-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0972kISTPkkistpi機械學院i王生澤p094921KjCDynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Manipulator with Joint InertiakTian, SX; Wang, SZG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaI kAInternational Symposium on Information and Automation (ISIA 2010) kNOV 10-11, 2010 nnkkkk m0973 kEI kscie k-i機械學院i朱世根p094722jElectric contact strengthening to improve the bonding between thermally sprayed 316 stainless steel coating and 45# steel substrateAk9Wang, Y.L. (1); Zhu, S.G. (1); Gu, W.S. (2); Qi, X.B. (2) kSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China kExperimental Techniques~  ll烜 n 3 n 5kkkk m0974kSCIE kei ksciei機械學院i朱世根p094722jELECTRIC CONTACT STRENGTHENING TO IMPROVE THE BONDING BETWEEN THERMALLY SPRAYED 316 STAINLESS STEEL COATING AND 45# STEEL SUBSTRATE&kWang, YL; Zhu, SG; Gu, WS; Qi,E k=Donghua Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kEXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES  l2011  n35  n5kArticlek 皉?k 0732-8818k m0975kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998OjGFEM based Prediction of Residual Stress in Thin-walled Aluminum Process"kZhou, ZB; Yang, JU; Li, BZG k? Donghua Univ, Dept Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaK kC7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology kJUN 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0976kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998<j4FEM Simulation of Strain Rate in High Speed Grinding*k"Li, BZ; Ni, JM; Zhou, ZX; Yang, JGJ kB Donghua Univ, Fac Mech Engineer, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA k913th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations kMAY 12-13, 2011 nnkkkk m0977kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998rjjHigh-speed milling characteristics and the residual stresses control methods analysis of thin-walled parts,k$Li, BZ; Jiang, XH; Jing, HJ; Zuo, XYG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaA k913th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations kMAY 12-13, 2011 nnkkkk m0978kISTPkkistpi機械學院i王生澤p094921Aj9Hybrid Position/Force Control for a RRR 3-DoF ManipulatorkTian, SX; Wang, SZG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (IC kJAN 06-07, 2011 nnkkkk m0979kSCIE kistp ksciei機械學院i朱世根p094722j}Influence of La2O3 addition on hardness, flexural strength and microstructure of hot-pressing sintered WC-MgO bulk composites%kMa, J; Zhu, SG; Di, P; Zhang,t klDonghua Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Text Machinery, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kMATERIALS & DESIGN  l2011  n32  n4kArticlek殭櫃櫃@k 0261-3069k m0980kISTPkscie k-i機械學院 kpPjHInfluence of La2O3 on the electrical properties of dense SnO2 electrodes#kWang, QW; Wang, HZ; Ning, Wb kZ Donghua Univ, MOE, Engn Res Ctr Adv Glasses Mfg Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and TechnologyInternational Wor kJUN 26-28, 2011 nnkkkk m0981 kEIk keii機械學院i駱祎嵐p043557}juMechanical property of the sintering layer at the interface of natural yellow clay-bonded sand mould and iron castingGk?Zhang, Rui (1); Luo, Yilan (1); Yin, Liang (1); Zhu, Shigen (1)U kMCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China@ k8Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering~  ll烜 n 4 n 2kkkk m0982 kEIk keii機械學院i楊建國p094577OjGMulti-objective structural topology optimization for spot-welded layout@k8Zhou, Zebin (1); Kazuhiro, Saitou (2); Yang, Jianguo (1) kCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48105, United StatesY kQNongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery~  ll烜 n nkkkk m0983kISTPkkistpi機械學院i孫誌宏p0951714j,Network Failure Model Approach Based on FMEA,k$Sun, ZH; Chen, C; Shan, HB; Zhou, SHe k] Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Text Machinery, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaT kLInternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2010) kOCT 28-30, 2010 nnkkkk m0984 kEI kscie k-i機械學院i顧鴻波 z退休ZjRNumerical simulation of quasi-stationary ring spinning process linear elastic yarn&kYin, Rong (1); Gu, Hong-bo (1)n kfCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai, 201620, China  kTextile Research Journal~  ll烜 n 81 n 1kkkk m0985kSCIE kei ksciei機械學院i顧鴻波 z退休ZjRNumerical simulation of quasi-stationary ring spinning process linear elastic yarnkYin, R; Gu, HBF k>Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL  l2011  n81  n1kArticlek潦扼?k 0040-5175k m0986kISTPkkistpi機械學院i陳廣鋒p094603Bj:Open Inventor based 3D Modeling of Loop-Pile Tufted Carpet+k#Chen, GF; Li, QQ; Sun, HC; Wang, WBG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0987kISTPkkistpi機械學院i楊建國p094577Ej=Process Optimization of Candy Production Based on Data Mining/k'Zhang, JL; Yang, JG; Shen, SG; Chen, HY@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 20 kAUG 21-22, 2011 nnkkkk m0988kSCIEk ksciei機械學院i李蓓智p094998IjAQuadratic curve heat flux distribution model in the grinding zone&kLi, BZ; Zhu, DH; Pang, JZ; Yan? k7Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaB k:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n54  n9-12kArticlek儻鱏慳?k 0268-3768k m0989kISTPkkistpi機械學院i孫以澤p260250jjbResearch on Improved Control Method of Electromagnetic Clutch in the Tufted Carpet Jacquard System)k!Qiao, HY; Sun, YZ; Xu, Y; Sun, ZJG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaH k@Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology kJAN 23-25, 2011 nnkkkk m0990kISTPkkistpi機械學院 i孟婥p219044WjOResearch on Patterning Principle of Electronic-Roller in Tufting Carpet Machine"kSun, JJ; Meng, Z; Shen, LH@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaL kD4th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Ceeusro  k2011 nnkkkk m0991kSCIEk ksciei機械學院 i徐洋p093979LjDResearch on Yarn Tension Modeling in Carpet Tufting Equipment System%kXu, Y; Sun, ZJ; Meng, Z; Sun,s kkDonghua Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Engn Res Ctr Adv Text Machinery, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaQ kIJOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME  l2011  n133  n3kArticlek$仌C?k 1087-1357kD?lDRbz 2$[ m0992kISTPkkistpi機械學院i陳廣鋒p094603WjOStudy on 2D Simulation Algorithm and Implementation for Loop Pile Tufted Carpet+k#Chen, GF; Li, QQ; Sun, HC; Wang, WBG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kEInternational Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Science kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m0993kISTPkkistpi機械學院i陳廣鋒p094603RjJStudy on Multi-Units Synchronous Control System for Carpet Tufting Machine+k#Chen, GF; Wang, WB; Li, QQ; Sun, HCG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaY kQInternational Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m0994kSCIEk ksciei機械學院i孔永華p094870cj[Study on the Microstructures and Properties of GH4169 Alloy by Different Forging Technology&kKong, YH; Hu, HB; Li, L; Chen,F k>Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China, k$RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING  l2011  n40 nkArticlek恕E扼?k 1002-185Xk m0995kISTPkkistpi機械學院i楊建國p094577\jTStudy on the simulation model and high-speed characteristics of cylindrical grinding+k#Yang, JG; Zhou, ZX; Li, BZ; Zhu, DH@ k8 Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaA k913th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations kMAY 12-13, 2011 nnkkkk m0996kISTPkkistpi機械學院 kpLjDSynchronization of the Kuramoto Model with Multi-Scale-Free PropertykFan, JD k<Donghua Univ, Dept Automat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k<IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) kMAY 15-18, 2011 nnkkkk m0997kSCIEk ksciei化工學院 kpUjMSynthesis and cytotoxicity of novel 2-amino-5-thiazolecarboxamide derivatives&kLi, H; Yue, Y; Hu, XJ; Zhao, SA k9Donghua Univ, Dept Chem, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China$ kJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH  l2011 n  n7kArticlekㄆK7堿?k 1747-5198k m0998kSCIEk ksciei化工學院 kpRjJSynthesis and Cytotoxicity of Novel 3-Amino-4-indolylmaleimide Derivatives&kZhao, SY; Yang, YW; Zhang, HQ;A k9Donghua Univ, Dept Chem, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China& kARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH  l2011  n34  n4kArticlekF扼x?k 0253-6269k m0999kISTPkkistpi機械學院i李蓓智p094998Hj@Temperature Simulation in High-Speed Grinding by Using Deform-3D,k$Pang, JZ; Li, BZ; Yang, JG; Zhou, ZXG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m1000kISTPkkistpi機械學院i王生澤p094921Gj?The Optimal Design of Work Location for a RRR 3-DoF ManipulatorkTian, SX; Wang, SZG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m1001 kEIkkei校刊i機械學院i李蓓智p094998Gj?The synthetic effect of magnetorheological finishing technologyek]Li, Bei-Zhi (1); Li, Zhong-Hui (1); Yang, Jian-Guo (1); Wu, Shan-Shan (1); Tao, Xiao-Feng (1)V kNCollege of Meclianical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m1002 kEI kscie k-i機械學院i朱世根p094722Hj@Two-step hot-pressing sintering of nanocomposite WC-MgO compacts9k1Ma, Jun (1); Zhu, Shigen (1); Ouyang, Chenxin (1) kCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) Engineering Research Cen/ k'Journal of the European Ceramic Society~  ll烜 n n 10kkkk m1003kSCIE kei ksciei機械學院i朱世根p094722Hj@Two-step hot-pressing sintering of nanocomposite WC-MgO compacts"kMa, J; Zhu, SG; Ouyang, CXF k>Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China/ k'JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY  l2011  n31  n10kArticlekm琨@k 0955-2219k m1004kISTPkkistpi機械學院i單鴻波p091785ijaValue Chain-based Business Process Optimization Modeling for the Third Party Logistics Enterprise"kShan, HB; Li, SX; Tong, WZG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010 kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m1005kISTPkkistpi機械學院i孫以澤p2602508j0Viscoelastic Modeling of Yarn for Tufting Carpet*k"Gao, XP; Sun, YZ; Meng, Z; Sun, ZJG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaS kK11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM)  k2011 nnkkkk m1006kISTPkkistpi機械學院i陳廣鋒p094603xjpYarn Feeding Compensation Algorithm and Implementation for Needbar Transverse Shifting of Carpet Tufting Machine+k#Chen, GF; Wang, WB; Sun, HC; Li, QQG k? Donghua Univ, Coll Mech Engn, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kEInternational Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Science kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m1007 kEIk keii 計算機學院 i李瑋~ n0汏@XjPA new differential fault attack on SPN structure, with application to AES cipherdk\Li, Wei (1); Xia, Xiaoling (1); Gu, Dawu (2); Liu, Zhiqiang (2); Li, Juanru (2); Liu, Ya (2) kSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, China; (2) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China kJournal of Computers~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1008kISTPkkistpi 計算機學院 i杜明~ n.薂TjLAnalysis and Modeling on the GHG Emissions in Dyeing and Finishing ProcesseskFan, YX; Du, M; Song, HI kA Donghua Univ, Coll Comp Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Workshop on Computer Science for Environmental Engineering and EcoInfo kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m1009 kEIk keii 計算機學院i李繼雲~ n`U鵃;j3Cognitive model based fashion style decision making$kLi, Jiyun (1); Li, Yilei (1)y kqSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, No. 1882, West Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200051, China( k Expert Systems with Applications~  lp烜 n 3 nkkkk m1010 kEIk keii 計算機學院 i孫莉~ n'鵃QjIHeuristic mechanism for query optimization in column-store data warehouseXkPYan, Qiu-Ling (1); Sun, Li (1); Wang, Mei (1); Le, Jia-Jin (1); Liu, Guo-Hua (1) kSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China4 k,Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m1011 kEIk keii 計算機學院 i王梅~ n滪@ajYScheduling algorithm for the reuse buffers in column-store data warehouse query executionEk=Zhang, Qi (1); Wang, Mei (1); Le, Jiajin (1); Liu, Guohua (1) kCollege of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Najing University, Nanjing 210093, ChinaC k;Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development~  ll烜 n 4 n 10kkkk m1012 kEIk keii理學院i陶有山~ n爡A%jA chemotaxis-haptotaxis model.k&Tao, Youshan (1); Winkler, Michael (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Dong Hua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 45117 Essen, Germany- k%SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis~  ll烜 n n 2kkkk m1013kSCIEk ksciei理學院i陶有山~ n爡A[jSA CHEMOTAXIS-HAPTOTAXIS MODEL: THE ROLES OF NONLINEAR DIFFUSION AND LOGISTIC SOURCEkTao, YS; Winkler, MF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China- k%SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS  l2011  n43  n2kArticlekuV?k 0036-1410k m1014kISTPkscie k-i理學院 i張娟s?j7A complex network model of polymer melts without growthkZhang, J; Huang, HJ kB Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai, Peoples R China9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1015kSCIEkistp ksciei理學院 i張娟s?j7A complex network model of polymer melts without growthkZhang, J; Huang, HI kADonghua Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1016kISTP kscie k-i理學院 i鐘平~ n唷A_jWA method of image preprocessing based on nonlinear diffusion and information extraction3k+Zhong, P; Wang, SL; Jin, Y; Tu, XX; Luo, NAA k9 Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1017kSCIE kistp ksciei理學院 i鐘平~ n唷A_jWA method of image preprocessing based on nonlinear diffusion and information extraction&kZhong, P; Wang, SL; Jin, Y; Tu@ k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1018kSCIEk ksciei理學院i胡耀忠n8j0AN ENLARGEMENT OF FILTRATION FOR BROWNIAN MOTIONkHu, YZA k9Donghua Univ, Dept Math, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China! kACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA  l2011  n31  n5kArticlek +僦?k 0252-9602k m1019 kEIkscie k-i理學院i黃曉江~ n喁Acj[An experimental study on discharge mechanism of pulsed atmospheric pressure glow dischargesZkRHuang, Xiaojiang (1); Sun, Liqun (1); Bao, Yun (1); Zhang, Jing (1); Shi, J.J. (1) kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua kPhysics of Plasmas~  ll烜 n 1 n 3kkkk m1020kSCIE kei ksciei理學院i黃曉江~ n喁Acj[An experimental study on discharge mechanism of pulsed atmospheric pressure glow discharges&kHuang, XJ; Sun, LQ; Bao, Y; Zh@ k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPHYSICS OF PLASMAS  l2011  n18  n3kArticlekV-@k 1070-664Xk m1021kISTPkscie k-i理學院i蔡旭初p091755SjKApplication of the modified frequency formulation to a nonlinear oscillatorkCai, XC; Liu, JF k Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; [Liu, Jun-Fang] Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1022kSCIE kistp ksciei理學院i蔡旭初p091756SjKApplication of the modified frequency formulation to a nonlinear oscillatorkCai, XC; Liu, JF@ k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1023kISTPkkistpi理學院i唐曉亮~ nhj AjzAtmospheric Pressure Plasma Vapor Treatment of Thermo-sensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and its Application to Textile+k#Chen, Y; Tang, XL; Chen, BT; Qiu, GA k9 Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkkD>lG6[oq      m1024 kEIk keii理學院i秦玉明~ nxAZjRAveraging of a 3D Navier-Stokes-Voight equation with singularly oscillating forces9k1Qin, Yuming (1); Yang, Xinguang (2); Liu, Xin (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kNonlinear Analysis~  lp烜 n 1 n 2kkkk m1025kSCIEk ksciei理學院i陶有山~ n爡AMjEBoundedness in a chemotaxis model with oxygen consumption by bacteriakTao, YSF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China9 k1JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS  l2011  n381  n2kArticlekj紅?k 0022-247Xk m1026kSCIEk ksciei理學院i張振中~ n攜A^jVCENSORING TECHNIQUE APPLIED TO A MAP/G/1 QUEUE WITH SET-UP TIME AND MULTIPLE VACATIONSkZhang, ZZ; Tong, JY? k7Donghua Univ, Sch Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS  l2011  n15  n2kArticlek憫(\徛?k 1027-5487k m1027 kEI kscie k-i理學院i盧洪偉~ n惐ARjJCharacterization of runaway-triggered spikes discharge in the EAST tokamakakYLu, H.W. (1); Hu, L.Q. (3); Lin, S.Y. (3); Zhou, R.J. (3); Luo, J.R. (1); Zhong, F.C. (1) kDepartment of Applied Physics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research Center, Ministry of Education, China; (3) Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Acade kPhysica Scripta~  ll烜 n 8 n 3kkkk m1028kSCIE kei ksciei理學院i盧洪偉~ n惐ARjJCharacterization of runaway-triggered spikes discharge in the EAST tokamak&kLu, HW; Hu, LQ; Lin, SY; Zhou,F k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kPHYSICA SCRIPTA  l2011  n84  n3kArticlek$仌C?k 0031-8949k m1029kSCIEk ksciei理學院i秦玉明~ nxADj<DECAY OF ENERGY FOR A DISSIPATIVE ANISOTROPIC ELASTIC SYSTEM!kQin, YM; Liu, X; Deng, SXQ kIDonghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Coll Sci, Songjiang 201620, Peoples R China! kACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA  l2011  n31  n1kArticlek +僦?k 0252-9602k m1030 kEIk keii理學院i羅家融~ n瑜Adj\Design and implementation of a portable power quality monitoring device based on DSP and ARMUkMShu, Shuang-Bao (1); Luo, Jia-Rong (1); Wang, Qin-Yong (1); Sun, Bin-Xuan (1)F k>College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaJ kBDianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control~  lh烜 n 3 nkkkk m1031 kEIk keii理學院i楊沁玉~ n垬AZjRDielectric barrier discharge deposition of porous silicon-based nanoparticle filmsYkQLiu, Lei (1); Yang, Qin-Yu (1); Wang, De-Xin (2); Yang, Ping (2); Zhang, Jing (1) k~Science College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Materials College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China6 k.Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence~  lh烜 n 31 n 6kkkk m1032kISTP kscie k-i理學院i黃曉江~ n喁A{jsDischarge dynamics and characteristics of atmospheric glow discharge excited by sub-microsecond high voltage pulses6k.Huang, XJ; Sun, LQ; Liu, XK; Zhang, L; Shi, JJ k Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; [Liu, Xinkun; Zhang, Ling; Shi, Jianjun] Donghua Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modificat Chem Fibers & Polymer Mat\ kTJoint Meeting of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology ( kJUL 04-08, 2010 nnkkkk m1033 kSCIE kistp kscie i理學院 i黃曉江~ n喁A{ jsDischarge dynamics and characteristics of atmospheric glow discharge excited by sub-microsecond high voltage pulses& kHuang, XJ; Sun, LQ; Liu, XK; Z@  k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kTHIN SOLID FILMS  l2011  n519  n20 kArticle~ k爂@ k 0040-6090 k m1034 kEI k kei i理學院 i黃曉江~ n喁A_ jWDischarge dynamics of pin-to-plate dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure\ kTSun, Liqun (1); Huang, Xiaojiang (1); Zhang, Jie (1); Zhang, Jing (1); Shi, J.J. (1)  kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research Center, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai 201620, China; (3) St  kPhysics of Plasmas~  lh烜  n 17  n 11 kkkk m1035 kSCIE kei kscie i理學院 i謝峰~ n唳AY jQDisturbed solution of the El Nino-southern oscillation sea-air delayed oscillator% kXie, F; Lin, WT; Lin, YH; Mo,@  k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China  kCHINESE PHYSICS B  l2011  n20  n1 kArticle kj紅? k 1674-1056 k m1036 kEI kscie k- i理學院 i謝峰~ n唳AX jPDisturbed solution of the El Nio-southern oscillation sea-air delayed oscillatorH k@Xie, Feng (1); Lin, Wan-Tao (2); Lin, Yi-Hua (2); Mo, Jia-Qi (3)  kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; (3) Department of Mathematics, Anhui Normal Un  kChinese Physics B~  ll烜  n 2  n kkkk m1037 kSCIE k kscie i理學院 i徐金州~ n Al jdElectrical and Optical Characterization of DBD and Its Application to Plasma Treatment of PET Fibers& kDiao, Y; Xu, JZ; Hu, QQ; ZhangP  kHDonghua Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China#  kPLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  l2011  n13  n6 kArticle k?5^篒 ? k 1009-0630 k m1038 kEIk keii理學院i秦玉明~ nxAIjAEnergy decay and global attractors for thermoviscoelastic systems(k Qin, Yuming (1); Ma, Zhiyong (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Science, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China% kActa Applicandae Mathematicae~  lp烜 n 11 n 1kkkk m1039kISTPkscie k-i理學院i馬紅彩~ n撫ACj;Exact solution of a KdV equation with variable coefficients!kMa, HC; Deng, AP; Wang, Y k Donghua Univ, Dept Math, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China; [Wang, Yan] S Cent Univ Nationality, Sch Econ, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1040kSCIEkistp ksciei理學院i馬紅彩~ n撫ACj;Exact solution of a KdV equation with variable coefficients!kMa, HC; Deng, AP; Wang, YA k9Donghua Univ, Dept Math, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1041kSCIEk ksciei理學院i寇春海~ nPAj}Existence of Solutions for Fractional Differential Equations with Multi-point Boundary Conditions at Resonance on a Half-line!kZhou, HC; Kou, CH; Xie, FF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaJ kBELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS  l2011 n  n27kArticlekm琨裔?k 1417-3875k m1042 kEIkkei校刊i理學院i李美麗~ n皓AmjeExistence of solutions for semilinear impulsive delay differential equations with nonlocal conditions*k"Li, Mei-Li (1); Liu, Hai-Qiang (1)F k>College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n n 5kkkk m1043 kEI kscie k-i理學院i寇春海~ nPAyjqExistence of solutions of initial value problems for nonlinear fractional differential equations on the half-axis9k1Kou, Chunhai (1); Zhou, Huacheng (1); Yan, Ye (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China< k4Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications~  ll烜 n n 17kkkk m1044kSCIE kei ksciei理學院i寇春海~ nPAyjqExistence of solutions of initial value problems for nonlinear fractional differential equations on the half-axis!kKou, CH; Zhou, HC; Yan, YF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8 k0NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS  l2011  n74  n17kArticlek鷡j紅擑?k 0362-546Xk m1045 kEIkkei校刊i理學院i彭亞紅~ nPAZjRExistence of travelling waves with strong generic kernel in a vector-disease model-k%Shao, Ming-Zhe (1); Peng, Ya-Hong (1)F k>College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 261021, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n 2 n 3kkkk m1046kSCIEk ksciei理學院i李美麗~ n皓AxjpExistence results for nondensely defined impulsive neutral functional differential equations with infinite delaykLi, MLF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China) k!NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS  l2011  n5  n3kArticle~ kk 1751-570Xk m1047kISTPkkistpi理學院i何國興p052973wjoExtrahigh Color Rendering Color Temperature Tunable White Light LED Cluster with Warm-white Red Green Blue LEDskHe, GX; Xu, J; Yan, HFG k? Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China7 k/Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium kSEP 12-16, 2011 nnkkkk m1048 kEIkscie k-i理學院i王春瑞~ n@A|jtFabrication and characterization of Cu2ZnSnSxSe 4-x solid solution nanocrystallines~kvCao, Yun (1); Wang, Chunrui (1); Li, Bin (1); Zhang, Kang (1); Xu, Xiaofeng (1); Hu, Junqing (1); Chen, Xiaoshuang (2) kDepartment of Applied Physics, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) National Laboratory for Infrared Physics,+ k#Japanese Journal of Applied Physics~  ll烜 n 5 n 12kkkk m1049kSCIE kei ksciei理學院i王春瑞~ n@AZjRFabrication and Characterization of Cu2ZnSnSxSe4-x Solid Solution Nanocrystallines&kCao, Y; Wang, CR; Li, B; ZhangF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS  l2011  n50  n12kArticlek!皉h戫?k 0021-4922k m1050 kEIk keii理學院i秦玉明~ nxApjhGlobal existence and exponential stability of solutions to the one-dimensional full non-Newtonian fluids9k1Qin, Yuming (1); Liu, Xin (2); Yang, Xinguang (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, College of Sciences, Donghua University, Songjiang, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Songjiang, Shangh kNonlinear Analysis~  lp烜 n nkkkk m1051kSCIEk ksciei理學院i秦玉明~ nxAOjGGlobal smooth solutions for 1D thermally radiative magnetohydrodynamicskQin, YM; Hu, GL@ k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China' kJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS  l2011  n52  n2kArticlek-矟銨?k 0022-2488k m1052 kEI kscie k-i理學院i秦玉明~ nxATjLGlobal smooth solutions for the compressible viscous and heat-conductive gas7k/Qin, Yuming (1); Hu, Guili (2); Wang, Taige (2) kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Sciences, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China( k Quarterly of Applied Mathematics~  ll烜 n 6 nkkkk m1053kSCIE kei ksciei理學院i秦玉明~ nxATjLGLOBAL SMOOTH SOLUTIONS FOR THE COMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS AND HEAT-CONDUCTIVE GAS!kQin, YM; Hu, GL; Wang, TGF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k QUARTERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS  l2011  n69  n3kArticlek鳶慳浤?k 0033-569Xk m1054kSCIEk ksciei理學院 i郭穎~ nXACj;Growth of Single-Crystalline Nanorods in Atmospheric Plasma&kGuo, Y; Xu, JZ; Ding, K; Yang,@ k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS  l2011  n50  n1kArticlek!皉h戫?k 0021-4922k m1055kSCIEk ksciei理學院i王春瑞~ n@AjGrowth, structural and vibrating properties of CdSe-Ge, CdSe-Ge-CdSe, CdSe-Ge/Ge, Ge-GeSe heterostructure nanowires and GeSe nanobelts&kCai, JS; Wang, CR; Xu, J; WangF k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k CRYSTENGCOMM  l2011  n13  n7kArticlek#垸~j@k 1466-8033kDCl&a4jE#cI  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? m1056 kEI kscie k- i理學院 i葉海平~ n竝A jyHenry-Gronwall type retarded integral inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations with delay* k"Ye, Haiping (1); Gao, Jianming (1)U  kMDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China+  k#Applied Mathematics and Computation~  ll烜  n 21  n 8 kkkk !m1057!kSCIE !kei !kscie!i理學院!i葉海平~ !n竝A!jyHenry-Gronwall type retarded integral inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations with delay!kYe, HP; Gao, JMF! k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+! k#APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION ! l2011 ! n218 ! n8!kArticle!k逴崡n?!k 0096-3003!k "m1058 "kEI"k"kei校刊"i理學院"i陶有山~ "n爡A("j Inverse problem of a tumor model<"k4Wei, Ying-Chao (1); Tao, You-Shan (1); Guo, Qian (2)" kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Mathematics and Science College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China7" k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ " lh烜" n" n 5"kkkk #m1059 #kEI#k #kei#i理學院#i寇春海~ #nPA>#j6On the dynamics of an impulsive model of hematopoiesis2#k*Kou, C. (1); Adimy, M. (2); Ducrot, A. (3)# kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, UMR CNRS 5142 and INRIA, Université de Pau, 64000 Pau, France3# k+Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena~ # ld烜# n# n#kkkk $m1060 $kEI $kscie $k-$i理學院$i楊沁玉~ $n垬A[$jSOne step growth of TiO2 crystal trees by atmospheric pressure plasma jetl$kdWang, Dexin (1); Yang, Qingyu (2); Guo, Ying (2); Liu, Xiaohu (2); Shi, Jianjun (2); Zhang, Jing (2)$ kCollege of Material Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) College of Science, Donghua Univers$ kMaterials Letters~ $ ll烜$ n $ n15-16$kkkk %m1061%kSCIE %kei %kscie%i理學院%i楊沁玉~ %n垬AP%jHOne step growth of TiO2 crystal trees by atmospheric pressure plasma jet&%kWang, DX; Yang, QY; Guo, Y; Li@% k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China% kMATERIALS LETTERS % l2011 % n65 % n15-16%kArticle%k垸~j紅@%k 0167-577X%k &m1062&kISTP&k scie/ssci &k-&i理學院&i舒慧生~ &n貃Am&jeOptimal portfolio selection with liability management and Markov switching under constrained variance&kLi, ZC; Shu, HSG& k? Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China9& k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics& kSEP 25-28, 2010& nnkkkk 'm1063'kSCIE'k ssci/istp 'kscie'i理學院'i舒慧生~ 'n貃Am'jeOptimal portfolio selection with liability management and Markov switching under constrained variance'kLi, ZC; Shu, HSF' k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1' k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS ' l2011 ' n61 ' n8'kArticle'k潦扼?'k 0898-1221'k (m1064 (kSSCI(k scie/istp (k-(i理學院(i舒慧生~ (n貃Am(jeOptimal portfolio selection with liability management and Markov switching under constrained variance(kLi, ZC; Shu, HSd( k\[Li, Zhicheng; Shu, Huisheng] Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Math, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1( k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS( k 0898-1221 ( n2011 ( n 61 (k 8 (kkk )m1065 )kEI)kscie )k-)i理學院)i何國興)p052973)jOptimal spectra of the phosphor-coated white LEDs with excellent color rendering property and high luminous efficacy of radiation))k!He, Guoxing (1); Yan, Huafeng (2)) kDepartment of Applied Physics, Dong Hua University, 1882 Yan'an Road (W), Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Shanghai Yaming Lighting Co., Ltd., 1001 Jiaxin Road, Jiading District, Shanghai 201801, China) kOptics Express~ ) ll烜) n 1) n)kkkk *m1066*kSCIE *kei *kscie*i理學院*i何國興*p052974*jOptimal spectra of the phosphor-coated white LEDs with excellent color rendering property and high luminous efficacy of radiation*kHe, GX; Yan, HFF* k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China* kOPTICS EXPRESS * l2011 * n19 * n3*kArticle*kV- @*k 1094-4087*k +m1067+kSCIE+k +kscie+i理學院+i趙麗娟~ +nXAt+jlPhotoluminescence of colloidal CdSe nano-tetrapods and quantum dots in oxygenic and oxygen-free environments&+kZhao, LJ; Pang, Q; Yang, SH; GF+ k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China8+ k0APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING + l2011 + n103 + n2+kArticle~ +k`d@+k 0947-8396+k ,m1068 ,kEI,kscie ,k-,i理學院,i楊沁玉~ ,n垬A,jwPhotoluminescent Si/SiOx nanoparticle network by near atmospheric plasma-enhanced chemical vapour depositionm,keYang, Q.Y. (1); Wang, D.X. (2); Guo, Y. (1); Ding, K. (1); Xu, J.Z. (1); Shi, J.J. (1); Zhang, J. (1), kDepartment of Applied Physics, Donghua University, 2999 Renmin Rd., Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Material Science, Donghua University, 2999 Renmin Rd., Songjiang District, kJournal of Physics D~ , ll烜, n 4, n,kkkk -m1069-kSCIE -kei -kscie-i理學院-i楊沁玉~ -n垬At-jlPhotoluminescent Si/SiOx nanoparticle network by near atmospheric plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition&-kYang, QY; Wang, DX; Guo, Y; DiF- k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China,- k$JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS - l2011 - n44 - n44-kArticle-k'1Z@-k 0022-3727-k .m1070 .kEI.k.kei校刊.i理學院.i王顯金.nU.jMProperty AUB of metric spaces under decompositions of finite depth8.k0Wang, Xian-Jin (1); Yang, Jun (1); Wang, Qin (1)F. k>College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7. k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ . lh烜. n. n 5.kkkk /m1071/kSCIE/k /kscie/i理學院/i秦玉明~ /nxA^/jVRemarks on uniform attractors for the 3D non-autonomous Navier-Stokes-Voight equations"/kDou, YW; Yang, XG; Qin, YMU/ kMHenan Normal Univ, Coll Math & Informat Sci, Xinxiang 453007, Peoples R China/ kBOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS / l2011/ n/ n/kArticle/k酏詘&?/k 1687-2770/k 0m1072 0kEI0k 0kei0i理學院0i盧洪偉~ 0n惐AF0j>Runaway electron behaviors in current ramp-up phase in Tokamakq0kiLu, Hongwei (1); Hu, Liqun (2); Lin, Shiyao (2); Zhou, Ruijie (2); Luo, Jiarong (1); Zhong, Fangchuan (1)0 kDepartment of Applied Physics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Hefei 230031, ChinaC0 k;Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams~ 0 ll烜0 n 20 n 80kkkk 1m1073 1kISTP1k 1kistp1i理學院1i詹亞歌~ 1nA91j1Soft mode behavior in strained SrTiO(3) thin film!1kHua, W; Zhan, YG; Rong, Z@1 k8 Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai, Peoples R China\1 kTJoint Conference on IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (1 kJUL 24-27, 20111 nnkkkk 2m1074 2kEI2k2kei校刊2i理學院2i舒慧生~ 2n貃Ac2j[Some itô formulas with respect to mixed fractional brownian motion and brownian motion;2k3Shu, Hui-Sheng (1); Kan, Xiu (2); Zhou, Hai-Tao (1)2 kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China72 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ 2 lh烜2 n 22 n2kkkk 3m1075 3kEI3k3kei校刊3i理學院3i吳笑千~ 3n@AM3jESome properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of wilkinson matrices-3k%Wu, Xiao-Qian (1); Chen, De-Qiang (2)3 kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Information Science and Technology, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620, China73 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ 3 ll烜3 n 23 n 23kkkk 4m10764kISTP4k4kistp4i理學院4i何國興4p0529734jwSpectral Optimization of Warm-white LED with Red LED Instead of Red Phosphor under Conditions of CRI >= 90 and R9 >= 904kHe, GX; Xu, J; Yan, HFG4 k? Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China74 k/Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium4 kSEP 12-16, 20114 nnkkkk 5m10775kSCIE5k 5kscie5i理學院5i何國興5p0529745jSpectral optimization of warm-white light-emitting diode lamp with both color rendering index (CRI) and special CRI of R9 above 905kHe, GX; Xu, J; Yan, HFF5 k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China5 k AIP ADVANCES 5 l2011 5 n1 5 n35kArticle~ 5k5k 2158-32265k 6m1078 6kEI6k6kei校刊6i理學院 6i張菁~ 6n葃A6jSurface modification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber by roll-to-roll treatment in atmospheric Ar/O2 dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasmal6kdLi, Jia-Ling (1); Lin, Jie (2); Diao, Ying (1); Hu, Qian-Qian (1); Zhang, Jing (1); Xu, Jin-Zhou (1)6 kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China76 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ 6 ll烜6 n6 n6kkkk 7m10797kSCIE7k 7kscie7i理學院7i徐曉峰~ 7nXAV7jNSynthesis and vibrating properties ZnSe/Ge bi-axial heterostructural nanowires&7kXu, XF; Wang, CR; Liu, JA; CaiF7 k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China 7 kCHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 7 l2011 7 n501 7 n4-67kArticle7kV-@7k 0009-26147k 8m1080 8kEI 8kscie 8k-8i理學院8i王春瑞~ 8n@A]8jUSynthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystallines by a hydrothermal routek8kcWang, Chunrui (1); Cheng, Chen (1); Cao, Yun (1); Fang, Wei (1); Zhao, Lijuan (1); Xu, Xiaofeng (1)8 kDepartment of Applied Physics, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, 2999 Renmin Rd. North, Songjiang District Shanghai 201620, China+8 k#Japanese Journal of Applied Physics~ 8 ll烜8 n 58 n6 PART 18kkkk 9m10819kSCIE 9kei 9kscie9i理學院9i王春瑞~ 9n@AG9j?Synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystallines by a Hydrothermal Route&9kWang, CR; Cheng, C; Cao, Y; FaF9 k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+9 k#JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 9 l2011 9 n50 9 n69kArticle9k!皉h戫?9k 0021-49229k :m1082 :kEI:k :kei:i理學院:i秦玉明~ :nxAO:jGThe Cauchy problem for a 1D compressible viscous micropolar fluid model7:k/Qin, Yuming (1); Wang, Taige (2); Hu, Guili (1): kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0123, United States: kNonlinear Analysis~ : lp烜: n 1: n 3:kkkk ;m1083 ;kEI ;kscie ;k-;i理學院;i邢懷中~ ;nhAO;jGThe effect of Si co-doping on defect-induced intrinsic magnetism in GaNd;k\Zhang, Lei (1); Xing, Huai-Zhong (1); Huang, Yan (2); Zhang, Hui-Yuan (1); Wang, Ji-Qing (3); kDepartment of the Applied Physics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) National Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute for Technical Physics, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Shanghai 20J; kBHongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves~ ; ll烜; n 3; n;kkkk <m1084<kSCIE <kei <kscie<i理學院<i邢懷中~ <nhAO<jGThe effect of Si co-doping on defect-induced intrinsic magnetism in GaN%<kZhang, L; Xing, HZ; Huang, Y;F< k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0< k(JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES < l2011 < n30 < n3<kArticle<k$仌C?<k 1001-9014<k =m1085=kSCIE=k =kscie=i理學院=i張振中~ =n攜Ah=j`The maximum surplus distribution before ruin in an Erlang(n) risk process perturbed by diffusion#=kZhang, ZZ; Zou, JZ; Liu, YY@= k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China.= k&ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES = l2011 = n27 = n9=kArticle~ =kG@=k 1439-8516=k >m1086 >kEI>k>kei校刊>i理學院 >i謝峰~ >n唳Ar>jjThe spike-type solution of second-order semilinear differential equation with integral boundary conditions)>k!Xie, Feng (1); Jin, Zhao-Yang (1)> kDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201621, China; (2) Division of Computational Science, E-Institute of Shanghai Universities, SJTU, Shanghai 200030, China7> k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ > ll烜> n 2> n 3>kkkk ?m1087 ?kEI ?kscie ?k-?i理學院?i徐曉峰~ ?nXA?jThe study of optimal oxidation time and different temperatures for high quality VO2 thin film based on the sputtering oxidation coupling method?kXu, Xiaofeng (1); He, Xinfeng (1); Wang, Gang (1); Yuan, Xiaolong (1); Liu, Xingxing (1); Huang, Haiyan (1); Yao, Sheng (1); Xing, Huaizhong (1); Chen, Xiaoshuang (2); Chu, Junhao (2)? kDepartment of Applied Physics, Donghua University, No. 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sh? kApplied Surface Science~ ? ll烜? n? n 21?kkkkD鵈l)mY]:B5Y@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ @m1088@kSCIE @kei @kscie@i理學院@i徐曉峰~ @nXA@jThe study of optimal oxidation time and different temperatures for high quality VO2 thin film based on the sputtering oxidation coupling method&@kXu, XF; He, XF; Wang, G; Yuan,F@ k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China@ kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE @ l2011 @ n257 @ n21@kArticle@km琨@@k 0169-4332@k Am1089 AkEI Akscie Ak-Ai理學院Ai何國興Ap052973~AjvWarm-White light-Emitting diodes integrated with colloidal quantum dots for high luminous efficacy and color renderingAkHe, Guoxing (1)hA k`Department of Applied Physics, Dong Hua University, 1882 Yan'an Road (W), Shanghai 200051, ChinaA kOptics Letters~ A ll烜A nA nAkkkk Bm1090BkSCIE Bkei BkscieBi理學院Bi何國興Bp052974BjWarm-white light-emitting diodes integrated with colloidal quantum dots for high luminous efficacy and color rendering: commentBkHe, GXFB k>Donghua Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaB kOPTICS LETTERS B l2011 B n36 B n15BkEditorial MaterialBk詘&1 @Bk 0146-9592Bk Cm1091 CkEI Ckscie Ck-Ci理學院Ci童金英~ CnXALCjDWeighted scale-free networks induced by group preferential mechanismBCk:Tong, Jinying (1); Zhang, Zhenzhong (1); Dai, Rongrong (2)C kCollege of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha 410075, Hunan, ChinaC k Physica A~ C ll烜C n 39C nCkkkk Dm1092DkSCIE Dkei DkscieDi理學院Di童金英~ DnXALDjDWeighted scale-free networks induced by group preferential mechanism$DkTong, JY; Zhang, ZZ; Dai, RR@D k8Donghua Univ, Coll Sci, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China<D k4PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS D l2011 D n390 D n10DkArticleDk+儻黲?Dk 0378-4371Dk Em1093EkISTPEkEkistpEi信息學院Ei任立紅~ En E鵃bEjZA Hierarchical Wireless Routing Protocol for Multi-Channel Multi-Interface Ad Hoc Networks!EkJin, H; Ren, LH; Ding, YSTE kL Dong      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~hua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\E kT7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile CompuE kSEP 23-25, 2011E nnkkkk Fm1094FkISTPFkFkistpFi信息學院Fi齊金鵬~ Fn@楖@uFjmA Mathematical Framework for Cellular Repair Mechanisms under Genomic Stress Based on Kinetic Theory Approach FkQi, JP; Zhu, Y; Ding, YSTF kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China>F k61st International Conference on Mechanical EngineeringF kAPR 03-04, 2011F nnkkkk Gm1095GkISTPGkGkistpGi信息學院Gi丁永生~ Gn恀鵃iGjaA Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Reservoir System+Gk#Wang, W; Ding, YS; Li, RF; Chen, LJTG kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaIG kA3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis ResponseG kMAY 22-25, 2011G nnkkkk Hm1096HkISTPHkHkistpHi信息學院Hi丁永生~ Hn恀鵃UHjMA Neural Network Based Intelligent Regional Drought Severity Evaluation Model"HkLi, RF; Ding, YS; Liang, XTH kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaIH kA3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis ResponseH kMAY 22-25, 2011H nnkkkk Im1097 IkEIIkscie Ik-Ii信息學院Ii盧文科~ In0 AIj|A novel compensation method of insertion losses for wavelet inverse-transform processors using surface acoustic wave devices)Ik!Lu, Wenke (1); Zhu, Changchun (2)I kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China(I k Review of Scientific Instruments~ I ll烜I n 8I n 11Ikkkk Jm1098JkSCIE Jkei JkscieJi信息學院Ji盧文科~ Jn0 AJj|A novel compensation method of insertion losses for wavelet inverse-transform processors using surface acoustic wave devicesJkLu, WK; Zhu, CCRJ kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(J k REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS J l2011 J n82 J n11JkArticleJkZd;嘖?Jk 0034-6748Jk Km1099KkISTPKkKkistpKi信息學院Ki郝礦榮~ Kn0v鵃lKjdA Position-Velocity Cooperative Intelligent Controller Based on the Biological Neuroendocrine System5Kk-Guo, CB; Hao, KR; Ding, YS; Liang, X; Dou, YWTK kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China6K k.8th International Symposium on Neural NetworksK kMAY 29-JUN 01,K nnkkkk Lm1100 LkEILk LkeiLi信息學院Li丁永生~ Ln恀鵃`LjXA pyramidal Trust computing model for peer-to-peer networks inspired from social networkALk9Liu, Feng-Ming (1); Ding, Yong-Sheng (3); Hu, Zhi-Hua (1)L kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Management and Economics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China; (3) Engineering ResFL k>International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control~ L ll烜L n 12L n01/02/12Lkkkk Mm1101MkSCIEMk MkscieMi信息學院Mi王子棟~ Mn萷AaMjYA Stochastic Sampled-Data Approach to Distributed H-infinity Filtering in Sensor Networks"MkShen, B; Wang, ZD; Liu, XHRM kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaBM k:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS M l2011 M n58 M n9MkArticle~ Mk爃@Mk 1549-8328Mk Nm1102 NkEINk NkeiNi信息學院 NknDNj<A Survey of Game Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks SecurityINkAShen, Shigen (1); Yue, Guangxue (2); Cao, Qiying (1); Yu, Fei (5)N kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) College of Mathematics and Information Engineering, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, China; (3) College of ComputerN kJournal of Networks~ N ll烜N nN n 3Nkkkk Om1103 OkEIOk OkeiOi信息學院Oi丁永生~ On恀鵃\OjTAn agent-based simulation system for evaluating gridding urban management strategiesLOkDGao, Lei (1); Durnota, Bohdan (2); Ding, Yongsheng (1); Dai, Hua (4)O kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) DeciSci Company Limited, Shanghai 201203, China; (3) Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile anO kKnowledge-Based Systems~ O lp烜O nO nOkkkk Pm1104 PkEIPk PkeiPi信息學院Pi丁永生~ Pn恀鵃dPj\An efficient two-step solution for vision-based pose determination of a parallel manipulatorSPkKZhang, Shuping (1); Ding, Yongsheng (1); Hao, Kuangrong (1); Zhang, Dan (3)P kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile and Fashion Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua6P k.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing~ P lp烜P nP nPkkkk Qm1105QkSCIEQk QkscieQi信息學院Qi丁永生~ Qn恀鵃oQjgAn evolutionary particle filter with the immune genetic algorithm for intelligent video target tracking&QkHan, H; Ding, YS; Hao, KR; LiaSQ kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1Q k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Q l2011 Q n62 Q n7QkArticleQk潦扼?Qk 0898-1221Qk Rm1106 RkEIRkscie Rk-Ri信息學院 RknlRjdAn improved model of rigid bodies for plain-weave fabrics based on the dynamics of multibody systems@Rk8Xiao, Mingxing (1); Geng, Zhaofeng (1); Liao, Kaijun (2)R kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, United States R kTextile Research Journal~ R ll烜R n 8R nRkkkk Sm1107SkSCIE Skei SkscieSi信息學院 SknlSjdAn improved model of rigid bodies for plain-weave fabrics based on the dynamics of multibody systems$SkXiao, MX; Geng, ZF; Liao, KJLS kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China S kTEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL S l2011 S n81 S n13SkArticleSk潦扼?Sk 0040-5175Sk Tm1108TkSCIETk TkscieTi信息學院Ti丁永生~ Tn恀鵃TjwAn Intelligent Bi-Cooperative Decoupling Control Approach Based on Modulation Mechanism of Internal Environment in BodyTkDing, YS; Liu, BST kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China7T k/IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY T l2011 T n19 T n3TkArticleTkㄆK7堿?Tk 1063-6536Tk Um1109UkISTPUkUkistpUi信息學院Ui丁永生~ Un恀鵃lUjdAn Intelligent Optimizing Approach for Spinning Process Based on Immune Neural Network Expert System5Uk-Li, BQ; Ding, YS; Liang, X; Hao, KR; Wang, HPU k Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Digitized Text & Fash Technol, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaLU kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES)U k OCT, 2011U nnkkkk Vm1110VkISTPVkVkistpVi信息學院Vi任立紅~ Vn E鵃eVj]An Interactive Immune Co-Evolutionary Design Approach for the Spinning of Differential Fibers>Vk6Li, YY; Ren, LH; Ding, YS; Hao, KR; Liang, X; Wang, HPV k Donghua Univ Shanghai, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Engn Res Ctr Digitized Text & Fash Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaNV kF6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)V kJUN 21-23, 2011V nnkkkk Wm1111WkISTPWkWkistpWi信息學院Wi丁永生~ Wn恀鵃WjxAn Optimizing Design Approach for the Fiber Manufacturing based on the Immune Genetic Algorithm-Optimized Neural Network6Wk.Zhu, HZ; Ding, YS; Liang, X; Hao, KR; Wang, HPTW kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\W kTInternational Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT2W kMAY 05-06, 2011W nnkkkk Xm1112XkISTPXkXkistpXi信息學院Xi趙曙光~ Xn` AHXj@Analysis and Simulation of the Shear Deformation for Woven Cloth:Xk2Chen, L; Zhao, SG; Zhang, LJ; Zhang, LQ; Zhang, WBTX kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaMX kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and EngineeringX kAPR 09-11, 2011X nnkkkk Ym1113 YkEIYk YkeiYi信息學院 YknOYjGAnalysis and utilizing of the error models in teaching wireless network)Yk!Wang, Anbao (1); Liu, Zhenwen (1)Y kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shangha School of Computer and Information, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai, China; (2) College of Information ScienY kJournal of Networks~ Y ll烜Y nY nYkkkk Zm1114 ZkEIZk ZkeiZi信息學院 Zi龔濤~ Zn0曺@`ZjXApplication improvement of clonal selection algorithm in runway recognition of smart car@Zk8Li, Long (1); Gong, Tao (1); Fang, Xing (1); Zhu, Bo (1)Z kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United StatesZ kHuazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)~ Z ll烜Z n 3Z nSUPPL. 2Zkkkk [m1115 [kEI[k[kei校刊[i信息學院[i唐莉萍[p041081E[j=Application of image processing in automatic vehicle guidanceV[kNTang, Li-Ping (1); Zang, Zhu-Ping (2); Zeng, Pei-Feng (2); Ouyang, Wen-Bin (1)[ kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7[ k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~ [ ll烜[ n 2[ n 2[kkkk \m1116\kISTP\k\kistp\i信息學院 \knZ\jRBased on Privacy Preserving for Back-propagation Neural Network Learning Algorithm\kWang, JL\ kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China\\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing\ kAPR 17-18, 2011\ nnkkkk ]m1117]kISTP]k]kistp]i信息學院 ]knW]jOBased on Privacy Preserving for Bayesian Network Incremental Learning Algorithm]kWang, JL] kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaT] kLInternational Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Information Technology] kMAY 05-06, 2011] nnkkkk ^m1118^kSCIE^k ^kscie^i信息學院^i任立紅~ ^n E鵃O^jGBIO-ENTITY NETWORK FOR ANALYSIS OF PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTION NETWORKS&^kRen, LH; Shen, YZ; Ding, YS; Ca^ kYMinist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Digitized Text & Fash Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China ^ kASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL ^ l2011 ^ n13 ^ n5^kArticle^k%仌C嬸?^k 1561-8625^k _m1119_kISTP_k_kistp_i信息學院_i丁永生~ _n恀鵃<_j4Bio-Inspired Balanced Tree Structure Dynamic Network"_kLiu, FC; Ding, YS; Gao, WXM_ kE Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & technol, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaA_ k9International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)_ kJUL 31-AUG 05,_ nnkkkkD霤le }&Ot G)< ]`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ `m1120`kSCIE`k `kscie`i信息學院 `i沈波~ `n@※@`jBounded H-infinity Synchronization and State Estimation for Discrete Time-Varying Stochastic Complex Networks Over a Finite Horizon"`kShen, B; Wang, ZD; Liu, XHR` kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China,` k$IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS ` l2011 ` n22 ` n1`kArticle`kV-矟@`k 1045-9227`k am1121 akEIak akeiai信息學院 ai劉浩~ an皺鵃daj\Consistent-degradation macroblock grouping for parallel video streams over DiffServ networks8ak0Liu, Hao (1); Xu, Haiqin (1); Zhao, Shuguang (1)aa kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chinaa kComputer Communications~ a lp烜a na nakkkk bm1122 bkEIbk bkeibi信息學院bi蔣學芹~ bn袩鵃\bjTConstruction of multiple-rate quasi-cyclic LDPC codes via the hyperplane decomposing:bk2Jiang, Xueqin (1); Yan, Yier (2); Lee, Moon Ho (3)b kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, China; (2) School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou, China; (3) Division of Electronics and Information Engineering,.b k&Journal of Communications and Networks~ b ll烜b n 1b nbkkkk cm1123ckSCIEck ckscieci信息學院ci蔣學芹~ cn袩鵃\cjTConstruction of Multiple-Rate Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes via the Hyperplane Decomposing"ckJiang, XQ; Yan, Y; Lee, MHIc kAChonbuk Natl Univ, Div Elect & Informat Engn, Chonju, South Korea.c k&JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS c l2011 c n13 c n3ckArticleck9慈v緹?ck 1229-2370ck dm1124dkSCIEdk dksciedi信息學院di王子棟~ dn萷A{djsController design for synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks using a controllable probabilistic PSO#dkTang, Y; Wang, ZD; Fang, JASd kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinad kINFORMATION SCIENCES d l2011 d n181 d n20dkArticledkD媗琨@dk 0020-0255dk em1125 ekEI ekscie ek-ei信息學院 ekn\ejTDelay-dependent H filtering for Markovian jump time-delay systems9ek1Liu, Jinliang (1); Yao, Bingxue (2); Gu, Zhou (3)e kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Mathematics Science, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, China; (3) Power Engineering, Nanj0e k(Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing~ e ll烜e n 3e nekkkk fm1126fkSCIE fkei fksciefi信息學院 fknofjgDelay-Dependent H infinity Filtering for Markovian Jump Time-Delay Systems: A Piecewise Analysis MethodfkLiu, JL; Yao, BX; Gu, ZSf kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China.f k&CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING f l2011 f n30 f n6fkArticlefk緹/$?fk 0278-081Xfk gm1127gkISTPgkgkistpgi信息學院gi王直傑~ gn郰鵃JgjBDependence of Correlated Firing on Strength of Inhibitory Feedback"gkXie, JL; Wang, ZJ; Shi, HBTg kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China6g k.8th International Symposium on Neural Networksg kMAY 29-JUN 01,g nnkkkk hm1128 hkEIhk hkeihi信息學院hi蔣學芹~ hn袩鵃lhjdDesign of non-binary quasi-cyclic LDPC codes based on multiplicative groups and euclidean geometries+hk#Jiang, Xueqin (1); Lee, Moon Ho (2)h kDepartment of Communications and Electronic Engineering, Donghua University, China; (2) Department of Electronics, Chonbuk National University, Korea, Republic of.h k&Journal of Communications and Networks~ h lh烜h n 1h n 5hkkkk im1129ikISTPikikistpii信息學院 ii陳亮~ in爛鵃Bij:De-synchronization of the Distributed Refrigeration SystemikChen, L; Wisniewski, Rii ka Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Digitized Text & Fash Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaLi kDInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automationi kDEC 07-09, 2010i nnkkkk jm1130jkSCIEjk jkscieji信息學院ji王子棟~ jn萷A@jj8Distributed estimation and filtering for sensor networksjkWang, ZD; Niu, YGRj kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China0j k(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE j l2011 j n42 j n9jkEditorial Materialjk兝省E訛?jk 0020-7721jk km1131 kkEIkk kkeiki信息學院 ki沈波~ kn@※@pkjhDistributed H filtering for polynomial nonlinear stochastic systems in sensor networksKkkCShen, Bo (1); Wang, Zidong (1); Hung, Y.S. (3); Chesi, Graziano (3)k kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, United Kingdom; (3)3k k+IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics~ k ll烜k nk n 5kkkkk lm1132lkSCIElk lkscieli信息學院 li沈波~ ln@※@glj_Distributed H-infinity Filtering for Polynomial Nonlinear Stochastic Systems in Sensor Networks&lkShen, B; Wang, ZD; Hung, YS; CRl kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China3l k+IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS l l2011 l n58 l n5lkArticle~ lk @lk 0278-0046lk mm1133 mkEImkscie mk-mi信息學院 mi韓芳~ mn淁@kmjcExcitement and synchronization of small-world neuronal networks with short-term synaptic plasticitySmkKHan, Fang (1); Wiercigroch, Marian (2); Fang, Jian-An (1); Wang, Zhijie (1)m kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China; (2) Centre for Applied Dynamics Research, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, United Kingdom/m k'International Journal of Neural Systems~ m ll烜m n 2m n 5mkkkk nm1134nkSCIE nkei nkscieni信息學院 ni韓芳~ nn淁@knjcEXCITEMENT AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF SMALL-WORLD NEURONAL NETWORKS WITH SHORT-TERM SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY%nkHan, F; Wiercigroch, M; Fang,Sn kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China/n k'INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS n l2011 n n21 n n5nkArticlenk堿`逍"@nk 0129-0657nk om1135okSCIEok okscieoi信息學院 oknmojeExistence result for fractional neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with infinite delayokCui, J; Yan, LTSo kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China9o k1JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL o l2011 o n44 o n33okArticleok/$?ok 1751-8113ok pm1136 pkEIpkscie pk-pi信息學院pi尚建華~ pn酁鵃apjYExperimental study on minimum resolvable velocity for heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometry]pkUShang, Jianhua (1); Zhao, Shuguang (1); He, Yan (2); Chen, Weibiao (2); Jia, Ning (3)p kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory Space Laser Communication and Testing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201p kChinese Optics Letters~ p ll烜p np n 8pkkkk qm1137qkSCIE qkei qkscieqi信息學院qi尚建華~ qn酁鵃aqjYExperimental study on minimum resolvable velocity for heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometry&qkShang, JH; Zhao, SG; He, Y; ChRq kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinaq kCHINESE OPTICS LETTERS q l2011 q n9 q n8qkArticleqk媗琨?qk 1671-7694qk rm1138rkSCIErk rkscieri信息學院ri方建安~ rn怣鵃orjgExponential cluster synchronization of impulsive delayed genetic oscillators with external disturbances%rkZhang, WB; Tang, Y; Fang, JA;Rr kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China r kCHAOS r l2011 r n21 r n4rkArticlerk削S慳@rk 1054-1500rk sm1139skSCIEsk sksciesi信息學院 sknqsjiExponential stability for neutral stochastic partial differential equations with delays and Poisson jumps skCui, J; Yan, LT; Sun, XCSs kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China(s k STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS s l2011 s n81 s n12skArticleskZd;哌?sk 0167-7152sk tm1140 tkEItk tkeiti信息學院tk 周武能~ tn@ AjtjbExponential stability of hybrid stochastic neural networks with mixed time delays and nonlinearity=tk5Zhou, Wuneng (1); Lu, Hongqian (1); Duan, Chunmei (3)t kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile and Fashion Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua Ut kNeurocomputing~ t ld烜t n 7 t n13-15tkkkk um1141ukSCIEuk ukscieui信息學院 uk uncuj[Exponential stability of stochastic differential delay systems with delayed impulse effects&ukWu, XT; Yan, LT; Zhang, WB; TaRu kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China'u kJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS u l2011 u n52 u n9ukArticleuk-矟銨?uk 0022-2488uk vm1142 vkEIvkscie vk-vi信息學院vi王子棟~ vn萷A5vj-Feedback learning particle swarm optimization;vk3Tang, Yang (1); Wang, Zidong (1); Fang, Jian-An (1)v kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Space Control and Inertial Technology Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Chin&v kApplied Soft Computing Journal~ v ll烜v nv nvkkkk wm1143wkSCIE wkei wksciewi信息學院wi王子棟~ wn萷A5wj-Feedback learning particle swarm optimization#wkTang, Y; Wang, ZD; Fang, JARw kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R Chinaw kAPPLIED SOFT COMPUTING w l2011 w n11 w n8wkArticlewkL7堿`@wk 1568-4946wk xm1144 xkEIxk xkeixi信息學院xi榮智海~ xn牋 Agxj_Feedback reciprocity mechanism promotes the cooperation of highly clustered scale-free networks=xk5Rong, Zhihai (1); Yang, Han-Xin (2); Wang, Wen-Xu (3)x kDepartment of Automation, Donghua University, 201620 Shanghai, China; (2) Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; (3) Department of ElectricalKx kCPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics~ x lh烜x n 82x n 4xkkkk ym1145ykISTPykykistpyi信息學院yi王直傑~ yn郰鵃syjkFeedback-dependence and robustness of gamma oscillations in networks with excitatory and inhibitory neurons#ykXie, JL; Wang, ZJ; Fang, JATy kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 210620, Peoples R China[y kSInternational Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Sciencey kAUG 18-19, 2011y nnkkkk zm1146 zkEI zkscie zk-zi信息學院zi劉華山~ zn馂鵃OzjGFuzzy saturated output feedback tracking control for robot manipulators=zk5Liu, Huashan (1); Hao, Kuangrong (1); Lai, Xiaobo (2)z kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) College of Information Technology, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China9z k1International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems~ z ll烜z nz n 4zkkkk {m1147{kSCIE {kei {kscie{i信息學院{i劉華山~ {n馂鵃~{jvFuzzy Saturated Output Feedback Tracking Control for Robot Manipulators: A Singular Perturbation Theory Based Approach!{kLiu, HS; Hao, KR; Lai, XBL{ kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China9{ k1INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS { l2011 { n8 { n4{kArticle~ {k?{k 1729-8806{k |m1148|kSCIE|k |kscie|i信息學院 |i韓芳~ |n淁@|jxGLOBAL HOPF BIFURCATION ANALYSIS OF A SIX-DIMENSIONAL FITZHUGH-NAGUMO NEURAL NETWORK WITH DELAY BY A SYNCHRONIZED SCHEME&|kHan, F; Zhen, B; Du, Y; Zheng,R| kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China:| k2DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B | l2011 | n16 | n2|kArticle|kF扼x?|k 1531-3492|k }m1149 }kEI}k }kei}i信息學院 }knY}jQH filtering for Markovian jump systems with time-varying delays8}k0Liu, Jinliang (1); Gu, Zhou (2); Hu, Songlin (3)} kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, No. 2999, Renmin North Road, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) College of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, No. 78, Bancang RoaN} kFInternational Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control~ } ll烜} n} n}kkkk ~m1150 ~kEI~k ~kei~i信息學院 ~i沈波~ ~n@※@~jH filtering for uncertain time-varying systems with multiple randomly occurred nonlinearities and successive packet dropoutsL~kDShen, Bo (1); Wang, Zidong (1); Shu, Huisheng (1); Wei, Guoliang (1)~ kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Ki=~ k5International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control~ ~ ll烜~ n~ n~kkkk m1151 kEIkkei校刊i信息學院i仇潤鶴~ nPh鵃;j3HARQ scheme for MIMO systems with antenna selection)k!Qiu, Run-He (1); Yu, Tian-Yue (1)a kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkkD-ElRC6|rT#? U m1152kSCIEk ksciei信息學院 knPjHH-infinity FILTERING FOR MARKOVIAN JUMP SYSTEMS WITH TIME-VARYING DELAYSkLiu, JL; Gu, Z; Hu, SLS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaM kEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL  l2011  n7  n3kArticle~ kk 1349-4198k m1153kSCIEk ksciei信息學院 i沈波~ n@※@jH-infinity filtering for uncertain time-varying systems with multiple randomly occurred nonlinearities and successive packet dropouts&kShen, B; Wang, ZD; Shu, HS; WeR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China= k5INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL  l2011  n21  n14kArticlekw緹/蔌?k 1049-8923k m1154kSCIEk ksciei信息學院 kn]jUiDNA-Prot: Identification of DNA Binding Proteins Using Random Forest with Grey Model&kLin, WZ; Fang, JA; Xiao, X; ChK kCDonghua Univ, Informat Sci & Technol Sch, Shanghai, Peoples R China kPLOS ONE  l2011  n6  n9kArticlek戫|?5^@k 1932-6203k m1155 kEIk keii信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃YjQImmune clonal selection algorithm for target coverage of wireless sensor networks@k8Lu, Xingjia (1); Ding, Yongsheng (1); Hao, Kuangrong (1) kEngineering Research Center of Digitized Textile and Fashion Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaF k>International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control~  ll烜 n 12 n01/02/12kkkk m1156kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i龔濤~ n0曺@9j1Immune Computation of Anti-worm Static Web System kGong, T; Wang, S; Yao, LT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (IC kJAN 06-07, 2011 nnkkkk m1157 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i盧文科~ n0 Adj\Implementing single-scale wavelet transform processor with magnetostatic surface wave device^kVLu, Wen Ke (1); Zhu, Chang Chun (2); Kuang, Lun (3); Zhang, Ting (3); Liu, Jun Hua (2) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) CAS, k$Science China Technological Sciences~  ll烜 n 5 nkkkk m1158kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i盧文科~ n0 Adj\Implementing single-scale wavelet transform processor with magnetostatic surface wave device&kLu, WK; Zhu, CC; Kuang, L; ZhaR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China, k$SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES  l2011  n54  n6kArticlek仌C媗瓏?k 1674-7321k m1159kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i龔濤~ n0曺@NjFIntelligent Techniques in Teaching Science of Artificial Immune System kGong, T; Zhou, JJ; Qi, LT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (IC kJAN 06-07, 2011 nnkkkk m1160kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i齊金鵬~ n@楖@]jUKinetic Theory Approach to Modeling of Cellular Repair Mechanisms under Genome Stress%kQi, JP; Ding, YS; Zhu, Y; Wu,L kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China kPLOS ONE  l2011  n6  n8kArticlek戫|?5^@k 1932-6203k m1161kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i韓芳~ n淁@VjNLocal and Global Burst Synchronization in a Noisy Small-World Neuronal NetworkkHan, F; Du, Y; Lu, QSS kK Donghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China6 k.8th International Symposium on Neural Networks kMAY 29-JUN 01, nnkkkk m1162kISTPkkistpi信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃Dj<Low-cost outdoor solar cells in-line measurement with Zigbee'kXu, WK; Yang, Y; Cui, J; Liu, HT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT) - Optoelectroni kNOV 06-09, 2011 nnkkkk m1163 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃qjiMacrodynamics analysis of migration behaviors in large-scale mobile agent systems for the future internet)k!Ding, Yongsheng (1); Gao, Lei (1) kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile and Fashion Technology, MinistryA k9IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m1164kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃qjiMacrodynamics Analysis of Migration Behaviors in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Systems for the Future InternetkDing, YS; Gao, LS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaR kJIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS  l2011  n41  n5kArticlek朇媗琨@k 1083-4427k m1165kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i龔濤~ n0曺@@j8Modeling and Simulation of Visual Tri-Tier Immune SystemkGong, T; Li, L; Du, CXT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China\ kT3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (IC kJAN 06-07, 2011 nnkkkk m1166kISTPkkistpi信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃KjCModeling and Solving Product Configuration Problems Using Petri NetkYang, D` kXDonghua Univ, Sch Management, Dept Informat Management, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m1167 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃j~Multi-criteria decision making approach based on immune co-evolutionary algorithm with application to garment matching problemAk9Ding, Yong-Sheng (1); Hu, Zhi-Hua (1); Zhang, Wen-Bin (4) kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 200135, China; (3) Engineering Researc( k Expert Systems with Applications~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m1168kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃j~Multi-criteria decision making approach based on immune co-evolutionary algorithm with application to garment matching problem#kDing, YS; Hu, ZH; Zhang, WBS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China( k EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n38  n8kArticlek9慈v緹@k 0957-4174k m1169kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i王子棟~ n萷A9j1Multiobjective synchronization of coupled systems&kTang, Y; Wang, ZD; Wong, WK; KK kCDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China  kCHAOS  l2011  n21  n2kArticlek削S慳@k 1054-1500k m1170kISTP kscie k-i信息學院{李德敏~ n_鵃WjONavigation function design for backbone connectivity in vehicle ad hoc networks+k#Li, DM; Li, QR; Wang, JC; Zhang, ZT k Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China; [Li, Qiuran] Southeast Univ, Sch Elect Sci & Engn, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu Prov, Peoples R China; [Wang, Jiacun] Monmouth9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1171kSCIE kistp ksciei信息學院{李德敏~ n_鵃WjONavigation function design for backbone connectivity in vehicle ad hoc networks&kLi, DM; Li, QR; Wang, JC; ZhanS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1172 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃xjpNew robust stability analysis for genetic regulatory networks with random discrete delays and distributed delays=k5Zhang, Wenbing (1); Fang, Jian-an (1); Tang, Yang (1) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany kNeurocomputing~  ll烜 n 7  n14-15kkkk m1173kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃xjpNew robust stability analysis for genetic regulatory networks with random discrete delays and distributed delays$kZhang, WB; Fang, JA; Tang, YS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kNEUROCOMPUTING  l2011  n74  n14-15kArticle~ k纁@k 0925-2312k m1174 kEIk keii信息學院 {陳雯~ n袕鵃tjlOptimal priority-based call admission control scheme for QoS provisioning in heterogeneous wireless networks5k-Chen, Wen (1); Yu, Jinming (1); Pan, Feng (1) kCollege of Information Science and Technology Engineering, Research Center of Digitized Textile and Fashion Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kJournal of Networks~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1175kISTPkkistpi信息學院{吳怡之~ n W鵃NjFPareto Optimal Collection Tree Protocol for Industrial Monitoring WSNs!kWu, YZ; Quan, DP; Han, HGT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps) kDEC 05-09, 2011 nnkkkk m1176kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i韓芳~ n淁@?j7Phase synchronization of a small-world neuronal network kHan, F; Chang, J; Lu, QST kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m1177 kEIkscie k-i信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃PjHPinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed coupled networksNkFTang, Yang (1); Wong, W.K. (2); Fang, Jian-An (1); Miao, Qing-Ying (3) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; (3) Continue kChinese Physics B~  ll烜 n n 4kkkk m1178kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃PjHPinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed coupled networks&kTang, Y; Wong, WK; Fang, JA; MS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kCHINESE PHYSICS B  l2011  n20  n4kArticlekj紅?k 1674-1056k m1179 kEIkkei校刊i信息學院i仇潤鶴~ nPh鵃mjePower-effective in the cell sectorization using wide-beam and narrow-beam for multi-hop relay network=k5Qiu, Run-He (1); Zhou, Li-Feng (1); Jin, Yan-Ling (1)a kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1180kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i王子棟~ n萷Agj_Probability-Dependent Gain-Scheduled Filtering for Stochastic Systems With Missing Measurements&kWei, GL; Wang, ZD; Shen, B; LiR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaC k;IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS  l2011  n58  n11kArticle~ k燼@k 1549-7747k m1181kISTPkkistpi信息學院{蔣學芹~ n袩鵃5j-Regular and Irregular Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes"kJiang, XQ; Lee, MH; Hou, JL kD Donghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China> k673rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) kMAY 15-18, 2011 nnkkkk m1182kSCIEk ksciei信息學院 knXjPRegularity of large solutions for the compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations!kLiu, X; Qin, YM; Peng, XZ] kUDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Songjiang Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kBOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS  l2011 n nkArticlek酏詘&?k 1687-2770k m1183kSCIEk ksciei信息學院 i皋磊s領現金ZjRRemote Data Retrieval for Bioinformatics Applications: An Agent Migration Approach&kGao, L; Dai, H; Zhang, TL; ChoL kDDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China kPLOS ONE  l2011  n6  n6kArticlek戫|?5^@k 1932-6203kDxAl17~k"?6;L m1184 kEIk keii信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃cj[Robust sequence memory in sparsely-connected networks with controllable steady-state periodHk@Xia, Min (1); Fang, Jian'an (1); Pan, Feng (1); Bai, En'jian (1)a kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China kNeurocomputing~  ld烜 n 7  n13-15kkkk m1185 kEIk keii信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃]jURobust stability for genetic regulatory networks with linear fractional uncertainties=k5Zhang, Wenbing (1); Fang, Jian-an (1); Tang, Yang (2) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) The Inertial Technology Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; (3) InstituD k<Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation~  lp烜 n 1 n 4kkkk m1186kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i王子棟~ n萷Agj_ROBUST STABILITY OF DELAYED GENETIC REGULATORY NETWORKS WITH DIFFERENT SOURCES OF UNCERTAINTIESkPan, W; Wang, ZD; Hu, JR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China  kASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL  l2011  n13  n5kArticlek%仌C嬸?k 1561-8625k m1187 kEIk keii信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃xjpRobust synchronization in an array of fuzzy delayed cellular neural networks with stochastically hybrid coupling)k!Tang, Yang (1); Fang, Jian-An (1) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom Kowloon, Hong Kong, Ch kNeurocomputing~  ld烜 n 7  n13-15kkkk m1188kISTPkkistpi信息學院i王直傑~ n郰鵃wjoRobustness of Gamma-Oscillation in Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons with Conductance-Based Synapse+k#Shi, HB; Wang, ZJ; Xie, JL; Guo, CBT kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China6 k.8th International Symposium on Neural Networks kMAY 29-JUN 01, nnkkkk m1189 kEI kscie k-i信息學院 i沈波~ n@※@]jUSampled-data H filtering for stochastic genetic regulatory networksLkDShen, Bo (1); Wang, Zidong (1); Liang, Jinling (3); Liu, Xiaohui (2) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Ki= k5International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control~  ll烜 n 2 n 15kkkk m1190kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院 i沈波~ n@※@TjLSampled-data H-infinity filtering for stochastic genetic regulatory networks%kShen, B; Wang, ZD; Liang, JL;R kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China= k5INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL  l2011  n21  n15kArticlekw緹/蔌?k 1049-8923k m1191 kEI kscie k-i信息學院 knXjPSignaling game based strategy of intrusion detection in wireless sensor networksKkCShen, Shigen (1); Li, Yuanjie (1); Xu, Hongyun (1); Cao, Qiying (1) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, 201620 Shanghai, China; (2) College of Mathematics Physics and Information Engineering, Jiaxing University, 314001 Jiaxing, China3 k+Computers and Mathematics with Applications~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1192kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院 knXjPSignaling game based strategy of intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks&kShen, SG; Li, YJ; Xu, HY; Cao,S kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n62  n6kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k m1193 kEIk keii信息學院i盧文科~ n0 AjSolution to the influence of the MSSW propagating velocity on the bandwidths of the single-scale wavelet-transform processor using MSSW device_kWLu, Wenke (1); Zhu, Changchun (2); Kuang, Lun (3); Zhang, Ting (3); Zhang, Jingduan (1) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Ins k Ultrasonics~  lp烜 n nkkkk m1194 kEIkkei校刊i信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃OjGStochastic stability of gene regulatory networks with mixed time-delays.k&Zhang, Wen-Bing (1); Fang, Jian-An (1)a kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1195 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃dj\Stochastic stability of Markovian jumping genetic regulatory networks with mixed time delays=k5Zhang, Wenbing (1); Fang, Jian-An (1); Tang, Yang (1) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany+ k#Applied Mathematics and Computation~  ll烜 n 21 nkkkk m1196kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i方建安~ n怣鵃dj\Stochastic stability of Markovian jumping genetic regulatory networks with mixed time delays$kZhang, WB; Fang, JA; Tang, YR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China+ k#APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION  l2011  n217  n17kArticlek逴崡n?k 0096-3003k m1197 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i盧文科~ n0 AqjiStudy of small size wavelet transform processor and wavelet inverse-transform processor using SAW deviceshk`Lu, Wenke (1); Zhu, Changchun (2); Zhang, Jingduan (1); Shi, Chengqi (1); Lü, Xiao Zhou (1) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China k Measurement~  ll烜 n 4 n 5kkkk m1198kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i盧文科~ n0 AqjiStudy of small size wavelet transform processor and wavelet inverse-transform processor using SAW devices&kLu, WK; Zhu, CC; Zhang, JD; ShR kJDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China k MEASUREMENT  l2011  n44  n5kArticlek崡n兝?k 0263-2241k m1199kISTPkkistpi信息學院 i韓芳~ n淁@IjASynchronization of electrically coupled chaotic neuronal networks kHan, F; Chang, J; Lu, QST kL Donghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES) k OCT, 2011 nnkkkk m1200 kEI kscie k-i信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃yjqTarget coverage optimisation of wireless sensor networks using a multi-objective immune co-evolutionary algorithmek]Ding, Yong-Sheng (1); Lu, Xing-Jia (1); Hao, Kuang-Rong (1); Li, Long-Fei (1); Hu, Yi-Fan (1) kCollege of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) School of Sciences, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo 315016, China; (3) Engineering Research Cent0 k(International Journal of Systems Science~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m1201kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院i丁永生~ n恀鵃yjqTarget coverage optimisation of wireless sensor networks using a multi-objective immune co-evolutionary algorithm&kDing, YS; Lu, XJ; Hao, KR; Li,S kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China0 k(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE  l2011  n42  n9kArticlek兝省E訛?k 0020-7721k m1202 kEI kscie k-i信息學院 knWjOTarget motion analysis based on peak power measurements using networked sensors<k4Cao, Yichao (1); Gu, Guoxiang (2); Pachter, Meir (3) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901, Uni= k5IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems~  ll烜 n 4 nkkkk m1203kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院 knWjOTarget Motion Analysis Based on Peak Power Measurements using Networked Sensors#kCao, YC; Gu, GX; Pachter, MS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China= k5IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS  l2011  n47  n1kArticle~ k`[@k 0018-9251k m1204 kEI kscie k-i信息學院{蔣學芹~ n袩鵃3j+Ternary codes from modified Jacket matricesek]Jiang, Xueqin (1); Lee, Moon Ho (2); Guo, Ying (3); Yan, Yier (4); Latif, Sarker Md Abdul (5) kSchool of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, China; (2) Division ot Electronic Ana Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Korea, Republic of; (3) Central South Univ. k&Journal of Communications and Networks~  ll烜 n 1 n 1kkkk m1205kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院{蔣學芹~ n袩鵃3j+Ternary Codes from Modified Jacket Matrices&kJiang, XQ; Lee, MH; Guo, Y; YaK kCDonghua Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China. k&JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS  l2011  n13  n1kArticlek9慈v緹?k 1229-2370k m1206 kEI kscie k-i信息學院 knPjHThree synaptic components contributing to robust network synchronization1k)Wang, Z. (1); Fan, H. (2); Aihara, K. (3) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (2) Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; (3) DepartmenK kCPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics~  ll烜 n nkkkk m1207kSCIE kei ksciei信息學院 inPjHThree synaptic components contributing to robust network synchronization"kWang, Z; Fan, H; Aihara, KS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China kPHYSICAL REVIEW E  l2011  n83  n5kArticle~ k0l@k 1539-3755k m1208 kEIk keii信息學院i周武能~ n绖 AOjGTime-delay dependent H model reduction for uncertain stochastic systemsgk_Zhou, Wuneng (1); Tong, Dongbing (1); Lu, Hongqian (3); Zhong, Qingchang (4); Fang, Jian'an (1) kCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Wireless Sensor Network and Communication, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Inform0 k(Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing~  ll烜 n 3 nkkkk m1209kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i周武能~ n@ AnjfTime-Delay Dependent H-infinity Model Reduction for Uncertain Stochastic Systems: Continuous-Time Case&kZhou, WN; Tong, DB; Lu, HQ; ZhS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. k&CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING  l2011  n30  n5kArticlek緹/$?k 0278-081Xk m1210kSCIEk ksciei信息學院i周武能~ n@ AjyTopology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with adaptive double scaling functions&kXu, YH; Zhou, WN; Fang, JA; SuS kKDonghua Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R ChinaD k<COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION  l2011  n16  n8kArticlek 皉@k 1007-5704k m1211 kEIkkei校刊i信息學院i仇潤鶴~ nPh鵃NjFTransmit antenna selection in MIMO-OFDM system based on COSFBC schemes*k"Qiu, Run-He (1); Jin, Yan-Ling (1)a kYCollege of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China7 k/Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)~  lh烜 n 2 nkkkk m1212kSCIEk kscie kknj{(5,5 '-Dimethyl-2,2 '-bipyridine-kappa N-2,N ')(1-naphthylacetato-kappa O)(1-naphthylacetato-kappa O-2,O ')zinc hemihydrate!kJi, LL; Liu, JS; Song, WD6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaA k9ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  l2011  n67 nkArticlekh戫|?5?k 1600-5368k m1213kSCIEk kscie kknCj;A flexible piezoelectric force sensor based on PVDF fabrics%kWang, YR; Zheng, JM; Ren, GY;v knUniv Sci & Technol China, Dept Polymer Sci & Engn, Natl Lab Phys Sci Microscale, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China$ kSMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES  l2011  n20  n4kArticlek兝省E@k 0964-1726k m1214kISTPkkistp kknjjbA MEMS-based PDMS Micropump Utilizing Electromagnetic Actuation and Planar In-contact Check Valves kNi, JH; Li, BZ; Yang, JG0 k( Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaL kDInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation kDEC 07-09, 2010 nnkkkk m1215 kEIk kei kknDj<A new AC motor control strategy - J-M transformation control*k"Shen, Junmin (1); Dai, Wenzhan (1)" kDong Hua University, China kIEEE Potentials~  ll烜 n 30 n 1kkkkD[DluJ}J1|N_Dq. m1216 kEIk keii機械學院i李蓓智n3j+A three-fold approach for job shop problemsYkQLi, Beizhi (1); Wu, Shanshan (1); Yang, Jianguo (1); Zhou, Yaqin (1); Du, Min (1)Q kIDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, China( k Journal of Manufacturing Systems~  lp烜 n 3 nkkkk m1217kISTPkkistpk i寧偉b227044jjbAnalyses and Determination of Current Density and Energy Density in Electric Melting Glass Furnace3k+Ning, W; Luo, LD; Xu, XY; Wang, QW; Chen, J< k4 Acad Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT2011) kJUL 29-31, 2011 nnkkkk m1218kSCIEk kscie kknyjqApplication of the redundant servomotor approach to design of path generator with dynamic performance improvement&kSun, ZH; Zhang, B; Cheng, L; ZH k@Univ Saskatchewan, Dept Mech Engn, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada$ kMECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY  l2011  n46  n11kArticlekB`逍"塒?k 0094-114Xk m1219 kEIk kei kkn jASCCN8k0Wan, Renxia (1); Wang, Lixin (2); Su, Xiaoke (3) kNorth University for Nationalities, Donghua University, China; (2) Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry, China; (3) Donghua University, China< k4International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining~  lh烜 n n 4kkkk m1220kSCIEk kscie kknrjjBis(2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetato-kappa 2 O 1,O 1 ')(5,5 '-dimethyl-2,2 '-bipyridine-kappa 2 N,N ')cobalt(II)!kJi, LL; Liu, JS; Song, WD6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaA k9ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  l2011  n67 nkArticlekh戫|?5?k 1600-5368k m1221kSCIEk kscie kknrjjCharacterization and activity of visible-light-driven TiO2 photocatalyst codoped with lanthanum and iodine kLi, L; Zhuang, HS; Bu, DZ kRShanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China kAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  l2011  n257  n21kArticlekm琨@k 0169-4332k m1222 kEIk kei kknLjDComparison of heat shrinkage of polyethylene terephthalate filaments3k+Wang, Ni (1); Sun, Runjun (2); Lai, Kan (2)[ kSDonghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Xi'An Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China% kChemical Fibers International~  lh烜 n 60 n 4kkkk m1223kSCIEk kscie kknwjoComposite membranes of native silk fibroin powder and biomedical polyurethane for controlled release of heparin&kYang, HJ; Xu, HY; Zhu, GC; OuyD k<Wuhan Text Univ, Text Res Ctr, Wuhan 430073, Peoples R Chinah k`PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE  l2011  n225  nH4kArticlek儻鱏?k 0954-4119k m1224kSCIEk kscie kknQjIConstruction of pilling grade evaluation system based on image processing&kGao, WD; Liu, JH; Pan, RR; Wan6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China kINDUSTRIA TEXTILA  l2011  n62  n4kArticlek9慈v緹?k 1222-5347k m1225kISTPkkistpi紡織學院 r汪軍p053987<j4Drafting Force Forecasting Using Genetic ProgrammingkNibikora, I; Wang, J7 k/ Donghua Univ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China[ kS7th China International Silk Conference on Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk kSEP 10-12, 2010 nnkkkk m1226kISTPkkistp kknjzFashion Merchandising Model and Product Cycle Optimization under the Quick Response Mechanism-"E brand" Product Cycle Opti"kShao, D; Yang, YX; Shi, XY7 k/ Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m1227kSCIEk kscie kknjHuman amniotic epithelial cells maintain mouse spermatogonial stem cells in an undifferentiated state due to high leukemia inhibitor factor (LIF) expression&kLiu, T; Guo, LH; Liu, ZX; ChenM kETongji Univ, Sch Life Sci & Technol, Shanghai 200092, Peoples R China8 k0IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL  l2011  n47  n4kArticlek恕E扼?k 1071-2690k m1228kSCIEk kscie kknjInduction of dopaminergic neuronal-like cells from CD44(+) human amniotic fluids that are ameliorative to behavioral recovery in a Parkinson's disease rat model&kLiu, T; Guo, LH; Liu, ZX; Huane k]Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Int Peace Matern & Child Hlth Hosp, Shanghai 200030, Peoples R China3 k+INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE  l2011  n28  n5kArticlek^篒 +?k 1107-3756k m1229kISTPkkistpi管理學院i王素芬b083705NjFInterlinkages Analysis of Credit Risk Transfer and Financial StabilitykWang, SF7 k/ Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R ChinaK kC2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management kMAR 22-24, 2011 nnkkkk m1230kSCIEk kscie kkn8j0MBD 4-a potential substrate for protein kinase Xk Lin, Y; Li, W} kuShanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Minist Educ, Shanghai Ctr Syst Biomed, Key Lab Syst Biomed, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China, k$ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA  l2011  n43  n11kEditorial Materialkj紅?k 1672-9145k m1231kSCIEk kscie kknbjZModel for Predicting the Effect of an Air Gap on the Heat Transfer of a Clothed Human Body"kZhang, ZH; Wang, YY; Li, J k+ k#FIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE  l2011  n19  n4kk/$?k 1230-3666k m1232kISTPkkistp kqotjlOptimization Methods and Application Research of Stator Cooling Pipeline in High-speed Grinding Wheel System*k"Li, BZ; Feng, RJ; Yang, JG; Wu, ZP0 k( Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaM kE2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering kAPR 09-11, 2011 nnkkkk m1233kSCIEk ksciei材料學院q朱美芳~ o兀jPeculiar spherulitic morphologies and melting behavior of block copolymer containing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) units&kLiu, QS; Shyr, TW; Tung, CH; Z> k6Feng Chia Univ, Inst Text Engn, Taichung 40724, Taiwan kMACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH  l2011  n19  n12kEditorial Materialk 皉?k 1598-5032k m1234kSCIEk kscie kknjPolysaccharides from Portulaca oleracea (purslane) supplementation lowers acute exercise induced oxidative stress in young rats&kLou, XJ; Huang, Y; Guo, XQ; Zh6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China4 k,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY  l2011  n5  n3kArticlek +訇?k 1996-0816k m1235kSCIEk ksciei化工學院i朱利民ncj[Preparation and Sustained-release of Polymeric Drug-glucose Conjugates with NSAIDs Pendants&kWu, CY; Xie, JG; Quan, J; Zhu,6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China kACTA CHIMICA SINICA  l2011  n69  n7kArticlekuV?k 0567-7351k m1236 kEIk keii化工學院i何瑾馨npjhPreparation of chitosan biguanidine hydrochloride and application in antimicrobial finish of wool fabric;k3Zhao, Xue (1); Qiao, Zhen-Zhen (1); He, Jin-Xin (1)- k%Donghua University, Sung Yiang, China0 k(Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics~  lh烜 n n 3kkkk m1237 kEIk keii紡織學院r薛文良p054648:j2Property and spinnability of polysulfonamide fiberek]Xue, Wen-Liang (1); Wu, Yong-Qian (1); Chen, Yuan (1); Cheng, Long-Di (1); Wei, Meng-Yuan (2)v knDonghua University, Shanghai, China; (2) Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai, China% kChemical Fibers International~  ll烜 n 6 n 3kkkk m1238kISTPkkistp kkn5j-R&D on Wollastonite-based Low Carbon ProductskWang, XY; Wu, X; Xu, XW0 k( DongHua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Academic Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Ap kJUL 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m1239kSCIEk kscie kkn:j2Remarks on the operator norm localization propertykWang, XJ k. k&CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B  l2011  n32  n4kky&1?k 0252-9599k m1240kISTPkkistp kknbjZResearch on Testing Technology for Clean room Garment's Air Particle Filtration EfficiencykZeng, FF; Liu, YM7 k/ Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m1241kISTPkkistp kkn8j0Research on the Development of Street Wear BrandkYang, C; Yang, YX7 k/ Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China8 k0Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium kMAY 27-29, 2011 nnkkkk m1242kISTPkkistp kknzjrResearch on the properties of milling and the process parameters optimization for aluminum-alloy thin-walled parts+k#Jiang, XH; Li, BZ; Yang, JG; Wu, HL0 k( Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010 kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m1243kSCIEk kscie kknEj=Sampangine Inhibits Heme Biosynthesis in both Yeast and Human&kHuang, ZW; Chen, KF; Xu, T; ZhO kGUniv Utah, Sch Med, Dept Med, Div Hematol, Salt Lake City, UT 84132 USA kEUKARYOTIC CELL  l2011  n10  n11kArticlek扼 @k 1535-9778k m1244kISTPkkistp kknzjrSteady-State Thermal Analysis and Temperature Control of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motorized Spindle*k"Wu, ZP; Li, BZ; Yang, JG; Feng, RJ0 k( Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R China\ kTInternational Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010 kDEC 11-12, 2010 nnkkkk m1245kSCIEk kscie kknPjHStudy on radiative heat transfer property of fiber assemblies using FTIRkSong, WF; Yu, WDZ kRJiaxing Univ, Coll Garment & Art Design, Jiaxing 314001, Zhejiang, Peoples R China3 k+JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY  l2011  n103  n3kArticlekD媗琨?k 1388-6150k m1246kISTPkkistp kknBj:The Drawing Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Shape DomainkTang, Z; Zhang, Y0 k( Donghua Univ, Shanghai, Peoples R ChinaW kOInternational Conference on Materials, Mechatronics and Automation (ICMMA 2011) kJAN 15-16, 2011 nnkkkk m1247kSCIEk kscie kkncj[Thermoplastics from acetylated zein-and-oil-free corn distillers dried grains with solubles&kHu, CY; Reddy, N; Luo, Y; Yan,A k9Univ Nebraska, Dept Biol Syst Engn, Lincoln, NE 68583 USA kBIOMASS & BIOENERGY  l2011  n35  n2kArticlek^篒 + @k 0961-9534kD9l2|-qE{Qs m1248kISTP kscie k- kknjxVariational iteration method and homotopy perturbation method for fourth-order fractional integro-differential equationskNawaz, Y6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China9 k13rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics kSEP 25-28, 2010 nnkkkk m1249kSCIE kistp kscie kknjxVariational iteration method and homotopy perturbation method for fourth-order fractional integro-differential equationskNawaz, Y6 k.Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R China1 k)COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS  l2011  n61  n8kArticlek潦扼?k 0898-1221k==,8X> A " $  `9 Y 狛 昬 渫 1 爼 ) 芲u2&w Wu五錟婕\!忦鶸Ut  d褚MbP?_*+%VV&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M HP LJ 5200LX PCL61 & MATHEMATICp6C 4dXXA4or fourth-order fractional inDINU" ,頩>SMTJHP LaserJet 5200LX PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalsePaperSizeA4HPDocUISUITrueMediaTypeAutoTextAsBlackFalseEconomodeFalseTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl4wm.cabHPColorModeMONOCHROME_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_COLORAUTHHPBornOnDateHPBODHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPPCL6PassThroughTrueHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPSmartDuplexOddPageJobTrueHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEDOWN-NOROTATEHPManualFeedOrientationFACEDOWNHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNHPManualDuplexDialogModelModelessHPManualDuplexPageOrderEvenPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1TrueHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPStraightPaperPathFalseHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPZPE4wmHPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPConsumerCustomPaperTrueHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueHPJobAccWoPinTrueHPFontInstallerTRUEPSAlignmentFileHPZLS4wmPSServicesOptionPrnStat_SID_242_BID_270_HID_15521HPSmartHub_OnlinediagnostictoolsTRUEHPSmartHub_SupportandtroubleshootingTRUEHPSmartHub_ProductmanualsTRUEHPSmartHub_CheckfordriverupdatesTRUEHPSmartHub_OrdersuppliesTRU< EHPSmartHub_ShowmehowTRUEHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_276_HID_265Resolution600dpiFastResTrueDuplexNONECollateONAlternateLetterHeadFalseHPPaperSizeALMConstraintsENV_10HPCustomDUplexableRange8.27x5.83_11.69x17PrintQualityGroupPQGroup_3HPLpiSelectionNoneHPXMLFileUsedhpc52lx6.xmlHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsSTATEMENTHPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsCARDSTOCKJRConstraintsJRCHDPartialJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOff,IUPHdA4or fourth-ord 4 [鄀]e] [鄀]e]Arial< 4P覽覽 d?<陙≧>0R 44< General Everyday PrintingdMicrosoft Office ExcelNone< l k m m yyEXCEL.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE < IPACDRWDSGATCAPI;獸4鐴佋8Q;Ki気&鳨%9x萈PBHAERP<N" dXX333333?333333? 三大檢索論文 人文社科論文U} $K論} L論} I J論} IJ論} $ T論} $(F論} IG論}  $ G論} M論} $ A論} $ L論(  @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |序號 }類別~歸屬部門~歸屬作者 歸屬作者工號題名中文作者英文作者英文題名英文 期刊 卷期 地址英文 地址中文 單位 |0001 }cscd材料學院~王朝生~ 犣鸃%國內外滌綸產品與技術發展趨勢.0(陳向玲, 宋睿, 趙萬金, 王華平 and 王朝生.?7X. 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China Plastics. 25(8):10-13. WANG Liyan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Guang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polym 王立巖, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李光, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李繼新, 沈陽工業大學石油化工學院, 遼陽, 遼寧 111003, 中國. 材料學院 |0014 }cscd材料學院 d李光~  觚@;3含3🫅🏻,3'👨🏽‍⚖️,5,5'一四甲基結構新型聚芳酰胺的合成與表征.4,莫鑫, 胡雅萍, 姚健, 汪稱意, 李光 and 江建明.B:X. Mo, Y. Hu, J. Yao, C. Wang, G. Li and J. Jiang (2011). h`Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Aromatic Polyamide Containing 3, 3', 5, 5'-tetramethyl.  China Plastics. 25(11):50-55. Mo Xin, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Yaping, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polyme  材料學院 |0015 }cscd材料學院~余木火~ 嘭鼲)!新型耐高溫氮化物陶瓷纖維研究進展..&彭雨晴, 韓克清, 趙曦, 袁佳 and 余木火.<4Y. Peng, K. Han, X. Zhao, J. Yuan and M. Yu (2011). SKResearch progress in new high temperature resistant nitride ceramic fiber. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(4):39-43. Peng Yuqing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Han Keqing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and P  材料學院 |0016 }cscd材料學院 ~/'P2O5/CaO對磷酸鹽乳濁玻璃分相析晶的影響.!汪慶衛, 楊占峰 and 寧偉a.3+W. Qingwei, Y. Zhanfeng and N. Wei (2011). ]UEffect of P2O5/CaO on Crystallization and Phase Separation in Phosphatic Opal Glass. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):12-15. WANG Qingwei, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Zhanfeng, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. NING Wei, College of Material Science and Engineer 汪慶衛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊占峰, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 寧偉a, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0017 }cscd材料學院~王朝生~ 犣鸃( 滌綸Poy紡絲工藝的計算機模擬研究. 宋睿, 吳曼琳 and 王朝生.+#R. Song, M. Wu and C. Wang (2011). ?7Computer simulation of polyester POY spinning process. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(6):64-67. Song Rui, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Department of Material Science & Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Manlin, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Pol 宋睿, 恒行3平台材料學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳曼琳, 恒行3平台材料學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王朝生, 恒行3平台材料學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0018 }cscd材料學院 ~<4原位生成法製備Pet、片狀鈦系納米復合樹脂的結構與性能.2*孫賓, 張恒, 張坤, 周哲, 吳文華 and 朱美芳.F>B. Sun, H. Zhang, K. Zhang, Z. Zhou, W. Wu and M. Zhu (2011). kcStructure and Properties of PET/Sheet-Like Titanium Nanocomposites via In-situ Synthesize Process. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):547-551. Sun Bin, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials; College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Zhe, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polyme  材料學院 |0019 }cscd材料學院~余木火~ 嘭鼲-%萃取劑對Uhmwpe微孔膜結構與性能的影響.@8王廣成, 張森, 馮小玲, 湯軼飛, 張娟娟, 韓克清 and 余木火.PHG. Wang, S. Zhang, X. Feng, Y. Tang, J. Zhang, K. Han and M. Yu (2011). e]The influence of extractors on the structure and properties of microporous UHMW-PE membrane.  New Chemical Materials. 39(6):62. Wang Guangcheng, State Key Lab for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Materials science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Sen, State Key Lab for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Mate  材料學院 |0020 }cscd材料學院~馬敬紅~ -兀-%PDMAA/Clay納米復合水凝膠的製備與性能.*"王亞茹, 戴玉芳, 龔靜華 and 馬敬紅.3+Y. Wang, Y. Dai, J. Gong and J. Ma (2011). IAPreparation and Properties of PDMAA/Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogel. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):671-676. Wang Yaru, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gong Jinghua, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Jinghong, College of Material Science and Enginee 王亞茹, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 龔靜華, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 馬敬紅, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 戴玉芳, 蚌埠金葉濾材有限公司, 蚌埠, 安徽 233000, 中國. 材料學院 |0021 }cscd材料學院~沈新元~ 愗鼲5-殼聚糖衍生物處理碳納米管改性聚丙烯腈基碳纖維.H@胡曉蘭, 曾海濤, 周花, 余榮祿, 楊柳林, 董炎明, 曾誌群 and 沈新元.e]H. U. Xiaolan, Z. Haitao, Z. Hua, Y. U. Ronglu, D. Yanming, Z. Zhiqun and S. Xinyuan (2011). tlMODIFICATION OF POLYACRYLONITRILE-BASED CARBON FIBER WITH CARBON NANOTUBES TREATED BY CHITOSAN DERIVATIVES.  Acta Polymerica Sinica. 10):1166-1172. HU Xiaolan, College of Materials,Key Laboratory of Fire Retardant Materials of Fujian Province,Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China. ZENG Haitao, College of Materials,Key Laboratory of Fire Retardant Materials of Fujian Province,Xiamen Universi  材料學院 |0022 }cscd材料學院 ~C;相容劑作用下超高相對分子質量聚乙烯增韌聚丙烯共混體系的研究.葉茂 and 桓秀穎."M. Ye and X. Huan (2011). JBStudy on Toughening Effect of Compatilizers on PP/PE-UHMW Blends.  China Plastics. 25(11):74-79. Ye Mao, Insititute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900, China. Huan Xiuying, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q葉茂, 中國工程物理研究院核物理與化學研究所, 綿陽, 四川 621900, 中國. 桓秀穎, 恒行3平台材料學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 材料學院 |0023 }cscd材料學院d胡學超+#家蠶體內不同部位的同步輻射成像分析.6.金媛, 張耀鵬, 杭怡春, 羅傑, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超._WJ. I. N. Yuan, Z. Yaopeng, H. Yichun, L. U. O. Jie, S. Huili and H. U. Xuechao (2011). iaIn Vivo Study on Different Divisions of Bombyx mori by Synchrotron Radiation Imaging Technology.  World Sci-Tech R and D. 33(4):592-594. JIN Yuan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials & College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Yaopeng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and  材料學院 |0024 }cscd材料學院d呂永根~ 恄兀)!高溫浸鐵對碳纖維結構與性能的影響.6.郝宇晨, 呂永根, 秦顯營, 徐敏端, 肖浩 and 潘鼎.kcH. A. O. YuChen, L. V. YongGen, Q. I. N. XianYing, X. U. MinDuan, X. Hao and P. A. N. Ding (2011). Influence of Fe on structure and properties of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers during heat treatment at high temperature. 5 -Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment. 32(7):21-25. HAO YuChen, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High Performance Fiber(B),Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LV YongGen, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High Performance Fiber(B),Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. QIN XianYin  材料學院 |0025 }cscd材料學院 ~*"X射線熒光光譜法測定瀝青中痕量元素.( 張愛芬, 姚瑤, 馬慧俠 and 曹慧君.3+A. Zhang, Y. Yao, H. Ma and H. Cao (2011). 91XRFS Determination of Trace Elements in Bitumen. / 'Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis. 47(11):1333-1336. Zhang Aifen, Zhengzhou Research Institute of China Aluminum Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou, Henan 450041, China. Ma Huixia, Zhengzhou Research Institute of China Aluminum Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou, Henan 450041, China. Cao Huijun, Zhengzhou Research Institute of China A 張愛芬, 中國鋁業股份有限公司鄭州研究院, 鄭州, 河南 450041, 中國. 馬慧俠, 中國鋁業股份有限公司鄭州研究院, 鄭州, 河南 450041, 中國. 曹慧君, 中國鋁業股份有限公司鄭州研究院, 鄭州, 河南 450041, 中國. 姚瑤, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0026 }cscd材料學院d張慧慧~ 鄇兀3+絲素在離子液體中的溶解及再生絲素纖維的結構.*"張慧慧, 胡晨光, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.3+H. Zhang, C. Hu, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). f^Dissolution of Silk Fibroin in Ionic Liquids and the Structure of the Regenerated Silk Fiber. 0 (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering. 27(7):66. Zhang Huihui, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Chenguang, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and P  材料學院 |0027 }cscd材料學院~孫俊芬~  k兀,$聚醚碸-羥基磷灰石混合溶液的流變性能.0(趙娟, 孫俊芬, 童發欽, 唐振湘 and 何春菊.<4J. Zhao, J. Sun, F. Tong, Z. Tang and C. He (2011). 80Rheological Property of PES-HAP Blend Solution. & Journal of Functional Polymer. 24(4):382. Zhao Juan, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tong Faqin, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Zhenxiang, College of Materials Science and Engin  材料學院 |0028 }cscd材料學院~王朝生~ 犣鸃Pet/pha共混紡絲研究."陳向玲, 王朝生 and 王華平.-%X. Chen, C. Wang and H. Wang (2011). 1)Study on PET/PHA blend spinning process. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(1):49. Chen Xiangling, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Chaosheng, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Huaping, College of Material Science and 陳向玲, 恒行3平台材料學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王朝生, 恒行3平台材料學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王華平, 恒行3平台材料學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0029 }cscd材料學院~彭治漢:2磷-溴膨脹型阻燃劑的結構表征及在聚丙烯中的應用評價. 丁文科, 周易 and 彭治漢.-%W. Ding, Y. Zhou and Z. Peng (2011). D<Structure Characterize of P-Br Intumescent Flame Retardant.   China Plastics Industry. 39(1):91. Ding Wenke, Material Science &Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Yi, Material Science &Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Peng Zhihan, Material Science &Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chi 丁文科, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周易, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 彭治漢, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0030 }cscd材料學院 ~沈青~ E兀)!Hpmc水凝膠溶脹性能的影響因素研究.杜聰, 賈曉輝 and 沈青.*"C. Du, X. Jia and Q. Shen (2011). :2Influencing Factors in Swelling of HPMC Hydrogel. 4 ,Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology. 19(1):47-51. Du Cong, Polymer Department of Donghua University, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Qing, Polymer Department of Donghua University, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jia Xiaohui, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical  杜聰, 恒行3平台高分子系, 上海 201620, 中國. 賈曉輝, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈青, 恒行3平台高分子系, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 |0031 }cscd材料學院~沈新元~ 愗鼲7/凝固浴溫度對再生細菌纖維素纖維結構與性能的影響.高秋英 and 沈新元.#Q. Gao and X. Shen (2011). umEffect of coagulation bath temperature on structure and properties of regenerated bacterial cellulose fiber. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(3):28. Gao Qiuying, School of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. Shen Xinyuan, School of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China.y q高秋英, 恒行3平台栩材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 沈新元, 恒行3平台栩材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 材料學院D輄l@bC[V"21: @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@ |0032 }cscd 材料學院 d呂永根~ 恄兀, $Na型Y沸石為模板製備多孔炭材料的研究. 國帥, 呂永根 and 楊常玲.* "S. Guo, Y. Lv and C. Yang (2011). c [Synthesis and characterization of microporous carbons templated by natrium form zeolite Y.  Carbon Techniques. 30(1):16-18. Guo Shuai, The College of Materials Science and Engineering;The College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lv Yonggen, The College of Materials Science and Engineering;The College of Chemistry 國帥, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂永根, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊常玲, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 材料學院 !|0033 !}cscd!材料學院!d呂永根~ !恄兀-!%多孔碳的模板法製備及其雙電層性能研究. !國帥, 呂永根 and 楊常玲.*!"S. Guo, Y. Lv and C. Yang (2011). ]!USynthesis and capacitive performance of ordered porous carbon via a template method. )! !Chinese Journal of Power Sources.! 35(4):406-408.! Guo Shuai, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lv Yonggen, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Changling, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engin! 國帥, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂永根, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊常玲, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.! 材料學院 "|0034 "}cscd"材料學院"~蔣偉忠~ "鵲 A"搪瓷表面疏水性能研究.(" 沈浩, 李景學, 錢蕙春 and 蔣偉忠.B":S. Hao, L. I. Jingxue, Q. Huichun and J. Weizhong (2011). F">Study on the Hydrophobic Property of Enamel Material Surface. 0" (Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society." 30(3):538." SHEN Hao, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. JIANG Weizhong, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LI Jingxue, Henan Jindan Enamel Company Ltd., Danch" 沈浩, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蔣偉忠, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李景學, 河南金丹搪瓷有限公司, 鄲城, 477150. 錢蕙春, 上海應用技術學院, 上海 200235, 中國." 材料學院 #|0035 #}cscd#材料學院#~胡祖明~ # 蔟@)#!聚聚酰亞胺紡絲溶液流變性能的研究.<#4黃忠, 向紅兵, 鄧麗莉, 陳蕾, 於俊榮, 諸靜 and 胡祖明.N#FZ. Huang, H. Xiang, L. Deng, L. Chen, J. Yu, J. Zhu and Z. Hu (2011). @#8Rheological behavior of co-polyimide spinning solution. !# Synthetic Fiber Industry.# 34(1):19-22.# Huang Zhong, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xiang Hongbing, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Deng Lili, College of Material Science and Engin# # 材料學院 $|0036 $}cscd$材料學院$~王宏誌~ $0j兀G$?共軸微反應器製備單分散聚Ⅳ-異丙基丙烯酰胺/蒙脫石納米復合微凝膠.*$"紀磊鵬, 張青紅, 李耀剛 and 王宏誌.3$+L. Ji, Q. Zhang, Y. Li and H. Wang (2011). $Preparation of monodisperse poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/clay nanocomposite hydrogel microspheres using coaxial microfluidic device. !$ Modern Chemical Industry.$ 31(3):40.$ Ji Leipeng, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Qinghong, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Yaogang, College of Materials Science and En$ 紀磊鵬, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張青紅, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李耀剛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王宏誌, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. $ 材料學院 %|0037 %}cscd%材料學院%~王朝生~ %犣鸃!%聚酯熔體輸送工藝權重分析.0%(蔣漢雄, 趙萬金, 宋睿, 王朝生 and 王華平.@%8H. Jiang, W. Zhao, R. Song, C. Wang and H. Wang (2011). D%<Weight analysis of polyester melt transportation technique. !% Synthetic Fiber Industry.% 34(5):30-32.% Jiang Hanxiong, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification,College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Wanjin, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification,College of Materials Science and % % 材料學院 &|0038 &}cscd&材料學院&d胡學超&?&7不同剪切速率下高濃度再生絲素蛋白水溶液性質與結構的研究.0&(金媛, 張耀鵬, 杭怡春, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.=&5Y. Jin, Y. Zhang, Y. Hang, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). x&pStudy on the Property and Structure of Condensed Regenerated Silk Fibroin Solution under Different Shear Rates. & Materials Review.& 25(11B):43-46.& Jin Yuan, College of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Yaopeng, College of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Labo& & 材料學院 '|0039 '}cscd'材料學院 '~陳培~ '埗 A='5Fe_2O_3摻雜對ZnOB_2O_3-P_2O_5-R_nO_m玻璃耐水性的影響. '李勝春, 陳培 and 李耀剛.)'!S. Li, P. Chen and Y. Li (2011). W'OWater resistance of ZnO-B_20_3-P_2O_5-R_n_O_m glass system doped with Fe_2O_3. ' New Chemical Materials.' 39(5):84-87.' Li Shengchun, School of Materials Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Pei, School of Materials Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Yaogang, School of Materials Science and Engineering' 李勝春, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳培, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李耀剛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.' 材料學院 (|0040 (}cscd(材料學院 (~陳培~ (埗 A:(2MnO_2摻雜對ZnO-B_2O_3-P_2O_5-R_nO_m玻璃性能的影響. (李勝春, 陳培 and 李耀剛.)(!S. Li, P. Chen and Y. Li (2011). O(GInfluence of MnO_2 doping on property of ZnO-B_2O_3-P_2O_5-RnOm glass. *( "Electronic Components & Materials.( 30(3):21-24.( Li Shengchun, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Pei, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Yaogang, School of Materials Science and Engineeri( 李勝春, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳培, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李耀剛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.( 材料學院 )|0041 )}cscd)材料學院)~胡祖明~ ) 蔟@))!靜電紡聚胺醚納米纖維的形貌與性能.6).鄧麗莉, 何素文, 諸靜, 陳蕾, 於俊榮 and 胡祖明.\)TD. Lili, H. E. Suwen, Z. H. U. Jing, C. Lei, Y. U. Junrong and H. U. Zuming (2011). [)SMorphology and Properties of Poly(hydroxyaminoether)Nanofibers by Electrospinning. ?) 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.) 37(2):127.) DENG Lili, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HE Suwen, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHU Jing, College of Material Science and Engineering Dong) ) 材料學院 *|0042 *}cscd*材料學院 *~*B. Lin Nai, Y. Feng, S. Guang and H. Xu (2011). "Preparation and near-infrared optical limiting property of fluorene-containing functional polyacetylene. "*8*0B. Lin Nai, Y. Feng, S. Guang and H. Xu (2011). q*iPreparation and near-infrared optical limiting property of fluorene-containing functional polyacetylene. !* Chinese Chemical Letters.* 22(10):1257-1260.* Lin Nai Bo, College of Material Science and Engineering & College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Guang Shanyi, College of Material Science and Engineering & College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,* hongyaoxu@163.com* 材料學院 +|0043 +      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz{|}~}cscd+材料學院 +~'+SEBS-g-MAH增韌聚乳酸的性能研究. +劉密密, 魏發雲 and 張瑜.,+$M. Liu, F. Wei and Y. Zhang (2011). J+BStudy on Properties of Poly(lactic acid) Toughened by SEBS-g-MAH. + China Plastics.+ 25(4):38-41.+ Liu Mimi, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wei Fayun, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Yu, College of Material Science and Engineering, D+ 劉密密, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 魏發雲, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張瑜, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.+ 材料學院 ,|0044 ,}cscd,材料學院,d胡學超,*,"MWCNT/Lyocell炭纖維的製備及其性能.(, 魯江, 楊革生, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.2,*J. Lu, G. Yang, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). C,;Preparation and properties of MWCNT/Lyocell carbon fibers. , New Carbon Materials., 26(5):368-374., Lu Jiang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Dong hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Gesheng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and , , 材料學院 -|0045 -}cscd-材料學院 -~/-'P2O5/CaO對磷酸鹽乳濁玻璃分相析晶的影響. -汪慶衛, 楊占峰 and 寧偉.3-+W. Qingwei, Y. Zhanfeng and N. Wei (2011). ]-UEffect of P2O5/CaO on Crystallization and Phase Separation in Phosphatic Opal Glass. ?- 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.- 37(1):12-15.- WANG Qingwei, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Zhanfeng, College of Material Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. NING Wei, College of Material Science and Engineer- 汪慶衛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊占峰, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 寧偉, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.- 材料學院 .|0046 .}cscd.材料學院.~沈新元~ .愗鼲+.#細菌纖維素在Nmmo·h_2o中的溶解性能.".高秋英, 沈新元 and 王哲惟.5.-G. Qiuying, S. Xinyuan and W. Zhewei (2011). :.2Dissolution with Bacterial Cellulose in NMMO H20. 0. (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering.. 27(6):80-83.. Qiuying Gao, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Department of Material Science & Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. Xinyuan Shen, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers . 高秋英, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國. 沈新元, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國. 王哲惟, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國.. 材料學院 /|0047 /}cscd/材料學院 /~,/$堿-等離子體處理滌綸織物的時效性研究../&任煜, 鄧佳, 臧傳鋒, 李誌紅 and 李素英.:/2Y. Ren, J. Deng, C. Zang, Z. Li and S. Li (2011). i/aStudy on ageing effect of causticization-and-plasma combination treatment for polyester fabrics. !/ Synthetic Fiber Industry./ 34(5):19-22./ Ren Yu, School of Textile and Clothing,Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China. Zang Chuanfeng, School of Textile and Clothing,Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China. Li Zhihong, School of Textile and Clothing,Nantong University, Na/ / 材料學院 0|0048 0}cscd0材料學院 0~陳培~ 0埗 A30+添加MnO2對ZnO-B2O3-P2O5-RnOm玻璃性能的影響. 0李勝春, 陳培 and 李耀剛.:02L. I. Shengchun, C. Pei and L. I. Yaogang (2011). O0GEffect of MnO2 additive on the properties of ZnO-B2O3-P2O5-RnOm glass. *0 "Electronic Components & Materials.0 30(5):57-60.0 LI Shengchun, School of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. CHEN Pei, School of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LI Yaogang, School of Materials Science and Engineering0 李勝春, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳培, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李耀剛, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.0 材料學院 1|0049 1}cscd1材料學院1~沈新元~ 1愗鼲51-季銨鹽共聚物/聚醚碸相容性及其共混膜性能研究."1倪士民, 毛健康 and 沈新元.?17N. I. Shimin, M. A. O. Jiankang and S. Xinyuan (2011). X1PCompatibility of PQA-co-AN/PES Blend Solution and Properties of Blend Membrane. 1 Materials Review.1 25(6B):13.1 NI Shimin, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Fiber and Polymer Materials,College of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. MAO Jiankang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Fiber and Polymer Materials,Coll1 倪士民, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 毛健康, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈新元, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.1 材料學院 2|0050 2}cscd2材料學院2~陳大俊~ 2`兀22*環氧樹脂/凹凸棒土納米復合材料的製備與表征.2孫巖巖 and 陳大俊.#2Y. Sun and D. Chen (2011). T2LPreparation and Characterization of Epoxy Resin/Attapulgite Nanocomposites.  2 China Plastics Industry.2 39(1):22-25.2 Sun Yanyan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Dajun, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and 2 孫巖巖, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳大俊, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.2 材料學院 3|0051 3}cscd3材料學院 3~!3棉纖維原纖結構的分形特征.3萬廣蘭 and 於偉東.!3G. Wan and W. Yu (2011). H3@Fractal characteristic of fibrillar structure of cotton fibers. $3 Journal of Textile Research.3 32(11):1-6.3 Wan Guanglan, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Weidong, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y3 q萬廣蘭, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.3 材料學院 4|0052 4}cscd4材料學院 4~(4 汪稱意, 趙曉燕, 李光 and 江建明.4 C. Wang, X. Zhao, G. Li and J. Jiang (2011). "High Glass Transition and Optical Transparency of Novel Organosoluble Polyamides Containing 4-tert-Butyltoluene Moiety. "54-C. Wang, X. Zhao, G. Li and J. Jiang (2011). 4xHigh Glass Transition and Optical Transparency of Novel Organosoluble Polyamides Containing 4-tert-Butyltoluene Moiety. %4 Chinese Journal of Chemistry.4 29(10):2197-2201.4 Wang Chenyi, School of Material Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou Key Laboratory for Polymer Materials, Changzhou, Guangdong 213164, China. Zhao Xiaoyan, School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, GuangdonE4 =汪稱意, 213164. 趙曉燕, 213164. 李光, 201620. 江建明, 201620.4 材料學院 5|0053 5}cscd5材料學院 5d李光~ 5 觚@&5Ptt/mmt復合材料流變性能的研究..5&王立巖, 李光, 郭靜, 李繼新 and 相恒學.;53L. Wang, G. Li, J. Guo, J. Li and H. Xiang (2011). =55Study on Rheological Behavior of PTT/MMT Composites. 5 China Plastics.5 25(1):90-93.5 Wang Liyan, State Key Laboratorv for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua Uni'versity, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Guang, State Key Laboratorv for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Po5 5 材料學院 6|0054 6}cscd6材料學院6d呂永根~ 6恄兀+6#溶液濃度對聚丙烯腈聚合動力學的影響."6王小華, 秦顯營 and 呂永根.*6"X. Wang, X. Qin and Y. Lv (2011). I6AInfluence of Solution Concentration on Reaction Kinetics of PAN. 06 (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering.6 27(4):85.6 Wang Xiaohua, Material Science and Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qin Xianying, Material Science and Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lv Yonggen, Material Science and Engineering College, D6 王小華, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 秦顯營, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂永根, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.6 材料學院 7|0055 7}cscd7材料學院 7~:72n型Bi_2 Te_3塊體材料的放電等離子燒結 及其性能研究.67.閆偉, 江苧, 王連軍, 張青紅, 李耀剛 and 王宏誌.\7TY. A. N. Wei, J. Wan, W. Lianjun, Z. Qinghong, L. I. Yaogang and W. Hongzhi (2011). i7aFabrication and Properties of n-type Bismuth Telluride Bulk Materials by Spark Plasma Sintering. 07 (Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society.7 30(3):506-510.7 YAN Wei, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JIANG Wan, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Lianjun, College of Materials Science and Engineerin7 7 材料學院 8|0056 8}cscd8材料學院8~陳大俊~ 8`兀H8@凹凸棒土/Poly(HEMA-PEGMA-MAA)納米復合凝膠體系的藥物釋放性能初探.8向遠清 and 陳大俊.%8Y. Xiang and D. Chen (2011). s8kStudy on the Drug Control Release Performance of Attapulgite/poly (HEMA-PEGMA-MAA) nanocomposite Hydrogel. 8 Chemical World.8 52(9):534-537.8 Xiang Yuanqing, Shanghai Gaoqiao-BASF Dispersions Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200137, China. Chen Dajun, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.x8 p向遠清, 上海高橋-巴斯夫分散體有限公司, 上海 200137, 中國. 陳大俊, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.8 材料學院 9|0057 9}cscd9材料學院9~徐洪耀~ 9h A59-多面體籠型倍半矽氧烷納米雜化低介電材料的研究.09(徐洪耀, 嚴正權, 張超, 蘇新艷 and 光善儀.<94H. Xu, Z. Yan, C. Zhang, X. Su and S. Guang (2011). k9cStudy on Nanometer Hybrid Low Dielectric Constant Materials from Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioixanes. 19 )Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities.9 32(9):1962-1969.9 Xu Hongyao, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymeric Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Zhengquan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers 9 9 材料學院 :|0058 :}cscd:材料學院 :~徐靜~ :恵兀!:酸性可染腈綸聚合工藝研究.:徐靜 and 季春曉. :J. Xu and C. Ji (2011). I:APolymerization process for acid dyeable polyacrylonitrile fiber. !: Synthetic Fiber Industry.: 34(3):34-38.: Xu Jing, College of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ji Chunxiao, Acrylic Fiber Division,SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200540, China.: 徐靜, 恒行3平台材料科學與工程學院, 高性能纖維及製品教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 季春曉, 中國石化上海石油化工股份有限公司腈綸事業部, 上海 200540, 中國.: 材料學院 ;|0059 ;}cscd;材料學院;~彭治漢; ;低相對分子質量Pa6的製備.*;"易春旺, 彭治漢, 王華平 and 王朝生.4;,C. Yi, Z. Peng, H. Wang and C. Wang (2011). 6;.Synthesis of low-relative molecular mass PA6. !; Synthetic Fiber Industry.; 34(5):15-18.; Yi Chunwang, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fibers Modification,College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Peng Zhihan, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fibers Modification,College of Materials Science and E; ; 材料學院 <|0060 <}cscd<材料學院 <~-<%同軸電噴法製備Pcl-蛋清體系復合微膠囊..<&余松林, 俞昊, 功靚, 朱美芳 and 陳彥模.:<2S. Yu, H. Yu, L. Gong, M. Zhu and Y. Chen (2011). W<OProduction of PCL-Egg White Composite Microcapsule by Coaxial Electrospraying. &< Journal of Functional Polymer.< 24(1):30-37.< Yu Songlin, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Hao, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gong Liang, College of Materials Science and Engineerin< < 材料學院 =|0061 =}cscd=材料學院=~韓克清~ = B兀.=&SiBN(C)陶瓷纖維先驅體的表征及熔融紡絲.>=6袁佳, 韓克清, 趙曦, 彭雨晴, 王征輝, 鄧智華 and 余木火.N=FJ. Yuan, K. Han, X. Zhao, Y. Peng, Z. Wang, Z. Deng and M. Yu (2011). [=SMelt spinning process and characterization of precursors for SiBN(C)ceramic fiber. != Synthetic Fiber Industry.= 34(3):1-4.= Yuan Jia, State Key Laboratory of Fiber Material Modification,School of Materials Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Han Keqing, State Key Laboratory of Fiber Material Modification,School of Materials Science,Donghua University, Shanghai = = 材料學院 >|0062 >}cscd>材料學院>~陳大俊~ >`兀5>-Fe_3O_4/凹凸棒土磁性納米復合材料的製備與表征.2>*袁智成, 董愛娟, 蔣澤權, 唐夢怡 and 陳大俊.@>8Z. Yuan, A. Dong, Z. Jiang, M. Tang and D. Chen (2011). W>OPreparation and Characterization of Fe3O4/attapulgite Magnetic Nanocomposites. > Chemical World.> 52(10):603-606.> Yuan Zhicheng, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Dong Aijuan, College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jiang Zequan, College of Materials Science and En> > 材料學院 ?|0063 ?}cscd?材料學院 ?~4?,高發光效率的親水性NaYF_4:Yb/Er納米晶的製備.2?*宋嶽林, 田啟威, 楊健茂, 陳誌鋼 and 胡俊青.N?FS. Yuelin, T. Qiwei, Y. Jianmao, C. Zhigang and H. U. Junqing (2011). q?iPreparation of Water-soluble NaYF4 :Yb/Er Nanocrystals Showing High Upconverting Luminescent Efficiency. ? Materials Review.? 25(7B):16-19.? SONG Yuelin, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Materials Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TIAN Qiwei, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and P? ? 材料學院DclDPjGG"+YQ3<|@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@ @|0064 @}cscd@材料學院@d張慧慧~ @鄇兀6@.漿粕性質對纖維素/[Bmim] Cl紡絲原液性能的影響.0@(張慧慧, 蔡濤, 周振興, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.=@5H. Zhang, T. Cai, Z. Zhou, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). Z@REffect of pulp characteristics on properties of cellulose/ Bmim Cl spinning dope. !@ Synthetic Fiber Industry.@ 34(5):8-10.@ Zhang Huihui, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,College of Material Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cai Tao, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polyme@ @ 材料學院 A|0065 A}cscdA材料學院Ad張慧慧~ A鄇兀>A6離子液體法纖維素海綿的研究 ------(Ⅱ)纖維素含量的影響..A&張慧慧, 夏磊, 蔡濤, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.<A4H. Zhang, L. Xia, T. Cai, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). iAaCellulose Sponge Using Ionic Liquid as Solvent------(Ⅱ) The Effect of the Content of Cellulose. 0A (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering.A 27(4):99.A Zhang Huihui, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xia Lei, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and PolyA A 材料學院 B|0066 B}cscdB材料學院B~王朝生~ B犣鸃2B*受阻胺抗氧劑對Pa6工業絲熱氧老化性能的影響.0B(趙萬金, 蔣漢雄, 陶靜, 王朝生 and 王華平.?B7W. Zhao, H. Jiang, J. Tao, C. Wang and H. Wang (2011). nBfInfluence of hindered amine antioxidant on thermal-oxidative aging properties of PA6 industrial yarn. !B Synthetic Fiber Industry.B 34(1):1-4.B Zhao Wanjin, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification, College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jiang Hanxiong, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification, College of Material Science andB B 材料學院 C|0067 C}cscdC~材料學院C~於俊榮~ C3兀7C/水性聚氨酯基對位芳綸纖維增強復合帶的製備與性能.6C.南建舉, 於俊榮, 朱加尖, 胡祖明, 陳蕾 and 諸靜.iCaN. A. N. Jianju, Y. U. Junrong, Z. H. U. Jiajian, H. U. Zuming, C. Lei and Z. H. U. Jing (2011). XCPPreparation of Para-aramid Fiber-Reinforced Composite Tape and Its Performance. ?C 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.C 37(3):299.C NAN Jianju, Key Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers & Products,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Junrong, Key Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers & Products,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, C (C 高性能纖維及製品教育部重點實驗室 D|0068 D}cscdD~材料學院 D~+D#助劑擠出法製備高強度聚四氟乙烯單絲..D&李敏, 張偉, 王朝生, 李建武 and 王華平.<D4M. Li, W. Zhang, C. Wang, J. Li and H. Wang (2011). ^DVPreparation of high-strength polytetrafluoroethylene fiber by paste extrusion method. !D Synthetic Fiber Industry.D 34(6):14-17.D Li Min, Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers & Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Chaosheng, Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers & Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 2016D (D 高性能纖維及製品教育部重點實驗室 E|0069 E}cscdE~材料學院E~陳惠芳~ E佰鼲/E'黏膠纖維在低溫熱處理過程中的熱收縮性能.(E 陳惠芳, 趙旭晨, 杜衛平 and 潘鼎.3E+H. Chen, X. Zhao, W. Du and D. Pan (2011). REJThermal Shringkage of Rayon Fibres During Low Temperature Heat-Treatment. )E !Aerospace Materials & Technology.E 41(1):80-83.E Chen Huifang, Key Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers and Products, Ministry of Education, State Key Lab.for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Xuchen, Key Laboratory of High-PerformanE (E 高性能纖維及製品教育部重點實驗室 F|0070 F}cscdF~材料學院F~於俊榮~ F3兀(F Eva共混改性uhmwpe纖維的表面性能.6F.鄺金艷, 於俊榮, 肖明明, 胡祖明, 陳蕾 and 諸靜.DF<J. Kuang, J. Yu, M. Xiao, Z. Hu, L. Chen and J. Zhu (2011). GF?Surface properties of UHMWPE fiber blending modified with EVA. !F Synthetic Fiber Industry.F 34(5):1-4.F Kuang Jinyan, Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Junrong, Key Laboratory of High-performance Fibers and Products,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 20F (F 高性能纖維及製品教育部重點實驗室 G|0071 G}cscdG~材料學院 G~陳蕾~ G7兀)G!含雜環的共聚芳香族聚酰胺的熱性能.6G.高寶山, 陳蕾, 朱禮梁, 胡祖明, 於俊榮 and 諸靜.dG\G. A. O. Baoshan, C. Lei, Z. H. U. Liliang, H. U. Zuming, Y. U. Junrong and Zhujing (2011). 3G+Thermal Properties of Heterocyclic Aramid. ?G 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.G 37(3):272-277.G GAO Baoshan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Lei, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 2G #G  纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 H|0072 H}cscdH~材料學院H~劉兆峰H(H 高特Pet-pbt共混單絲的結構與性能.(H 馬海燕, 劉兆峰, 張軍 and 馬海軍.IHAM. A. Haiyan, L. I. U. Zhaofeng, Z. Jun and M. A. Haijun (2011). OHGStructure and Performance of High Dtex PET-PBT Blending Monofilaments. &H Journal of Functional Polymer.H 24(2):176-180.H MA Haiyan, State Key Laboratory of Fibers Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LIU Zhaofeng, State Key Laboratory of Fibers Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. ZHANG Jun, College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeriFH 馬海燕, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國. 劉兆峰, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國. 張軍, 南通大學化學化工學院, 南通, 江蘇 226000, 中國. 馬海軍, 南通大學化學化工學院, 南通, 江蘇 226000, 中國.(   ,. 2; ?A GI QS mo s|           "H 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 I|0073 I}cscdI~材料學院I~胡祖明~ I 蔟@5I-P84共聚聚酰亞胺/nmp/乙二醇體系三元相圖的計算.4I,向紅兵, 黃忠, 諸靜, 陳蕾, 於俊榮 and 胡祖明.]IUX. Hongbing, H. Zhong, Z. H. U. Jing, C. Lei, Y. U. Junrong and H. U. Zuming (2011). XIPCalculation of the Ternary Phase Diagram of P84 Co-polyimide/NMP/Glycol System. ?I 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.I 37(3):293.I XIANG Hongbing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Zhong, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, ShanI "I 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 J|0074 J}cscdJ~材料學院 J~-J%炭纖維吸波復合材料結構設計的研究進展.0J(李利偉, 韓浩, 全海宇, 秦文貞 and 吳琪琳.9J1L. Li, H. Han, H. Quan, W. Qin and Q. Wu (2011). VJNAdvanced research on structural designs of carbon fiber absorbing composites. J Carbon Techniques.J 30(6):24-28.J Li Liwei, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Han Hao, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Fiber Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Quan Haiyu, State Key Laboratory of ChemicalJ "J 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 K|0075 K}cscdK~材料學院K~沈新元~ K愗鼲)K!離子液體法製備再生細菌纖維素纖維."K盧新坤, 沈新元 and 王哲惟.+K#X. Lu, X. Shen and Z. Wang (2011). hK`Preparation of regenerated bacterial cellulose nascent fibers prepared by ionic liquid process. !K Synthetic Fiber Industry.K 34(6):6-10.K Lu Xinkun, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Department of Material Science & Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. Shen Xinyuan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers aK 盧新坤, 恒行3平台, 材料科學與工程學院纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國. 沈新元, 恒行3平台, 材料科學與工程學院纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國. 王哲惟, 恒行3平台, 材料科學與工程學院纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201600, 中國."K 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 L|0076 L}cscdL~材料學院L~於俊榮~ L3兀5L-低溫等離子體對超高分子聚乙烯纖維表面改性研究..L&顧如茜, 於俊榮, 陳蕾, 諸靜 and 胡祖明.RLJG. U. Ruxi, Y. U. Junrong, C. Lei, Z. H. U. Jing and H. U. Zuming (2011). LThe Progress on the Application of Low Temperature Plasma Technique in Surface Modification of Ultra High Molecular Weight Fibers. L Polymer Bulletin.L 8):96-102.L GU Ruxi, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Junrong, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201L "L 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 M|0077 M}cscdM~材料學院 M~ML. Shi, J. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Jiang and L. Chen (2011). "Fabrication,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC/Ti_2AlC/TiAl_3 in situ Composite. "M@M8L. Shi, J. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Jiang and L. Chen (2011). fM^Fabrication,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC/Ti_2AlC/TiAl_3 in situ Composite. 2M *Journal of Materials Science & Technology.M 27(3):239-244.M Shi Lu, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Science, State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai 200050, China. Zhang Jianfeng, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Science, State Key M wan-jiang@mail.sic.ac.cn"M 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 N|0078 N}cscdN~材料學院 Nd李光~ N 觚@0N(低含量丙三醇共聚改性Pet的非等溫結晶特性.(N 宋媛媛, 戴鈞明, 李光 and 楊勝林.3N+Y. Song, J. Dai, G. Li and S. Yang (2011). yNqThe Non-isothermal Crystallization Behavior of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Modified by Low Content of Glycerol. ?N 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.N 37(5):552.N Song Yuanyuan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers & Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Dai Junming, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers & Polymer Materials, Donghua University, ShanghaN "N 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 O|0079 O}cscdO~材料學院Od王連軍~ O兀BO:機械剝離法製備石墨烯及其在石墨烯/陶瓷復合材料製備中的應用.&O江莞, 範宇馳, 劉霞 and 王連軍.DO<J. Wan, F. A. N. Yuchi, L. I. U. Xia and W. Lianjun (2011). }OuPreparation of Graphene by Mechanical Exfoliation and Its Application in Preparation of Graphene/Ceramic Composites. O Materials China.O 30(1):12.O JIANG Wan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. FAN Yuchi, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 20O 江莞, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 範宇馳, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉霞, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王連軍, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國."O 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 P|0080 P}cscdP~材料學院P~於俊榮~ P3兀9P1紡絲溶液濃度對Uhmwpe凍膠纖維萃取及拉伸性能的影響.6P.肖明明, 於俊榮, 朱加尖, 陳蕾, 諸靜 and 胡祖明.BP:M. Xiao, J. Yu, J. Zhu, L. Chen, J. Zhu and Z. Hu (2011). mPeEffect of spinning solution concentration on extraction and tensile properties of UHMWPE gel fibers. !P Synthetic Fiber Industry.P 34(4):1-4.P Xiao Mingming, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Key Laboratory of High-Performance Fibers & Products, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Junrong, State Key Laboratoryfor ModifP "P 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 Q|0081 Q}cscdQ~材料學院Q~王華平Q1Q)W/O型反相微乳液法製備Ru/Se催化劑納米顆粒.(Q 竹秀玲, 王彪, 王華平 and 陸仙娟.IQAZ. H. U. Xiuling, W. Biao, W. Huaping and L. U. Xianjuan (2011). XQPPreparation of Ru/Se Nano-particles for Catalyst by W/O Reverse Micro-emulsion. ?Q 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.Q 37(1):1.Q ZHU Xiuling, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Biao, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University, Shanghai Q "Q 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 R|0082 R}cscdR~材料學院 R~*R"殼聚糖/聚氧化乙烯靜電紡絲工藝研究..R&許樂, 楊慶, 黃麗媛, 龔麗君 and 沈新元.>R6L. Xu, Q. Yang, L. Huang, L. Gong and X. Shen (2011). FR>Study on chitosan/polyethylene oxide electrospinning process. !R Synthetic Fiber Industry.R 34(4):28-30.R Xu Le, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Qing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Xinyuan, State Key LaborR "R 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 S|0083 S}cscdS~材料學院 S~#S靜電紡絲法製備Phbv有序纖維.,S$楊科, 楊慶, 沈新元, 陳璐 and 邵梅玲.?S7K. Yang, Q. Yang, X. Shen, L. Chen and M. Shao (2011). 8S0Electrospinning process of aligned PHBV fibers. !S Synthetic Fiber Industry.S 34(2):18-22.S Yang Ke, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Fiber Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Qing, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Fiber Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Xinyuan, State Key LaboratoryfS "S 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 T|0084 T}cscdT~材料學院 Td李光~ T 觚@,T$水溶液自由基聚合製備的Pnipa分子特性."T徐盈佳, 李光 and 原口和敏.<T4X. U. Yingjia, L. I. Guang and H. Kazutoshi (2011). TThe Molecular Characteristics of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)Prepared by Free-Radical Redox Polymerization in Aqueous Solution. ?T 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.T 37(1):6-11.T XU Yingjia, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Guang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University, Shanghai 20T 徐盈佳, 日本川村理化學研究所, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李光, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 原口和敏, 日本川村理化學研究所, 千葉縣佐倉市, 2850078."T 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 U|0085 U}cscdU~材料學院 U~陳蕾~ U7兀-U%原液著色Pmia紡絲漿液擠出脹大特性研究.0U(張媛婧, 劉立起, 陳蕾, 於俊榮 and 胡祖明.;U3Y. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Chen, J. Yu and Z. Hu (2011). @U8Die-swell behavior of dope-dyed PMIA spinning solution. !U Synthetic Fiber Industry.U 34(2):27.U Zhang Yuanjing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Fiber Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Liqi, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Fiber Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Lei, State Key LaboratU "U 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 V|0086 V}cscdV~材料學院V~張清華~ V蠥兀2V*Gem法分析尼龍6/炭黑導電復合材料的電學性能.0V(趙歡, 曾雨晴, 李聰慧, 趙陳嘉 and 張清華.>V6H. Zhao, Y. Zeng, C. Li, C. Zhao and Q. Zhang (2011). NVFConductive Property of Nylon 6/Carbon Black Composites by GEM Method. ?V 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.V 37(6):667-670.V Zhao Huan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zeng Yuqing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, ShanghaV "V 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 W|0087 W}cscdW~材料學院W~查劉生~ W恀兀LWD用紅外光譜研究具有互穿網絡結構的pH/溫度雙重敏感性微凝膠的相轉變行為.W郭輝, 李蘭 and 查劉生.>W6G. U. O. Hui, L. I. Lan and Z. H. A. Liusheng (2011). WStudy of Phase Transition Behavior of pH/Temperature Dual Stimuli Responsive Microgels with Interpenetrating Polymer Network Structure by FTIR Spectroscopy. )W !Journal of Instrumental Analysis.W 30(5):481-486.W GUO Hui, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Material,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHA Liusheng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Material,Donghua University, Shanghai 201W 郭輝, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蘭, 恒行3平台分析測試中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 查劉生, 恒行3平台分析測試中心, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   *, 09 =? CE Y[ _h ln tv    "W 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 X|0088 X}cscdX~材料學院 X~:X2多壁碳納米管/聚丙烯腈復合纖維的動靜態力學性能研究.(X 張艦, 張德剛, 張幼維 and 趙炯心.>X6Z. Jian, Z. Degang, Z. Youwei and Z. Jiongxin (2011). PXHStatic and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of MWNTs/PAN Composite Fibers. X Materials Review.X 25(1B):33.X ZHANG Jian, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Degang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, ShanghaX "X 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 Y|0089 Y}cscdY~材料學院 Yd李光~ Y 觚@,Y$水溶液自由基聚合製備的Pnipa分子特性."Y徐盈佳, 李光 and 原口和敏.ZYRB. O. JianXue, X. U. Yingjia, B. A. I. Yuan, L. I. Guang and H. Kazutoshi (2011). YThe Molecular Characteristics of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)Prepared by Free-Radical Redox Polymerization in Aqueous Solution. ?Y 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.Y 37(1):6-11.Y BO JianXue, Department of Cardiovasology No.150 Hospital of PLA, Luoyang, Henan 471031, China. XU Yingjia, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Guang, State Key LaborY 徐盈佳, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李光, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 原口和敏, 日本川村理化學研究所, 千葉縣佐倉市, 2850078."Y 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 Z|0090 Z}cscdZ~材料學院Z~劉兆峰Z.Z&大直徑Pps/pa6共混單絲的結構與性能研究.(Z 馬海燕, 劉兆峰, 張軍 and 馬海軍.2Z*H. Ma, Z. Liu, J. Zhang and H. Ma (2011). eZ]Study on the structure and performance of the large diameter PPS/PA6 blending monofilaments. Z New Chemical Materials.Z 39(4):104.Z Ma Haiyan, Donghua University State Key Laboratory of Fibers Modification, Nantong, Jiangsu 226000, China. Liu Zhaofeng, Donghua University State Key Laboratory of Fibers Modification, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhang Jun, Nantong University College of ChemiZ 馬海燕, 南通大學化學化工學院, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 南通, 江蘇 226000, 中國. 劉兆峰, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國. 張軍, 南通大學化學化工學院, 南通, 江蘇 226000, 中國. 馬海軍, 南通大學化學化工學院, 南通, 江蘇 226000, 中國."Z 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 [|0091 [}cscd[~材料學院 [~陳蕾~ [7兀1[)含雜環共聚芳香族聚酰胺溶液的動態流變特性.6[.唐國平, 陳蕾, 高寶山, 胡祖明, 於俊榮 and 諸靜.B[:G. Tang, L. Chen, B. Gao, Z. Hu, J. Yu and J. Zhu (2011). U[MDynamic rheological behavior of heterocyclic aromatic co-polyamide solution. ![ Synthetic Fiber Industry.[ 34(3):11-13.[ Tang Guoping, State Key Laboratory of Fiber Material Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Lei, State Key Laboratory of Fiber Material Modification,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Zuming, State Key Laboratory of Fibe[ "[ 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 \|0092 \}cscd\~材料學院\~胡祖明~ \ 蔟@1\)超高分子量聚乙烯纖維用樹脂性能與紡絲研究.B\:王新威, 朱加尖, 張玉梅, 吳向陽, 徐靜安, 於俊榮 and 胡祖明.I\AX. Wang, J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, X. Wu, J. Xu, J. Yu and Z. Hu (2011). 8\0Study on properties and spinnability of UHMWPE. \ New Chemical Materials.\ 39(3):120-122.\ Wang Xinwei, Department of New Technology Development, Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Shanghai 200062, China. Zhang Yumei, Department of New Technology Development, Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Shanghai 200062, Chin\ "\ 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 ]|0093 ]}cscd]~材料學院]~石國英~ ]@@F]>Pt負載型二氧化鈦納米管/納米晶復合光催化劑的製備及其光催化性能.2]*余威威, 張青紅, 石國英, 李耀剛 and 王宏誌.Z]RY. U. WeiWei, Z. QingHong, S. H. I. GuoYing, L. I. YaoGang and W. HongZhi (2011). {]sPreparation of Pt-loaded TiO2 Nanotubes/Nanocrystals Composite Photocatalysts and Their Photocatalytic Properties. '] Journal of Inorganic Materials.] 26(7):747-752.] YU WeiWei, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG QingHong, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shangh] "] 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 ^|0094 ^}cscd^~材料學院^~王華平^1^)W/O型反相微乳液法製備Ru/Se催化劑納米顆粒.(^ 竹秀玲, 王彪, 王華平 and 陸仙娟.^C. A. O. Wen, Z. H. U. Xiuling, X. U. DaoLong, W. Biao, W. U. WanHa, W. Huaping, X. U. Ting, L. U. Xianjuan and L. I. TieJun (2011). X^PPreparation of Ru/Se Nano-particles for Catalyst by W/O Reverse Micro-emulsion. ?^ 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.^ 37(1):1.^ CAO Wen, Department of Pharmacy Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital of Putuo District in Shanghai, Shanghai 200062, China. XU DaoLong, Department of Pharmacy Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital of Putuo District in Shanghai, Shanghai 200062, China. ZH^ "^ 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 _|0095 _}cscd_~材料學院_~胡祖明~ _ 蔟@)_!聚酰亞胺纖維及其紡絲工藝研究進展. _向紅兵, 陳蕾 and 胡祖明.,_$H. Xiang, L. Chen and Z. Hu (2011). J_BResearch Progress of Polyimide Fiber and its Spinning Technology. _ Polymer Bulletin._ 1):40-50._ Xiang Hongbing, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Zuming, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shangh_ 向紅兵, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡祖明, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳蕾, 恒行3平台化學纖維研究所, 上海 201620, 中國."_ 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室D璮l.C(32`@a@b@c@d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@y@z@{@|@}@~@@ `|0096 `}cscd`~材料學院`~楊革生~ `p_兀@`8紡絲條件對基於Lyocell工藝加工的竹漿纖維結構與性能的影響."`楊革生, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.+`#G. Yang, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). j`bEffect of spinning conditions on structures and properties of bamboo fibers with Lyocell process. $` Journal of Textile Research.` 32(1):6-10.` Yang Gesheng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shao Huili, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shang` 楊革生, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室;;紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 邵惠麗, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡學超, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國."` 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 a|0097 a}cscda~材料學院a~石國英~ a@@9a1基於銳鈦礦相二氧化鈦溶膠的高效染料敏化太陽能電池.*a"郝艷明, 石國英, 錢迪峰 and 張青紅.NaFH. A. O. Yanming, S. H. I. Guoying, Q. Difeng and Z. Qinghong (2011). SaKHigh Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on the Anatase TiO2 Sols. 0a (Journal of the Chinese Silicate Society.a 39(7):1090-1096.a HAO Yanming, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. QIAN Difeng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University, Shanghaa 郝艷明, 恒行3平台, 纖維改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 錢迪峰, 恒行3平台, 纖維改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 張青紅, 恒行3平台, 纖維改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 石國英, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國."a 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 b|0098 b}cscdb~材料學院b~馬敬紅~ b-兀+b#一種全親水兩嵌段共聚物的多重膠束化.(b 張曉暉, 艾長軍, 馬敬紅 and 徐堅.1b)X. Zhang, C. Ai, J. Ma and J. Xu (2011). UbMSchizophrenic Micellization of Novel Entirely Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer. 0b (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering.b 27(9):142-145.b Zhang Xiaohui, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ai Changjun, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Jinghong, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Jian, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.b "b 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 c|0099 c}cscdc~材料學院c~馬敬紅~ c-兀0c(Schizophrenic嵌段共聚物多重膠束化的研究.(c 張曉暉, 艾長軍, 馬敬紅 and 徐堅.1c)X. Zhang, C. Ai, J. Ma and J. Xu (2011). 9c1Schizophrenic Micellization of Block Copolymers. c Progrss in Chemistry.c 23(4):781-790.c Zhang Xiaohui, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials. Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ai Changjun, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials. Donghua University, Shac "c 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 d|0100 d}cscdd~材料學院dd張耀鵬~ dPT兀1d)微流體芯片在纖維成型方面的應用研究進展術..d&張耀鵬, 黃燕, 羅傑, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.>d6Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, J. Luo, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). SdKApplication research progress of microfluidic chips for fiber fabrication. .d &Transducer and Microsystem Technology.d 30(1):1.d Zhang Yaopeng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Yan, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shangd "d 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 e|0101 e}cscde~材料學院ed張耀鵬~ ePT兀'e蜘蛛與蠶的人工強製紡絲研究進展.*e"張耀鵬, 趙瀛梅, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.5e-Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). JeBProgress in Artificial Forcibly Silking from Spider and Silkworm. &e Journal of Functional Polymer.e 24(1):103-108.e Zhang Yaopeng, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Yingmei, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, She "e 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 f|0102 f}cscdf~材料學院f~王宏誌~ f0j兀*f"溶劑熱法製備Ato納米球及其性能研究.8f0朱冰潔, 周峰, 張青紅, 陳麗芸, 李耀剛 and 王宏誌.Ff>B. Zhu, F. Zhou, Q. Zhang, L. Chen, Y. Li and H. Wang (2011). TfLSolvothermal Sysnthesis of Sb-Doped SnO_2 Nanospheres and Their Properties. /f 'Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.f 27(2):226-230.f Zhu Bingjie, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Yaogang, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghf "f 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 g|0103 g}cscdg~材料學院gd胡學超g;g3甲醇處理對再生絲素蛋白幹法紡絲纖維結構及性能的影響.2g*朱晶心, 馬彥龍, 張耀鵬, 邵惠麗 and 胡學超.;g3J. Zhu, Y. Ma, Y. Zhang, H. Shao and X. Hu (2011). ugmEffect of methanol treatment on structure and properties of dry spinning fibers of regenerated silk fibroin. (g Journal of Functional Materials.g 42(3):571.g Zhu Jingxin, College of Material Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China. Ma Yanlong, College of Material Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China. Zhang Yaopg "g 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 h|0104 h}cscdh~材料學院h~胡祖明~ h 蔟@/h'超高相對分子質量聚乙烯的性能與紡絲研究.Bh:朱加尖, 王新威, 肖明明, 南建舉, 張玉梅, 於俊榮 and 胡祖明.LhDJ. Zhu, X. Wang, M. Xiao, J. Nan, Y. Zhang, J. Yu and Z. Hu (2011). 3h+Properties and spinning process of UHMWPE. !h Synthetic Fiber Industry.h 34(1):12.h Zhu Jiajian, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xiao Mingming, State Key Laboratoryfor Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shangh "h 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室 i|0105 i}cscdi~紡織學院 i傅婷i2600019i1產業用化學長絲和短纖維的快速檢測方法及穩定性評估.i鄭曄, 傅婷 and 馬力軍.*i"Y. Zheng, T. Fu and L. Ma (2011). kicRapid Detection Methods and Stability Assessment of Industrial Chemical Filament and Staple Fiber. ?i 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.i 37(5):570.i Zheng Ye, Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200135, China. Ma Lijun, Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Engineering Research Center o'i 鄭曄, 上海出入境檢驗檢疫局, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 200135, 中國. 馬力軍, 上海出入境檢驗檢疫局, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 200135, 中國. 傅婷, 恒行3平台, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.   :< @I MO UW km        &i 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心 j|0106 j}cscdj~紡織學院j於偉東j061339+j#羊毛表面特征對針織物起毛起球的影響.j萬愛蘭 and 於偉東.!jA. Wan and W. Yu (2011). `jXEffects of wool fiber surface characteristic on fuzzing and pilling of knitted fabrics. $j Journal of Textile Research.j 32(12):28-33.j Wan Ailan, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Weidong, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.j q萬愛蘭, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.  $& *3 79 ?A ]_ cl pj 紡織材料與技術實驗室 k|0107 k}cscdk~紡織學院k於偉東k061339-k%假撚集聚紡假撚器位置及結構參數的優化.k付江 and 於偉東..k&F. U. Jiang and Y. U. Weidong (2011). qkiOptimization of gauge and structural parameters of false twister of false-twist compact spinning method. $k Journal of Textile Research.k 32(6):135-140.k FU Jiang, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Weidong, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.k o付江, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.  "$ (1 57 =? [] aj nk 紡織材料與技術實驗室 l|0108 l}cscdl~紡織學院l於偉東l0613391l)假撚集聚紡紗方法中基本工藝參數的作用分析.l付江 and 於偉東..l&F. U. Jiang and Y. U. Weidong (2011). Fl>Analysis on basic parameters of false-twist compact spinning. $l Journal of Textile Research.l 32(5):38-42.l FU Jiang, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Weidong, Textile Materials and Technology Laboratory Donghua University, Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China.}l u付江, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織材料與技術實驗室, 武漢, 湖北 430073, 中國.l 紡織材料與技術實驗室 m|0109 m}cscdm~紡織學院m張佩華m062980)m!羊毛和棉針織物濕舒適性能對比分析..m&程相雲, 張佩華, 楊淳, 朱梅 and 杜芳雪.>m6X. Cheng, P. Zhang, C. Yang, M. Zhu and F. Du (2011). }muComparative Analysis of Properties of Wool and Cotton Knitted Fabrics under Different Moisture Absorption Situation. ?m 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.m 37(5):594-598.m Cheng Xiangyun, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Peihua, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.m $m 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 n|0110 n}cscdn~化工學院n~何瑾馨nU112046,n$beta-環糊精預聚體與棉織物的接枝工藝.n王春梅 and 何瑾馨.,n$W. Chunmei and H. E. Jinxin (2011). MnEGrafting process of cotton fabric with beta-cyclodextrin prepolymer. $n Journal of Textile Research.n 32(8):92-97.n WANG Chunmei, School of Textile and Clothing,Nantong University, Shanghai 201620, China. HE Jinxin, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.n 王春梅, 南通大學紡織服裝學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 何瑾馨, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   :< @I MO UW _a }  $n 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 o|0111 o}cscdo~紡織學院 o陳霞o054443'o超聲波處理對羊毛纖維性能的影響.o顧佳, 陳霞 and 朱文園.7o/G. U. Jia, C. Xia and Z. H. U. Wenyuan (2011). ?o7The Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on Wool Properties. ?o 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.o 37(3):317-320.o GU Jia, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Xia, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHU Wenyuan o 顧佳, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳霞, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱文園, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   ,. 2; ?A EG OQ mo s|      $o 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 p|0112 p}cscdp~紡織學院p楊建平p0512905p-集聚紡集聚區氣流流動規律及集聚效果的數值研究. p楊建平, 裴澤光 and 汪軍.9p1Y. Jianping, P. E. I. Zeguang and W. Jun (2011). pyNumerical Investigation on the Airflow Characteristics and Condensing Effect in the Condensing Zone of Compact Spinning. ?p 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.p 37(3):310.p YANG Jianping, Key laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. PEI Zeguang, Key laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wp 楊建平, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 裴澤光, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪軍, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.$p 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 q|0113 q}cscdq~紡織學院q柯勤飛q(q 羽毛纖維對Cu~(2+)的吸附機理探究.&q盧璐, 王洪, 柯勤飛 and 靳向煜.1q)L. Lu, H. Wang, Q. Ke and X. Jin (2011). 3q+Cu~(2+) Uptake Mechanism of Feather Fiber. ?q 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.q 37(6):740-744.q Lu Lu, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Hong, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ke Qinfq $q 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 r|0114 r}cscdr~紡織學院r程隆棣r053498r集聚紡的紗線強力理論.(r 栗強, 程隆棣, 薛文良 and 華誌宏.OrGL. I. Qiang, C. Longdi, X. U. E. Wenliang and H. U. A. Zhihong (2011). 8r0Theoretical Study on Strength of Compact Yarns. ?r 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.r 37(3):327-330.r LI Qiang, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHENG Longdi, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XUE Wr 栗強, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 程隆棣, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛文良, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 華誌宏, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國.$r 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 s|0115 s}cscds~紡織學院s張佩華s0629803s+納米抗菌雙羅紋針織物抗起毛起球整理及其性能. s孫敏, 張佩華 and 曹春祥.,s$M. Sun, P. Zhang and C. Cao (2011). jsbAnti-fuzzing and Pilling Treatment and Properties of Nano-anti-bacteria Interlock Knitted Fabric. ?s 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.s 37(5):590-593.s Sun Min, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Peihua, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cao s 孫敏, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 張佩華, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹春祥, 上海三槍(集團)有限公司, 上海 200023, 中國.$s 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 t|0116 t}cscdt~紡織學院t殷保璞t0100311t)分裂型纖維水刺非織造布的雙向拉伸開纖方法.2t*錢雯瑾, 殷保璞, 吳海波, 郭曉彤 and 靳向煜._tWQ. Wenjin, Y. I. N. Baopu, W. U. Haibo, G. U. O. Xiaotong and J. I. N. Xiangyu (2011). atYSplitting Split-Type Fiber Spunlace Nonwovens by Using Two-Way Stretch Splitting Method. ?t 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.t 37(3):321-326.t QIAN Wenjin, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YIN Baopu, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Hat $t 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 u|0117 u}cscdu~紡織學院u李毓陵u052684#u人造血管水滲透率的理論探討..u&楊夫全, 李毓陵, 陳旭煒, 丁辛 and 王璐.=u5F. Yang, Y. Li, X. Chen, X. Ding and L. Wang (2011). NuFTheoretical Studies on the Water Permeability of Artificial Vascular. ?u 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.u 37(6):689-692.u Yang Fuquan, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Yuling, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cu $u 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 v|0118 v}cscdv~紡織學院v張瑞寅v216273%v天絲在拉舍爾毛毯上的開發應用.*v"張瑞寅, 魏孟媛, 鐘成宗 and 薛文良.6v.R. Zhang, M. Wei, C. Zhong and W. Xue (2011). Bv:Development and Application of Tencel in Raschel Blanket. ?v 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.v 37(6):712-715.v Zhang Ruiyin, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Wenliang, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinJv 張瑞寅, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛文良, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 魏孟媛, 上海出入境檢驗檢疫局, 上海 200135, 中國. 鐘成宗, 廣東省佛山市南方技術創新中心, 佛山, 廣東 528211, 中國.&   .0 4= AC IK SU qs w          %v  紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 w|0119 w}cscdw~紡織學院 w丁辛w052760+w#穿戴式足底壓力測試技術的研發與進展.&w金曼, 丁辛, 甘以明 and 楊旭東.4w,M. Jin, X. Ding, Y. Gan and X. Yang (2011). OwGResearch progress of wearable plantar pressure measurement technology. $w Journal of Textile Research.w 32(1):145-148.w Jin Man, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Xin, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gan Yiw 金曼, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁辛, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 甘以明, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊旭東, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.$w 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 x|0120 x}cscdx~紡織學院x程隆棣x053498+x#等離子體處理對芳碸綸相關性能的影響."x吳永倩, 程隆棣 and 殷慶永.@x8W. U. Yongqian, C. Longdi and Y. I. N. Qingyong (2011). KxCThe Effect of Plasma Treatment on Related Properties of PSA Fiber. ?x 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.x 37(2):142-145.x WU Yongqian, Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHENG Longdi, Key Laboratory of Textile Science and Technology Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chinax 吳永倩, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 程隆棣, 恒行3平台, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 殷慶永, 上海特安綸纖維有限公司, 上海 201419, 中國.   .0 4= AC IK SU qs w     $x 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室 y|0121 y}cscdy~紡織學院y余序芬y/y'應用圖像分析技術自動識別織物的組織結構."y辛斌傑, 余序芬 and 吳兆平.@y8X. I. N. Binjie, Y. U. Xufen and W. U. Zhaoping (2011). TyLAutomatic Identifying the Woven Fabric Pattern by Image Analysis Technique. ?y 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.y 37(1):35-41.y XIN Binjie, College of Fashion Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Zhaoping, College of Fashion Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Xufen, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghy 辛斌傑, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳兆平, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 余序芬, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.y 紡織學院 z|0122 z}cscdz~紡織學院z郁崇文z052991%z梳棉棉網中棉結的在線視覺識別.z陳俊琰 and 郁崇文."zJ. Chen and C. Yu (2011). 7z/On-line Nep Visual Recognition in Carding Web. ?z 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.z 37(6):708.z Chen Junyan, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Chongwen, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.az Y陳俊琰, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 郁崇文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.z 紡織學院 {|0123 {}cscd{~紡織學院{王府梅{053916.{&Ptt/pet自卷曲纖維彈性伸長率的預測方法.{顧飛 and 王府梅.'{G. U. Fei and W. Fumei (2011). Q{IPrediction Method of Elastic Elongation of PTT/PET Self-Crimping Fibers. ?{ 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.{ 37(3):261-266.{ GU Fei, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Fumei, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China._{ W顧飛, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王府梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.{ 紡織學院 ||0124 |}cscd|~紡織學院 |高晶|0547573|+鵝☂️、鴨絨纖維形態結構差異及對保暖性能的影響.|付賢文 and 高晶.!|X. Fu and J. Gao (2011). |Difference of morphological structures between goose down fiber and duck down fiber and their effect on thermal retaining property. $| Journal of Textile Research.| 32(12):10-14.| Fu Xianwen, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gao Jing, College of Textiles,Donghua University; Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles,Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China.| w付賢文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 高晶, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.| 紡織學院 }|0125 }}cscd}~紡織學院}龍海如}061308#}經編間隔織物的吸聲性能研究.}梁麗娟 and 龍海如.%}L. Liang and H. Long (2011). T}LInvestigation on Sound Absorption Properties of Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabric. ?} 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.} 37(5):599-602.} Liang Lijuan, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Long Hairu, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a} Y梁麗娟, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 龍海如, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.} 紡織學院 ~|0126 ~}cscd~~紡織學院~王府梅~053916A~9服裝廓形至關重要的織物弧度塑形性的研究評價方法與設計要領.~趙立環 and 王府梅.'~Z. Lihuan and W. Fumei (2011). y~qStudy on a Critical Property to Garment Silhouette-Radian PlasticityEvaluation Methods and Designing Essentials. ?~ 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.~ 37(1):28-34.~ ZHAO Lihuan, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Fumei, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a~ Y趙立環, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王府梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.~ 紡織學院 |0127 }cscd~紡織學院 趙俐062834;3變化底板雙面提花針織床墊布保形性與包覆性的綜合評判.李麗敏 and 趙俐.&L. I. Limin and Z. Li (2011). Integrative Judgment on Shape Preservation and Enwrapping of Double Jacquard Knitting Mattress Coverings with Different Soleplate. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):336-340. LI Limin, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Li, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China._ W李麗敏, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙俐, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院Dhl 5'ay @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0128 }cscd~紡織學院曾泳春0543515-利用數值模擬和多目標遺傳算法優化熔噴狹槽流場.*"劉博文, 曾泳春, 王雲俠 and 易建設.3+B. Liu, Y. Zeng, Y. Wang and J. Yi (2011). yOptimization Air Flow Field of the Melt Blowing Slot Die via Numerical Simulation and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):683. Liu Bowen, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zeng Yongchun, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Yunxia, Fenghua Shuangdun Textile Canvas Co. Ltd., Fenghua, Zhejiang 315505, China. Yi Jianshe 劉博文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾泳春, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王雲俠, 奉化市雙盾紡織帆布實業有限公司, 奉化, 浙江 315505, 中國. 易建設, 奉化市雙盾紡織帆布實業有限公司, 奉化, 浙江 315505, 中國. 紡織學院 |0129 }cscd~紡織學院於偉東061339-%羊毛原纖體增強角蛋白膜的力學性能表征.劉洋 and 於偉東.!Y. Liu and W. Yu (2011). OGMechanical Properties of Keratin Membranes Reinforced by Wool Fibrils. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):698-702. Liu Yang, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Weidong, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China._ W劉洋, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0130 }cscd~紡織學院劉麗芳0545651)變截面三維編織復合材料減紗工藝與彎曲性能.*"劉兆麟, 程燦燦, 劉麗芳 and 俞建勇.3+Z. Liu, C. Cheng, L. Liu and J. Yu (2011). meReducing-yarn technique and flexural properties of 3D braided composites with tapered cross-section. ( Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica. 28(6):118-124. Liu Zhaolin, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology(Ministry of Education), College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cheng Cancan, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology(Ministry of Education), College of Textiles,   紡織學院 |0131 }cscd~紡織學院 李煒053883/'拉擠工藝用耐高溫環氧樹脂性能研究與開發. 李孟洋, 李煒 and 羅永康.@8L. I. Mengyang, L. I. Wei and L. U. O. Yongkang (2011). _WDEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY STUDY OF THE THERMOSTABLE EPOXY RESIN FOR PULTRUSION PROCESS. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 4):55. LI Mengyang, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Wei, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LUO Yongkang, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 李孟洋, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅永康, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李煒, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 教育部面料重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0132 }cscd~紡織學院 王妮054507)!二氧化鈦對聚酯壓片光學性能的影響.6.王妮, 潘文燕, 陳晨, 杜海宇, 施楣梧 and 俞建勇.`XW. Ni, P. A. N. Wenyan, C. Chen, D. U. Haiyu, S. H. I. Meiwu and Y. U. Jianyong (2011). RJEffect of Titanium Dioxide on the Optical Properties of Polyester Tablet. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):16-22. WANG Ni, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. PAN Wenyan, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Chen, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DU Haiyu, College of Textiles D  紡織學院 |0133 }cscd~紡織學院 陳霞0544431)超聲波對羊毛纖維表面形態與內部結晶的影響.彭帆, 陳霞 and 黃秀寶..&F. Peng, X. Chen and X. Huang (2011). c[Effects of Ultrasonic Treatment on Surface Morphology and Inner Crystalline of Wool Fiber. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):693-697. Peng Fan, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Xia, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Xiubao, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 彭帆, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳霞, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃秀寶, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0134 }cscd~紡織學院黃莉茜054054>6熱處理對一步法Poy/fdy滌綸異收縮混纖絲結構、性能的影響.80高思遠, 黃莉茜, 王學利, 謝倩, 俞建勇 and 孫德明.h`G. A. O. Siyuan, H. Liqian, W. Xueli, X. I. E. Qian, Y. U. Jianyong and S. U. N. Deming (2011). |The Influences of Heat Treatment on the Shrinkage and Tensile Property of One-Step Process POY/FDY Polyester Combined Yarn. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):267-271. GAO Siyuan, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Liqian, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XIE Qian, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Xueli, Modern Textile   紡織學院 |0135 }cscd~紡織學院徐廣標054698木棉纖維表面吸附特性."孫向玲, 徐廣標 and 王府梅.*"X. Sun, G. Xu and F. Wang (2011). ?7The Surface Adsorption Characteristics of Kapok Fiber. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):586-589. Sun Xiangling, College of Textiles; Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Fumei, College of Textiles; Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Guangbiao, College of Textiles; Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of  孫向玲, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王府梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 徐廣標, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0136 }cscd~紡織學院龍海如0613084,基於改進Radon變換的緯編針織物線形狀疵點檢測. 孫堯, 龍海如 and 郭曉芳.+#Y. Sun, H. Long and X. Guo (2011). f^Detection of Weft Knitted Fabric Defects with Linear Shape Based on Improved Radon Transform. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):603-609. Sun Yao, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Long Hairu, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Guo Xiaofang, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 孫堯, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 龍海如, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 郭曉芳, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0137 }cscd~紡織學院 汪軍053987/'簡化前後的盒維數用於織物疵點檢測的對比. 田承泰, 汪軍 and 步紅剛.+#C. Tian, J. Wang and H. Bu (2011). h`Comparison of Fabric Defect Detection by Original and Simplified Box-Dimension Feature Vectors. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):579-585. Tian Chengtai, College of Textiles; Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Bu Honggang, College of Textiles; Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Jun, College of Textiles; Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Educat 田承泰, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 步紅剛, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪軍, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0138 }cscd~紡織學院劉麗芳054565/'堿性果膠酶處理對亞麻落麻纖維性能的影響.2*王倩麗, 劉麗芳, 俞建勇, 程隆棣 and 黃莉茜.>6Q. Wang, L. Liu, J. Yu, L. Cheng and L. Huang (2011). MEEffects of Alkaline Pectinase on the Properties of Flax Noil Fibers. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):703-707. Wang Qianli, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Lifang, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Do  紡織學院 |0139 }cscd~紡織學院張文賡%高產梳棉機梳理作用的理論探討.張文賡.Z. Wengeng (2011). RJInvestigation of the Carding Action of High Production Cotton Card Frame. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):305-309.V NZHANG Wengeng, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.4 ,張文賡, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0140 }cscd~紡織學院張瑞雲063631-%滌棉織物在Nmmo溶劑中的溶解及溶液性能.周文娟 and 張瑞雲.)!Z. Wenjuan and Z. Ruiyun (2011). [SDissolving & solution property of cotton/polyester blended fabric in NMMO solvent. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(8):30-37. ZHOU Wenjuan, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Ruiyun, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 210620, China. w周文娟, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張瑞雲, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 210620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0141 }cscd~紡織學院覃小紅0546762*氯化鋰對靜電紡Pva納米纖維的拉伸過程的影響.盧文芸 and 覃小紅.3+L. U. Wenyun and Q. I. N. Xiaohong (2011). WOEffect of LiCl on the Spinning Stretching of PVA Nanofiber on Electrospinning. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):23. LU Wenyun, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. QIN Xiaohong, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 盧文芸, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 覃小紅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0142 }cscd~紡織學院 丁辛052760,$方平組織Pvc塗層膜材料的塑性變形性能. 張伍連, 丁辛 and 楊旭東.0(Z. Wulian, D. Xin and Y. Xudong (2011). UMPlastic deformation analysis of PVC coated fabric with regular basket weave. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(7):65-69. ZHANG Wulian, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DING Xin, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Xudong, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 張伍連, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁辛, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊旭東, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0143 }cscd~紡織學院曾泳春054351)!電場分布對靜電紡絲纖維直徑的影響.謝勝 and 曾泳春.#S. Xie and Y. Zeng (2011). 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Pan Ning, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 楊樹, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 於偉東, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 潘寧, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0147 }cscd~紡織學院 胡紅/'機織針織復合結構增強復合材料的拉伸性能. 徐艷華, 袁新林 and 胡紅.7/X. U. Yanhua, Y. Xinlin and H. U. Hong (2011). METensile Properties of Co-Woven-Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composites. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):42-45. XU Yanhua, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YUAN Xinlin, Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China. HU Hong, Institute of Textiles and Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong K 徐艷華, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 袁新林, 南通紡織職業技術學院, 南通, 江蘇 226007, 中國. 胡紅, 香港理工大學紡織製衣學院, 香港, 中國. 紡織學院 |0148 }cscd~紡織學院 李煒053883&Vartm工藝中增強體的滲透率測定.張默 and 李煒.#M. Zhang and W. Li (2011). PHMEASUREMENT ON THE PERMEABILITY OF REINFORCEMENTS IN THE VARTM PROCESS. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 6):54-56. Zhang Me, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Wei, College of Textiles, Donghua University; Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China.} u張默, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李煒, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0149 }cscd~紡織學院郁崇文052991/'並條機主牽伸區牽伸力在線測量系統的研製.張之亮 and 郁崇文./'Z. Zhiliang and Y. U. Chongwen (2011). QIStudy on the On-line Drafting Force Measurement System on Drawing Frame. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):331. ZHANG Zhiliang, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Chongwen, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a Y張之亮, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 郁崇文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0150 }cscd~紡織學院孫寶忠0547585-高應變率下玄武巖纖維和芳綸纖維的拉伸斷裂性能.竺鋁濤 and 孫寶忠."L. Zhu and B. Sun (2011). bZFracture Mechanism of Basalt Filament and Twaron Filament under High Strain Rate Tensile. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):565-569. Zhu Liitao, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Baozhong, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a Y竺鋁濤, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫寶忠, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0151 }cscd~紡織學院余序芬/'應用圖像分析技術自動識別織物的組織結構."辛斌傑, 余序芬 and 吳兆平.@8X. I. N. Binjie, Y. U. Xufen and W. U. Zhaoping (2011). TLAutomatic Identifying the Woven Fabric Pattern by Image Analysis Technique. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):35-41. XIN Binjie, College of Fashion Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Zhaoping, College of Fashion Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Xufen, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shangh 辛斌傑, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳兆平, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 余序芬, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0152 }cscd~紡織學院 高晶054757;3低溫等離子體處理及丙烯酸接枝改性膨化聚四氟乙烯薄膜..&陳虧, 高晶, 俞建勇, 還偉海 and 馬一梓.:2K. Chen, J. Gao, J. 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RJSTUDY ON SIZING PROCESSING AND ITS EFFECT ON PROPERTIES OF CARBON FIBERS. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 3):48-51. ZHANG Huanxia, College of Textile Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Wei, College of Textile Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LUO Yongkang, College of Textile Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 張煥俠, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李煒, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅永康, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0155 }cscd~紡織學院王善元'耐久壓燙整理純棉織物的撕破性能. 彭會濤, 張慶 and 王善元.3+P. Huitao, Z. Qing and W. Shanyuan (2011). B:Tearing Property of Durable Press Finished Cotton Fabric. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):165-169. PENG Huitao, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Shanyuan, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Qing, Shanghai Textile Research Institute, Shanghai 200082, China. 彭會濤, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王善元, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張慶, 上海市紡織科學研究院, 上海 200082, 中國. 紡織學院 |0156 }cscd~紡織學院 胡紅/'機織針織復合結構增強復合材料的拉伸性能. 徐艷華, 袁新林 and 胡紅.~vH. Jin, X. U. Yanhua, S. Na, Y. Xinlin, L. I. U. HouJia, H. U. Hong, P. U. Jiang, H. U. JinHong and X. YaoJun (2011). METensile Properties of Co-Woven-Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composites. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):42-45. HUANG Jin, Department of Pharmacy Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. SHEN Na, Department of Pharmacy Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. HU JinHong, Department of Pharmac 徐艷華, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 袁新林, 南通紡織職業技術學院, 南通, 江蘇 226007, 中國. 胡紅, 香港理工大學紡織製衣學院, 香港. 紡織學院 |0157 }cscd~紡織學院郭臘梅053948!漿液滲透性能的測試與評價.*"郭臘梅, 黃少鋒, 戴傳彪 and 胡力主.PHG. U. O. Lamei, H. Shaofeng, D. A. I. Chuanbiao and H. U. Lizhu (2011). 2*Test and evaluation of size permeability. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):63-66. GUO Lamei, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Shaofeng, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DAI Chuanbiao, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HU Lizhu, College of  郭臘梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃少鋒, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 戴傳彪, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡力主, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0158 }cscd~紡織學院何建新&纖維素/絲素復合膜的製備與性能.李娟 and 何建新. J. Li and J. He (2011). H@Preparation and Properties of Cellulose-Silk Compound Membrane. 4 ,Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology. 19(3):62-67. Li Juan, Textile School, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. He Jianxin, Textile School, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China._ W李娟, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 何建新, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0159 }cscd~紡織學院王府梅053916A9服裝廓形至關重要的織物弧度塑形性的研究評價方法與設計要領.趙立環 and 王府梅.KCK. LiPing, Z. Lihuan, C. A. I. YingYun, W. Fumei and J. Li (2011). yqStudy on a Critical Property to Garment Silhouette-Radian PlasticityEvaluation Methods and Designing Essentials. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):28-34. KUANG LiPing, Department of Pharmacy Karamay Central Hospital, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000, China. ZHAO Lihuan, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Fumei, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CAI Yia Y趙立環, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王府梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院D檆l?5R><rQ FaiSe@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0160 }cscd~紡織學院 丁辛052760一種柔性觸控裝置的研製. 劉玲玲, 丁辛 and 楊旭東.,$L. Liu, X. Ding and X. Yang (2011). -%Development of a flexible touch pad. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(9):59-63. Liu Lingling, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Xin, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology,Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Xudong, College of Textiles, 劉玲玲, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁辛, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊旭東, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0161 }cscd~紡織學院王府梅053916織物遮光性測試方法.*"劉曉松, 高永紅, 王府梅 and 施楣梧.3+X. Liu, Y. Gao, F. Wang and M. Shi (2011). 7/Testing light shielding properties of fabrics. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(3):70-76. Liu Xiaosong, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gao Yonghong, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Fumei, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shi Meiwu, The Quart 劉曉松, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 高永紅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王府梅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 施楣梧, 總後軍需裝備研究所, 北京 100082, 中國. 紡織學院 |0162 }cscd~紡織學院 王璐0511995-腔內隔絕術用支架的織物覆膜體外彎折疲勞的研究.林婧, 沈高天 and 王璐.JBG. Robert, L. I. N. Jing, S. GaoTian, W. Lu and G. 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Hongyuan (2011). qiMechanical properties of inorganic powder modified polypropylene spun-bonded fabric by inorganic powder. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):57-62. XIANG Tianxia, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JIN Xiangyu, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Haibo, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HE Zhirong, College of Te  紡織學院 |0165 }cscd~紡織學院王春霞3+水分對常壓等離子體處理纖維結構與性能的影響. 王春霞, 杜梅 and 邱夷平.*"C. Wang, M. Du and Y. Qiu (2011). rjInfluence of moisture on structure and properties of fibers during atmospheric pressure plasma treatment. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(3):17. Wang Chunxia, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Du Mei, Textile Engineering Department,Yancheng College of Textile Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224000, China. Qiu Yiping, College of Textiles and Clothing,Yancheng Institute o 王春霞, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 杜梅, 鹽城紡織職業技術學院紡織工程系, 鹽城, 江蘇 224000, 中國. 邱夷平, 鹽城工學院紡織服裝學院, 鹽城, 江蘇 224003, 中國. 紡織學院 |0166 }cscd~紡織學院王春霞+#回潮率對常壓等離子體處理效果的影響. 王春霞, 杜梅 and 邱夷平.*"C. Wang, M. Du and Y. Qiu (2011). ZRInfluence of moisture regain on effects of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(3):36-41. Wang Chunxia, College of Textiles and Clothing, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224003, China. Du Mei, Textile Department, Yancheng College of Textile Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224000, China. Qiu Yiping, College of Textiles, Donghu 王春霞, 鹽城工學院紡織服裝學院, 鹽城, 江蘇 224003, 中國. 杜梅, 鹽城紡織職業技術學院紡織工程系, 鹽城, 江蘇 224000, 中國. 邱夷平, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0167 }cscd~紡織學院王春霞5-環境濕度對常壓等離子體處理拒水纖維效果的影響. 王春霞, 杜梅 and 邱夷平.*"C. Wang, M. Du and Y. Qiu (2011). vnInfluence of environmental moisture on effects of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of hydrophobic fiber. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(10):21-25. Wang Chunxia, College of Textiles and Clothing, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224003, China. Du Mei, Department of Textile Engineering, Yancheng Textile Vocational Technology College, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224005, China. Qiu Yiping, Coll 王春霞, 鹽城工學院紡織服裝學院, 鹽城, 江蘇 224003, 中國. 杜梅, 鹽城紡織職業技術學院紡織工程系, 鹽城, 江蘇 224005, 中國. 邱夷平, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0168 }cscd~紡織學院 晏雄051174+#一種新型方塊地毯背襯的力學性能研究.王坤, 崔建偉 and 晏雄.+#K. Wang, J. Cui and X. Yan (2011). G?STUDY ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ONE CARPET TILE BACKING. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 2):36. Wang Kun, The Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Xiong, The Key Lab of Textile Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua  王坤, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 晏雄, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 崔建偉, 南通大學紡織服裝學院, 南通, 江蘇 226007, 中國. 紡織學院 |0169 }cscd~紡織學院 80廢棄混紡纖維/聚乳酸復合材料的製備及力學性能研究.( 王偉, 於永玲, 呂麗華 and 劉學芳.1)W. Wang, Y. Yu, L. Lv and X. Liu (2011). _WPreparation and Study on Mechanical Properties of Waste Blended Fibers/PLA Composites.  China Plastics Industry. 39(11):95. Wang Wei, Green Fiber Application Technology Research Institute, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning 116034, China. Yu Yongling, Green Fiber Application Technology Research Institute, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning 116034, Chi 王偉, 大連工業大學綠色纖維應用技術研究所, 大連, 遼寧 116034, 中國. 於永玲, 大連工業大學綠色纖維應用技術研究所, 大連, 遼寧 116034, 中國. 呂麗華, 大連工業大學綠色纖維應用技術研究所, 大連, 遼寧 116034, 中國. 劉學芳, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0170 }cscd~紡織學院崔運花0533633+常壓等離子體技術改善滌綸及滌棉紗的吸濕性能.@8陸偉, 崔運花, 刁穎, 陳艷弘, 鄧果陽, 呂靖, 劉昱 and 向艷.ldL. U. Wei, C. U. I. Yunhua, D. Ying, C. Yanhong, D. Gaoyang, Lujing, L. I. U. Yu and X. Yan (2011). nfMoisture-Absorption Improvement of Polyester and T/C Yarns by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Technology. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):138-141. LU Wei, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CUI Yunhua, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Yanhong, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DENG Gaoyang, College of Text  紡織學院 |0171 }cscd~紡織學院張文賡蓋板梳理理論的新解.張文賡.Z. Wengeng (2011). 3+New Explanation of Theory of Flat Carding. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):133-137.V NZHANG Wengeng, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.4 ,張文賡, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0172 }cscd~紡織學院 王妮054507+#織物基本參數對遮光性影響的因子分析.6.潘文燕, 王妮, 施楣梧, 俞建勇, 胡崛 and 陳佳年.aYP. A. N. Wenyan, W. Ni, S. H. I. Meiwu, Y. U. Jianyong, H. U. Jue and C. Jianian (2011). _WFactor Analysis of Effect of Basic Parameters of Fabric on the Light Shading Property. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):153. PAN Wenyan, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Ni, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HU Jue, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Jianian, College of Textiles   紡織學院 |0173 }cscd~紡織學院馮勛偉3+針織運動上衣結構和面料變化對服裝壓力的影響."宋曉霞, 董寶雲 and 馮勛偉.4,S. Xiaoxia, D. Baoyun and F. Xunwei (2011). KCInfluence of Construction and Fabric on Sport Knitwear's Pressure. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):170-176. SONG Xiaoxia, Fashion Institute Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. FENG Xunwei, Fashion Institute Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China. DONG Baoyun, College of Textiles Donghua University, Sha 宋曉霞, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 董寶雲, 上海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 馮勛偉, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0174 }cscd~紡織學院王新厚053868-%濺射式規模化靜電紡絲法的工藝參數優化.孫曉霞 and 王新厚./'S. U. N. Xiaoxia and W. Xinhou (2011). VNOptimization of the Sputtering Needleless Electrospinning Process Parameters. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):158-161. SUN Xiaoxia, College of Texitles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Xinhou, College of Texitles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a Y孫曉霞, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王新厚, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0175 }cscd~紡織學院 胡紅91玄武巖纖維機織針織復合結構增強復合材料的拉伸性能. 徐艷華, 袁新林 and 胡紅.)!Y. Xu, X. Yuan and H. Hu (2011). _WTensile properties of co-woven-knitted fabric with basalt fiber reinforced composites. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(2):48-52. Xu Yanhua, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yuan Xinlin, Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China. Hu Hong, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong 徐艷華, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 袁新林, 南通紡織職業技術學院, 南通, 江蘇 226007, 中國. 胡紅, 香港理工大學紡織及製衣學系, 香港. 紡織學院 |0176 }cscd~紡織學院 胡紅;3真空輔助成型工藝中亞麻纖維增強體樹脂流動性能的研究.薛道順 and 胡紅.!D. Xue and H. Hu (2011). kcTHE RESEARCH ON FLOW CHARACTER OF FLAX REINFORCEMENT UNDER VACUUM ASSISTED RESIN TRANSFER MOLDING. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 2):15. Xue Daoshun, Textile College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Hong, Textile College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China._ W薛道順, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡紅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0177 }cscd~紡織學院 胡紅5-非織造工藝對天然纖維增強體樹脂流動性能的影響. 薛道順, 周紅濤 and 胡紅.*"D. Xue, H. Zhou and H. Hu (2011). `XEFFECT OF NON-WOVEN TECHNOLOGY ON RESIN FLOW CHARACTER FOR NATURAL FIBER REINFORCEMENT. - %Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 1):29-32. Xue Daoshun, Textile College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Hong, Textile College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Hongtao, Yancheng Textile Vocational Technology College, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224005, China. 薛道順, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡紅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周紅濤, 鹽城紡織職業技術學院, 鹽城, 江蘇 224005, 中國. 紡織學院 |0178 }cscd~紡織學院李發學054753-%縫紉工藝對縫紉復合材料彎曲性能的影響. 徐萍, 李發學 and 俞建勇.7/Xuping, L. I. Faxue and Y. U. Jianyong (2011). WOEffects of Stitch Parameters on the Bending Properties of Stitched Composites. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):162. XUPing, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Faxue, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Jianyong, Modern Textile Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 徐萍, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李發學, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 俞建勇, 恒行3平台現代紡織研究院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0179 }cscd~紡織學院楊建平0512905-網格圈負壓式集聚紡集聚區須條半自由端加撚機製.楊建平, 傅婷 and 汪軍.+#J. Yang, T. Fu and J. Wang (2011). ~vSemi-open-end twisting mechanism of fiber strand in condensing zone in pneumatic compact spinning with lattice apron. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(10):37-41. Yang Jianping, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Fu Ting, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Jun, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 楊建平, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 傅婷, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪軍, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0180 }cscd~紡織學院覃小紅0546762*氯化鋰對靜電紡Pva納米纖維的拉伸過程的影響.盧文芸 and 覃小紅.UML. I. N. Yang, L. U. Wenyun, R. U. I. YaoCheng and Q. I. N. Xiaohong (2011). WOEffect of LiCl on the Spinning Stretching of PVA Nanofiber on Electrospinning. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):23. LIN Yang, Department of Pharmacology School of Pharmacy Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. RUI YaoCheng, Department of Pharmacology School of Pharmacy Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. LU Wenyun, Key Labo 盧文芸, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 覃小紅, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0181 }cscd~紡織學院 王妮054507)!二氧化鈦對聚酯壓片光學性能的影響.6.王妮, 潘文燕, 陳晨, 杜海宇, 施楣梧 and 俞建勇.L. U. Yang, W. Ni, Z. XianXian, P. A. N. Wenyan, Q. I. N. YongWen, C. Chen, D. U. Haiyu, S. H. I. Meiwu and Y. U. Jianyong (2011). RJEffect of Titanium Dioxide on the Optical Properties of Polyester Tablet. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):16-22. LU Yang, Department of Cardiovasology Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. ZHAO XianXian, Department of Cardiovasology Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. QIN YongWen, Depa  紡織學院 |0182 }cscd~紡織學院高衛東5-轉杯紡復合紗長絲與短纖復合點位置的建模與分析."楊瑞華, 高衛東 and 王善元.,$R. Yang, W. Gao and S. Wang (2011). ]UMathematic model of convergent point for rotor-spun composite yarn spinning process. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(4):39. Yang Ruihua, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles(Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. Gao Weidong, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles(Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. Wang Shanyuan, Coll 楊瑞華, 江南大學, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 無錫, 江蘇 214122, 中國. 高衛東, 江南大學, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 無錫, 江蘇 214122, 中國. 王善元, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.   *, 02 6? CE KM UW oq uw {      紡織學院 |0183 }cscd~紡織學院郁崇文052991亞麻纖維的脫膠工藝.張毅 and 郁崇文.)!Z. Yi and Y. U. Chongwen (2011). 1)A novel degumming process of flax fiber. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(6):71-74. ZHANG Yi, Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China. YU Chongwen, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.i a張毅, 浙江工業職業技術學院, 紹興, 浙江 312000, 中國. 郁崇文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0184 }cscd~紡織學院 ~張斌054612)!接枝變性澱粉漿料的研究現狀及進展..&張斌, 王璐, 趙國瑛, 楊自治 and 賈舜華.?7B. Zhang, L. Wang, G. Zhao, Z. Yang and S. Jia (2011). 4,Development of Starch Graft Copolymer Size.  Materials Review. 25(1上):99. Zhang Bin, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Lu, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jia Shunhua, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Guoying, Hailan Group,  紡織學院 |0185 }cscd~紡織學院龍海如061308)!緯編針織物雙向拉伸性能測試與分析.張一平 and 龍海如.%Y. Zhang and H. Long (2011). UMTesting and analysis of biaxial tensile performance of weft knitted fabrics. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(11):37-41. Zhang Yiping, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Long Hairu, College of Textiles,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a Y張一平, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 龍海如, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 紡織學院 |0186 }cscd 分析測試中心~林丹麗U12452980裂解氣相色譜-質譜聯用法分析聚醚酰亞胺的裂解產物.;"林丹麗, 劉曉雲, 虞鑫海 and 査劉生.!UML. I. N. Danli, L. I. U. Xiaoyun, Y. U. Xinhai and Z. H. A. Liusheng (2011). >6Analysis of Pyrolyzates of Polyetherimide by PyGC-MS. / 'Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis. 47(4):438-441. LIN Danli, Analytical and Testing Center Dong-hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Xiaoyun, Analytical and Testing Center Dong-hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHA Liusheng, Analytical and Testing Center Dong-hua University, Shanghai 201620, 林丹麗, 恒行3平台分析測試中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉曉雲, 恒行3平台分析測試中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 査劉生, 恒行3平台分析測試中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 虞鑫海, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.   "+ /1 79 MO S\ `b hj ~       分析測試中心 |0187 }cscd 分析測試中心~楊健茂U124846%量子點敏化太陽能電池研究進展.S2楊健茂, 胡向華, 田啟威, 唐明華, 陳誌鋼 and 查劉生.  &+1E=J. Yang, X. Hu, Q. Tian, M. Tang, Z. Chen and L. Zha (2011). A9Progress of Quantum Dot Research Sensitized Solar Cells.  Materials Review. 25(12A):1-4. Yang Jianmao, Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Shanghai 201620, China. Zha Liusheng, Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua Uni  分析測試中心 |0188 }cscd 分析測試中心 ~0(碳納米管接枝聚乙二醇負載ZnO的製備與表征.Y4吳文文, 張莉, 隋坤艷, 高聳, 吳智明, 趙昕 and 李玉金. "$(-3JBW. Wu, L. Zhang, K. Sui, S. Gao, Z. Wu, X. Zhao and Y. Li (2011). KCPreparation and characterization of MWNT-g-PEG/ZnO nanocomposites. ( Journal of Functional Materials. 42(10):1742-1745. Wu Wenwen, State Key Laboratory Training Base for New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China. Sui Kunyan, State Key Laboratory Training Base for New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, Qingdao University, Q  分析測試中心 |0189 }cscd 分析測試中心~楊健茂U124846'有機無機雜化太陽能電池研究進展.*"楊健茂, 彭彥玲, 田啟威 and 陳誌鋼.6.J. Yang, Y. Peng, Q. Tian and Z. Chen (2011). :2Progress in organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells. ! Modern Chemical Industry. 31(10):24-27. Yang Jianmao, Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Peng Yanling, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tian Qiwei, College of Materials Science and En  分析測試中心 |0190 }cscd服裝學院~張祖芳絲帶繡設計的數字化表達.,$陳瀏, 張祖芳, 曹娉, 張華玲 and 韓霏.?7L. Chen, Z. Zhang, P. Cao, H. Zhang and F. Han (2011). 4,Digitalization in Ribbon Embroidery Design. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):614-619. Chen Liu, Fashion Institute, Zhejiang Textile & Fashion College, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315211, China. Zhang Zufang, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Cao Ping, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Sh  服裝學院 |0191 }cscd服裝學院~陳益松053162)!雙頻光柵相位法應用於三維人體測量.陳益松 and 吳新俠."Y. Chen and X. Wu (2011). _WThe Dual-Frequency Grating Phase Measuring Profilometry for 3D Human Body Measurement. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):736. Chen Yisong, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Wu Xinxia, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.u m陳益松, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 吳新俠, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院D揷l)7X>eW= R5+5Ux(a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0192 }cscd服裝學院~張祖芳/'兒童連身褲結構參數與人體運動適應性研究."張華玲, 張祖芳 and 陳建亭.6.Z. Hualing, Z. Zufang and C. Jianting (2011). h`A Study of the Structural Parameters of Kids Rompers and the Dynamic Flexibility of Human Body. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):57-60. ZHANG Hualing, Department of Textile Engineering Liming Vocational University, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China. CHEN Jianting, Department of Textile Engineering Liming Vocational University, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China. ZHANG Zufang, Fashion Institute D 張華玲, 黎明職業大學輕紡工程系, 泉州, 福建 362000, 中國. 陳建亭, 黎明職業大學輕紡工程系, 泉州, 福建 362000, 中國. 張祖芳, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0193 }cscd服裝學院 ~%抗壓力襪的性能測試分析與試織.張斯雯 and 王文祖.&Z. Siwen and W. Wenzu (2011). KCPerformance Testing and Trial Knitting of Anti-embolism Stockings. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):46. ZHANG Siwen, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Wenzu, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.a Y張斯雯, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王文祖, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 服裝學院 |0194 }cscd服裝學院~王革輝073632合體褲的壓力舒適性.王革輝 and 姚莉萍.#G. Wang and L. Yao (2011). *"Pressure Comfort of Fitted Pants. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):727-730. Wang Gehui, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Yao Liping, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.u m王革輝, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 姚莉萍, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0195 }cscd服裝學院 ~徐軍054093!用透濕杯法測量織物的濕阻.徐軍 and 陳益松."J. Xu and Y. Chen (2011). C;Measuring the Fabric Water Vapor Resistance by Cup Method. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):610-613. Xu Jun, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Yisong, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.s k徐軍, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳益松, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0196 }cscd服裝學院~楊以雄0713961)我國服裝加工企業體面勞動現狀與認同度探析.( 楊澄, 楊以雄, 杞文楠 and 孫骎骎.3+C. Yang, Y. Yang, W. Qi and Q. Sun (2011). d\Situation and Identity Evaluation of Decent Work in Chinese Apparel Processing Enterprises. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):784-788. Yang Cheng, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Yang Yixiong, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Qi Wennan, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 楊澄, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 楊以雄, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 杞文楠, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 孫骎骎, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0197 }cscd服裝學院~於曉坤014263-%女裝圓裝袖袖窿三維形態虛擬模型的建立."於曉坤, 尹平玉 and 何海洋.( X. Yu, P. Yin and H. He (2011). f^Establishment of Virtual Three-Dimensional Armhole Model for Women's Basic Suit-Dress Sleeve. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):731-735. Yu Xiaokun, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Yin Pingyu, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. He Haiyang, Fashion and Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai  於曉坤, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 尹平玉, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 何海洋, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0198 }cscd服裝學院~劉曉剛0735115-基於蒙賽爾色彩調和理論的男式商務西裝典型配色.滕兆媛 and 劉曉剛.2*T. Zhaoyuan and L. I. U. Xiaogang (2011). dWTypical color matching of men′s business suits based on Munsell color harmony theory.  $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(8):117-121. TENG Zhaoyuan, Fashion·Art Design Institute,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LIU Xiaogang, Fashion·Art Design Institute,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.u m滕兆媛, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 劉曉剛, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0199 }cscd服裝學院~楊以雄071396/'服裝采購供應評價指標雙向分析與優化建議. 周愛英, 張燕 and 楊以雄.1)Z. Aiying, Z. Yan and Y. Yixiong (2011). MEEvaluation and optimization of apparel supplying-purchasing process. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(7):150-154.  周愛英, 浙江紡織服裝職業技術學院服裝學院, 寧波, 浙江 315211, 中國. 張燕, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 楊以雄, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0200 }cscd服裝學院 ~%抗壓力襪的性能測試分析與試織.張斯雯 and 王文祖.ldL. I. U. JiYong, Z. Siwen, H. A. O. TianLong, W. Wenzu, Z. H. U. QuanGang and H. U. JinHong (2011). KCPerformance Testing and Trial Knitting of Anti-embolism Stockings. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):46. LIU JiYong, Department of Pharmacy Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. HAO TianLong, Department of Pharmacy Changhai Hospital Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. ZHU QuanGang, Department ofa Y張斯雯, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王文祖, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 服裝學院 |0201 }cscd服裝學院~蔣麗君075000服裝三維衣領結構模型."蔣麗君, 吳巧英 and 張文斌.7/J. Lijun, W. U. Qiaoying and Z. Wenbin (2011). $The 3D Collar Model System. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):183. JIANG Lijun, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. ZHANG Wenbin, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. WU Qiaoying, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 310018, China. 蔣麗君, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 張文斌, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 吳巧英, 浙江理工大學服裝學院, 杭州, 浙江 310018, 中國. 服裝學院 |0202 }cscd服裝學院~王朝暉073323/'基於不同年齡女性體型差異的東華原型修正.王朝暉 and 任雙佳.#Z. Wang and S. Ren (2011). vnRevision of Donghua's garment basic pattern based on difference in types of body of female at different ages. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(9):95-99. Wang Zhaohui, Fashion·Art Design Institute,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Ren Shuangjia, Fashion·Art Design Institute,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.u m王朝暉, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 任雙佳, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0203 }cscd服裝學院~楊以雄071396)!浙江和遼寧紡織服裝區域競爭力比較.( 楊以雄, 杞文楠, 畢天逸 and 楊澄.D<Y. YiXiong, Q. I. Wennan, B. I. Tianyi and Y. Cheng (2011). `XComparison on Regional Competitiveness of Textile and Apparel in Zhejiang and Liaoning. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):228-234. YANG YiXiong, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. QI Wennan, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. BI Tianyi, Fashion Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. YANG Cheng, Fashion Institute Don 楊以雄, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 杞文楠, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 畢天逸, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 楊澄, 恒行3平台服裝學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0204 }cscd服裝學院~張祖芳/'兒童連身褲結構參數與人體運動適應性研究."張華玲, 張祖芳 and 陳建亭.L. I. YunWu, Z. Hualing, S. H. I. RunJie, Z. Zufang, J. I. N. ZhiGui, C. Jianting, W. U. FeiHua, C. HuiJin and W. Chen (2011). h`A Study of the Structural Parameters of Kids Rompers and the Dynamic Flexibility of Human Body. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):57-60. LI YunWu, Department of Pharmacy Shanghai Ninth Peoples Hospital affiliated to School of Medicine Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200011, China. JIN ZhiGui, Department of Pharmacy Shanghai Ninth Peoples Hospital affiliated to School of Medicine Sha 張華玲, 黎明職業大學輕紡工程系, 泉州, 福建 362000, 中國. 陳建亭, 黎明職業大學輕紡工程系, 泉州, 福建 362000, 中國. 張祖芳, 恒行3平台服裝學院,       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwxyz{|}~蝦 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0205 }cscd服裝學院 ~/'基於實踐的中國服裝流行趨勢預測教育探索.滕兆媛.T. Zhaoyuan (2011). G?Exploration of Chinas teaching in prediction of fashion vogue. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):112-117._ WTENG Zhaoyuan, Fashion.Art Design Institute Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.> 6滕兆媛, 恒行3平台服裝·藝術設計學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 服裝學院 |0206 }cscd~服裝學院 ~李俊073695!防護服性能測評的研究進展.胡淑蓉 and 李俊.,$H. U. Shurong and L. I. Jun (2011). UMProgress in research of protective clothing performance test and evaluation. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):148-154. HU Shurong, Protective Clothing Research Center Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LI Jun, Protective Clothing Research Center Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. 胡淑蓉, 恒行3平台功能防護服裝研究中心, 上海 200051, 中國. 李俊, 恒行3平台功能防護服裝研究中心, 現代服裝設計與技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國.  $& *3 79 =? []    功能防護服裝研究中心 |0207 }cscd~服裝學院 ~李俊073695!防護服裝功能設計模式研究. 辛麗莎, 李俊 and 王雲儀.*"L. Xin, J. Li and Y. Wang (2011). F>Research on functional design pattern of protective clothing. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(11):119-125. Xin Lisha, Protective Clothing Research Center,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Jun, Protective Clothing Research Center,Donghua University, Key Laboratory of Clothing Design & Technology, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200051, China. Wang 1 辛麗莎, 恒行3平台功能防護服裝研究中心, 上海 200051, 中國. 李俊, 恒行3平台功能防護服裝研究中心, 現代服裝設計與技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國. 王雲儀, 恒行3平台功能防護服裝研究中心, 現代服裝設計與技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 200051, 中國.  $& *3 79 =? []         功能防護服裝研究中心 |0208 }cscd管理學院~李成龍 -%產學研合作組織耦合互動的知識創新機製.李成龍 and 劉智躍.!C. Li and Z. Liu (2011). phThe Coupling Interaction Innovation of Knowledge of the Industry-University Collaboration Institutions. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):662-666. Li Chenglong, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Zhiyue, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.s k李成龍, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉智躍, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 管理學院 |0209 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017%兩段式差分進化算法及函數優化.劉榮輝 and 鄭建國.$R. Liu and J. Zheng (2011). NFTwo-stage differential evolution algorithm and function optimization. Q IJournal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Nature Science. 39(11):50-55. Liu Ronghui, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan, Henan 467036, China. Zheng Jianguo, School of Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.{ s劉榮輝, 河南城建學院計算機科學與工程系, 平頂山, 河南 467036, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0210 }cscd管理學院~戴昌鈞083749'基於客觀本體視角的知識工作系統."王大群, 戴昌鈞 and 張曉鶯.-%D. Wang, C. Dai and X. Zhang (2011). RJThe Knowledge Work System Based on the Perspective of Objective Ontology. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):778-783. Wang Daqun, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Dai Changjun, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhang Xiaoying, Institute of National Economy 王大群, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 戴昌鈞, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 張曉鶯, 上海社會科學院部門經濟研究所, 上海 200052, 中國. 管理學院 |0211 }cscd管理學院 ~吳泓174655/'Ahp和fce在化工醫藥項目風險評價中的應用.吳泓, 李三運 and 石琳.( H. Wu, S. Li and L. Shi (2011). TLApplication of AHP and FCE in Risk Evaluation of Chemical Medicine Project. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):650-655. Wu Hong, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Sanyun, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Shi Lin, Glorious Sun School of Business and Manage 吳泓, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李三運, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 石琳, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0212 }cscd管理學院鄭建國219017-%改進相似性度量方法的協同過濾推薦算法.吳月萍 and 鄭建國.#Y. Wu and J. Zheng (2011). `XCOLLABORATIVE FILTERING RECOMMENDATION ALGORITHM ON IMPROVED SIMILARITY MEASURE METHOD. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):7. Wu Yueping, School of Computer and Information, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China. Zheng Jianguo, School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q吳月萍, 上海第二工業大學計算機與信息學院, 上海 201209, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0213 }cscd管理學院鄭建國219017#雙論域粗糙集的不確定性度量."閻瑞霞, 鄭建國 and 翟育明.-%R. Yan, J. Zheng and Y. Zhai (2011). ?7Uncertainty Measures of Rough Set over Dual-universes. 0 (Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. 45(12):1841-1845. Yan Ruixia, Glorious Sun School of Business Administration,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business Administration,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhai Yuming, Glorious Sun School of Business A 閻瑞霞, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 翟育明, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0214 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國 2190171)求解約束優化問題的多成員組合差分進化算法.鄭建國 and 王翔.%J. Zheng and X. Wang (2011). d\Diversity composite differential evolution algorithm for constrained optimization problems. 2 *Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 17(11):2447-2456. Zheng Jianguo, Intelligence Information Center,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China. Wang Xiang, Intelligence Information Center,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China.o g鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 王翔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 管理學院 |0215 }cscd管理學院~周建亨084380'收益共享率風險波動的供應鏈協調.周建亨 and 王紫微.$J. Zhou and Z. Wang (2011). OGSupply Chain Coordination under Revenue-Sharing Rate Risk Fluctuating. 0 (Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. 45(12):1772-1777. Zhou Jianheng, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management,Donghua University; Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile & Fashion Technology,Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200051, China. Wang Ziwei, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management,D 周建亨, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心, 上海 200051, 中國. 王紫微, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0216 }cscd管理學院陳榮耀083841-%基於Pca-bp神經網絡的股票價格預測研究.蔡紅 and 陳榮耀.#H. Cai and R. Chen (2011). C;Stock Price Prediction Based on PCA and BP Neural Network.  Computer Simulation. 28(3):365-368. Cai Hong, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Rongyao, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.o g蔡紅, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳榮耀, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0217 }cscd管理學院~宋福根 081509+#基於創新擴散模型的市場營銷組合策略."顏海興, 宋福根 and 易艷紅.=5Y. A. N. Haixing, S. Fugen and Y. I. Yanhong (2011). D<Marketing Mix Strategy Based on Innovation Diffusion Model. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(2):235-239. YAN Haixing, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. SONG Fugen, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. YI Yanhong, Glorious Sun School of Business and  顏海興, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 宋福根, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 易艷紅, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0218 }cscd管理學院~丁永生103913+#基於改進二元語義的評估信息融合研究.侯彩虹 and 丁永生.#C. Hou and Y. Ding (2011). SKImproved 2-Tuple Linguistic Model Based Data Fusing Method for Evaluation. % Journal of System Simulation. 23(10):2142-2146. Hou Caihong, The Management Department, Shanghai Customs College, Shanghai 201204, China. Ding Yongsheng, The School of Information Science & Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.k c侯彩虹, 上海海關學院管理系, 上海 201204, 中國. 丁永生, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0219 }cscd管理學院鄭建國219017( 基於改進Ckr模型的客戶知識分類法.*"賴芨宇, 陳群力, 幹昕艷 and 鄭建國.5-J. Lai, Q. Chen, X. Gan and J. Zheng (2011). G?Customer knowledge classification based on improved CKR model. W OJournal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Natural Science Edition. 40(1):97-100. Lai Jiyu, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Gan Xinyan, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business an 賴芨宇, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 幹昕艷, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳群力, 福州億力電力工程有限公司, 福州, 福建 350002, 中國. 管理學院 |0220 }cscd管理學院 ~沈蕾013508奢侈品品牌態度研究.沈蕾 and 李義敏.'S. Lei and L. I. Yimin (2011). /'Attitude Research about Luxury Brands.  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Qian Jie, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhang Chaoqun, Glorious Sun School of Business  管理學院 |0223 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017'求解背包問題的混合量子進化算法.*"覃朝勇, 黃景文, 鄭建國 and 莫國莉.5-C. Qin, J. Huang, J. Zheng and G. Mo (2011). MEHybrid Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Knapsack Problem.  Mini Micro Systems. 32(2):305-309. Qin Chaoyong, School of Math and Information Science, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China. Mo Guoli, School of Math and Information Science, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China. Huang Jingwen, Information Network Center, Guan 覃朝勇, 廣西大學數學與信息科學學院, 南寧, 廣西 530004, 中國. 莫國莉, 廣西大學數學與信息科學學院, 南寧, 廣西 530004, 中國. 黃景文, 廣西大學信息網絡中心, 南寧, 廣西 530004, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院DAclssqQ$ZQ3']{@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0224 }cscd管理學院~顧慶良081488)!服裝產業集群效應的內外生演化因素.顧慶良 and 張彤.,$G. U. Qingliang and Z. Tong (2011). >6Factors analysis of Chinese apparel industry cluster. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):135-140. GU Qingliang, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. ZHANG Tong, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.o g顧慶良, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 張彤, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0225 }cscd管理學院陳梅梅083853!網絡流量組合預測模型研究.邱琳強 and 陳梅梅.#L. Qiu and M. Chen (2011). =5Research on Combination Forecast of Network Traffic.  Computer Simulation. 28(1):206. Qiu Linqiang, College of management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Meimei, College of management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.q i邱琳強, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳梅梅, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0226 }cscd管理學院 ~wD. Wang, J. Zheng and Y. Zhou (2011). "Science Letters: Binary tree of posterior probability support vector machines. ".&D. Wang, J. Zheng and Y. Zhou (2011). WOScience Letters: Binary tree of posterior probability support vector machines. K CJournal of Zhejiang University. SCIENCE C, Computers & Electronics. 12(2):83-87. Wang Dongli, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhou Yan, College of Information Engineerin sgirld@163.com 管理學院 |0227 }cscd管理學院~王扶東084517)!基於數據挖掘的客戶細分方法的研究.王扶東 and 馬玉芳."F. Wang and Y. Ma (2011). F>Research of method for customer segment based on data mining. - %Computer Engineering and Application. 47(4):215-218. Wang Fudong, School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Ma Yufang, School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.i a王扶東, 恒行3平台工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 馬玉芳, 恒行3平台工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0228 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國2190173+蟻群化學聚類在工程項目風險預測中的應用研究. 王翔, 鄭建國 and 王玉玲..&X. Wang, J. Zheng and Y. Wang (2011). H@Application of AntClust algorithm in projects risk forecasting. - %Computer Engineering and Application. 47(2):239-241. Wang Xiang, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Wang Yuling, Glorious Sun School of Business 王翔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 王玉玲, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0229 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017)!一種快速收斂的改進貝葉斯優化算法.( 王翔, 鄭建國, 張超群 and 劉榮輝.7/X. Wang, J. Zheng, C. Zhang and R. Liu (2011). H@Improved Bayesian optimization algorithm with fast convergence. Q IJournal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Nature Science. 39(6):66-70. Wang Xiang, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China. Zhang Chaoqun, Glorious Sun School of Business 王翔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 張超群, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 劉榮輝, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 管理學院 |0230 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017協同過濾推薦算法.吳月萍 and 鄭建國.#Y. Wu and J. Zheng (2011). C;Improved collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm. ( Computer Engineering and Design. 32(9):3019. Wu Yueping, School of Computer and Information,Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China. Zheng Jianguo, School of Business and Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q吳月萍, 上海第二工業大學計算機與信息學院, 上海 201209, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0231 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017/'采用約束蟻群優化的貝葉斯網結構學習算法.( 王翔, 鄭建國, 張超群 and 閻瑞霞.E=W. Xiang, Z. Jianguo, Z. Chaoqun and Y. A. N. Ruixia (2011). XPA Constrained Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Learning Bayesian Networks. - %Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 45(8):54-61. WANG Xiang, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China. ZHENG Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200092, China. ZHANG Chaoqun, Glorious Sun School of Business 王翔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 張超群, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 閻瑞霞, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200092, 中國. 管理學院 |0232 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017遺傳算法編碼方案比較. 張超群, 鄭建國 and 錢潔./'C. Zhang, J. Zheng and J. Qian (2011). =5Comparison of coding schemes for genetic algorithms. * "Application Research of Computers. 28(3):819-822. Zhang Chaoqun, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Qian Jie, Glorious Sun School of Business & M 張超群, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 錢潔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0233 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017蜂群算法研究綜述. 張超群, 鄭建國 and 王翔./'C. Zhang, J. Zheng and X. Wang (2011). 7/Overview of research on bee colony algorithms. * "Application Research of Computers. 28(9):3201. Zhang Chaoqun, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Wang Xiang, Glorious Sun School of Business & 張超群, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 王翔, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0234 }cscd管理學院~鄭建國219017'階段波動差分進化算法及函數優化.鄭建國 and 劉榮輝.$J. Zheng and R. Liu (2011). TLSegmental Waves Differential Evolution Algorithm for Function Optimization.  Mini Micro Systems. 32(10):2118-2123. Zheng Jianguo, Glorious School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Liu Ronghui, Glorious School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.q i鄭建國, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 劉榮輝, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0235 }cscd管理學院~周建亨084380)!基於時尚周期的服裝供應鏈協調策略.周建亨, 舒陵 and 徐琪.*"J. Zhou, L. Shu and Q. Xu (2011). PHStrategy for apparel supply chain coordination based on fashion cycles. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(1):135-139. Zhou Jianheng, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Shu Ling, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Xu Qi, Glorious Sun School of Business & Managemen 周建亨, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心, 上海 200051, 中國. 舒陵, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 徐琪, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0236 }cscd管理學院~研究生0(基於神經網絡Miv值分析的腫瘤基因信息提取.王紫微 and 葉奇旺.*"W. Ziwei and Y. E. Qiwang (2011). VNCancer Informative Gene Identification Based on MIV Method of Neural Network. + #Mathematics in Practice and Theory. 41(14):47-58. WANG Ziwei, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. YE Qiwang, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.s k王紫微, 恒行3平台 旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 葉奇旺, 恒行3平台 旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 管理學院 |0237 }cscd~化工學院~王建慶80氣相色譜-質譜法測定紡織品中N-乙基全氟辛烷磺酰胺.0(王改俠, 林丹麗, 王玉環, 李敏 and 王建慶.<4G. Wang, D. Lin, Y. Wang, M. Li and J. Wang (2011). OGGC-MS Determination of N-Ethyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamide in Textiles. / 'Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis. 47(9):1049. Wang Gaixia, National Technical Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Yuhuan, National Technical Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Ch  國家染整工程技術研究中心 |0238 }cscd~化工學院~陳沛然;3費裏爾型重排反應及其在活性分子合成應用中的最新進展.陳沛然 and 向鵬.&P. Chen and XiangPeng (2011). xRecent Advances in the Ferrier-Type Rearrangement Reactions and Their Applications in the Complex Bio-active Molecules. - %Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 31(8):1195-1201. Chen Peiran, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XiangPeng, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 陳沛然, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 生命有機化學國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 向鵬, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0239 }cscd~化工學院~趙曙輝'環糊精對鷹嘴豆異黃酮的包合作用.$肖飛, 趙曙輝, 黃芳 and 王俊.6.X. Fei, Z. Shuhui, H. Fang and W. Jun (2011). D<Inclusion of Cyclodextrin with Cicer Arietinum Isoflavones. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):61-65. XIAO Fei, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua Univercity, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Shuhui, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua Univercity, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Fang, College of C 肖飛, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙曙輝, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃芳, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王俊, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0240 }cscd~化工學院 ~陳婷80人胰島素B27K-DTrI前體在畢赤酵母中發酵條件的優化.0(郝賀龍, 黃誌偉, 張興群, 於銘文 and 陳婷.>6H. Hao, Z. Huang, X. Zhang, M. Yu and T. Chen (2011). qiOptimization of Fermentation Conditions of Recombinant Human Insulin B27K-DTrI Precursor in P. pastoris. % Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 18(6):509-513. Hao Helong, Institute of Biology Science and Technology, DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Zhiwei, Institute of Biology Science and Technology, DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Xingqun, Institute of Biology Science and Tec  化工學院 |0241 }cscd~化工學院 ~閔潔7/活性染料印花色漿黏彈性行為與印製性能的相互關系.閔潔, 王莉莉 and 吳茜.5-M. I. N. Jie, W. Lili and W. U. Qian (2011). tlInterrelations between the Viscoelastic Behaviors of Reactive Dyes Printing Paste and Printing Performance. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):351-355. MIN Jie, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Lili, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Qian, College of Chemist 閔潔, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王莉莉, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳茜, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0242 }cscd~化工學院 ~洪楓)!細菌纖維素復合材料的發酵製備研究.,$李朋, 唐水佳, 楊光, 楊雪霞 and 洪楓.=5P. Li, S. Tang, G. Yang, X. Yang and F. Hong (2011). NFProduction of Modified Bacterial Cellulose Composite by Fermentation. 4 ,Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology. 19(4):1-5. Li Peng, Group of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Shuijia, Group of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotech  化工學院 |0243 }cscd~化工學院 ~林瑛TLY. Lin and W. Li (2011). "MBD 4a potential substrate for protein kinase X. "!Y. Lin and W. Li (2011). 91MBD 4a potential substrate for protein kinase X. - %Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 43(11):916-917. Lin Ying, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Wei, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Key Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine, Ministry of Education, Shanghai liwei@sjtu.edu.cn 化工學院 |0244 }cscd~化工學院~金武松IA新型8-羥基喹啉鐵配合物的合成及其對半胱氨酸和高半胱氨酸的識別性能."秦明林, 張燈青 and 金武松.B:Q. I. N. Minglin, Z. Dengqing and J. I. N. Wusong (2011). {sSynthesis of a Novel 8-Hydroxyquinoline-Iron Complex and Its Recognition Performance on Cysteine and Homocysteine. / 'Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry. 19(4):469-472. QIN Minglin, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Dengqing, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JIN Wusong, Colleg 秦明林, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張燈青, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 金武松, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0245 }cscd~化工學院~邵超英)!烷基糖苷對土壤中重金屬的去除研究.80朱清清, 邵超英, 侯書雅, 張琢, 溫曉華 and 何其莊.meZ. H. U. Qingqing, S. Chaoying, H. O. U. Shuya, Z. Zhuo, W. E. N. Xiaohua and H. E. Qizhuang (2011). B:Removal of Heavy Metals from Soil by Alkyl Polyglycoside. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(8):120. ZHU Qingqing, School of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHAO Chaoying, School of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HOU Shuya, School of  化工學院 |0246 }cscd~化工學院~聶華麗@8點擊化學合成1-苄基-4-三氟甲基-5-苯甲醇基-1🪆,2,3-三氮唑.>6李樹白, 薛敘明, 張啟蒙, 賀新, 張春濤, 吳潔 and 聶華麗.nfL. I. Shubai, X. U. E. Xuming, Z. Qimeng, H. E. Xin, Z. Chuntao, W. U. Jie and N. I. E. Huali (2011). \KSynthesis of 1-benzyl-4-trifluoromethyl-5-phenylmethanol-1🚵🏻‍♀️,2,3-triazole. : <= ? Chemical Reagents. 33(9):788-790. LI Shubai, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology,Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. XUE Xuming, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology,Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. ZHANG Qi  化工學院 |0247 }cscd~化工學院~欽為民1)偶聯劑處理貝殼粉及其在增強聚乙烯中的應用.王瑋, 陳瑩 and 欽維民.4,W. Wei, C. Ying and Q. I. N. Weimin (2011). f^Coupling-Agent-Treated Conch Powder and Its Reinforcement Application on PE/Conch Composites. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):278. WANG Wei, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. QIN Weimin, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Ying, State Key La 王瑋, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 欽維民, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳瑩, 恒行3平台, 纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0248 }cscd~化工學院~何創龍-%Nylon6-TiO_2雜化超細纖維的製備與表征.6.韓曉建, 黃爭鳴, 黃晨, 何創龍, 許雲輝 and 王浩.d\H. A. N. Xiaojian, H. Zhengming, H. Chen, H. E. Chuanglong, X. U. Yunhui and W. Hao (2011). QIPreparation and characterization of Nylon6-TiO_2hybrid ultrafine fibers. ( Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica. 28(4):156-161. HAN Xiaojian, College of Light-Textile Engineering and Art,Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui 230036, China. HUANG Chen, College of Light-Textile Engineering and Art,Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui 230036, China. XU Yunhui, College of  化工學院 |0249 }cscd~化工學院~謝孔良K. Xie, Y. Su and C. Zhang (2011). "Synthesis and optical activity of isosorbide chiral derivative containing fluorocarbon group as chiral dopant in liquid crystal materials. "+#K. Xie, Y. Su and C. Zhang (2011). Synthesis and optical activity of isosorbide chiral derivative containing fluorocarbon group as chiral dopant in liquid crystal materials. ! Chinese Chemical Letters. 22(12):1447-1450. Xie Kongliang, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Su Yinhe, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Chunxiang, C klxie@dhu.edu.cn 化工學院 |0250 }cscd~化工學院~金武松'新型5-溴嘧啶衍生物的選擇性合成.&張揚, 吳洋, 張燈青 and 金武松.E=Z. Yang, W. U. Yang, Z. Dengqing and J. I. N. Wusong (2011). D<Selective Synthesis of Novel 5-Bromopyrimidine Derivatives. / 'Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry. 19(5):662-664. ZHANG Yang, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Yang, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Dengqing, College of 張揚, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳洋, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張燈青, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 金武松, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0251 }cscd~化工學院~周宇荀-%小鼠基因轉錄表達分析中內參基因的優選.&陳燁, 李凱, 周宇荀 and 肖君華.91C. Ye, L. I. Kai, Z. Yuxun and X. Junhua (2011). YQSelection of reference genes for transcription expression analysis in the mouse. 3 +Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica. 19(3):197-202. CHEN Ye, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Kai, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHOU Yuxun, Institute of Biological Sciences and 陳燁, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 李凱, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 周宇荀, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 肖君華, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0252 }cscd~化工學院~莫秀梅80膠原蛋白-殼聚糖復合納米纖維膜用於皮膚缺損的修復..&余丕軍, 王露萍, 郭妤, 陳煒 and 莫秀梅.:2P. Yu, L. Wang, Y. Guo, W. Chen and X. Mo (2011). RJRepair of skin defect with collagen-chitosan compound nanofiber membrane. G ?Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research. 15(51):9561-9564. Yu Peijun, College of Clinical Medicine, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China. Wang Luping, the Eighth Peoples Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200235, China. Guo Yu, the Eighth Peoples Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200235, China. Chen Wei, 余丕軍, 江蘇大學臨床醫學院, 鎮江, 江蘇 212013, 中國. 王露萍, 上海市第八人民醫院, 上海 200235, 中國. 郭妤, 上海市第八人民醫院, 上海 200235, 中國. 陳煒, 上海市第八人民醫院, 上海 200235, 中國. 莫秀梅, 恒行3平台化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0253 }cscd~化工學院~趙聖印H@婁徹氏鏈黴菌ATCC10739產抗生素Borrelidin發酵條件優化及其分離純化.李周 and 趙聖印.+#L. I. Zhou and Z. ShengYin (2011). }Borrelidin production by Streptomycete rochei ATCC10739:optimization of fermentation,separation and purification conditions.  Microbiology. 38(7):1051-1055. LI Zhou, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO ShengYin, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.{ s李周, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙聖印, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0254 }cscd~化工學院~周宇荀@8用於野生小家鼠來源一號染色體替換系構建的Pcr-ldr分型系統.6.晁天柱, 陳國強, 趙瑩, 李凱, 周宇荀 and 肖君華.F>T. Chao, G. Chen, Y. Zhao, K. Li, Y. Zhou and J. Xiao (2011). ~Establishment of a PCR-LDR genotyping system for population construction of chromosome 1 substitution strains from wild mice. 3 +Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica. 19(5):372-376. Chao Tianzhu, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Kai, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Yuxun, Institute of Biological Science  化工學院 |0255 }cscd~化工學院~周宇荀"基於金納米棒的Dna雜交檢測..&陳強, 李凱, 周宇荀, 王文靜 and 肖君華.=5Q. Chen, K. Li, Y. Zhou, W. Wang and J. Xiao (2011). >6Detection of DNA hybridization based on gold nanorod. . &Transducer and Microsystem Technology. 30(10):137-140. Chen Qiang, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Kai, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Yuxun, Institute of Biological Science  化工學院DUflnC VH Y+@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0256 }cscd~化工學院~趙聖印普瑞巴林的合成研究進展.( 陳永升, 李勛, 程若男 and 趙聖印.5-Y. Chen, X. Li, R. Cheng and S. Zhao (2011). ;3Recent Development in the Synthesis of Pregabalin. - %Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 31(10):1582-1594. Chen Yongsheng, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering&Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Xun, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering&Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cheng Ruonan, College of Chemis 陳永升, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李勛, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 程若男, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙聖印, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0257 }cscd~化工學院~趙聖印G?N-苯甲酰胺基取代的雙吲哚馬來酰亞胺類化合物的合成與熒光性質研究..&範梅, 謝誌雄, 徐之涵, 平冰 and 趙聖印.;3M. Fan, Z. Xie, Z. Xu, B. Ping and S. Zhao (2011). ]USynthesis and Fluorescence Properties of N-Benzamidobisindolylmaleimide Derivatives. - %Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 31(6):843-849. Fan Mei, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering&Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xie Zhixiong, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering&Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Zhihan, College of Chemistry,  化工學院 |0258 }cscd~化工學院~ 與239重復'環糊精對鷹嘴豆異黃酮的包合作用.$肖飛, 趙曙輝, 黃芳 and 王俊.kcX. Fei, S. H. A. XianYi, Z. Shuhui, C. YanZuo, H. Fang, W. U. Juan, W. Jun and F. XiaoLing (2011). D<Inclusion of Cyclodextrin with Cicer Arietinum Isoflavones. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):61-65. XIAO Fei, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua Univercity, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Shuhui, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua Univercity, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Fang, College of C 肖飛, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙曙輝, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃芳, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王俊, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0259 }cscd~化工學院~邵超英/'全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物及全氟辛酸測試技術.黃可, 邵超英 and 朱泉.-%K. Huang, C. Shao and Q. Zhu (2011). [SMethods for determination of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(4):146-154. Huang Ke, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shao Chaoying, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Quan, College  黃可, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 邵超英, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 教育部生態紡織重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱泉, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 教育部生態紡織重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0260 }cscd~化工學院~李洪啟zH. Li, Z. Zhang and L. Li (2011). "New thiopyran-4-spiro-2'-(1,3-dithiolane): Formation mechanism and crystal structure. "*"H. Li, Z. Zhang and L. Li (2011). ^VNew thiopyran-4-spiro-2'-(1,3-dithiolane): Formation mechanism and crystal structure. ! Chinese Chemical Letters. 22(3):280-283. Li Hongqi, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Zhongbao, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering a hongqili@dhu.edu.cn 化工學院 |0261 }cscd~化工學院~聶華麗/'6-苯基-5-氯-3(2h)-噠嗪酮合成工藝的改進.0(李樹白, 賀新, 薛敘明, 王斐斐 and 聶華麗.91S. Li, X. He, X. Xue, F. Wang and H. Nie (2011). MEImprovement of synthesis process for 6-phenyl-5-chloro-3-pyridazone.  Chemical Reagents. 33(4):353-355. Li Shubai, Department of Chemical Engineering, Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. He Xin, Department of Chemical Engineering, Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. Xue Xuming, Department of Chemic  化工學院 |0262 }cscd~化工學院~朱利民+#乙胺硫脲抑製蘑菇酪氨酸酶活性動力學.80李樹白, 張啟蒙, 薛敘明, 陳群, 呂新宇 and 朱利民.C;S. Li, Q. Zhang, X. Xue, Q. Chen, X. Lv and L. Zhu (2011). VNInhibitory kinetics of aminoethylisothiourea on mushroom tyrosinase activity.  Chemical Reagents. 33(2):102-106. Li Shubai, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. Zhang Qimeng, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. Xue   化工學院 |0263 }cscd~化工學院 ~趙濤'殼聚糖改性及其在抗菌方面的應用.潘虹 and 趙濤.#H. Pan and T. Zhao (2011). [SAntibacterial property of fabric treated with a fiber-reactivechitosan derivative. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(2):96-101. Pan Hong, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering &Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Tao, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering &Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. 潘虹, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙濤, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0264 }cscd~化工學院 ~孟清*"新型斷裂內含肽介導的可控性C端斷裂.齊興梅, 林瑛 and 孟清.*"X. Qi, Y. Lin and Q. Meng (2011). B:Non-canonical Split Intein Based Controllable C-cleavage. > 6Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 27(10):956-960. Qi Xingmei, Institute of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lin Ying, Institute of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Meng Qing, Institute of Biological Science  齊興梅, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 林瑛, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟清, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0265 }cscd ~化工學院 ~孟清 ) !蛛絲蛋白基因在大腸桿菌中表達研究. 施長華 and 孟清.# C. Shi and Q. Meng (2011). ` XExpression of natural fragment of spider flagelliform silk protein in Escherichia coli.   Journal of Biology.  28(1):6-9.  Shi Changhua, Insititude of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Meng Qing, Insititude of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w  o施長華, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟清, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國.  化工學院 |0266 }cscd ~化工學院 ~朱利民 7 /功能納米顆粒對木瓜蛋白酶吸附動力學及熱力學研究." 宋明敏, 聶華麗 and 朱利民.+ #M. Song, H. Nie and L. Zhu (2011). V NAdsorption Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Papain on Functional Nanoparticles.   Chemical World.  52(3):146.  Song Mingmin, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Nie Huali, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Limin, College  宋明敏, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 聶華麗, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱利民, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  &( ,5 9; AC ac gp tv |~     化工學院 |0267 }cscd ~化工學院 ~趙聖印 . &4-羥基-2-吡啶酮類天然生物堿的研究進展. 唐玉敏, 李晶 and 趙聖印.+ #Y. Tang, J. Li and S. Zhao (2011). I AProgress in the Study of 4-Hydroxy-2-pyridone Natural Alkaloids. -  %Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry.  31(1):9-21.  Tang Yumin, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Jing, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Shengyin, College of   唐玉敏, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李晶, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙聖印, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  化工學院 |0268 }cscd ~化工學院 ~黃焰根 ; 3新型含氟聚醚鏈修飾的咪唑離子液體的合成及其熱穩定性. 溫誌勇 and 黃焰根.$ Z. Wen and Y. Huang (2011). o gSynthesis and Thermal Stability of Novel Imidazolium Ionic Liquid Containing Perfluoropolyether Chain. /  'Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry.  19(6):694-698.  Wen Zhiyong, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Yangen, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.}  u溫誌勇, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃焰根, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  化工學院 |0269 }cscd ~化工學院 ~朱利民 9 1非甾體類藥物含糖乙烯醇酯共聚物製備及藥物釋放研究.(  吳承堯, 謝建剛, 權靜 and 朱利民.2 *C. Wu, J. Xie, J. Quan and L. Zhu (2011). e ]Preparation and Sustained-release of Polymeric Drug-glucose Conjugates with NSAIDs Pendants.   Acta Chimica Sinica.  69(7):843-847.  Wu Chengyao, Donghua University, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Shanghai 201620, China. Xie Jiangang, Donghua University, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Shanghai 201620, China. Quan Jing, Donghua University, Chemical Engineering and Biot  吳承堯, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 謝建剛, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 權靜, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱利民, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  化工學院 |0270 }cscd~化工學院 ~洪楓%細菌纖維素發酵原料的研究進展.謝健健 and 洪楓.#J. Xie and F. Hong (2011). KCRecent Progress in Fermentation Feedstocks of Bacterial Cellulose. 4 ,Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology. 19(3):68-77. Xie Jianjian, Group of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai China. Hong Feng, Group of Microbiological Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology 謝健健, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院微生物工程與工業生物技術研究組. 洪楓, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院微生物工程與工業生物技術研究組, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室. 化工學院 |0271 }cscd~化工學院~陳水林3+印花塗料用黏合劑聚丙烯酸酯微乳液的製備研究."邢宏龍, 吳芳群 and 陳水林.+#H. Xing, F. Wu and S. Chen (2011). XPStudy on Preparation of Polyacrylate Microemulsion Binder for Pigment Printing. " Paint & Coatings Industry. 41(11):36-40. Xing Honglong, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Fangqun, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Shuilin, Co 邢宏龍, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳芳群, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳水林, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0272 }cscd~化工學院~朱智甲;3毛細管電泳法測定阿黴素脂質體藥物中的微量硫酸根離子."展學強, 朱智甲 and 康經武.;3Z. Xueqiang, Z. H. U. Zhijia and K. Jingwu (2011). c[Determination of trace sulfate ion in liposome doxorubicin with capillary electrophoresis. * "Chinese Journal of Chromatography. 29(4):362-364. ZHAN Xueqiang, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHU Zhijia, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. KANG Jingwu, Shangha 展學強, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱智甲, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 康經武, 中國科學院有機化學所, 上海 200032, 中國. 化工學院 |0273 }cscd~化工學院 ~孟清A9基於卡那黴素抗性建立的研究Ⅰ類內含子結構與功能關系的系統.殷偉, 林瑛 and 孟清.+#W. Yin, Y. Lin and Q. Meng (2011). xEstablishment of Kanamycin Resistance-based Construct System for Structural and Functional Analyses of Group Ⅰ Intron. > 6Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 27(4):384-389. Yin Wei, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lin Ying, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Meng Qing, Institute of Biological Sciences  殷偉, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 林瑛, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟清, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0274 }cscd~化工學院 ~孟清-%高剪接活性斷裂蛋白質內含子的體內切割.$林瑛, 周倩, 荀啟靜 and 孟清.D<L. I. N. Ying, Z. Qian, X. U. N. Qijing and M. Qing (2011). ?7Cleavage of Split-Inteins with High Splicing Activity. ) !Journal of Chinese Biotechnology. 31(8):97-101. LIN Ying, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHOU Qian, Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XUN Qijing, Institute of Biological Sciences 林瑛, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 周倩, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 荀啟靜, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟清, 恒行3平台生物科學與技術研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 化工學院 |0275 }cscd~化工學院~陳沛然E=偕二氟取代芳香仲醇拆分條件及其酯類對映體的高效液相色譜法分離.,$張瑾, 顏超, 謝永力, 徐青 and 陳沛然.<4J. Zhang, C. Yan, Y. Xie, Q. Xu and P. Chen (2011). kcSeparation of some chiral alpha-difluoromethyl aryl alcohols and their esters enantiomers by HPLC. / 'Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory. 30(2):14-17. Zhang Jin, Shanghai Municipal Drainage Monitoring Centre, Laboratory of Analysis, Shanghai 200062, China. Yan Chao, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xie Yongli, College of Chemistry,  化工學院 |0276 }cscd~化工學院~陳誌龍1)抗菌防黴劑的研究進展及其在紡織品中的應用.( 鄭皓, 徐少俊, 楊曉霞 and 陳誌龍.5-H. Zheng, S. Xu, X. Yang and Z. Chen (2011). XPProgress of research on antimicrobial agents and their application to textiles. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(11):153-162. Zheng Hao, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textiles, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Shaojun, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua Univ  化工學院 |0277 }cscd~化工學院~卿鳳翎J. Zhi Tao, H. Yan Gen and Q. Feng Ling (2011). "Synthesis of a-fluoro-&2-amino acids via the Reformatsky reaction of chiral N-tert-butylsulfinylimines with ethyl bromofluoroacetate. "80J. Zhi Tao, H. Yan Gen and Q. Feng Ling (2011). Synthesis of a-fluoro-&2-amino acids via the Reformatsky reaction of chiral N-tert-butylsulfinylimines with ethyl bromofluoroacetate. ! Chinese Chemical Letters. 22(8):919-922. Zhi Tao Jing, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Gen Huang, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Feng Ling Qing, Co hyg@dhu.edu.cn 化工學院 |0278 }cscd~化工學院 ~張慶'用於數碼印花的增稠劑的流變性能. 周嫦娥, 張慶 and 李穎君.,$C. Zhou, Q. Zhang and Y. Li (2011). C;Rheological properties of thickeners for digital printing. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(10):83-87. Zhou Change, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Qing, Shanghai Textile Research Institute, Shanghai 200082, China. Li Yingjun, Shanghai Textile Research Institute, Shanghai 20008 周嫦娥, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張慶, 上海市紡織科學研究院, 上海 200082, 中國. 李穎君, 上海市紡織科學研究院, 上海 200082, 中國. 化工學院 |0279 }cscd~化工學院~蔡再生1)可膨脹石墨阻燃高回彈聚氨酯泡沫塑料的性能.*"王成群, 張佳丹, 呂海寧 and 蔡再生.D<W. Chengqun, Z. Jiadan, H. Lu and C. A. I. Zaisheng (2011). d\Flame-Retardant High-Resilience Flexible Polyurethane Foam Filled with Expandable Graphite. & Journal of Functional Polymer. 24(2):204-210. WANG Chengqun, Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile of Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Jiadan, Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile of Ministry of Education,Donghua University, T 王成群, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 張佳丹, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂海寧, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔡再生, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.(   *, 09 =? EG OQ ik ox |~          ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0280 }cscdZ紡織學院~侯秀良'麻櫟殼鬥染料在羊毛染色中的應用.0(侯秀良, 楊瑞玲, 郭盟盟, 位麗 and 周啟澄.<4X. Hou, R. Yang, M. Guo, L. Wei and Q. Zhou (2011). g_Application of Vegetable Dye Extracted from Cupule of Quercus autissima Carr. on Wool Fabrics.  Natural Product R & D. 23(6):1113-1117. Hou Xiuliang, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. Yang Ruiling, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University,  ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0281 }cscd~化工學院~趙亞萍+#巰基改性棉纖維化學鍍銀導電布的研究.李莉莉 and 王煒.&L. I. Lili and W. Wei (2011). f^Electroless Silver Plating on the Cotton Fiber Modified with 3-mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane.  Electrochemistry. 17(2):222-226. LI Lili, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Wei, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, Chi 李莉莉, 恒行3平台生態紡織科學, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王煒, 恒行3平台生態紡織科學, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   >@ DM QS WY mo   ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0282 }cscd~化工學院~蔡再生/'錦綸織物無鈀活化化學鍍銀工藝及性能研究. 孟雲, 趙亞萍 and 蔡再生.,$Y. Meng, Y. Zhao and Z. Cai (2011). bZElectroless Plating Silver Without Pd Activation on Polyamide Fabrics and Its Properties.  Electrochemistry. 17(4):380-387. Meng Yun, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Yaping, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201 孟雲, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙亞萍, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔡再生, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0283 }cscdZ紡織學院~郁崇文漚竹產物的性能表征. 傅佳佳, 郭琪 and 郁崇文.VNC. PAULOArtur, F. U. Jiajia, C. Artur, G. U. O. Qi and Y. U. Chongwen (2011). ?7Characterization of Bamboo Fiber Bundles from Retting. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):286-292.  傅佳佳, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 郭琪, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 郁崇文, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0284 }cscd~化工學院 ~王煒H@Fe(III)-草酸-葡萄糖酸鈣媒質體系間接電化學還原及棉織物染色的研究.王清芝 and 王煒.$Q. Wang and W. Wang (2011). {sStudy on Indirect Electrochemical Reduction and Cotton Dyeing Process in Fe(III)-Oxalate-Calcium Gluconate System.  Electrochemistry. 17(4):444-447. Wang Qingzhi, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua Unversity, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Wei, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua Unversity, Shanghai 2016 王清芝, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王煒, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   24 8A EG KM UW wy } ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0285 }cscd~化工學院~趙亞萍.&納米Fe_3O_4顆粒及其磁流體的製備與研究.*"符曉蘭, 卞學海, 趙亞萍 and 蔡再生.JBF. U. Xiaolan, B. Xuehai, Z. Yaping and C. A. I. Zaisheng (2011). LDPreparation and Study of Nano-scale Fe_3O_4and Its Magnetic Fluids. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):341. FU Xiaolan, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. BIAN Xuehai, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 20162T 符曉蘭, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 卞學海, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙亞萍, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔡再生, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.(   *, 09 =? EG OQ ik ox |~          ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0286 }cscd~化工學院~趙亞萍2*聚酯/聚苯胺復合織物化學鍍銅效果的影響因素."符曉蘭, 趙亞萍 and 蔡再生.?7F. U. Xiaolan, Z. Yaping and C. A. I. Zaisheng (2011). aYFactors affecting electroless plating copper on polyester/polyaniline composite fabrics. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(7):99. FU Xiaolan, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Yaping, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 20162 符曉蘭, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙亞萍, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔡再生, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   *, 09 =? EG OQ ik ox |~     ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 |0287 }cscd~化工學院~卿鳳翎C;新型含氟矽丙烯酸酯核殼乳液的合成及其在棉織物上的拒水拒油性.( 高宇, 宋春麗, 孟衛東 and 卿鳳翎.C;G. A. O. Yu, S. Chunli, M. Weidong and Q. Fengling (2011). Preparation of Novel Fluorine-Containing Polyacrylate Emulsion with Core-Shell Structure and Its Water and Oil Repellency on Cotton Fabrics. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):346. GAO Yu, Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SONG Chunli, Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 20162 ( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室Dgkly@wC$'Rtd6uq6 @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@ |0288 }cscd ~化工學院 ~徐紅 / '改性咪唑環氧樹脂中溫固化劑的製備與性能.& 張寶華, 翁燕青, 陳斌 and 徐紅.5 -B. Zhang, Y. Weng, B. Chen and H. Xu (2011). | tPreparation and Properties of Multi-Acid Modified Imidazole Curing Agents for Epoxy Resin Under Middle Temperature. 0  (Polymer Materials Science & Engineering.  27(12):123-126.  Zhang Baohua, College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Shanghai University, Key laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile,Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200444, China. Weng Yanqing, College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Shang  (  生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 !|0289 !}cscd!~上海大學 !~1!)超支化咪唑酰胺化衍生物固化劑的製備與性能.2!*張寶華, 翁燕青, 崔後禮, 薛興旺 and 談惠潔.=!5B. Zhang, Y. Weng, H. Cui, X. Xue and H. Tan (2011). S!KPreparation and properties of hyperbranched imidazole amidate derivatives. ! Thermosetting Resin.! 26(6):4-7.! Zhang Baohua, College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University; Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200444, China. Cui Houli, College of Environmental and Chemical! (! 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 "|0290 "}cscd"~化工學院"~王建慶"!"紡織品的多功能自清潔整理."王建慶 and 李戎.+"#W. Jianqing and L. I. Rong (2011). A"9Multifunctional and self-cleaning finishing of textiles. $" Journal of Textile Research." 32(6):95-99." WANG Jianqing, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Rong, National Engineering Technology Research Center for dyeing and Finishing of Textiles,Donghua University, Shangh" {王建慶, 恒行3平台, 教育部生態紡織重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 李戎, 恒行3平台, 國家染整工程技術研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.   *, 09 =? CE MO gi mv z(" 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 #|0291 #}cscd#~化工學院 #~閔潔#/#'金屬離子對海藻酸鈉糊料黏彈性行為的影響.#閔潔 and 王莉莉.)#!M. I. N. Jie and W. Lili (2011). P#HEffect of metal ions on viscoelastic behavior of sodium alginate paste. $# Journal of Textile Research.# 32(6):79-86.# MIN Jie, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Lili, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.# {閔潔, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王莉莉, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   (* .7 ;= CE MO gi mv z(# 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 $|0292 $}cscd$~化工學院 $~王煒$)$!循環伏安法測定鐵胺絡合物還原強度.$賴宇坤 and 王煒.#$Y. Lai and W. Wang (2011). W$ODeterminations in Reducing Degree of Iron-Amine Complex by Cyclic Voltammetry. $ Electrochemistry.$ 17(1):102-106.$ Lai Yukun, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Wei, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 20162$ 賴宇坤, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 王煒, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.   24 8A EG KM UW wy } )$ ! 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 %|0293 %}cscd%Z紡織學院%~顧伯洪%053921/%'三維編織復合材料動態沖擊性能的數值模擬.%練軍 and 顧伯洪."%J. Lian and B. Gu (2011). ]%UNumerical simulation of dynamic performance of three-dimensional braided composites. $% Journal of Textile Research.% 32(1):41.% Lian Jun, Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles(Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. Gu Bohong, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w% o練軍, 江南大學, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 無錫, 江蘇 214122, 中國. 顧伯洪, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.(% 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 &|0294 &}cscd&~化工學院&~朱利民&)&!尼龍親和膜的製備條件優化及其表征."&聶華麗, 陳天翔 and 朱利民.+&#H. Nie, T. Chen and L. Zhu (2011). m&eStudy on optimizing the preparation conditions and characterizing of novel nylon affinity membranes. (& Membrane Science and Technology.& 31(2):74-77.& Nie Huali, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textil, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Tianxiang, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Z& 聶華麗, 恒行3平台, 生態紡織教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳天翔, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱利民, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.   *, 09 =? EG eg kt xz    (& 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 '|0295 '}cscd'~化工學院'~邢彥軍'#'棉織物超疏水整理的研究進展..'&邢彥軍, 黃文琦, 沈麗, 李戎 and 戴瑾瑾.K'CX. Yanjun, H. Wenqi, S. Li, L. I. Rong and D. A. I. Jinjin (2011). B':Progress in superhydrophobic finishing of cotton fabrics. $' Journal of Textile Research.' 32(5):141-147.' XING Yanjun, Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile(Donghua University)Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Wenqi, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHEN ' (' 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 (|0296 (}cscd(Z環境學院 (~/('焚燒對印染汙泥中鋁含量及形態分布的影響..(&周賽捷, 陳東輝, 陳亮, 黃滿紅 and 巫楊.>(6S. Zhou, D. Chen, L. Chen, M. Huang and Y. Wu (2011). a(YEffect of incineration on amount and speciation analysis of Al in textile dyeing sludge. 5( -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.( 5(2):443-446.( Zhou Saijie, Key Laboratory of Science &Technology of Eco-Textile(Donghua University), Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Donghui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, C( (( 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 )|0297 )}cscd)~化工學院)~蔡再生)2)*改性SiO_2水溶膠在棉織物超疏水整理中的應用..)&莊偉, 徐麗慧, 徐壁, 趙亞萍 and 蔡再生.<)4W. Zhuang, L. Xu, B. Xu, Y. Zhao and Z. Cai (2011). \)TApplication of modified SiO_2hydrosol to superhydrophobic finish of cotton fabrics. $) Journal of Textile Research.) 32(9):89-94.) ) () 生態紡織科學技術教育部重點實驗室 *|0298 *}cscd*環境學院*~蔣雲鐘*5*-全球共享Gpcp數據在長江中下遊地區的適用性分析.(* 白建鋒, 趙紅莉, 蔣雲鐘 and 張峰.7*/J. Bai, H. Zhao, Y. Jiang and F. Zhang (2011). \*TThe Applicability of GPCP Dataset to the Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. F* >South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology.* 9(6):33-38.* Bai Jianfeng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Feng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Hongli, China Institute of Water Resou* 白建鋒, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張峰, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙紅莉, 中國水利水電科學研究院, 北京 100038, 中國. 蔣雲鐘, 中國水利水電科學研究院, 北京 100038, 中國.* 環境學院 +|0299 +}cscd+環境學院+~沈恒根~ +靶鸃++#袋式除塵器清灰後除塵空間濃度場分析.+陳紅超 and 沈恒根.$+H. Chen and H. Shen (2011). k+^THE ANALYSIS OF PARTICLE DISPERSION IN DUST REMOVAL SPACING AFTER BAG FILTER′S ASH CLEANING. L N + Environment Engineering.+ 29(3):79-83.+ Chen Hongchao, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Henggen, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u+ m陳紅超, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈恒根, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.+ 環境學院 ,|0300 ,}cscd,環境學院,~顧平道~ , 紂@7,/翅片結構參數對縱向翅片扁管換熱器換熱性能的影響.(, 陳俊華, 陶麗, 顧平道 and 湯國芳.3,+J. Chen, L. Tao, P. Gu and G. Tang (2011). ,The effect of the fin structural parameters to the heat transfer performance of the vertical fin and flat tube heat exchangers. ), !Cryogenics and Superconductivity., 39(11):77-80., Chen Junhua, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, Changzhou, 213164. Tao Li, College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, 213016. Gu Pingdao, College of Environme, 陳俊華, 常州工程職業技術學院機械工程技術系, 常州, 213164. 陶麗, 常州大學機械與能源工程學院, 常州, 213016. 顧平道, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 湯國芳, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國., 環境學院 -|0301 -}cscd-環境學院-~宋新山~ -壘鸃5--反硝化碳源在人工濕地脫氮中的應用及其研究進展. -丁怡, 宋新山 and 嚴登華.,-$Y. Ding, X. Song and D. Yan (2011). z-rThe application and research progress of denitrifying carbon source in constructed wetlands for nitrogen removal. *- "Environmental Pollution & Control.- 33(12):65-69.- Ding Yi, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Song Xinshan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Denghua, China Institute of Water Resource- 丁怡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋新山, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 嚴登華, 中國水利水電科學研究院, 北京 100044, 中國.- 環境學院 .|0302 .}cscd.環境學院.~沈恒根~ .靶鸃6..R744/R600及R744/R600a混合工質熱泵循環性能研究.2.*範曉偉, 張仙平, 王鳳坤, 沈恒根 and 陳聖光.?.7X. Fan, X. Zhang, F. Wang, H. Shen and S. Chen (2011). n.fResearch on Performance of Heat Pump Systems Using R744/R600 and R744/R600a Mixtures as Refrigerants. !. Journal of Refrigeration.. 32(6):35-39.. Fan Xiaowei, School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China. Wang Fengkun, School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, Chi. . 環境學院 /|0303 /}cscd/環境學院/~陳泉源~ /@覃@3/+含鉛離子模擬廢水沉澱處理理論分析及產物表征./李新穎 and 陳泉源.P/HI. Francis Ruzagiliza, I. Francis Ruzagiliza, X. Li and Q. Chen (2011). u/mPrecipitation of Synthesized Wastewater Containing Lead Ions and Characterization of Precipitation Products. -/ %Mining and Metallurgical Engineering./ 31(6):82-87./ u/ m李新穎, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國./ 環境學院 0|0304 0}cscd0環境學院0~陳泉源~ 0@覃@-0%沉澱法處理含銅廢水及其沉澱產物的表征. 0李新穎, 陳泉源 and 薛罡.X0PI. Francis Ruzagiliza, X. Li, I. Francis Ruzagiliza, Q. Chen and G. Xue (2011). h0`Treatment of Copper-Containing Wastewater by Precipitation and Characterization of Precipitate. 60 .Environmental Protection of Chemical Industry.0 31(4):298-303.0 0 李新穎, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.0 環境學院 1|0305 1}cscd1環境學院1~周美華1<14雙酚A分子印跡聚醚碸納米纖維膜的製備和識別性能的研究.(1 宮建龍, 蘇博, 羅來盛 and 周美華.31+J. Gong, B. Su, L. Luo and M. Zhou (2011). 1{PREPARATION AND RECONGNITION PROPERTIES OF MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYETHERSULFONE NANOFIBER MEMBRANES TOWARDS BISPHENOL A. 1 Acta Polymerica Sinica.1 11):1266-1272.1 Gong Jianlong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Su Bo, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Laisheng, College of Environmental Scienc1 宮建龍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇博, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅來盛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周美華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.1 環境學院 2|0306 2}cscd2環境學院 2~.2&矽酸鈣深度處理焦化廢水中Cod的試驗研究.(2 韓劍宏, 王維大, 陳夢倢 and 王雨.52-J. Han, W. Wang, M. Chen and Y. Wang (2011). L2DAdvanced Treatment of COD in Coking Wastewater by Calcium Silicate. -2 %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.2 34(12):194.2 Han Jianhong, School of Energy and Environment,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, Inner Mongolia 014010, China. Wang Weida, School of Energy and Environment,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, Inner Mongo2 韓劍宏, 內蒙古科技大學能源與環境學院, 包頭, 內蒙古 014010, 內蒙古. 王維大, 內蒙古科技大學能源與環境學院, 包頭, 內蒙古 014010, 內蒙古. 王雨, 內蒙古科技大學能源與環境學院, 包頭, 內蒙古 014010, 內蒙古. 陳夢倢, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.2 環境學院 3|0307 3}cscd3環境學院3~蘇亞欣~ 3擂鸃3空氣取水技術的研究進展."3耿浩清, 石成君 and 蘇亞欣.>36G. Haoqing, S. H. I. Chengjun and S. U. Yaxin (2011). /3'A review on water extraction from air. 33 +Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress.3 30(8):1664-1669.3 GENG Haoqing, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHI Chengjun, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SU Yaxin, School of Environmental Science a3 耿浩清, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 石成君, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國.3 環境學院 4|0308 4}cscd4環境學院4~周美華4;43條紋小環藻對Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)耐受力和吸附作用的研究."4黃翔鵠, 魏少紅 and 周美華.,4$X. Huan, S. Wei and M. Zhou (2011). P4HAbsorption and toleration of Cu~(2+) and Zn~(2+) by Cyclotella striata. 14 )Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait.4 30(1):36-42.4 Huan Xianghu, School of Environmental Science & Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wei Shaohong, School of Environmental Science & Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Meihua, School of Environmental Science & 4 黃翔鵠, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 魏少紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周美華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.4 環境學院 5|0309 5}cscd5環境學院5~黃滿紅~ 5麫5M. Huang, L. Chen, D. Chen and S. Zhou (2011). "Characteristics and aluminum reuse of textile sludge incineration residues after acidification. "575/M. Huang, L. Chen, D. Chen and S. Zhou (2011). h5`Characteristics and aluminum reuse of textile sludge incineration residues after acidification. *5 "Journal of Environmental Sciences.5 23(12):1999-2004.5 Huang Manhong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Key Laboratory of Science &Technology of Eco-Textile, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Key Labora5 egghmh@163.com5 環境學院 6|0310 6}cscd6環境學院6~陳季華616)生態凈化工藝在上海崇明農村汙水的應用研究.(6 季兵, 王春龍, 陳季華 and 徐功娣.26*B. Ji, C. Wang, J. Chen and G. Xu (2011). l6dApplied research of eco-purification crafts on rural wastewater treatment in Chongming of Shanghai. 56 -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.6 5(10):2273-2278.6 Ji Bing, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Jihua, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Xu Gongdi, School of Environmental Science and Eng6 季兵, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳季華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 徐功娣, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 王春龍, 崇明縣環境保護局, 上海 202150, 中國.6 環境學院 7|0311 7}cscd7環境學院7~李登新~ 7鼗 A/7'新型硫化物助劑強化浸出酸浸渣中鐵的研究. 7金程, 趙穎華 and 李登新.*7"C. Jin, Y. Zhao and D. Li (2011). w7oStudy on Intensified Leaching of Ferric Iron from Acid-leach Residues Using Sulfide as a Novel Leaching Agent. -7 %Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.7 31(6):61-64.7 Jin Cheng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Yinghua, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Dengxin, School of Environmental Science 7 金程, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙穎華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.7 環境學院 8|0312 8}cscd8環境學院8~柳建設~ 8麫58-皮氏羅爾斯通氏菌Dx-t3-01苯酚降解特性及動力學.,8$付瑾, 謝學輝, 洪玫, 張誠 and 柳建設.R8JF. U. Jin, X. I. E. Xuehui, H. Mei, Z. Cheng and L. I. U. Jianshe (2011). _8WPhenol-degradation Characteristics and Kinetics of Ralstonia ickettii Strain DX-T3-01. -8 %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.8 34(8):1.8 FU Jin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XIE Xuehui, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HONG Mei, School of Environmental Science and Engin8 8 環境學院 9|0313 9}cscd9環境學院9~喬錦麗~ 9@麫=95燃料電池用聚乙烯醇基堿性聚合物電解質膜的製備及其性能.(9 傅婧, 張海艷, 喬錦麗 and 馬建新.B9:F. U. Jing, Z. Haiyan, Q. Jinli and M. A. Jianxin (2011). j9bSOLID ALKALINE ELECTROLYTE MEMBRANES BASED ON POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL)FOR POTENTIAL USE IN FUEL CELLS. 9 Acta Polymerica Sinica.9 7):701-708.9 FU Jing, School of Resource and Environmental Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. ZHANG Haiyan, School of Resource and Environmental Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 2009 傅婧, 華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院, 上海 200237, 中國. 張海艷, 華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院, 上海 200237, 中國. 馬建新, 華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院, 上海 200237, 中國. 喬錦麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.9 環境學院 :|0314 :}cscd:環境學院:~喬錦麗~ :@麫K:C用於燃料電池的季銨基團的Pva/paadda堿性聚合物電解質膜的製備及穩定性. :傅婧, 喬錦麗 and 馬建新.7:/F. U. Jing, Q. JinLi and M. A. JianXin (2011). s:kPreparation and Stability of Quaternary Ammonium Based Solid Alkaline Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cells. 1: )Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities.: 32(7):1598-1604.: FU Jing, School of Resource and Environmental Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. QIAO JinLi, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. MA JianXin, Clean En: 傅婧, 華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院, 上海 200237, 中國. 喬錦麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 馬建新, 同濟大學新能源汽車工程中心, 上海 201804, 中國.: 環境學院 ;|0315 ;}cscd;環境學院 ;~0;(馬氏珠母貝脂肪酸和醚溶性成分的Gc-ms分析.B;:劉娟花, 紀麗麗, 宋文東, 苗東亮, 李曉菲, 馬孝甜 and 安靜波.w;oL. I. U. Juanhua, J. I. Lili, S. Wendong, M. Dongliang, L. I. Xiaofei, M. A. Xiaotian and A. N. Jingbo (2011). j;bA GC/MS Analysis of Fatty Acid and Ether-soluble Components in Pinctada martensii Flesh by GC/MS. 5; -Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis.; 33(4):791-795.; LIU Juanhua, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. MIAO Dongliang, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. MA Xiaotian, College; ; 環境學院 <|0316 <}cscd<環境學院 <~鐘珂~ < 邴@<Y. Kang, Y. Wang and K. Zhong (2011). "Effects of supply air temperature and inlet location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms. "<.<&Y. Kang, Y. Wang and K. Zhong (2011). w<oEffects of supply air temperature and inlet location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms. < Particuology.< 9(6):619-625.< Kang Yanming, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Youjun, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhong Ke, School of Environmental Science < zhongkeyx@dhu.edu.cn< 環境學院 =|0317 =}cscd=環境學院=~亢燕銘~ =邴@3=+地面熱力條件對庭院式建築內部空氣環境的影響..=&亢燕銘, 張寧波, 寇麗, 王友君 and 鐘珂.@=8Y. Kang, N. Zhang, L. Kou, Y. Wang and K. Zhong (2011). c=[Effects of Ground Thermal Conditions on the Air Environment inside a Building's Courtyard. ?= 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.= 37(6):767.= Kang Yanming, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Ningbo, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Kou Li, School of Environmental Science a= = 環境學院 >|0318 >}cscd>環境學院>~李登新~ >鼗 A,>$2種處理方法水解剩余汙泥蛋白質的研究.(> 李萍, 李登新, 蘇瑞景 and 顏桂煬./>'P. Li, D. Li, R. Su and G. Yan (2011). O>GStudy on hydrolysis of by two excess sludge protein treatment methods. 5> -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.> 5(12):2859-2863.> Li Ping, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Ningde Normal College, Ningde, Fujian 352100, China. Yan Guiyang, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Ningde Normal College, Ningde, Fujian 352100, China. Li Dengxin, College of En> 李萍, 寧德師範學院化學與環境科學系, 寧德, 福建 352100, 中國. 顏桂煬, 寧德師範學院化學與環境科學系, 寧德, 福建 352100, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇瑞景, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.> 環境學院 ?|0319 ?}cscd?環境學院 ?~李方~ ?0麫)?!印染廢水處理工藝升級改造工程實例.?李盼 and 李方. ?P. Li and F. Li (2011). j?bPROJECT CASES OF UPGRADING RECONSTRUCTION FOR PRINTING AND DYEING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES. &? Technology of Water Treatment.? 37(12):134-136.? Li Pan, Environmental Science and Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Fang, Environmental Science and Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.q? i李盼, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李方, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.? 環境學院D2gl,HoXU&j#@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@ @|0320 @}cscd@環境學院 @~陳燕~ @麫3@+鹽城濱海地區生態系統服務功能的經濟價值評估.@劉秀會 and 陳燕.#@X. Liu and Y. Chen (2011). Z@REconomic values evaluation for ecosystem service sesytem inYancheng coastal area. E@ =Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology.@ 31(12):102-107.@ Liu Xiuhui, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Yan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.s@ k劉秀會, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳燕, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.@ 環境學院 A|0321 A}cscdA環境學院A~沈恒根~ A靶鸃1A)Bssf滾筒法液態鋼渣水淬尾氣凈化工藝的分析.0A(劉鈺天, 沈恒根, 晏維華, 馬建平 and 胡笳.9A1Y. Liu, H. Shen, W. Yan, J. Ma and J. Hu (2011). tAlTHE ANALYSIS OF PURIFICATION PROCESS OF THE TAIL GAS FROM STEEL SLAG WATER QUENCHING BY BSSF ROLLER METHOD.  A Environment Engineering.A 29(4):78.A Liu Yutian, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Henggen, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Weihua, Anticorrosive and EnvironmentalA A 環境學院 B|0322 B}cscdB環境學院B~冀秀玲BHB@Bde-47對腦發育期大鼠甲狀腺激素內穩態及谷胱甘肽抗氧化系統的影響*.DB<魯越, 冀秀玲, 薛賽瑜, 駱慶和, 趙文娟, 殷明, 蔣惠男 and 張江.UBMY. Lu, X. Ji, S. Xue, Q. Luo, W. Zhao, M. Yin, H. Jiang and J. Zhang (2011). BxEffects of developmental exposure to BDE - 47 on the thyroid hormone homeostasis and antioxidant system of glutathione. *B "Journal of Safety and Environment.B 11(5):6-10.B Lu Yue, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ji Xiuling, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Saiyu, School of Environmental Science and EnB B 環境學院 C|0323 C}cscdC環境學院C~陳東輝C%C膜生物膜工藝處理含鹽工業廢水..C&裴燁青, 陳東輝, 周恭明, 魯骎 and 周峰.<C4Y. Pei, D. Chen, G. Zhou, Q. Lu and F. Zhou (2011). KCCTREATMENT OF SALINE INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER AT FULL SCALE WITH MBFR.  C Environment Engineering.C 29(4):4.C Pei Yeqing, College of Environmental Science&Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Donghui, College of Environmental Science&Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhou Gongming, The National Engineering ReseaC C 環境學院 D|0324 D}cscdD環境學院 D~薛罡~ D摞@-D%常規工藝強化去除給水系統中的卡馬西平. D程起躍, 薛罡 and 張良亮.:D2C. Qiyue, X. U. E. Gang and Z. Liangliang (2011). ^DVEnhanced Process in Conventional Water Treatment System for Removal of Carbamazepine. -D %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.D 34(7):38-41.D CHENG Qiyue, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XUE Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Liangliang, School of Environmental SciencD 程起躍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張良亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.D 環境學院 E|0325 E}cscdE環境學院E~陳東輝EGE?磺胺甲惡唑和甲氧苄氨嘧啶在土壤中的好氧降解及對微生物呼吸的影響.E巫楊 and 陳東輝.NEFL. Smith, R. Kookana, Y. Wu, D. Chen, L. Smith and R. Kookana (2011). oEgAEROBIC DEGRADATION OF SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM AND EFFECT ON MICROBIAL RESPIRATION IN SOILS.  E Environmental Chemistry.E 30(12):2015-2021.E Smith Lester, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia, Adelaide, South Australia 5064, Australia. Kookana Rai, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia, Adelaide, South Australia 5064, Australia. Wu Yang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua UniversityiE a巫楊, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳東輝, 上海應用技術學院, 上海 200235, 中國.E 環境學院 F|0326 F}cscdF環境學院F~許士洪~ F 麫0F(TiO_2光催化劑的製備及其降解甲基橙的研究."F蘇曉鋒, 董金慧 and 許士洪.)F!X. Su, J. Dong and S. Xu (2011). MFEPreparation and Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 for Methyl Orange. 2F *Journal of Wuhan University of Technology.F 33(12):70-72.F Su Xiaofeng, School of Shanghai Materials Engineering, Shanghai 200231, China. Dong Jinhui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Shihong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua UF 蘇曉鋒, 上海市材料工程學校, 上海 200231, 中國. 董金慧, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 許士洪, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.F 環境學院 G|0327 G}cscdG環境學院G~刁永發~ G囝鸃,G$底泥負載K~+基吸收劑co_2再生反應特性.G邰曉燕 and 刁永發.#GX. Tai and Y. Diao (2011). dG\Regenerable Characteristic of Potassium-Based /Sediment Supported Sorbent for CO_2 Capture. ?G 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.G 37(5):644-649.G Tai Xiaoyan, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Diao Yongfa, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uG m邰曉燕, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 刁永發, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.G 環境學院 H|0328 H}cscdH環境學院H~顧平道~ H 紂@-H%復合電場對可吸入氣溶膠顆粒凝並的影響.(H 陶麗, 顧平道, 陳俊華 and 楊子兵.3H+L. Tao, P. Gu, J. Chen and Z. Yang (2011). YHQEffect of Inhalable Aerosol Particles Coagulation under Complex Electric Fields. ?H 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.H 37(6):774-777.H Tao Li, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gu Pingdao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Zibing, School of Environmental Science and H 陶麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 顧平道, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊子兵, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳俊華, 常州工程職業技術學院機械工程技術系, 常州, 江蘇 213164, 中國.H 環境學院 I|0329 I}cscdI環境學院I~李登新~ I鼗 A+I#從幹剩余汙泥中提取蛋白質的試驗研究.<I4陳偉華, 李萍, 陳廣大, 羅雲, 李登新, 饒敏 and 魏尚曦.rIjC. Weihua, L. I. Ping, C. Guangda, L. U. O. Yun, L. I. Dengxin, R. A. O. Min and W. E. I. Shangxi (2011). NIFExperimental Research on Protein Extraction from Dried Excess Sludge. I Earth and Environment.I 39(3):435-439.I CHEN Weihua, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shangrao Normal University, Shangrao, Jiangxi 334000, China. CHEN Guangda, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shangrao Normal University, Shangrao, Jiangxi 334000, China. LUO Yun, School I I 環境學院 J|0330 J}cscdJ環境學院J~李賢英~ J 麫9J1微反應器中利用非配位有機溶劑法可控合成CdSe量子點.J李賢英 and 金武松.3J+L. I. XianYing and J. I. N. WuSong (2011). oJgControlled Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dot by Non-coordinating Solvent Approach in a Micro-flow-reactor. 'J Journal of Inorganic Materials.J 26(8):829-835.J LI XianYing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JIN WuSong, College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.yJ q李賢英, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 金武松, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.J 環境學院 K|0331 K}cscdK環境學院 K~陳亮K3K+微波萃取-氣相色譜/質譜測定底泥中多溴聯苯醚.(K 韓曉芳, 陳亮, 黃滿紅 and 陳東輝.GK?H. A. N. Xiaofang, C. Liang, H. Manhong and C. Donghui (2011). |KtDetermination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Sediments Using Microwave Extraction and GC-NCI-MS Spectrometry. -K %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.K 34(7):156-160.K HAN Xiaofang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Liang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Manhong, College of Environmental SciK 韓曉芳, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳東輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.K 環境學院 L|0332 L}cscdL環境學院L~沈恒根~ L靶鸃)L!芳碸綸纖維在酸性條件下的失效特性.*L"元新艷, 沈恒根, 王振華 and 侯偉麗.EL=Y. Xinyan, S. Henggen, W. Zhenhua and H. O. U. Weili (2011). BL:Failure Characteristics of PSA Fiber in Acidic Condition. ?L 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.L 37(3):282.L YUAN Xinyan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHEN Henggen, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Zhenhua, School of Environmental SciencL 元新艷, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈恒根, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王振華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 侯偉麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.L 環境學院 M|0333 M}cscdM環境學院M~沈恒根~ M靶鸃)M!芳碸綸纖維在堿腐蝕下失效特性研究.*M"元新艷, 沈恒根, 王振華 and 侯偉麗.EM=Y. Xinyan, S. Henggen, W. Zhenhua and H. O. U. Weili (2011). DM<Failure characteristics of PSA fiber in alkaline condition. *M "Journal of Safety and Environment.M 11(3):84-87.M YUAN Xinyan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHEN Henggen, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Zhenhua, College of Environmental SciM 元新艷, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 產業用紡織品教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈恒根, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王振華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 侯偉麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.M 環境學院 N|0334 N}cscdN環境學院N~冀秀玲N?N7養殖場廢水中磺胺類和四環素抗生素及其抗性基因的定量檢測.&N冀秀玲, 劉芳, 沈群輝 and 劉揚.JNBJ. I. Xiuling, L. I. U. Fang, S. Qunhui and L. I. U. Yang (2011). rNjQuantitative detection of sulfonamides and tetracycline antibiotics and resistance genes in sewage farms. +N #Ecology and Environmental Sciences.N 20(5):927-933.N JI Xiuling, Department of Environmental Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Fang, Department of Environmental Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHEN Qunhui, Department of Environmental Science,Donghua University, ShanN 冀秀玲, 恒行3平台環境學院環境科學系, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉芳, 恒行3平台環境學院環境科學系, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈群輝, 恒行3平台環境學院環境科學系, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉揚, 恒行3平台環境學院環境科學系, 上海 201620, 中國.N 環境學院 O|0335 O}cscdO環境學院 O~許賀~ O 麫<O4微波-伏安法協同體系應用於水體中痕量Pb(II)的檢測研究..O&許賀, 楊萍, 鄭巧利, 柳建設 and 金利通.<O4H. Xu, P. Yang, Q. Zheng, J. Liu and L. Jin (2011). oOgStudy on Microwave Irradiated-Voltammetry Synergetic System for the Detection of Trace Pb(II)in Water. O Acta Chimica Sinica.O 69(16):1929-1935.O Xu He, 1School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Ping, 1School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zheng Qiaoli, 1School of Environmental Science and O O 環境學院 P|0336 P}cscdP環境學院 P~王軍~ P`懨@"PPvc/pvdf/pmma共混膜的研製. P徐晶晶, 王軍 and 羅文華.*P"J. Xu, J. Wang and W. Luo (2011). 3P+Study of the PVC/PVDF/PMMA blend membrane. (P Membrane Science and Technology.P 31(4):1.P Xu Jingjing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Jun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Wenhua, Taian Daiyue Area Environmental PrP 徐晶晶, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王軍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅文華, 泰安市岱嶽區環保局, 泰安, 山東 271000, 中國.P 環境學院 Q|0337 Q}cscdQ環境學院 Q~王軍~ Q`懨@2Q*相分離方式對Pvc/pvdf/pmma共混膜性能的影響. Q徐晶晶, 王軍 and 羅文華.*Q"J. Xu, J. Wang and W. Luo (2011). iQaEffects of different phase separation mechanisms on performance of PVC/PVDF/PMMA blend membrane. (Q Membrane Science and Technology.Q 31(6):25.Q Xu Jingjing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Jun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Wenhua, Tai'an Daiyue Area EnvironmentalQ 徐晶晶, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王軍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅文華, 泰安市岱嶽區環保局, 泰安, 山東 271000, 中國.Q 環境學院 R|0338 R}cscdR環境學院R~宋新山~ R壘鸃/R'基於系統動力學的天津市水資源模擬及預測. R薛冰, 宋新山 and 嚴登華.+R#B. Xue, X. Song and D. Yan (2011). sRkSimulation and Prediction of Water Resources Carrying Capacity Based on a System Dynamic Model in Tianjin. FR >South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology.R 9(6):43-47.R Xue Bing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Song Xinshan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Denghua, China Institute of Water ResouR 薛冰, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋新山, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 嚴登華, 中國水利水電科學研究院, 北京 100044, 中國.R 環境學院 S|0339 S}cscdS環境學院 S~王軍~ S`懨@+S#Pvb-pvdf共混膜的製備及其性能的研究.S嚴麗 and 王軍.#SL. Yan and J. Wang (2011). ?S7PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF PVB-PVDF BLEND MEMBRANE. &S Technology of Water Treatment.S 37(12):28.S Yan Li, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Jun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.qS i嚴麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王軍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.S 環境學院 T|0340 T}cscdT環境學院 T~陳亮T3T+偶氮染料分子結構對其生物脫色影響的研究進展.$T陳曄, 陳剛, 陳亮 and 黃滿紅.8T0C. Ye, C. Gang, C. Liang and H. Manhong (2011). aTYReview of Studies on Effects of Molecular Structure on Azo Dye Microbial Decolorization. -T %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.T 34(8):65-69.T CHEN Ye, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Liang, School of Environmental Science and EngT 陳曄, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳剛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.T 環境學院 U|0341 U}cscdU環境學院U~刁永發~ U囝鸃4U,不同性能摻炭纖維脫除燃煤煙氣中Hg0的試驗研究. U刁永發, 郝衛輝 and 鄒鉞.<U4D. Yongfa, H. A. O. Weihui and Z. O. U. Yue (2011). UExperimental Studies on Adsorption Capability of Different Properties of Carbon-containing Fiber for Hg0 Removal in Coal-fired Flue Gases. EU =Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering.U 31(23):47-53.U DIAO Yongfa, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HAO Weihui, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZOU Yue, School of Environmental Science and EU 刁永發, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 郝衛輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄒鉞, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.U 環境學院 V|0342 V}cscdV環境學院V~付海明~ V0邴@-V%基於負荷特性的區域供冷系統節能性分析."V彭友輝, 連之偉 and 付海明.7V/P. Youhui, L. Zhiwei and F. U. Haiming (2011). fV^Discussion on the Energy Efficiency of District Cooling System Based on Load Characteristics. ?V 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.V 37(1):109-114.V PENG Youhui, School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China. LIAN Zhiwei, School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China. FU Haiming, School of Environmental Science & EngineeriV 彭友輝, 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院, 上海 200240, 中國. 連之偉, 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院, 上海 200240, 中國. 付海明, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.V 環境學院 W|0343 W}cscdW環境學院W~柳建設~ W麫+W#臭氧降解選礦藥劑丁基黃藥的實驗研究.W張萌 and 柳建設.$WM. Zhang and J. Liu (2011). KWCStudy on degradation of flotation reagents butyl xanthate by zone. 5W -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.W 5(12):2712-2716.W Zhang Meng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Jianshe, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.sW k張萌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.W 環境學院 X|0344 X}cscdX環境學院X~宋新山~ X壘鸃9X1不同回流位置對潛流人工濕地氮分布及去除效果的影響.(X 張濤, 宋新山, 嚴登華 and 盧守波.4X,T. Zhang, X. Song, D. Yan and S. Lu (2011). XwEffect of different recirculation locations on removal efficiency of nitrogen in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. 5X -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.X 5(10):2204-2208.X Zhang Tao, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Song Xinshan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Shoubo, College of Environmental Science X 張濤, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋新山, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 盧守波, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 嚴登華, 中國水利水電科學研究院水資源所, 北京 100044, 中國.X 環境學院 Y|0345 Y}cscdY環境學院Y~刁永發~ Y囝鸃/Y'速差射流引射型噴吹管氣流分布均勻性研究.Y趙海龍 and 刁永發.$YH. Zhao and Y. Diao (2011). vYnResearch on the Airflow Distribution Uniformity in Injection Pipe of Entrained Type with Velocity Difference. ?Y 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.Y 37(5):639-643.Y Zhao Hailong, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Diao Yongfa, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uY m趙海龍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 刁永發, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.Y 環境學院 Z|0346 Z}cscdZ環境學院Z~王兆慧~ Z 麫1Z)嗜酸氧化亞鐵硫桿菌表面雙電層電勢分布模擬."Z王兆慧, 謝學輝 and 柳建設.AZ9W. Zhaohui, X. I. E. Xuehui and L. I. U. Jianshe (2011). |ZtNumerical modeling of potential profiles in electrical double layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cell surface. 1Z )The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals.Z 21(6):1485-1490.Z WANG Zhaohui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XIE Xuehui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Jianshe, College of Environmental ScienZ 王兆慧, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 謝學輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.Z 環境學院 [|0347 [}cscd[環境學院 [~%[新疆山區低層冰雲雲水資源初探.X[P阿麗亞·拜都熱拉, 邱學興, 陳勇航, 崔彩霞, 玉米提·哈力克, 張萍, 彭寬軍 and 楊稚.Z[RB. Aliya, X. Qiu, Y. Chen, C. Cui, H. Umit, P. Zhang, K. Peng and Z. Yang (2011). o[gA Preliminary Study on Lower Layer Ice Cloud Water Resources Over the Mountainous Regions in Xinjiang. [ Resources Science.[ 33(9):1727-1734.[ Aliya Badrul, Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Bureau, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830002, China. Cui Caixia, Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Bureau, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830002, China. Qiu Xuexing, Anhui Meteorological Observa[ [ 環境學院 \|0348 \}cscd\環境學院\~陳勇航~ \麫3\+黃土高原半幹旱區氣溶膠光學特性季節變化特征.@\8白鴻濤, 陳勇航, 王洪強, 張強, 郭铌, 王勝, 潘鵠 and 張萍.Q\IH. Bai, Y. Chen, H. Wang, Q. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Pan and P. Zhang (2011). n\fSeasonal variation of aerosol optical properties at AERONET of the semi-arid region in Loess Plateau. \ Arid Land Geography.\ 34(2):292-299.\ Bai Hongtao, Institute of Arid Meteorology of China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, China. Zhang Qiang, Institute of Arid Meteorology of China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, China. Wang Sheng, Institute of Arid\ \ 環境學院 ]|0349 ]}cscd]環境學院]~劉振鴻~ ]癩鸃;]3強化生態浮床中酶活性變化與凈化效果的相關性分析研究.*]"鮑家華, 張增勝, 劉振鴻 and 陳季華.5]-J. Bao, Z. Zhang, Z. Liu and J. Chen (2011). ]STUDY ON SPATIAL VARIATION OF ENZYMATIC ACTIVITIES IN ENHANCED ECOLOGICAL FLOATING RAFT AND ITS CORRELATION WITH PURIFICATION OF WASTEWATER. &] Technology of Water Treatment.] 37(1):103-107.] Bao Jiahua, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhang Zengsheng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Liu Zhenhong, School of Environmental Sc] 鮑家華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 張增勝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 劉振鴻, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳季華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國.] 環境學院 ^|0350 ^}cscd^環境學院^~蘇亞欣~ ^擂鸃^廢輪胎再燃脫硝試驗研究.^蘇亞欣 and 陳惟寅.>^6B. G. Benson, Y. Su, B. G. Benson and W. Chen (2011). G^?Experimental study on NO reduction by reburning of waste tire. *^ "Journal of Safety and Environment.^ 11(1):65-69.^ Benson B. GATHITU, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS38677, USA. Benson B. GATHITU, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS38677, USA. Chen Weiyin, Department of Chemical Engineering^ 蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳惟寅, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS38677, USA.^ 環境學院 _|0351 _}cscd_環境學院_~蘇亞欣~ _擂鸃%_Fe2O3控製再燃脫硝中間產物HCN._蘇亞欣.U_MBensonB.Gathitu, ChenWeiyin, S. U. Yaxin, B. G. Benson and C. Weiyin (2011). ?_7HCN control by Fe2O3 during re-burning of waste tires. &_ Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae._ 31(6):1181-1186._ BensonB.Gathitu, Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Mississippi, Oxford, 38677, USA. ChenWeiyin, Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Mississippi, Oxford, 38677, USA. SU Yaxin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Dong4_ ,蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國._ 環境學院D飆l1]IB S{`@a@b@c@d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@y@z@{@|@}@~@@ `|0352 `}cscd`環境學院`~刁永發~ `囝鸃:`2聚苯硫醚(Pps)摻炭纖維協同飛灰脫除氣態汞的實驗研究.$`陳博, 刁永發, 蘇博 and 王歡.7`/C. Bo, D. Yongfa, S. U. Bo and W. Huan (2011). Y`QRemoval of mercury vapor by fly ash and C-doped polyphenylene sulfide(PPS)fiber. &` Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.` 31(5):1056-1063.` CHEN Bo, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DONGHUA UNIVERSITY, Shanghai 201620, China. DIAO Yongfa, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DONGHUA UNIVERSITY, Shanghai 201620, China. SU Bo, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DON` 陳博, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 刁永發, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇博, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王歡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.` 環境學院 a|0353 a}cscda環境學院 a~陳亮a*a"腸桿菌對偶氮染料活性黑5的脫色研究.a陳剛, 陳曄 and 陳亮.-a%G. Chen, Y. Chen and L. Chen (2011). Da<Decolorization of Azo Dye Reactive Black 5 by Enterobacter. -a %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.a 34(3):32-36.a Chen Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Ye, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, School of Environmental Science and Ea 陳剛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳曄, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.a 環境學院 b|0354 b}cscdb環境學院b~馬春燕~ b 麫-b%催化超臨界水氧化技術處理香料廢水研究.(b 陳金華, 馬春燕, 奚旦立 and 李瓊.0b(J. Chen, C. Ma, D. Xi and Q. Li (2011). ]bUCATALYTIC SUPERCRITICAL WATER OXIDATION PROCESS FOR TREATING THE PERFUME WASTEWATER.  b Environment Engineering.b 29(2):36.b Chen Jinhua, Environmental Science and Engineering College,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Chunyan, Environmental Science and Engineering College,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xi Danli, Environmental Science and Engineering Cob 陳金華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 馬春燕, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 奚旦立, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李瓊, 上海應用技術學院香料香精技術與工程學院, 上海 200235, 中國.b 環境學院 c|0355 c}cscdc環境學院c~馬春燕~ c 麫)c!超臨界水氧化技術處理香料廢水研究.0c(陳金華, 馬春燕, 奚旦立, 李瓊 and 婁雲鵬.<c4J. Chen, C. Ma, D. Xi, Q. Li and LouYunpeng (2011). ScKSUPERCRITICAL WATER OXIDATION PROCESS FOR TREATING THE PERFUME WASTEWATER. &c Technology of Water Treatment.c 37(5):73-76.c Chen Jinhua, Environmental Science and Engineering College Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Chunyan, Environmental Science and Engineering College Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xi Danli, Environmental Science and Engineering Coc c 環境學院 d|0356 d}cscdd環境學院 d~陳亮d2d*活性黑5高效脫色菌的分離鑒定和生長特性研究.$d陳曄, 陳剛, 陳亮 and 黃滿紅.7d/Y. Chen, G. Chen, L. Chen and M. Huang (2011). zdrIsolation, Identification and Growth Characteristics of Efficient Strain for Dye Reactive Black 5 Decolorization. -d %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.d 34(2):64.d Chen Ye, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, School of Environmental Science and Ed 陳曄, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳剛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.d 環境學院 e|0357 e}cscde環境學院 e~陳亮e@e8菌株Enterobactor sp. S8對不同結構偶氮染料脫色性能的影響.$e陳曄, 陳剛, 陳亮 and 黃滿紅.7e/Y. Chen, G. Chen, L. Chen and M. Huang (2011). ^eVDECOLORIZATION OF AZO DYES WITH DIFFERENT MOLECULAR STRUCTURE BY Enterobactor sp. S8.  e Environmental Chemistry.e 30(4):838-842.e Chen Ye, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Gang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, College of Environmental Science ane 陳曄, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳剛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.e 環境學院 f|0358 f}cscdf環境學院f~陳泉源~ f@覃@/f'TiO_2/活性炭復合納米纖維膜的製備及表征.f杜菲菲 and 陳泉源."fF. Du and Q. Chen (2011). bfZPreparation and Characterization of TiO_2/Activated Carbon Composite Nano-fiber Membrane. f Materials Review.f 25(10B):53-58.f Du Feifei, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Quanyuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uf m杜菲菲, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.f 環境學院 g|0359 g}cscdg環境學院g~許士洪~ g 麫1g)模擬光催化浮床處理甲基橙及二沉池出水研究.(g 王恩強, 許士洪, 李曄 and 李登新.Fg>W. Enqiang, X. U. Shihong, L. I. Ye and L. I. Dengxin (2011). fg^Treatment of Methyl Orange and Secondary Effluents by Simulation Photocatalysis Floating Bed. 2g *Journal of Wuhan University of Technology.g 33(9):120-124.g WANG Enqiang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XU Shihong, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Dengxin, School of Environmental Science ag 王恩強, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 許士洪, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李曄, 武漢理工大學資源與環境工程學院, 武漢, 湖北 430070, 中國.g 環境學院 h|0360 h}cscdh環境學院h~陳泉源~ h@覃@6h.TiO2/活性炭復合納米纖維膜對亞甲基藍的吸附研究.h杜菲菲 and 陳泉源.-h%D. U. Feifei and C. Quanyuan (2011). khcAdsorption and photocatalytic regeneration of TiO2/activated carbon composite nano-fiber membrane. *h "Environmental Pollution & Control.h 33(8):75-80.h DU Feifei, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Quanyuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uh m杜菲菲, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.h 環境學院 i|0361 i}cscdi環境學院i~雷曉輝i%i分布式水文模型子流域劃分方法.8i0張峰, 廖衛紅, 雷曉輝, 蔣雲鐘, 黃曉敏 and 王宇暉.\iTZ. Feng, L. Weihong, L. E. I. Xiaohui, J. Yunzhong, H. Xiaomin and W. Yuhui (2011). WiOA Review on Sub-bas      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz{|}~in Delineation Methods for Distributed Hydrological Models. Fi >South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology.i 9(3):101-105.i ZHANG Feng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HUANG Xiaomin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Yuhui, School of Environmental Science i i 環境學院 j|0362 j}cscdj環境學院j~柳建設~ j麫9j1皮氏羅爾斯通氏菌株Dx-t3-01的耐鎘性能及鎘富集機理.&j付瑾, 謝學輝, 錢林 and 柳建設.2j*J. Fu, X. Xie, L. Qian and J. Liu (2011). bjZCadmium Tolerance and Bio-accumulation Mechanisms of Ralstonia pickettii strain DX-T3-01. =j 5Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology.j 17(5):717-721.j Fu Jin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xie Xuehui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qian Lin, College of Environmental Science and j 付瑾, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 謝學輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 錢林, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.j 環境學院 k|0363 k}cscdk環境學院k~李登新~ k鼗 A+k#廢布料活性炭吸附典型染料動力學研究."k高國龍, 李登新 and 孫利娜.)k!G. Gao, D. Li and L. Sun (2011). YkQStudy on kinetics of adsorption of typical dyes by waste cloth activated carbon. 5k -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.k 5(6):1405-1408.k Gao Guolong, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. Li Dengxin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Lina, College of Environmental Scienck 高國龍, 清華大學環境科學與工程系, 北京 100084, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫利娜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.k 環境學院 l|0364 l}cscdl環境學院l~李登新~ l鼗 A3l+三相流化床中硝酸氧化難選冶金精礦動力學研究."l高國龍, 李登新 and 孫利娜.)l!G. Gao, D. Li and L. Sun (2011). klcKinetics in the Nitric Acid Oxidation of Refractory Gold Concentrate in Three-phase Fluidized Bed. -l %Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.l 31(1):54.l Gao Guolong, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. Li Dengxin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Lina, College of Environmental Sciel 高國龍, 清華大學環境科學與工程系, 北京 100084, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫利娜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.l 環境學院 m|0365 m}cscdm環境學院m~黃滿紅~ m麫1m)綜合類工業園區經濟與生態環境的耦合性分析.(m 耿雪, 黃滿紅, 馮永求 and 陳東輝.7m/X. Geng, M. Huang, Y. Feng and D. Chen (2011). pmhCoupling Analysis between Economic Development and Eco-Environment for a Comprehensive Industrial Park. -m %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.m 34(1):196-200.m Geng Xue, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Huang Manhong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Feng Yongqiu, Management Committee of Qingm 耿雪, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 馮永求, 上海市青浦工業園區管理委員會, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳東輝, 上海應用技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.m 環境學院 n|0366 n}cscdn環境學院 n~王軍~ n`懨@3n+二氧化鈦介孔膜製備👮🏿‍♂️、表征及其光催化性能研究.,n$黃靚, 李俊, 王軍, 吳錫慧 and 鄭嘉興.<n4L. Hang, J. Li, J. Wang, X. Wu and J. Zheng (2011). en]PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MESOPOROUS TIO2 FILMS AND THEIR PHOTOCATALYTIC ACTIVITY. &n Technology of Water Treatment.n 37(7):25.n Hang Liang, School of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering,Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200235, China. Li Jun, School of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering,Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200235, China. Wu Xhui, School of Chemn n 環境學院 o|0367 o}cscdo環境學院 o~5o-承德武烈河流域水生態系統服務功能經濟價值研究..o&郝彩蓮, 尹軍, 張誠, 秦天玲 and 李立新.;o3C. Hao, J. Yin, C. Zhang, T. Qin and L. Li (2011). ^oVEconomic Value of Service Functions of Freshwater Ecosystem in the Wulie River Basin. Fo >South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology.o 9(4):91-95.o Hao Cailian, Environmental Science and Engineering Department,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qin Tianling, Environmental Science and Engineering Department,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Lixin, Environmental Science and Engineo o 環境學院 p|0368 p}cscdp環境學院p~奚旦立p)p!新型五孔超濾膜處理城市汙水的研究..p&黃健平, 劉納, 曹軍, 邵玉敏 and 奚旦立.<p4J. Huang, N. Liu, J. Cao, Y. Shao and D. Xi (2011). _pWStudy on a novel five-bore ultrafiltration membrane for domestic wastewater treatment. 5p -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.p 5(6):1321-1324.p Huang Jianping, Institute of Environmental and Municipal Engineering North China University of Water Resources & Electric Power, Zhengzhou, Henan 450011, China. Liu Na, Institute of Environmental and Municipal Engineering North China University of Water Rp p 環境學院 q|0369 q}cscdq環境學院q~陳東輝q6q.鐵碘共摻雜納米TiO_2光催化降解水中土黴素的研究.(q 黃麗萍, 陳東輝, 黃滿紅 and 陳亮.8q0L. Huang, D. Chen, M. Huang and L. Chen (2011). dq\PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF OXYTETRACYCLINE WITH IRON AND IODINE CODOPED NANOMETER TiO_2. &q Technology of Water Treatment.q 37(5):77-80.q Huang Liping, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Manhong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, College of Environmental Sciq 黃麗萍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳東輝, 上海應用技術學院, 上海 200235, 中國.q 環境學院 r|0370 r}cscdr環境學院 r~=r5基於Elcom-caedym模型的澱山湖營養物投入響應關系的模擬. r盧嘉, 陳小華 and 李小平.9r1L. U. Jia, C. Xiaohua and L. I. Xiaoping (2011). trlSimulation of the response of algal growth to nutrients input in Lake Dianshan based on ELCOM-CAEDYM model. $r Scientia Limnologica Sinica.r 23(3):366-374.r LU Jia, College of Environmental Engineering and Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. CHEN Xiaohua, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai 200233, China. LI Xiaoping, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research,Eastr 盧嘉, 恒行3平台環境工程與科學學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳小華, 上海市環境科學研究院, 上海 200233, 中國. 李小平, 華東師範大學, 河口海岸學國家重點實驗室, 上海 200062, 中國.r 環境學院 s|0371 s}cscds環境學院 s~)s!馬氏珠母貝育珠前後礦物元素的變化.:s2劉娟花, 紀麗麗, 李曉菲, 宋文東, 苗東亮 and 馬孝甜.isaL. I. U. Juanhua, J. I. Lili, L. I. Xiaofei, S. Wendong, M. Dongliang and M. A. Xiaotian (2011). hs`The content of mineral elements in Pinctada martensii before and after pearl-nucleus-inserting. (s Guangdong Agricultural Sciences.s 38(7):132.s LIU Juanhua, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. MIAO Dongliang, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. MA Xiaotian, Colleges s 環境學院 t|0372 t}cscdt環境學院t~趙曉祥~ t梨鸃/t'一株好氧反硝化菌的篩選鑒定及其條件優化. t魏俊虎, 趙曉祥 and 王苑.9t1W. E. I. Junhu, Z. Xiaoxiang and W. Yuan (2011). mteScreening identification and optimal biodegradation conditions of new aerobic denitrifying bacteria. *t "Journal of Safety and Environment.t 11(2):94-97.t WEI Junhu, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Xiaoxiang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Yuan, College of Environmental Scienct 魏俊虎, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙曉祥, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王苑, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.t 環境學院 u|0373 u}cscdu環境學院u~陳東輝u2u*固相萃取-氣質聯用測定水環境中痕量多環麝香.(u 李貴梅, 陳東輝, 黃滿紅 and 陳亮.5u-G. Li, D. Chen, M. Huang and L. Chen (2011). buZStudy on determination of polycyclic musks in water by GC-MS with solid-phase extraction. /u 'Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory.u 30(1):55-58.u Li Guimei, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Manhong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, College of Environmental Scieu 李貴梅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳東輝, 上海應用技術學院, 上海 200235, 中國.u 環境學院 v|0374 v}cscdv環境學院 v~楊波~ v瘊鸃3v+生物活性炭濾池深度處理紗線筒子染色廢水研究.&v李俊生, 楊波, 陳曄 and 婁雲鵬.3v+J. Li, B. Yang, Y. Chen and Y. Lou (2011). VvNSTUDY ON ADVANCED TREATMENT OF YARN PACKAGE DYEING WASTEWATER BY BAC PROCESS. &v Technology of Water Treatment.v 37(3):108-111.v Li Junsheng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dong Hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Bo, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dong Hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Ye, College of Environmental Science av 李俊生, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊波, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳曄, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 婁雲鵬, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.v 環境學院 w|0375 w}cscdw環境學院 w~楊波~ w瘊鸃'w棉紗筒子染色廢水汙染物特征分析.$w李俊生, 楊波, 李方 and 田晴.2w*J. Li, B. Yang, F. Li and Q. Tian (2011). [wSCharacteristics Analysis of Pollutants in Wastewater of Cottonyarn-package Dyeing. -w %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.w 34(9):119-122.w Li Junsheng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Bo, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Fang, College of Environmental Science andw 李俊生, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊波, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李方, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 田晴, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.w 環境學院 x|0376 x}cscdx環境學院x~李登新~ x鼗 A?x7基於Bp網絡的臭氧和硫酸鐵預氧化難選冶金精礦的氧化率預測."x李青翠, 李登新 and 陳泉源.)x!Q. Li, D. Li and Q. Chen (2011). xPrediction of pre-oxidation efficiency of refractory gold concentrate by ozone in ferric sulfate solution using artificial neural networks. ;x 3Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.x 21(2):413-422.x Li Qingcui, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Dengxin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Quanyuan, College of Environmental Scienx 李青翠, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.x 環境學院 y|0377 y}cscdy環境學院y~陸書玉y/y'城市核與輻射恐怖事件的輻射影響預測軟件.(y 羅麗娟, 陳波, 卓維海 and 陸書玉.By:L. U. O. Lijuan, C. Bo, Z. Weihai and L. U. Shuyu (2011). yyqDevelopment of a software for predicting the effects of nuclear and radiological terrorism events in city areas. @y 8Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection.y 31(2):206-209.qy iLUO Lijuan, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y 羅麗娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳波, 復旦大學放射醫學研究所. 卓維海, 復旦大學放射醫學研究所. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站.y 環境學院 z|0378 z}cscdz環境學院z~陸書玉z-z%利用廢舊電子元件粉末/Pvc製備復合材料.(z 林芝, 陸書玉, 羅麗娟 and 許文嬌.0z(Z. Lin, S. Lu, L. Luo and W. Xu (2011). MzEPreparation and Properties of WEEE/Poly (vinyl chloride) Composites. -z %Enuivonmental Science and Technology.z 34(1):140-143.z Lin Zhi, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Wenjiao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Shuyu, Shanghai Supervision Agency for Radioaz 林芝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 許文嬌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 羅麗娟, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國.z 環境學院 {|0379 {}cscd{環境學院 {~薛罡~ {摞@A{9混合稀釋劑對熱致相分離法製備聚偏氟乙烯膜性質及結構的影響.({ 武利順, 孟德素, 薛罡 and 陳泉源.E{=W. U. Lishun, M. Desu, X. U. E. Gang and C. Quanyuan (2011). i{aEffect of Mixed Diluent on the Property and Structure of PVDF Membrane Prepared via TIPS Method. { Fine Chemicals.{ 28(6):521-524.{ WU Lishun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XUE Gang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Quanyuan, College of Environmental Science { 武利順, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳泉源, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟德素, 山東菏澤學院化學化工系, 菏澤, 山東 274015, 中國.{ 環境學院 ||0380 |}cscd|環境學院|~冀秀玲|Q|I發育期六溴環十二烷染毒對雌性大鼠腦組織中乙酰膽堿含量及其相關酶活力的影響.4|,劉芳, 冀秀玲, 唐蔚, 駱慶和, 趙文娟 and 殷明.*|"F. Liu, X. Ji and W. Tang (2011). |Effects of Hexabromocyclododecane on Acetylcholine Contents and Related Enzymes Activities of Brain in Female Rats in Growth and Development Period. *| "Journal of Environment and Health.| 28(11):947-949.| Liu Fang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ji Xiuling, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Wei, School of Environmental Science and E| 劉芳, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 冀秀玲, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐蔚, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 駱慶和, 上海交通大學藥學院. 趙文娟, 上海交通大學藥學院. 殷明, 上海交通大學藥學院.| 環境學院 }|0381 }}cscd}環境學院 }~姜凡}*}"A/o_1/o_2生物膜系統汙染物降解特性.$}劉國華, 劉芳, 常新 and 楊飛.5}-G. Liu, F. Liu, X. Chang and F. Yang (2011). O}GCharacteristics of substrates degradation in A/O_1/O_2 biofilm system. 3} +Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress.} 30(2):432-437.} Liu Guohua, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Liu Fang, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum(Qingdao), Qingdao, Shandong 266555, China. Chang Xin, School of } 劉國華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 劉芳, 中國石油大學(青島)化學化工學院, 青島, 山東 266555, 中國. 常新, 中國石油大學(青島)化學化工學院, 青島, 山東 266555, 中國. 楊飛, 中國石油大學(青島)化學化工學院, 青島, 山東 266555, 中國.} 環境學院 ~|0382 ~}cscd~環境學院 ~~姜凡~7~/非閉合電極電容層析成像傳感器在凍土測試中的應用.~劉靖, 姜凡 and 劉石.,~$J. Liu, F. Jiang and S. Liu (2011). r~jApplication of unclosed electrode electrical capacitance tomography sensor in measurement of frozen soil. 1~ )Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument.~ 32(2):363-368.~ Liu Jing, School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan 454000, China. Jiang Fan, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Shi, School of Energy & Power Engineering, North C~ 劉靖, 河南理工大學土木工程學院, 焦作, 河南 454000, 中國. 姜凡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉石, 華北電力大學(北京)能動學院, 北京 102206, 中國.~ 環境學院 |0383 }cscd環境學院~喬錦麗~ @麫C;化學交聯聚乙烯醇改性纖維素堿性陰離子交換復合膜的製備與性能..&劉玲玲, 丁蕾, 徐莉, 喬錦麗 and 盛嘉偉.=5L. Liu, L. Ding, L. Xu, J. Qiao and J. Sheng (2011). Synthesis and Properties of Chemically Cross-Linked Poly(vinyl alcohol) Modified Quaterized Hydroxyethylcellulose Ethoxylate as Novel Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membrane. $ Acta Physica-Chimica Sinica. 27(11):2665-2670. Liu Lingling, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Lei, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Li, College of Environmental Science and  環境學院D nl'T`qluk@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0384 }cscd環境學院~馬春燕~  麫3+SiO_2對PVDF/PMMA/TPU五孔膜結構與性能的影響.( 劉耀芳, 馬春燕, 李瓊 and 奚旦立./'Y. Liu, C. Ma, Q. Li and D. Xi (2011). XPEffect of SiO_2 on Structure and Property of PVDF/PMMA/TPU Five Holes Membrane. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(9):44-48. Liu Yaofang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Chunyan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xi Danli, School of Environmental Science an 劉耀芳, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 馬春燕, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 奚旦立, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李瓊, 上海應用技術學院香料香精技術與工程學院, 上海 200235, 中國. 環境學院 |0385 }cscd環境學院~陸書玉#上海世博會輻射風險評估研究.羅麗娟 and 陸書玉.!L. Luo and S. Lu (2011). <4Assessment of Radiation Risk in Shanghai Expo 2010. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(1):201-205. Luo Lijuan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Shuyu, Shanghai Radioenvironment Supervision Agency, Shanghai 200065, China.o g羅麗娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 環境學院 |0386 }cscd環境學院~周美華7/微波活化法製備加拿大一枝黃花活性炭及其性能表征.0(羅來盛, 孫利紅, 余陽, 趙曉祥 and 周美華.;3L. Luo, L. Sun, Y. Yu, X. Zhao and M. Zhou (2011). |Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from Solidago canadensis by means of microwave irradiation activation. 5 -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 5(5):1161-1165. Luo Laisheng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Lihong, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Yang, College of Environmental Science a  環境學院 |0387 }cscd環境學院~陳東輝7/Mbbr工藝中不同曝氣方式充氧效率的比較及工程應用..&裴燁青, 陳東輝, 周恭明, 魯骎 and 楊軍.<4Y. Pei, D. Chen, G. Zhou, Q. Lu and J. Yang (2011). g_A COMPARISON OF AERATION EFFICIENCY AMONG VARIOUS AERATION MODES FOR MBBR AND ITS APPLICATION.   Environment Engineering. 29(1):5-9. Pei Yeqing, College of Environmental Science & Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Donghui, College of Environmental Science & Engineering of Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhou Gongming, The National Engineering R  環境學院 |0388 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@'水中痕量阿特拉津的測定方法研究.史錦 and 薛罡."J. Shi and G. Xue (2011). ?7THE STUDY OF DETERMINATION OF TRACE ATRAZINE IN WATER.   Environment Engineering. 29(2):116-118. Shi Jin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.q i史錦, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0389 }cscd環境學院~李登新~ 鼗 A2*物化處理-水解酸化-改良Sbr系統處理助劑廢水."時鵬輝, 典平鴿 and 李登新.*"P. Shi, P. Dian and D. Li (2011). DESIGN FOR RUBBER PROMOTER WASTEWATER TREATMENT BY THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROCESSES,HYDROLYZE ACIDIFICATION AND IMPROVED SBR. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(6):129. Shi Penghui, College of Environment Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Dengxin, College of Environment Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Dian Pingge, Henan University of Urban Construct 時鵬輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 典平鴿, 河南城建學院, 平頂山, 河南 467044, 中國. 環境學院 |0390 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@7/磺胺甲噁唑在給水處理系統中的遷移轉化及去除研究.6.石為民, 劉凱英, 葉文婷, 薛罡, 程起躍 and 鈄晨.C;W. Shi, K. Liu, W. Ye, G. Xue, Q. Cheng and C. Dou (2011). \TSTUDY ON TRANSFORMATION AND REMOVAL OF SULFAMETHOXAZOLUM IN WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(6):86. Shi Weimin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Kaiying, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ye Wenting, School of Environmental Science an  環境學院 |0391 }cscd環境學院 ~IA兩個基於2-丙基-4,5-咪唑二甲酸的鍶和鋇配合物的合成,結構及性質研究.:2李世傑, 宋文東, 苗東亮, 仝紹偉, 顏建斌 and 紀麗麗.d\L. I. ShiJie, S. WenDong, M. DongLiang, T. ShaoWei, Y. A. N. JianBin and J. I. LiLi (2011). Synthesis,Structural and Properties of Two Strontium and Barium Complexes Based on 2-Propyl-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic Acid. / 'Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 27(10):2088-2094. LI ShiJie, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. MIAO DongLiang, College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China. TONG ShaoWei, College   環境學院 |0392 }cscd環境學院 ~陳亮2*痕量磺胺二甲基嘧啶Elisa與hplc檢測方法比較.&田世烜, 張萌, 陳亮 and 黃滿紅.=5T. Shixuan, Z. Meng, C. Liang and H. Manhong (2011). aYComparison of ELISA and HPLC for Trace Sulfamethazine Determination in Municipal Sewage. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(6):115-118. TIAN Shixuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Meng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Liang, School of Environmental Science a 田世烜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張萌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0393 }cscd環境學院~陸書玉)!輻射技術用於染料廢水的脫色與降解."宋鵬程, 陸書玉 and 羅麗娟.*"P. Song, S. Lu and L. Luo (2011). B:Radiation decoloration and degradation of dye wastewater.  Nuclear Techniques. 34(11):815-822. Song Pengcheng, Environment Science and Engineering College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Shuyu, Shanghai Radio-Environment Supervision Agency, Shanghai 200065, China. Luo Lijuan, Shanghai Radio-Environment Supervision Agency, Shanghai 宋鵬程, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 羅麗娟, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 環境學院 |0394 }cscd環境學院~周美華80雙酚A分子印跡聚合物的製備及其在水相中的吸附性能.( 蘇博, 宮建龍, 羅來盛 and 周美華.3+B. Su, J. Gong, L. Luo and M. Zhou (2011). tlPreparation of Bisphenol A Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Their Adsorption Capability in Aqueous Phase. 6 .Environmental Protection of Chemical Industry. 31(2):167-171. Su Bo, School of Environment Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gong Jianlong, School of Environment Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Laisheng, School of Environment Science and Eng 蘇博, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宮建龍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅來盛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周美華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0395 }cscd環境學院~蘇亞欣~ 擂鸃/'廢輪胎的燃料特性及用於燃煤鍋爐再燃脫硝.( 蘇亞欣, 鄧文義, 姜凡 and 沈恒根.5-Y. Su, W. Deng, F. Jiang and H. Shen (2011). xpCharacteristics of waste tire as fuel and its application to NO_x reduction by reburning for coal-fired boiler. 3 +Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress. 30(3):642-648. Su Yaxin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Deng Wenyi, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jiang Fan, School of Environmental Science and  蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄧文義, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姜凡, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 沈恒根, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0396 }cscd環境學院~蘇亞欣~ 擂鸃)!太陽能煙囪自然通風的一維穩態模型.蘇亞欣 and 柳仲寶.!Y. Su and Z. Liu (2011). OGOne Dimensional Steady Model for Natural Ventilation of Solar Chimney. D <Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering. 33(5):102-107. Su Yaxin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Zhongbao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u m蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳仲寶, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0397 }cscd環境學院~蘇亞欣~ 擂鸃)!太陽能煙囪強化自然通風的研究現狀.蘇亞欣 and 柳仲寶.!Y. Su and Z. Liu (2011). NFResearch Status on Solar Chimney for Natural Ventilation Enhancement. $ Science & Technology Review. 29(27):67-72. Su Yaxin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Zhongbao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u m蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳仲寶, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0398 }cscd環境學院~蘇亞欣~ 擂鸃7/旋流燃燒器螺旋伸展長度對高溫空氣燃燒特性的影響."蘇亞欣, 汪文輝 and 楊翔翔.+#Y. Su, W. Wang and X. Yang (2011). d\Effect of stretch length of swirling burner on high temperature air combustion performance. 2 *Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 10(3):231-236.  蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪文輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊翔翔, 華僑大學校辦, 泉州, 福建 362000, 中國. 環境學院 |0399 }cscd環境學院~林衛青'澱山湖底泥氮、磷釋放通量的研究.*"蘇麗丹, 林衛青, 楊漪帆 and 朱永青.JBSulidan, L. I. N. Weiqing, Y. Yifan and Z. H. U. Yongqing (2011). TLFluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus releasing from sediment in Dianshan Lake. * "Environmental Pollution & Control. 33(5):32. SULidan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 2000521, China. LIN Weiqing, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai 200233, China. YANG Yifan, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai 200233, 蘇麗丹, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 2000521, 中國. 林衛青, 上海市環境科學研究院, 上海 200233, 中國. 楊漪帆, 上海市環境科學研究院, 上海 200233, 中國. 朱永青, 上海市環境科學研究院, 上海 200233, 中國. 環境學院 |0400 }cscd環境學院 ~王浩~ 鑠A7/冰封期水動力水質模型在松花江水汙染事件中的應用.80孫少晨, 魏懷斌, 肖偉華, 周祖昊, 王浩 and 賀華翔.D<S. Sun, H. Wei, W. Xiao, Z. Zhou, H. Wang and H. He (2011). wApplication of the Freezing Period Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Model to Water Pollution Accident in Songhua River. ; 3Journal of Jilin University. Earth Science Edition. 41(5):1548-1553. Sun Shaochen, School of Environmental Science &Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wei Huaibin, School of Hydraulic Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou, Henan 450011, China. Xiao Weihua  環境學院 |0401 }cscd環境學院 ~田晴~ p整@1)共存雜質對磷酸銨鎂結晶法回收磷的影響研究.$陶飛飛, 田晴, 李方 and 楊波.3+F. Tao, Q. Tian, F. Li and B. Yang (2011). qiEffects of coexisting impurities on phosphorus recovery in magnesium ammonium phosphate crystallization. 5 -Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 5(11):2437-2441. Tao Feifei, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tian Qing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Fang, College of Environmental Science an 陶飛飛, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 田晴, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李方, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊波, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0402 }cscd環境學院 ~陳亮;3Uasb-sbr工藝去除生活汙水中磺胺二甲基嘧啶的試驗研究.&田世烜, 張萌, 陳亮 and 黃滿紅.80S. Tian, M. Zhang, L. Chen and M. Huang (2011). VNLAB-SCALE STUDY ON REMOVAL OF SULFAMETHAZINE FROM SEWAGE BY UASB-SBR PROCESS. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(4):84-87. Tian Shixuan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Meng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Liang, College of Environmental Scie 田世烜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張萌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳亮, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃滿紅, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0403 }cscd環境學院~陳勇航~ 麫/'基於Aqua衛星總雲量資料分析山區雲水資源.80王洪強, 陳勇航, 彭寬軍, 崔彩霞, 張國慶 and 劉瓊.G?H. Wang, Y. Chen, K. Peng, C. Cui, G. Zhang and Q. Liu (2011). d\Study on Cloud Water Resources of Mountain Ranges in Xinjiang Based on Aqua Satellite Data. % Journal of Natural Resources. 26(1):89-96. Wang Hongqiang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Yonghang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Peng Kuanjun, College of Environment  環境學院 |0404 }cscd環境學院~楊再福~ 棼@%Fenton氧化在廢水處理中的應用.王娟 and 楊再福.$J. Wang and Z. Yang (2011). 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Xiaodong Li, State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Institute for Thermal Power Engineering,Zhejiang University, State Key Laboratory of Clea dengwy@dhu.edu.cn 環境學院 |0406 }cscd環境學院~李登新~ 鼗 A80P204-仲辛醇皂化萃取氰化尾渣酸浸液中鐵的初步研究.伍靜靜 and 李登新. J. Wu and D. Li (2011). ~Preliminary Study of Synergistic Extraction Iron from Acid Leaching Solution of Cyanidation Tailings with P204 and 2-octanol. - %Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. 31(1):57-62. Wu Jingjing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Dengxin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u m伍靜靜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0407 }cscd環境學院~朱艷彬~ 麫-%甲醇產纖維素菌株的靜態發酵動力學研究.( 夏露, 朱艷彬, 劉振鴻 and 李小維.1)L. Xia, Y. Zhu, Z. Liu and X. Li (2011). f^Study on Static Fermentation Kinetics of Bacterial Cellulose-Producing Strain Using Methanol.  Biotechnology. 21(2):70-73. Xia Lu, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Yanbin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Zhenhong, School of Environmental Science and 夏露, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱艷彬, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉振鴻, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李小維, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0408 }cscd環境學院~沈恒根~ 靶鸃/'構造材料對芳碸綸濾料熱尺寸穩定性的影響.*"元新艷, 沈恒根, 王振華 and 侯偉麗.E=Y. Xinyan, S. Henggen, W. Zhenhua and H. O. U. Weili (2011). bZEffected of different materials on the thermal dimensional stability of PSA filter media. * "Journal of Safety and Environment. 11(4):95-97. YUAN Xinyan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHEN Henggen, Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Zhenhua, Engine  環境學院 |0409 }cscd環境學院 ~許賀~  麫.&許賀, 鄭巧利, 楊萍, 柳建設 and 金利通. H. Xu, Q. Zheng, P. Yang, J. Liu and L. Jin (2011). "Sensitive Voltammetric Detection of Trace Heavy Metals in Real Water Using Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes/Nafion Composite Film Electrode. "<4H. Xu, Q. Zheng, P. Yang, J. Liu and L. Jin (2011). Sensitive Voltammetric Detection of Trace Heavy Metals in Real Water Using Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes/Nafion Composite Film Electrode. % Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 29(4):805-812. Xu He, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zheng Qiaoli, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Ping, School of Environmental Science and ES K許賀, 201620. 鄭巧利, 201620. 楊萍, 201620. 柳建設, 201620. 金利通, 200062. 環境學院 |0410 }cscd環境學院~喬錦麗~ @麫7/CoPy/C催化劑應用堿性介質氧還原催化的電化學性能.6.徐莉, 喬錦麗, 丁蕾, 胡隆宇, 劉玲玲 and 王海江.C;L. Xu, J. Qiao, L. Ding, L. Hu, L. Liu and H. Wang (2011). phElectrocatalytic Activity of CoPy/C Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte. $ Acta Physica-Chimica Sinica. 27(10):2251-2254. Xu Li, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qiao Jinli, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Lei, College of Environmental Science and E  環境學院 |0411 }cscd環境學院~陸書玉2*添加劑對廢Emc粉/pvc共混體系流變性能的影響.*"許文嬌, 陸書玉, 羅麗娟 and 楊文濤.1)W. Xu, S. Lu, L. Luo and W. Yang (2011). IAEffects of Additives on Rheology of Waste EMC Powder/PVC Blends.  Plastics. 40(2):70-73. Xu Wenjiao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Lijuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Wentao, School of Environmental Science  許文嬌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅麗娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊文濤, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 環境學院 |0412 }cscd環境學院~陸書玉0(廢Emc粉/pve復合材料的結構與動態力學性能.*"許文嬌, 陸書玉, 羅麗娟 and 楊文濤.1)W. Xu, S. Lu, L. Luo and W. Yang (2011). XPMorphology and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Waste EMC Powder/PVC Composite.  Plastics. 40(1):73. Xu Wenjiao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Lijuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Wentao, School of Environmental Science  許文嬌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅麗娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊文濤, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陸書玉, 上海市輻射環境監督站, 上海 200065, 中國. 環境學院 |0413 }cscd環境學院~黃躍武~ 臌@3+不可逆中冷焦耳--布雷頓功熱並供系統火用分析.許益霖 and 黃躍武.#Y. Xu and Y. Huang (2011). ldExergy Analysis of an Irreversible Intercooled Joule-Brayton Power-and-heating Cogeneration System. < 4Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power. 26(2):186-190. Xu Yilin, College of Environment Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Yuewu, College of Environment Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u m許益霖, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃躍武, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0414 }cscd環境學院~黃躍武~ 臌@5-不可逆中冷回熱太陽能布雷頓循環系統的優化分析.許益霖 and 黃躍武.#Y. Xu and Y. Huang (2011). g_Performance Optimization of a Solar-driven Irreversible Intercooled Regenerated Brayton Cycle. % Journal of Power Engineering. 31(9):720-724. Xu Yilin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Yuewu, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.u m許益霖, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃躍武, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0415 }cscd環境學院 ~楊靜~ 0 麫aY血紅蛋白和SiO_2凝膠層層組裝膜在碳納米管/金納米粒子修飾電極界面上的直接電化學及電催化研究..&徐穎, 張小燕, 楊靜, 何品剛 and 方禹之.<4Y. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Yang, P. He and Y. Fang (2011). Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Hemoglobin with SiO_2 Gel Film Layer-by-layer Assembled on Carbon Nanotubes-Au Nanoparticles Modified Electrode. 1 )Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities. 32(10):2293-2300. Xu Ying, Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China. Zhang Xiaoyan, Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China. He Pingang, Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shangh 徐穎, 華東師範大學化學系, 上海 200062, 中國. 張小燕, 華東師範大學化學系, 上海 200062, 中國. 何品剛, 華東師範大學化學系, 上海 200062, 中國. 方禹之, 華東師範大學化學系, 上海 200062, 中國. 楊靜, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院D榟l{<d cm@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0416 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@.&膠團強化超濾處理水中環境激素雙酚A研究.&薛罡, 史錦, 劉亞男 and 龔清傑.3+G. Xue, J. Shi, Y. Liu and Q. Gong (2011). XPREMOVAL OF BISPHENOL A IN WATER BY MICELLE ENHANCED ULTRAFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(3):33. Xue Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shi Jin, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Yanan, School of Environmental Science and Eng 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 史錦, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉亞男, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 龔清傑, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0417 }cscd環境學院~冀秀玲4,上海市典型家庭室內空氣中PCBs與PBDEs初步研究.,$劉洋, 冀秀玲, 馬靜, 徐剛 and 吳明紅.XPL. I. U. Yang, J. I. Xiuling, M. A. Jing, X. U. Gang and W. U. Minghong (2011). mePreliminary Study of PCBs and PBDEs in Indoor Air Samples Collected from Typical Houses in Shanghai. + #Research of Environmental Sciences. 24(5):482-488. LIU Yang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JI Xiuling, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. MA Jing, School of Environmental and Chemical Eng  環境學院 |0418 }cscd環境學院~付海明~ 0邴@%纖維過濾介質內部三維流場模擬."李艷艷, 付海明 and 胡玉樂.;3L. I. Yanyan, F. U. Haiming and H. U. Yule (2011). UMNumerical simulation of three dimensional flow fields of fiber filter media. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(5):16-21. LI Yanyan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. FU Haiming, College of Environmental Science and Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HU Yule, School of Computer Science and Techno 李艷艷, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 付海明, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡玉樂, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0419 }cscd環境學院~蘇亞欣~ 擂鸃)!旋流對高溫空氣燃燒影響的模擬研究."蘇亞欣, 汪文輝 and 鄧文義.4,S. U. Yaxin, W. Wenhui and D. Wenyi (2011). e]Numerical Simulation of the Influence of a Swirling Flow on High Temperature Air Combustion. < 4Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power. 26(3):333. SU Yaxin, College of Environment Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Wenhui, College of Environment Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DENG Wenyi, College of Environment Science and Eng 蘇亞欣, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪文輝, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄧文義, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0420 }cscd環境學院~汪永輝-%gamma-射線對不同含水率剩余汙泥的影響..&鄭憶楓, 陳群, 曹長青, 王敏 and 汪永輝.MEZ. Yifeng, C. Qun, C. A. O. Changqing, W. Min and W. Yonghui (2011). YQgamma-ray Radiation Effects on Residual Sludge with Different Moisture Contents. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(6):144-147. ZHENG Yifeng, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Qun, School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Yonghui, School of Environmental Science a 鄭憶楓, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳群, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 汪永輝, 恒行3平台環境學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹長青, 中科院上海應用物理研究所, 上海 201800, 中國. 王敏, 中科院上海應用物理研究所, 上海 201800, 中國. 環境學院 |0421 }cscd環境學院~付海明~ 0邴@-%基於負荷特性的區域供冷系統節能性分析."彭友輝, 連之偉 and 付海明.P. Youhui, L. I. U. Jialin, L. Zhiwei, L. U. O. Mingliang, F. U. Haiming, R. E. N. Bin, J. I. A. Zilong and S. U. N. Houtai (2011). f^Discussion on the Energy Efficiency of District Cooling System Based on Load Characteristics. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):109-114. PENG Youhui, School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China. LIAN Zhiwei, School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China. LIU Jialin, College of Petroleum Engineering,China Univ 彭友輝, 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院, 上海 200240, 中國. 連之偉, 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院, 上海 200240, 中國. 付海明, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0422 }cscd環境學院 ~余陽~ 痧鸃1)兩種超細活性碳纖維的製備及其甲醛吸附性能. 余陽, 周美華 and 吳小倩.)!Y. Yu, M. Zhou and X. Wu (2011). ogPreparation of Two Kinds of Ultra-fine Activated Carbon Fibers and Adsorption of Formaldehyde on Them. 5 -Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 29(2):177-182. Yu Yang, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Donghua University, ShangHai 201620, China. Zhou Meihua, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Donghua University, ShangHai 201620, China. Wu Xiaoqian, School of Environmental Science & Engi 余陽, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周美華, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳小倩, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0423 }cscd環境學院~沈恒根~ 靶鸃/'兩級序批式Mbr與單級好氧mbr對比試驗研究..&元新艷, 沈恒根, 孫磊, 王琳 and 李世峰.<4X. Yuan, H. Shen, L. Sun, L. Wang and S. Li (2011). QIComparison Research on Two-stage Sequencing Batch MBR and One-stage MBR. 1 )Chinese Journal of Environmental Science. 32(1):206-211. Yuan Xinyan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shen Henggen, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Lei, Taixing Environtech Co.Ltd, Yix  環境學院 |0424 }cscd環境學院~柳建設~ 麫#礦山酸堿混合廢水的氧化處理.*"張誠, 柳建設, 王慧萍 and 王兆慧.6.C. Zhang, J. Liu, H. Wang and Z. Wang (2011). OGTreatment of Acid-Alkali Mixed Mine Wastewater with Oxidation Process. = 5Journal of Wuhan University. Natural Science Edition. 57(2):179-184. Zhang Cheng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Jianshe, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Huiping, College of Environmental Sc 張誠, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王慧萍, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王兆慧, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0425 }cscd環境學院~柳建設~ 麫3+臭氧氧化浮選藥劑丁基黃原酸鉀反應動力學研究.張萌 and 柳建設.$M. Zhang and J. Liu (2011). _WKinetics of flotation reagents potassium n-butyl xanthate oxidation by ozone in water. & Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae. 31(3):511-517. Zhang Meng, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Jianshe, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.s k張萌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0426 }cscd環境學院~柳建設~ 麫Uv/o_3處理丁基黃藥廢水.張萌 and 柳建設.$M. Zhang and J. Liu (2011). OGEXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON DEGRADATION OF BUTYL XANTHATE IN WATER BY UV/O3. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(5):89-91. Zhang Meng, College of environmental Science and Engineering DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Jianshe, College of environmental Science and Engineering DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China.s k張萌, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0427 }cscd環境學院~陳勇航~ 麫)!新疆三大山區雲的垂直分布特征初探.H@張萍, 彭寬軍, 陳勇航, 陳斌, 崔彩霞, 余其多, 楊彬, 範佳 and 高菲._WP. Zhang, K. Peng, Y. Chen, B. Chen, C. Cui, Q. Yu, B. Yang, J. Fan and F. Gao (2011). h`A Preliminary Study of Vertical Distribution of Clouds over Three Major Mountains in Xingjiang.  Resources Science. 33(11):2090-2098. Zhang Ping, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Peng Kuanjun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Yonghang, College of Environmental Sci  環境學院 |0428 }cscd環境學院~宋新山~ 壘鸃+#多介質潛流人工濕地的水動力過程模擬. 張濤, 宋新山 and 盧守波.,$T. Zhang, X. Song and S. Lu (2011). e]Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodynamics in Heterogeneous Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(4):27. Zhang Tao, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Song Xinshan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Shoubo, School of Environmental Science a 張濤, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋新山, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 盧守波, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0429 }cscd環境學院~柳建設~ 麫@8嗜酸氧化亞鐵硫桿菌半胱氨酸合成酶的表達,純化及其性質鑒定.( 鄭春麗, 李艷君, 錢林 and 柳建設.4,C. Zheng, Y. Li, L. Qian and J. Liu (2011). rjExpression, Purification and Characterization of a Cysteine Synthase from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans.  Biotechnology Bulletin. 3):180-184. Zheng Chunli, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qian Lin, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Jianshe, College of Environmental Scien 鄭春麗, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 錢林, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柳建設, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李艷君, 內蒙古科技大學數理與生物工程學院, 包頭, 內蒙古 014010, 中國. 環境學院 |0430 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@/'臭氧化降解給水系統中卡馬西平的試驗研究.&周寧娟, 薛罡, 蔔聃 and 劉亞男.2*N. Zhou, G. Xue, D. Bu and Y. Liu (2011). bZEINVESTIGATION ON THE DEGRADATION OF CARBAMAZEPINE IN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM BY OZONIZATION. & Technology of Water Treatment. 37(4):109-111. Zhou Ningjuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Bu Dan, School of Environmental Science and  周寧娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔔聃, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉亞男, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0431 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@1)羥基化鋅催化臭氧氧化去除水中痕量磺胺嘧啶.&周寧娟, 薛罡, 蔔聃 and 劉亞男.2*N. Zhou, G. Xue, D. Bu and Y. Liu (2011). E=Catalytic ozonation of trace sulfadiazine in water by ZnOOH. $ China Environmental Science. 31(2):233-238. Zhou Ningjuan, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Gang, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Bu Dan, School of Environmental Science and  周寧娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔔聃, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉亞男, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0432 }cscd環境學院 ~薛罡~ 摞@:2固相萃取-反相高效液相色譜法測定環境水體中卡馬西平.周寧娟, 楊興 and 薛罡.,$N. Zhou, X. Yang and G. Xue (2011). TLDetermination of carbamazepine in water by solid phase extraction and HPLC. / 'Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory. 30(3):32-34. Zhou Ningjuan, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Xing, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xue Gang, College of Environmental Scienc 周寧娟, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊興, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 薛罡, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 環境學院 |0433 }cscd~機械學院~孫誌宏U0937771)經編機中平面八桿機構震動力平衡的理論分析. 張兵, 孫誌宏 and 張程燮.:2Z. Bing, S. U. N. Zhihong and Z. Chengxie (2011). h`Theoretical Analysis on the Shaking Force Balancing for Planar 8-bar Linkage of Tricot Machine. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):101-104. ZHANG Bing, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Zhihong, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shangh 張兵, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫誌宏, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 張程燮, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.  (* .7 ;= CE gi mv z|    " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0434 }cscd~機械學院~ 孫誌宏U093777/'三角形溝槽旋成體表面減阻性能的數值模擬. 徐繼, 劉家強 and 孫誌宏.A9X. U. Ji, L. I. U. Jiagiang and S. U. N. Zhihong (2011). QINumerical Simulation on the Drag Reduction of Body with Triangle Groove. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):105-108. XU Ji, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Zhihong, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 20 徐繼, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫誌宏, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉家強, 中國紡織機械器材工業協會, 北京 100028, 中國.  (* .7 ;= CE gi mv z|    " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0435 }cscd~機械學院 ~丁浩094835/'淬火溫度對薄片類小零件脆性和彈性的影響.&張莉, 丁浩, 嚴晶晶 and 朱世根.E=Z. Li, D. Hao, Y. A. N. Jingjing and Z. H. U. Shigen (2011). ^VInfluence of Quenching Temperature on Elasticity and Brittleness of Thin Small Parts.  Hot Working Technology. 40(14):143-145. ZHANG Li, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery, Shanghai 201620, China. DING Hao, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textil " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0436 }cscd~機械學院~朱世根094722+#粘土增強劑對黃壤土砂工藝性能的影響.鄒令, 駱嵐 and 朱世根.B:Z. O. U. Ling, L. U. O. Yilan and Z. H. U. Shigen (2011). [SInfluence of Clay Additive on Performance of Natural Yellow Loam Clay-Bonded Sand.  Foundry. 60(8):796-801. ZOU Ling, College of Mechanical Engineering of Donghua University,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. LUO Yilan, College of Mechanical Engineering of Donghua University,Engineerin' 鄒令, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 教育部紡織裝備工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 駱嵐, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 教育部紡織裝備工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱世根, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 教育部紡織裝備工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.   68 <E IK OQ eg        " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0437 }cscd~機械學院~周申華216321%立體管狀織物的三維圓織法成型.*"周申華, 單鴻波, 孫誌宏 and 毛立民.KCZ. Shenhua, S. Hongbo, S. U. N. Zhihong and M. A. O. Limin (2011). B:Circular weaving method for 3-dimensional tubular fabric. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(7):44-48. ZHOU Shenhua, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHAN Hongbo, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, ShanD 周申華, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 單鴻波, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫誌宏, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 毛立民, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.  *, 09 =? EG ik ox |~        " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0438 }cscd~機械學院~朱世根094722/'電接觸強化對Wc塗層與基體結合界面的影響.*"水露雨, 朱世根, 顧偉生 and 範金輝.2*L. Shui, S. Zhu, W. Gu and J. Fan (2011). ZREffect of Electric Contact Heating on Interface Between WC Coating and Substrate.  Hot Working Technology. 40(20):126-128. Shui Luyu, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Shigen, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University,Engineering Re " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0439 }cscd~機械學院~楊崇倡216311)!Jwa 1680卷繞頭尾絲成形技術的優化.蘇振, 全瀟 and 楊崇倡.+#Z. Su, X. Quan and C. Yang (2011). G?Optimization of tail formation technology for JWA 1680 winder. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(6):61-63. Su Zhen, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University; Engineering Research Center of Textile Equipment, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Chongchang, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University; Engineering Research Center of Textile Equipm 蘇振, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊崇倡, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 全瀟, 蘇州榮文合成纖維有限公司, 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 蘇州, 江蘇 215427, 中國." 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0440 }cscd~機械學院~原一高094379/'超細硬質合金磨削表面殘余應力的實驗研究.*"原一高, 暢曉振, 施耀祖 and 陸誌勇.4,Y. Yuan, X. Chang, Y. Shi and Z. Lu (2011). ^VResidual Surface Stress in the Grinding of Ultrafine-grained WC-Co Cemented Carbides. * "Mechanical Science and Technology. 30(7):1217-1220. Yuan Yigao, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery of Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chang Xiaozhen, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery of Ministry of Education,Donghua Universit " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0441 }cscd~機械學院~孫誌宏U0937771)經編機中平面八桿機構震動力平衡的理論分析. 張兵, 孫誌宏 and 張程燮.:2Z. Bing, S. U. N. Zhihong and Z. Chengxie (2011). h`Theoretical Analysis on the Shaking Force Balancing for Planar 8-bar Linkage of Tricot Machine. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):101-104. ZHANG Bing, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Zhihong, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shangh 張兵, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫誌宏, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 張程燮, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.  (* .7 ;= CE gi mv z|    " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0442 }cscd~機械學院~毛立民093379-%變載荷工作環境下的輸送鏈動態性能分析.胡瑞華 and 毛立民.!R. Hu and L. Mao (2011). \TDynamic Performance Analysis of Conveyor Chains under Variable Loading Environment.  Packaging Engineering. 32(5):56-60. Hu Ruihua, Donghua University, Engineering Research Center of Textile Equipment, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Mao Limin, Donghua University, Engineering Research Center of Textile Equipment, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. 胡瑞華, 恒行3平台, 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 毛立民, 恒行3平台, 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.   ,. 2; ?A GI QS mo s| " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0443 }cscd~機械學院~孫誌宏U093777/'三角形溝槽旋成體表面減阻性能的數值模擬. 徐繼, 劉家強 and 孫誌宏.A9X. U. Ji, L. I. U. Jiagiang and S. U. N. Zhihong (2011). QINumerical Simulation on the Drag Reduction of Body with Triangle Groove. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):105-108. XU Ji, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Zhihong, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery Ministry of Education Donghua University, Shanghai 20 徐繼, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫誌宏, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉家強, 中國紡織機械器材工業協會, 北京 100028, 中國.  (* .7 ;= CE gi mv z|    " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0444 }cscd~機械學院 ~陳革094070/'高頻微幅波對纖維束纖維間摩擦因數的影響.( 劉家強, 吳興寬, 陳革 and 陳少梅.H@L. I. U. Jiaqiang, W. U. Xingkuan, C. Ge and C. Shaomei (2011). _WEffect of high-frequency microwave on interfiber friction coefficient of fiber strand. $ Journal of Textile Research. 32(6):129-134. LIU Jiaqiang, China Textile Machinery & Accessory Association, Beijing 100028, China. WU Xingkuan, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Ge, Engineering Research Ce8 劉家強, 中國紡織機械器材工業協會, 北京 100028, 中國. 吳興寬, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳革, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳少梅, 恒行3平台紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.  " &/ 35 ;= _a en rt xz       " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0445 }cscd~機械學院~楊崇倡216311%三維自卷曲丙綸生產工藝的探討.80裘大洪, 孟超群, 劉娜娜, 楊崇倡, 嚴誌勇 and 周哲.E=D. Qiu, C. Meng, N. Liu, C. Yang, Z. Yan and Z. Zhou (2011). PHProduction process of three-dimensional self-crimp polypropylene fiber. ! Synthetic Fiber Industry. 34(5):58-60. Qiu Dahong, Fujian Billion Polymerization Fiber Industrial Co.,Ltd., Jinjiang, 362241. Meng Chaoqun, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery,Ministry of Education,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Nana, Engineering Research " 紡織裝備教育部工程研究中心 |0446 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智0949983+負極片自動化生產線總體設計及其關鍵技術研究.( 李蓓智, 李鵬, 楊建國 and 孫貴政.KCL. I. Beizhi, L. I. Peng, Y. Jianguo and S. U. N. Guizheng (2011). phThe General Design of Negative Film Automatic Production Line and the Research of Its Key Technologies. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):431. LI Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Peng, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 20 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李鵬, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫貴政, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0447 }cscd機械學院 ~;3靜電驅動電容式微機械陀螺寄生Coriolis力的建模與分析.&莫冰, 鄭琦, 劉曉為 and 陳斯浩.A9M. O. Bing, Z. Qi, L. I. U. Xiaowei and C. Sihao (2011). xModeling and Analysis of Coriolis Offset for Micromachined Gyroscope with Electrostatic Driving and Capacitive Sensing.  Microelectronics. 41(4):603. MO Bing, Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Huaqiao University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China. ZHENG Qi, Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Huaqiao University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China. LIU Xiaowei, MEMS Center,Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongji2 莫冰, 華僑大學電子工程系, 廈門, 福建 361021, 中國. 鄭琦, 華僑大學電子工程系, 廈門, 福建 361021, 中國. 劉曉為, 哈爾濱工業大學MEMS中心, 哈爾濱, 黑龍江 150001, 中國. 陳斯浩, 恒行3平台機電工程及自動化系, 上海 201620, 中國.(    $- 13 79 KM QS W` df ln |         機械學院D/plLmkStPM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0448 }cscd機械學院~陳慧敏094800%服裝面料三維非接觸式坐標測量."陳慧敏, 顧洪波 and 張渭源.,$H. Chen, H. Gu and W. Zhang (2011). >6Garment Cloth 3D Non-contact Coordinates Measurement. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):716-719. Chen Huimin, College of Mechanical Engineering,Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gu Hongbo, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zha 陳慧敏, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 顧洪波, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張渭源, 恒行3平台服裝和藝術設計學院, 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0449 }cscd機械學院~楊建國0945772*基於ANSYS Workbench的貨架立柱截面優化設計."姚道壯, 楊建國 and 呂誌軍.@8Y. A. O. Daozhuang, Y. Jianguo and L. V. Zhijun (2011). [SOptimization of Steel Storage Rack Column Cross-Sections Based on ANSYS Workbench. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):438. YAO Daozhuang, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LV Zhijun, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shang 姚道壯, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂誌軍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0450 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智094998.&基於Ansys的薄壁件定位結構拓撲優化方法.*"方高明, 李蓓智, 楊建國 and 周亞勤.4,G. Fang, B. Li, J. Yang and Y. Zhou (2011). TLA Topology Optimization of the Thin Wall Pieces Positioning Based on Ansys. * "Mechanical Science and Technology. 30(12):2098-2101. Fang Gaoming, College of Mechanical Enginering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Beizhi, College of Mechanical Enginering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanical Enginering, Donghua University, Shangh 方高明, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周亞勤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0451 }cscd機械學院~單鴻波091785/'3d模型庫在機械基礎課程教學實踐中的應用.0(單鴻波, 王曉紅, 金怡, 周申華 and 於海燕.QIS. Hongbo, W. Xiaohong, J. I. N. Yi, Z. Shenhua and Y. U. Haiyan (2011). ldApplication of Teaching Practice Based on 3D Models Oriented to the Mechanical Fundamental Courses. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):525-540. SHAN Hongbo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Xiaohong, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. JIN Yi, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai  單鴻波, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王曉紅, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 金怡, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周申華, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 於海燕, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0452 }cscd機械學院~陳玉潔21649780基於Profibus-DP與組態王的光伏電站監控系統的設計. 扈聰, 陳玉潔 and 孫以澤.*"C. Hu, Y. Chen and Y. Sun (2011). bZDesign of Photovoltaic Power Station Monitoring System Based on Profibus-DP and Kingview. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):629-632. Hu Cong, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Yujie, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Yize, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 20162 扈聰, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳玉潔, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫以澤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0453 }cscd機械學院~楊建國0945775-智能維護在軌道交通環境與設備監控系統中的應用.,$張華, 陳輝, 楊建國, 張家梁 and 周虎.B:Z. Hua, C. Hui, Y. Jianguo, Z. Jialiang and Z. Hu (2011). UMApplication of E-maintenance in Building Automatic System on Subway Traffic. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):457-461. ZHANG Hua, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Hui, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 2 張華, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳輝, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張家梁, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周虎, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0454 }cscd機械學院 ~項前094962,$基於Soa的自動化立體倉庫管理系統實現.( 姜世偉, 項前, 呂誌軍 and 王慶霞.6.S. Jiang, Q. Xiang, Z. Lu and Q. Wang (2011). bZImplemenatation method of AS/RS management system based on service-oriented architecture. ( Computer Engineering and Design. 32(12):4044. Jiang Shiwei, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xiang Qian, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lu Zhijun, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua Universi  姜世偉, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 項前, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂誌軍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王慶霞, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.   "+ /1 57 KM QZ ^` fh |~       機械學院 |0455 }cscd機械學院~楊建國094577+#汽車車輪螺栓擰緊工具可重構控製系統.4,楊建國, 王黨日, 陳輝, 殷偉智, 徐俊 and 李鵬.YQY. Jianguo, W. Dangri, C. Hui, Y. I. N. Weizhi, X. U. Jun and L. I. Peng (2011). QIA Vehicle Wheel Screw Tightening Reconfigurable Tool Controlling System. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):398-402. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Dangri, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Hui, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai  機械學院 |0456 }cscd機械學院~楊建國09457791基於Indoor GPS的自適應基準平臺調平系統設計與實現.2*楊建國, 齊德強, 王黨日, 鄒煥富 and 高月山.[SY. Jianguo, Q. I. Deqiang, W. Dangri, Z. O. U. Huanfu and G. A. O. Yueshan (2011). kcDesign and Implementation of Self-adaptive Benchmark Platform Leveling System Based on Indoor GPS. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):442-445. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. QI Deqiang, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Dangri, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shangh 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 齊德強, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王黨日, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄒煥富, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 高月山, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0457 }cscd機械學院~楊建國094577-%負極片自動化生產線管控一體化系統研製.楊建國 and 周繼華.( Y. Jianguo and Z. Jihua (2011). ^VDevelopment of the Negative Film Automatic Production Line Integrated Control System. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):426-430. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHOU Jihua, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.i a楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周繼華, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0458 }cscd機械學院~楊建國094577=5神經網絡補償器在基於影像測量儀的運動控製系統中的應用. 楊建國, 楊曉義 and 周虎.0(Y. Jianguo, Y. Xiaoyi and Z. Hu (2011). nfThe Application of Neural Networks Compensator in Motion Control Based on Image Measuring Instrument. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):86-89. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Xiaoyi, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHOU Hu, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai  楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊曉義, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周虎, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0459 }cscd機械學院~束永平0951565-細紗機雙皮圈牽伸區靜態正壓力的有限元仿真分析."矯海靜, 束永平 and 顧洪波.*"H. Jiao, Y. Shu and H. Gu (2011). kcFinite Element Analysis of Static Normal Force for Double Apron Drafting Area of Spinning Machine. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(5):633-638. Jiao Haijing, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shu Yongping, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gu Hongbo, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Sha 矯海靜, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 束永平, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 顧洪波, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0460 }cscd機械學院~孔永華094870!Gh4169合金的低溫沖擊試驗.0(孔永華, 王飛, 李東方, 陳國勝 and 朱世根.<4Y. Kong, F. Wang, D. Li, G. Chen and S. Zhu (2011). <4Impact research of alloy GH4169 at low temperature.  Cryogenics. 4):11-15. Kong Yonghua, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Fei, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Dongfang, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 孔永華, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王飛, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李東方, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱世根, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳國勝, 寶鋼集團特殊鋼分公司, 上海 200940, 中國. 機械學院 |0461 }cscd機械學院~孫以澤260250-%光伏太陽能電池組件Matlab通用仿真模塊.( 彭樂樂, 孫以澤, 孟婥 and 陳玉潔.=5P. Lele, S. U. N. Yize, M. Chuo and C. Yujie (2011). E=Generalized Photovoltaic Array Module Using Matlab/Simulink. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):90-94. PENG Lele, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Yize, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. MENG Chuo, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 2016 彭樂樂, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫以澤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟婥, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳玉潔, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0462 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智0949983+磁流變拋光工藝的綜合效應分析、建模及其控製.2*李蓓智, 周勤之, 楊建國, 成連民 and 陶曉峰.=5B. Li, Q. Zhou, J. Yang, L. Cheng and X. Tao (2011). ZRThe Multiple Effect Modeling and Quality Control of Magnetorheological Finishing. * "Mechanical Science and Technology. 30(12):2135. Li Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Qinzhi, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shan  機械學院 |0463 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智094998)!薄壁框體零件優質高效加工工藝方法.2*錢玲楠, 李蓓智, 楊建國, 周亞勤 and 吳雪逖.OGQ. Lingnan, L. I. Beizhi, Y. Jianguo, Z. Yaqin and W. U. Xueti (2011). h`Processing Method for High Quality and Efficiency Manufacturing of Thin Walled Frame Component. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):412. QIAN Lingnan, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shangh 錢玲楠, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周亞勤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳雪逖, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0464 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智094998)!超高速外圓磨床動態性能分析及診斷."華旻峰, 李蓓智 and 楊建國.>6H. U. A. Minfeng, L. I. Beizhi and Y. Jianguo (2011). `XDynamic Performance Analysis and Diagnosis for High Speed Cylindrical Grinding Machine. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(4):422-425. HUA Minfeng, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YANG Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shangha 華旻峰, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0465 }cscd機械學院~李蓓智094998-%基於遺傳退火算法的堆垛機路徑優化研究.( 衛三軍, 李蓓智, 呂誌軍 and 項前.2*S. Wei, B. Li, Z. Lv and Q. Xiang (2011). VNRoute Optimization of Stacker Based on Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm.  Computer Simulation. 28(12):204-207. Wei Sanjun, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lv Zhijun, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 20 衛三軍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 呂誌軍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 項前, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0466 }cscd機械學院~楊建國0945771)基於遺傳算法支持向量機的天線罩修磨量預測.( 楊建國, 秦少伍, 王慶霞 and 趙立.5-J. Yang, S. Qin, Q. Wang and L. Zhao (2011). meRadome Grinding Allowance Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine Optimized by Genetic Algorithm.  Computer Simulation. 28(12):371-375. Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qin Shaowu, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Qingxia, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shang 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 秦少伍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王慶霞, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙立, 上海無線電設備研究所, 上海 200090, 中國. 機械學院 |0467 }cscd機械學院 ~何勇093513)!一種共軛凸輪的組合型高級運動規律.何勇, 吳興培 and 王勃.4,H. E. Yong, W. U. Xingpei and W. Bo (2011). OGCombined High-Level Law of Motion of a Conjugate Cam Mechanism Design. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):95-100. HE Yong, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Xingpei, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Bo, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 何勇, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳興培, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王勃, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0468 }cscd機械學院 ~周虎0940141)基於互信息測度的平面圖像拼接及其測量技術. 周虎, 楊建國 and 李蓓智.+#H. Zhou, J. Yang and B. Li (2011). UMImage Mosaic and Measurement Technology Based on Mutual Information Measure. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(6):761-766. Zhou Hu, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Beizhi, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 周虎, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0469 }cscd機械學院 ~退休4,GCr15鋼單邊雙電極電接觸表面淬火的組織及性能./周寅初, 顧偉生 and 朱世根.*"Y. Zhou, W. Gu and S. Zhu (2011). ogMicrostructure and Properties of GCr15 Steel After Unilateral Two-electrode Contact Surface Hardening.  Hot Working Technology. 40(20):144. Zhou Yinchu, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Gu Weisheng, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Shigen, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shangha 周寅初, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 顧偉生, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱世根, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0470 }cscd機械學院~楊建國094577)!焊點布局的結構多目標拓撲優化設計.$周澤斌, 齋藤和弘 and 楊建國./'Z. Zhou, K. Saitou and J. Yang (2011). QIMulti-objective Structural Topology Optimization for Spot-welded Layout. 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Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Sh 程丹青, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李蓓智, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王慶霞, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳賀龍, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0472 }cscd機械學院 ~孟婥219044/'光伏系統單端反激式多路隔離輸出電源設計.&董鋒, 孟婥, 孫以澤 and 李富國.3+F. Dong, Z. Meng, Y. Sun and F. Li (2011). ^VDesign of single-end converter with multiple isolated outputs in photovoltaic system. ) !Chinese Journal of Power Sources. 35(10):1249-1251. Dong Feng, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Meng Zhuo, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Yize, College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai 2016 董鋒, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孟婥, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫以澤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李富國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0473 }cscd機械學院~楊建國094577=5神經網絡補償器在基於影像測量儀的運動控製系統中的應用. 楊建國, 楊曉義 and 周虎.0(Y. Jianguo, Y. Xiaoyi and Z. 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Yang Jianguo, Coll 張帆, 上海工程技術大學機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張丹, 安大略理工大學工程與應用科學學院, 奧沙瓦, L1H7K4. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0492 }cscd機械學院~駱祎嵐043557/'黃壤土砂鑄型與鑄件界面燒結層的力學行為.&張銳, 駱祎嵐, 殷梁 and 朱世根.4,R. Zhang, Y. Luo, L. Yin and S. Zhu (2011). wMechanical Property of the Sintering Layer at the Interface of Natural Yellow Clay-bonded Sand Mould and Iron Casting. 2 *Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 47(2):90-94. Zhang Rui, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Yilan, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yin Liang, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai  張銳, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 駱祎嵐, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 殷梁, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱世根, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0493 }cscd機械學院~王生澤09492191雙伺服單向轉動驅動差動輪系實現可控往復轉動的研究.張智慧 and 王生澤.%Z. Zhang and S. Wang (2011). The Study on Realizing of Controllable Reciprocating Motion with Double - servo Unidirectional Rotation Differential Gear Train. + #Journal of Mechanical Transmission. 35(6):26-30. Zhang Zhihui, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Shengze, College of Mechanical Engineering Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.i a張智慧, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王生澤, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0494 }cscd機械學院 ~周虎094014'一種超視場零件影像測量儀的研製. 周虎, 楊建國 and 陳棟梁.-%H. Zhou, J. Yang and D. Chen (2011). C;Research of Image Measurement Machine for Large Workpiece. 0 (Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool. 1):104-108. Zhou Hu, College of Mechanics Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Jianguo, College of Mechanics Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Dongliang, College of Mechanics Engineering, Donghua University, Shangh 周虎, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊建國, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳棟梁, 恒行3平台機械工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 機械學院 |0495 }cscd 計算機學院~葛孝堃1)基於K-近鄰法的局部加權樸素貝葉斯分類算法. 曹根, 葛孝堃 and 楊麗琴.*"G. Cao, X. Ge and L. Yang (2011). \TLOCALLY WEIGHTED NAIVE BAYES CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED ON K-NEAREST NEIGHBOUR. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):267. Cao Gen, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ge Xiaokun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Liqin, Center of Library and Information, Shanghai Univ 曹根, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 葛孝堃, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊麗琴, 上海中醫藥大學圖書信息中心, 上海 201620, 中國.  "$ (1 57 =? [] aj np vx    計算機學院 |0496 }cscd 計算機學院~劉曉強~ Q鵃5-信息發布系統中TS over IP穩定傳輸的研究與應用.0(曹傑, 劉曉強, 楊根興, 蔡立誌 and 劉振宇.;3J. Cao, X. Liu, G. Yang, L. Cai and Z. Liu (2011). ogRESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF STABLE TRANSPORT OF TS OVER IP NETWORK IN INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(8):103-105. Cao Jie, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Xiaoqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Zhenyu, School of Computer Science and Technology, Do  計算機學院 |0497 }cscd 計算機學院~王以剛.-%基於USBKey的身份認證機製的研究與實現.曹喆 and 王以剛.#Z. Cao and Y. Wang (2011). XPRESEARCHING AND IMPLEMENTING IDENTITY AUTHENTICATION MECHANISM BASED ON USBKEY. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(2):284-286. Cao Zhe, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 210620, China. Wang Yigang, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 210620, China.w o曹喆, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 210620, 中國. 王以剛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 210620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0498 }cscd 計算機學院~於守健~ 袏鵃0(基於有限狀態自動機的組合Web服務性能優化. 陳寧, 於守健 and 樂嘉錦.)!N. Chen, S. Yu and J. Le (2011). [SPERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION FOR COMPOSITE WEB SERVICES BASED ON FINITE STATE MACHINE. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):97. Chen Ning, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yu Shoujian, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Don 陳寧, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 於守健, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0499 }cscd 計算機學院~曹奇英.~ 纇鵃?7嵌入式數據庫SQLite的遠程可視化維護管理工具的設計與實現.陳曉東 and 曹奇英.#X. Chen and Q. Cao (2011). umDESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING REMOTELY VISUALISED MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR EMBEDDED DATABASE SQLITE. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(8):106-107. Chen Xiaodong, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cao Qiying, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q陳曉東, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0500 }cscd 計算機學院~李繼雲.~ `U鵃3+基於交互式遺傳算法的服裝風格偏好模型的研究.成果 and 李繼雲.#G. Cheng and J. Li (2011). \TRESEARCH ON CLOTHING STYLE PREFERENCE MODEL BASED ON INTERACTIVE GENETIC ALGORITHM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(2):229. Cheng Guo, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Jiyun, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w o成果, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李繼雲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0501 }cscd 計算機學院~李柏巖~ 鄷鵃3+面向Xml文檔的blp模型在檔案管理系統中的應用. 程歲歲, 韓俊 and 李柏巖.+#S. Cheng, J. Han and B. Li (2011). ZRTHE APPLICATION OF XML DOCUMENT ORIENTED BLP MODEL IN ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(12):271-273. Cheng Suisui, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Han Jun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Baiyan, School of Computer Science and Technology, Dong 程歲歲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 韓俊, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李柏巖, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0502 }cscd 計算機學院~朱國進.~ '鵃'基於本體的程序設計試題語義研究.( 程裕強, 張明西, 王影 and 朱國進.7/Y. Cheng, M. Zhang, Y. Wang and G. Zhu (2011). UMRESEARCH ON COMPUTER PROGRAMMING TEST QUESTIONS SEMANTICS BASED ON ONTOLOGY. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(5):157-160. Cheng Yuqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Mingxi, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Guojin, School of Computer Science and Technolog 程裕強, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張明西, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱國進, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王影, 山東工商學院管理科學與工程學院, 煙臺, 山東 264005, 中國. 計算機學院 |0503 }cscd 計算機學院~朱國進.~ '鵃'基於面向對象思想的漢字特征研究.程裕強 and 朱國進.$Y. Cheng and G. Zhu (2011). JBON OBJECT-ORIENTED THINKING-BASED FEATURES OF CHINESE CHARACTERS. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(2):169. Cheng Yuqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Guojin, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q程裕強, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱國進, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0504 }cscd 計算機學院~葛孝堃-%軟件產品線可變性的分析和實現技術研究.鄧小娥 and 葛孝堃."X. Deng and X. Ge (2011). XPSOFTWARE PRODUCT LINE VARIABILITY ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION TECHNOLOGY STUDY. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):134. Deng Xiaoe, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ge Xiaokun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q鄧小娥, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 葛孝堃, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0505 }cscd 計算機學院~樂嘉錦~ 修鳣,$基於Vpn實現企業虛擬私有雲的體系架構."丁靖宇, 樂嘉錦 and 金耀輝.*"J. Ding, J. Le and Y. Jin (2011). NFREALIZING ENTERPRISE VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD ARCHITECTURE BASED ON VPN. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(8):212. Ding Jingyu, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Jin Yaohui, School of Computer Science and Technology, Do 丁靖宇, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 金耀輝, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0506 }cscd 計算機學院~曾培峰~ p=鵃/'基於XMPP和Red5的網絡視頻會議系統的研究. 樊軍, 曾培峰 and 唐莉萍.,$J. Fan, P. Zeng and L. Tang (2011). NFRESEARCH ON NETWORK VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM BASED ON XMPP AND RED5. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):227-230. Fan Jun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zeng Peifeng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Liping, School of Information Science and Technology, 樊軍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾培峰, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐莉萍, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0507 }cscd 計算機學院~黃雅萍~ Xg A'Qr碼抗傾斜識別方法的研究與應用..&付裕, 黃雅萍, 劉曉強, 宋暉 and 李柏巖.;3Y. Fu, Y. Huang, X. Liu, H. Song and B. Li (2011). >6ON ANTI-SKEW QR CODE RECOGNITION AND ITS APPLICATION. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):100. Fu Yu, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Yaping, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Xiaoqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology, Do  計算機學院 |0508 }cscd 計算機學院 ~姚礪~ 纐鵃1)基於K-means和GVF Snake模型的纖維圖像分割.韓海梅, 姚礪 and 萬燕.>6H. A. N. Haimei, Y. A. O. Li and W. A. N. Yan (2011). G?Fiber Image Segmentation Based on K-means and GVF Snake Model. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):66-71. HAN Haimei, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YAO Li, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WAN Yan, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua Univ 韓海梅, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姚礪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 萬燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0509 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤0(基於Mmdb軌道交通afc清分系統的設計與實現.何晉川 and 蘇厚勤. J. He and H. Su (2011). SKDESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING AFC CLEAR SYSTEM OF RAIL TRANSIT BASED ON MMDB. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(1):187-190. He Jinchuan, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Su Houqin, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q何晉川, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0510 }cscd 計算機學院~夏小玲~ pN鵃1)基於元數據的電子政務發布系統的設計與實現.吉文傑 and 夏小玲.!W. Ji and X. Xia (2011). WODESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF E-GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING SYSTEM BASED ON METADATA. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(12):175. Ji Wenjie, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Xia Xiaoling, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q吉文傑, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 夏小玲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0511 }cscd 計算機學院~曾培峰~ p=鵃'基於高斯低通濾波的音樂節拍提取.*"胡建建, 曾培峰, 唐莉萍 and 臧珠萍.E=H. U. Jianjian, Z. Peifeng, T. Liping and Z. Zhuping (2011). A9Music Beat Extraction Based on Low-Pass Gaussian Filter. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):72. HU Jianjian, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZENG Peifeng, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TANG Liping, School of Computer Science and Technology D 胡建建, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾培峰, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐莉萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 臧珠萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院D筬l AkE\#T ]HLf@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0512 }cscd 計算機學院~史有群~                           ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s u v w x y z { | } ~  孂@-%城市移動信息服務的Wap和nxd的設計實現.李敬龍 and 史有群.!J. Li and Y. Shi (2011). \TDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MOBILE CITY INFORMATION SERVICES BASED ON WAP AND NXD. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(1):191. Li Jinglong, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shi Youqun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q李敬龍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 史有群, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0513 }cscd 計算機學院~李繼雲.~ `U鵃#基於Mdft的服裝風格決策模型.李一磊 and 李繼雲. Y. Li and J. Li (2011). 2*MDFT-BASED CLOTHING STYLE DECISION MODEL. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):170-173. Li Yilei, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Jiyun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q李一磊, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李繼雲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0514 }cscd 計算機學院~陳德華.~ 爺鵃)!遺傳算法在第四方物流平臺中的運用."劉國聖, 李光亞 and 陳德華.*"G. Liu, G. Li and D. Chen (2011). QIAPPLICATION OF GENETIC ALGORITHM IN THE FOURTH PARTY LOGISTICS PLATFORM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):238. Liu Guosheng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Dehua, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Guangya, Wonders Information Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201 劉國聖, 恒行3平台計算機科學技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳德華, 恒行3平台計算機科學技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李光亞, 萬達信息股份有限公司, 上海 201112, 中國. 計算機學院 |0515 }cscd 計算機學院~吳國文~ 饏鵃+#基於信譽機製的Pastry網絡模型的改進.柳君, 吳國文 and 羅欣.)!J. Liu, G. Wu and X. Luo (2011). H@IMPROVEMENT OF REPUTATION-MECHANISM-BASED PASTRY NETWORK MODEL. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(12):236-238. Liu Jun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Guowen, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Xin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua U 柳君, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳國文, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅欣, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0516 }cscd 計算機學院~黃秋波~ 皏鵃:2TCP Socket通信與Web服務結合實現高效可靠的數據分發. 馬輝, 黃秋波 and 蘇厚勤.*"H. Ma, Q. Huang and H. Su (2011). iaEFFICIENT AND RELIABLE DATA DISTRIBUTION REALISED BY INCORPORATING TCP Socket WITH Web SERVICES. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):144-147. Ma Hui, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Huang Qiubo, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghu 馬輝, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 黃秋波, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0517 }cscd 計算機學院~曹奇英.~ 纇鵃80使用Cuda平臺關於並行高斯-約當消去法的研究與比較.( 毛飛, 陳智駿, 梁效斐 and 曹奇英.5-F. Mao, Z. Chen, X. Liang and Q. Cao (2011). WORESEARCH AND COMPARISON ON PARALLEL GAUSS-JORDAN ELIMINATION ON CUDA PLATFORM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):269-271. Mao Fei, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Zhijun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liang Xiaofei, School of Computer Science and Technology, D 毛飛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳智駿, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 梁效斐, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0518 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤6.采用代理和Ajax技術設計開發RSS個人信息聚合系統."南誌文, 蘇厚勤 and 周元軍.*"Z. Nan, H. Su and Y. Zhou (2011). phDESIGNING AND DEVELOPING RSS PERSONAL INFORMATION AGGREGATION SYSTEM WITH TECHNIQUES OF AGENT AND AJAX. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):140-143. Nan Zhiwen, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhou Yuanjun, School of Computer Science and Technology, D 南誌文, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 周元軍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0519 }cscd 計算機學院~丁祥武~ 衛鵃%一種改進的自適應頁面置換算法.彭青松 and 丁祥武.$Q. Peng and X. Ding (2011). 91AN IMPROVED ADAPTIVE PAGE REPLACEMENT ALGORITHM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(2):67-70. Peng Qingsong, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Xiangwu, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q彭青松, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁祥武, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0520 }cscd 計算機學院~樂嘉錦~ 修鳣'雲計算在校園多媒體系統中的應用.錢戴明 and 樂嘉錦."D. Qian and J. Le (2011). @8APPLYING CLOUD COMPUTATION TO CAMPUS MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(12):239-242. Qian Daiming, School of Computer Science and technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q錢戴明, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0521 }cscd  計算機學院 ~陳德華.~ 爺鵃% 文本元數據自動抽取算法的研究. 商傑, 陳德華 and 薛莉芳.- %J. Shang, D. Chen and L. Xue (2011). < 4ON AUTOMATIC TEXTUAL METADATA EXTRACTION ALGORITHM. +  #Computer Applications and Software.  28(12):148-150.  Shang Jie, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Chen Dehua, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Xue Lifang, Wonders Information Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201112  商傑, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 陳德華, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 薛莉芳, 上海萬達信息股份有限公司, 上海 201112, 中國.  計算機學院 |0522 }cscd  計算機學院 ~樂嘉錦~ 修鳣(  分布式環境下的關系型Xml查詢優化. 孫源鵬 and 樂嘉錦.! Y. Sun and J. Le (2011). L DRELATIONAL-STYLE XML QUERY OPTIMISATION IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT. +  #Computer Applications and Software.  28(3):166.  Sun Yuanpeng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y  q孫源鵬, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  計算機學院 |0523 }cscd  計算機學院 ~王以剛. % 垃圾短信的屏蔽機製與應用研究. 王海波 and 王以剛.$ H. Wang and Y. Wang (2011). @ 8SPAM MESSAGE SHIELDING MECHANISM AND APPLICATION STUDY. +  #Computer Applications and Software.  28(12):195-197.  Wang Haibo, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Yigang, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y  q王海波, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王以剛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  計算機學院 |0524 }cscd  計算機學院 ~李柏巖~ 鄷鵃1 )基於小波分解和信號相關函數的語音端點檢測. 王勁松, 李柏巖 and 宋輝.+ #J. Wang, B. Li and H. Song (2011). ` XSPEECH ENDPOINT DETECTION ALGORITHM USING WAVELET DECOMPOSITION AND SIGNAL-CORRELATION. +  #Computer Applications and Software.  28(7):103.  Wang Jinsong, Xie Yan Hi-Tech and Service Corporation, Shanghai 201112, China. Li Baiyan, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Song Hui, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Sha  王勁松, 上海協言科學技術服務有限公司, 上海 201112, 中國. 李柏巖, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋輝, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  計算機學院 |0525 }cscd  計算機學院 ~叢靜 ' Rfid中間件讀寫器管理與協調研究. 王玲 and 叢靜.$ L. Wang and J. Cong (2011). P HREASEARCH ON RFID MIDDLEWARE READER-WRITER MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION. +  #Computer Applications and Software.  28(12):198.  Wang Ling, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. Cong Jing, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China.u  m王玲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 叢靜, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201600, 中國.  計算機學院 |0526 }cscd 計算機學院~樂嘉錦~ 修鳣+#基於度量波動時間框架的流立方體研究.王立 and 樂嘉錦."L. Wang and J. Le (2011). @8ON STREAM CUBE BASED ON MEASURE FLUCTUATION TIME FRAME. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(3):169-172. Wang Li, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w o王立, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0527 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤<4基於Arcgis server和flex的城市服務信息系統研究與設計.王新盟 and 蘇厚勤."X. Wang and H. Su (2011). _WSTUDY AND DESIGN OF A CITY SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON ARCGIS SERVER AND FLEX. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):148. Wang Xinmeng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q王新盟, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0528 }cscd 計算機學院~樂嘉錦~ 修鳣-%基於Lucene的個性化站內搜索引擎的研究.王兆宇 and 樂嘉錦."Z. Wang and J. Le (2011). B:LUCENE-BASED PERSONALIZED WEBSITE SEARCH ENGINE RESEARCH. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(12):188. Wang Zhaoyu, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q王兆宇, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0529 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤.&基於Wap公交多路徑查詢系統的研究與實踐.王兆霞 and 蘇厚勤."Z. Wang and H. Su (2011). [SSTUDY AND PRACTICE ON WAP-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MULTI-PATH RETRIEVAL SYSTEM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):174-177. Wang Zhaoxia, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.y q王兆霞, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0530 }cscd 計算機學院~吳國文~ 饏鵃( P2p網絡中基於激勵機製的信任模型.於偉, 吳國文 and 羅辛.91Y. U. Wei, W. U. Guowen and L. U. O. Xin (2011). E=Trust Model Based on Encouragement Mechanism in P2P Network.  Computer Engineering. 37(17):87-89. YU Wei, School of Computer Science&Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. WU Guowen, School of Computer Science&Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. LUO Xin, School of Computer Science&Technology,Donghua University, Shang 於偉, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 吳國文, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 羅辛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0531 }cscd 計算機學院~丁祥武~ 衛鵃+#基於主題聚焦模型的PageRank改進算法.溫泉 and 丁祥武.#Q. Wen and X. Ding (2011). @8IMPROVED PAGERANK ALGORITHM BASED ON TOPIC FOCUS MODEL. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(3):173-175. Wen Quan, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Xiangwu, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w o溫泉, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁祥武, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0532 }cscd 計算機學院 ~朱明~ 癕鵃0(基於Soa業務協同平臺體系架構的設計與實現. 武新立, 朱明 and 蘇厚勤.( X. Wu, M. Zhu and H. Su (2011). ]UDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SOA-BASED BUSINESS COLLABORATION PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(2):166. Wu Xinli, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Zhu Ming, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, College of Computer Science and Technology, Dong 武新立, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 朱明, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院 |0533 }cscd 計算機學院~夏小玲~ pN鵃+#一種基於內容的鏡頭邊界快速檢測方法."夏小玲, 肖宇嵬 and 柴大萍.:2X. I. A. Xiaoling, X. Yuwei and C. Daping (2011). D<A Method for Fast Shot Boundary Detection Based on Content. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):368-372. XIA Xiaoling, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XIAO Yuwei, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHAI Daping, College of Computer Science and Technology 夏小玲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 肖宇嵬, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 柴大萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0534 }cscd 計算機學院~曹奇英.~ 纇鵃'基於可視圖的移動機器人路徑規劃.許斯軍 and 曹奇英.!S. Xu and Q. Cao (2011). KCA VISIBILITY GRAPH BASED PATH PLANNING ALGORITHM FOR MOBILE ROBOT. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(3):220. Xu Sijun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cao Qiying, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y q許斯軍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0535 }cscd 計算機學院~曹奇英.~ 纇鵃*"基於LwIP協議棧的UDP協議分析與優化.徐鑫 and 曹奇英.!X. Xu and Q. Cao (2011). IAANALYSING AND OPTIMISING LWIP PROTOCOL STACK-BASED UDP PROTOCOL. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(3):246-249. Xu Xin, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cao Qiying, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w o徐鑫, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0536 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤.&並行處理技術在Etl計算環境中的應用研究.薛娟 and 蘇厚勤.!J. Xue and H. Su (2011). PHON APPLYING PARALLEL PROCESSING TECHNIQUE IN ETL COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(8):216-218. Xue Juan, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.a Y薛娟, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 200051. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 200051. 計算機學院 |0537 }cscd 計算機學院~葛孝堃:2一種QoS感知的基於著色Petri網的Web服務動態組合研究.( 楊麗琴, 葛孝堃, 尚攀 and 張昌林.6.L. Yang, X. Ge, P. Shang and C. Zhang (2011). XPSTUDY ON A QoS-AWARE AND COLOR PETRI NET BASED WEB SERVICE DYNAMIC COMPOSITION. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(5):102-105. Yang Liqin, Center of Library and Information, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medcine, Shanghai 201203, China. Zhang Changlin, Center of Library and Information, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medcine, Shanghai 201203, China. Ge Xi 楊麗琴, 上海中醫藥大學圖書信息中心, 上海 201203, 中國. 張昌林, 上海中醫藥大學圖書信息中心, 上海 201203, 中國. 葛孝堃, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 尚攀, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0538 }cscd 計算機學院 ~朱明~ 癕鵃.&基於鏈接相似度Web挖掘算法的研究與改進. 楊益凡, 朱明 and 李華虎.*"Y. Yang, M. Zhu and H. Li (2011). PHSTUDY AND IMPROVEMENT ON LINKAGE SIMILARITY-BASED WEB MINING ALGORITHM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(1):272. Yang Yifan, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Ming, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Huahu, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghu 楊益凡, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱明, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李華虎, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0539 }cscd 計算機學院~黃雅萍~ Xg A'基於MySQL和PHP的分布式事務處理."黃雅萍, 劉曉強 and 吳成義.@8H. Yaping, L. I. U. Xiaoqiang and W. U. Chengyi (2011). C;Distributed Transaction Processing Based on MySQL and PHP. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(1):81-85. HUANG Yaping, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Xiaoqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Chengyi, Next Digital(Shanghai)Co Ltd, Shanghai 200 黃雅萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉曉強, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳成義, 荻捷特網絡技術咨詢有限公司, 上海 200041, 中國. 計算機學院 |0540 }cscd 計算機學院~吳國文~ 饏鵃'一種帶有時間域的證書鏈搜索算法.葉漪, 吳國文 and 羅辛.( Y. Ye, G. Wu and X. Luo (2011). B:A TIME DOMAIN-BASED CREDENTIAL CHAIN DISCOVERY ALGORITHM. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(9):281. Ye Yi, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Guowen, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Xin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua Uni 葉漪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳國文, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅辛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0541 }cscd 計算機學院 ~姚礪~ 纐鵃;3基於骨架特征的層次化識別算法在異形纖維識別中的應用.$龔有平, 姚礪, 萬燕 and 宋錕.A9G. Youping, Y. A. O. Li, W. A. N. Yan and S. Kun (2011). UMThe Profiled Fiber Image Hierarchical Recognition Based on Skeleton Feature. ? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition. 37(3):356-361. GONG Youping, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YAO Li, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WAN Yan, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua 龔有平, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姚礪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 萬燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 宋錕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0542 }cscd 計算機學院~曾培峰~ p=鵃)!基於區域清晰度的紡織纖維圖像融合. 余佶, 唐莉萍 and 曾培峰.+#J. Yu, L. Tang and P. Zeng (2011). >6TEXTILE FIBRE IMAGE FUSION BASED ON REGIONAL CLARITY. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(10):245-249. Yu Ji, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zeng Peifeng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Liping, School of Information Science and Technology, D 余佶, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾培峰, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐莉萍, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 計算機學院 |0543 }cscd 計算機學院~蘇厚勤.&FW與IDS聯動技術在Intranet中的應用研究.臧亮 and 蘇厚勤."L. Zang and H. Su (2011). kcON APPLYING INTERCONNECTING TECHNIQUE BETWEEN FIREWALL AND INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM TO INTRANET. + #Computer Applications and Software. 28(5):197. Zang Liang, Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited, Shanghai 201203, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.g _臧亮, 上海盛大網絡, 上海 201203, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 計算機學院D.dl>=qt0\7SeFb-5 @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@ |0544 }cscd  計算機學院 ~李柏巖~ 鄷鵃+ #緯編針織物外觀模擬紋理映射技術研究.0 (張哲, 李柏巖, 劉曉強, 王府梅 and 吳周鏡.; 3Z. Zhang, B. Li, X. Liu, F. Wang and Z. Wu (2011). G ?Research on Texture Mapping in Weft-Knitted Fabric Simulation. ?  7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.  37(6):745-749.  Zhang Zhe, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Baiyan, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Xiaoqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology, D    計算機學院 !|0545 !}cscd! 計算機學院!~夏小玲~ !pN鵃(! 公共數據中心的Etl系統設計與實現.!趙俊 and 夏小玲.#!J. Zhao and X. Xia (2011). K!CDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ETL SYSTEM IN THE COMMON DATA CENTER. +! #Computer Applications and Software.! 28(10):167.! Zhao Jun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xia Xiaoling, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w! o趙俊, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 夏小玲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.! 計算機學院 "|0546 "}cscd" 計算機學院"~施霞萍~ "0驤@!"三維數字服裝的研究與探索."趙林 and 施霞萍.#"L. Zhao and X. Shi (2011). 9"1RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION ON 3D DIGITAL CLOTHING. +" #Computer Applications and Software." 28(2):224-226." Zhao Lin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shi Xiaping, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w" o趙林, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 施霞萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國." 計算機學院 #|0547 #}cscd# 計算機學院#~黃秋波~ #皏鵃'#SaaS流程可配置模型的研究與實現."#趙宇晴, 黃秋波 and 蘇厚勤.,#$Y. Zhao, Q. Huang and H. Su (2011). D#<STUDY AND REALIZATION ON A CONFIGURABLE MODEL OF SaaS FLOW. +# #Computer Applications and Software.# 28(12):191-194.# Zhao Yuqing, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Huang Qiubo, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology, D# 趙宇晴, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 黃秋波, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.# 計算機學院 $|0548 $}cscd$ 計算機學院$~曹奇英.~ $纇鵃($ 中小型局域網中P2p僵屍網絡的檢測.$周海濤 and 曹奇英.#$H. Zhou and Q. Cao (2011). 6$.P2P BOTNET DETECTION IN MEDIUM AND SMALL LAN. +$ #Computer Applications and Software.$ 28(10):80-83.$ Zhou Haitao, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua Universiy, Shanghai 200051, China. Cao Qiying, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua Universiy, Shanghai 200051, China.y$ q周海濤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.$ 計算機學院 %|0549 %}cscd% 計算機學院%~陳德華.~ %爺鵃1%)基於語義相關度排序的政務信息資源檢索算法. %陳旭, 陳德華 and 樂嘉錦.+%#X. Chen, D. Chen and J. Le (2011). s%kGovernment information resource retrieval algorithm based on metadata semantic relevance oriented ranking. -% %Computer Engineering and Application.% 47(25):121-125.% Chen Xu, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Dehua, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghu% 陳旭, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳德華, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.% 計算機學院 &|0550 &}cscd& 計算機學院 &~李鋒~ &0}鵃'&自底向上的應用層組播樹重構算法.&鄧正偉 and 李鋒."&Z. Deng and F. Li (2011). M&EBottom-Up Application Layer Multicast Tree Reconstruction Algorithm. & Computer Engineering.& 37(2):105-107.& Deng Zhengwei, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Li Feng, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.s& k鄧正偉, 恒行3平台計算機科學技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 李鋒, 恒行3平台計算機科學技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.& 計算機學院 '|0551 '}cscd' 計算機學院 '~姚礪~ '纐鵃1')基於K-means和GVF Snake模型的纖維圖像分割.'韓海梅, 姚礪 and 萬燕.'H. A. N. Haimei, Z. H. U. QuanGang, Y. A. O. Li, Z. H. U. YuLin, W. A. N. Yan, L. I. U. ZhengQing, L. I. U. JiYong and H. U. JinHong (2011). G'?Fiber Image Segmentation Based on K-means and GVF Snake Model. ?' 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.' 37(1):66-71.' HAN Haimei, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YAO Li, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WAN Yan, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua Univ' 韓海梅, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姚礪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 萬燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.' 計算機學院 (|0552 (}cscd( 計算機學院(~曾培峰~ (p=鵃'(基於高斯低通濾波的音樂節拍提取.*("胡建建, 曾培峰, 唐莉萍 and 臧珠萍.(H. U. Jianjian, T. A. O. JianFei, Z. Peifeng, P. Yan, T. Liping, Y. A. N. YouJia, Z. Zhuping, Z. ChunSheng and W. E. I. ShuYing (2011). A(9Music Beat Extraction Based on Low-Pass Gaussian Filter. ?( 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.( 37(1):72.( HU Jianjian, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZENG Peifeng, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TANG Liping, School of Computer Science and Technology D( 胡建建, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾培峰, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐莉萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 臧珠萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.( 計算機學院 )|0553 )}cscd) 計算機學院)~劉國華~ )亟 A7)/K-匿名隱私保護模型中不確定性數據的建模問題研究. )吳佳偉, 劉國華 and 王梅.9)1W. U. Jiawei, L. I. U. Guohua and W. Mei (2011). Q)IModeling the Uncertain Data in the K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model. )) !Computer Engineering and Science.) 33(9):7-12.) WU Jiawei, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Guohua, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WANG Mei, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua ) 吳佳偉, 恒行3平台計算機學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉國華, 恒行3平台計算機學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王梅, 恒行3平台計算機學院, 上海 201620, 中國.) 計算機學院 *|0554 *}cscd* 計算機學院*~曹奇英.~ *纇鵃**"基於多重評價因素的Web用戶聚類方法.**"吳金橋, 曹奇英, 何夏燕 and 莊怡雯.J*BW. U. Jinqiao, C. A. O. Qiying, H. E. Xiayan and Z. Yiwen (2011). I*AWeb User Clustering Method Based on Multiple Evaluating Factors. * Computer Engineering.* 37(10):44.* WU Jinqiao, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. CAO Qiying, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. ZHUANG Yiwen, School of Computer Science and Technology Don* 吳金橋, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 曹奇英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 莊怡雯, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201600, 中國. 何夏燕, 上海交通大學電子信息與電氣工程學院, 上海 200240, 中國.* 計算機學院 +|0555 +}cscd+ 計算機學院 +~萬燕~ +餽鵃8+0基於Canny算子和輪廓方向圖的異形纖維輪廓增強算法.+宋錕, 萬燕 and 姚礪.5+-S. Kun, W. A. N. Yan and Y. A. O. Li (2011). i+aProfiled Fiber Contour Enhancement Algorithm Based on Canny Operator and Profile Directed Graph. ?+ 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.+ 37(2):187-192.+ SONG Kun, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WAN Yan, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YAO Li, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua Uni+ 宋錕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 萬燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姚礪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.+ 計算機學院 ,|0556 ,}cscd, 計算機學院,~夏小玲~ ,pN鵃),!基於字典的保序字符串壓縮改進方法.,李海燕 and 夏小玲.!,H. Li and X. Xia (2011). Q,IImproved Order-preserving String Compression Method Based on Dictionary. , Computer Engineering., 37(21):58., Li Haiyan, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xia Xiaoling, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y, q李海燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 夏小玲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國., 計算機學院 -|0557 -}cscd- 計算機學院-~樂嘉錦~ -修鳣/-'一種新的基於AR* -GRNN的QoS降載管理框架."-李衛民, 劉建偉 and 樂嘉錦.(- W. Li, J. Liu and J. Le (2011). A-9Novel QoS Load Shedding Architecture Based on AR* -GRNN. - Mini Micro Systems.- 32(3):435-438.- Li Weimin, School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China. Liu Jianwei, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102249, China. Le Jiajin, Information Science and Technology Institute, Donghua University, Sh- 李衛民, 上海大學計算機工程與科學學院, 上海 200072, 中國. 劉建偉, 中國石油大學(北京), 北京 102249, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.- 計算機學院 .|0558 .}cscd. 計算機學院.~劉國華~ .亟 A'.針對k-匿名數據的判定樹構造算法. .林丙春, 劉國華 and 王梅.+.#B. Lin, G. Liu and M. Wang (2011). <.4An Algorithm of Decision Tree for k-Anonymity Data. =. 5Journal of Wuhan University. Natural Science Edition.. 57(6):494-498.. Lin Bingchun, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Guohua, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Mei, School of Computer Science and Technology, Do. 林丙春, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉國華, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王梅, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.. 計算機學院 /|0559 /}cscd/ 計算機學院/~樂嘉錦~ /修鳣-/%基於軌跡點局部異常度的異常點檢測算法.*/"劉良旭, 樂嘉錦, 喬少傑 and 宋加濤.3/+L. Liu, J. Le, S. Qiao and J. Song (2011). F/>Trajectory Outliers Detection Based on Local Outlying Degree. %/ Chinese Journal of Computers./ 34(10):1966-1975./ Liu Liangxu, School of Electron and Information Engineering,Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315016, China. Song Jiatao, School of Electron and Information Engineering,Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315016, China. Le Ji/ 劉良旭, 寧波工程學院電子與信息工程學院, 寧波, 浙江 315016, 中國. 宋加濤, 寧波工程學院電子與信息工程學院, 寧波, 浙江 315016, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 喬少傑, 西南交通大學信息科學與技術學院, 成都, 四川 610031, 中國./ 計算機學院 0|0560 0}cscd0 計算機學院0~成長生0)0!公交最佳多路徑搜索算法的應用研究."0盧文文, 成長生 and 蘇厚勤.*0"W. Lu, C. Cheng and H. Su (2011). U0MPUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OPTIMAL MULTI-PATH SEARCH ALGORITHM APPLICATION STUDY. +0 #Computer Applications and Software.0 28(11):254.0 Lu Wenwen, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Cheng Changsheng, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Su Houqin, School of Computer Science and Technology0 盧文文, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 成長生, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國. 蘇厚勤, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.0 計算機學院 1|0561 1}cscd1 計算機學院1~劉國華~ 1亟 A(1 K-匿名隱私保護模型下的Top-k查詢.1辛婷婷 and 劉國華.61.X. I. N. Tingting and L. I. U. Guohua (2011). B1:Top-k Queries under K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model. >1 6Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science & Technology.1 5(8):751-759.1 XIN Tingting, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Guohua, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.y1 q辛婷婷, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉國華, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.1 計算機學院 2|0562 2}cscd2 計算機學院2~王以剛.2'2基於節點異構性的應用層組播算法.2王君 and 王以剛.$2J. Wang and Y. Wang (2011). K2CAPPLICATION LAYER MULTICAST ALGORITHM BASED ON NODE HETEROGENEOUS. +2 #Computer Applications and Software.2 28(11):276-278.2 Wang Jun, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Yigang, College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.w2 o王君, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王以剛, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.2 計算機學院 3|0563 3}cscd3 計算機學院 3~孫莉~ 3'鵃+3#列存儲數據倉庫中啟發式查詢優化機製..3&嚴秋玲, 孫莉, 王梅, 樂嘉錦 and 劉國華.:32Q. Yan, L. Sun, M. Wang, J. Le and G. Liu (2011). S3KHeuristic Mechanism for Query Optimization in Column-Store Data Warehouse. %3 Chinese Journal of Computers.3 34(10):2018-2026.3 Yan Qiuling, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Li, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Mei, School of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua Un3 3 計算機學院 4|0564 4}cscd4 計算機學院4~黃雅萍~ 4Xg A'4基於MySQL和PHP的分布式事務處理."4黃雅萍, 劉曉強 and 吳成義.@48H. Yaping, L. I. U. Xiaoqiang and W. U. Chengyi (2011). C4;Distributed Transaction Processing Based on MySQL and PHP. ?4 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.4 37(1):81-85.4 HUANG Yaping, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Xiaoqiang, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Chengyi, Next Digital(Shanghai)Co Ltd, Shanghai 2004 黃雅萍, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉曉強, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳成義, 荻捷特網絡技術咨詢有限公司, 上海 200041, 中國.4 計算機學院 5|0565 5}cscd5 計算機學院 5~孫莉~ 5'鵃)5!基於灰色前饋神經網絡的流行色預測. 5吳也哲, 翟永超 and 孫莉.951W. U. Yezhe, Z. Yongchao and S. U. N. Li (2011). V5NA Fashion Color Forecast Based on Gray Back Propagation Neural Network Model. ?5 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.5 37(2):199.5 WU Yezhe, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAI Yongchao, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Li, College of Computer Science and Technology Dongh5 吳也哲, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 翟永超, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫莉, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.5 計算機學院 6|0566 6}cscd6 計算機學院 6~姚礪~ 6纐鵃16)一種基於多尺度描述的異形粘連纖維分割方法.6和英英, 姚礪 and 萬燕.=65H. E. Yingying, Y. A. O. Li and W. A. N. Yan (2011). b6ZOverlapped Profiled Fiber Separation Algorithm Based on Multi-scale Shape Representation. ?6 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.6 37(2):193-198.6 HE Yingying, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YAO Li, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WAN Yan, School of Computer Science and Technology Donghua Uni6 和英英, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 姚礪, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 萬燕, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.6 計算機學院 7|0567 7}cscd7 計算機學院7~韋俊銀~ 7皡鵃17)主體完整性標記動態確定方案及其正確性證明.07(張明西, 韋俊銀, 張相峰, 王以剛 and 劉暉.?77M. Zhang, J. Wei, X. Zhang, Y. Wang and H. Liu (2011). ^7VDynamic Determination Scheme of Subject′s Integrity Level and its Correctness Proof. 7 Mini Micro Systems.7 32(4):656-661.7 Zhang Mingxi, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wei Junyin, School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Yigang, School of Computer Science and Technology,7 7 計算機學院 8|0568 8}cscd8 計算機學院 8~王梅~ 8滪@38+列存儲數據倉庫查詢執行中重用緩沖區調度算法.&8張琦, 王梅, 樂嘉錦 and 劉國華.48,Q. Zhang, M. Wang, J. Le and G. Liu (2011). c8[Scheduling Algorithm for the Reuse Buffers in Column-Store Data Warehouse Query Execution. 58 -Journal of Computer Research and Development.8 48(10):1942-1950.8 Zhang Qi, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Mei, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Le Jiajin, College of Computer Science and Technology,Donghua8 張琦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王梅, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 樂嘉錦, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉國華, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 計算機軟件新技術國家重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國.8 計算機學院 9|0569 9}cscd9 計算機學院 9~宋暉~ 9`S鵃'9緯編針織物在計算機中的三維仿真.09(吳周鏡, 宋暉, 李柏巖, 劉曉強 and 王府梅.V9NW. U. Zhoujing, S. Hui, L. I. Baiyan, L. I. U. Xiaoqiang and W. Fumei (2011). :923D Simulation of Weft Knitted Fabric in Computer. ?9 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.9 37(2):210-214.9 WU Zhoujing, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SONG Hui, College of Computer Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Baiyan, College of Computer Science and Technology Dong9 9 計算機學院 :|0570 :}cscd:教務處:~方寶紅:U014188+:#基於二元語義判斷矩陣的群體決策方法.9: 方寶紅, 張細香, 楊保安 and 吳良.A:9F. Baohong, Z. Xixiang, Y. Baoan and W. U. Liang (2011). S:KGroup Decision Making Method Based on Linguisitc 2-tuple Judgement Matrix. ?: 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.: 37(3):373-377.: FANG Baohong, Teaching Affair Office,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. WU Liang, Teaching Affair Office,Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. ZHANG Xixiang, Mathematics and Information School,Jiaxing College, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314001, Chin: 方寶紅, 恒行3平台教務處, 上海 200051, 中國. 吳良, 恒行3平台教務處, 上海 200051, 中國. 張細香, 嘉興學院數學與信息學院, 嘉興, 浙江 314001, 中國. 楊保安, 恒行3平台旭日工商管理學院, 上海 200051, 中國.: 教務處 ;|0571 ;}cscd;理學院;~徐金州~ ; A4;,刁穎, 徐金洲, 胡倩倩, 張菁, 石建軍 and 郭穎.; Y. Diao, J. Xu, Q. Hu, J. Zhang, J. Shi and Y. Guo (2011). "Electrical and Optical Characterization of DBD and Its Application to Plasma Treatment of PET Fibers. "C;;Y. Diao, J. Xu, Q. Hu, J. Zhang, J. Shi and Y. Guo (2011). n;fElectrical and Optical Characterization of DBD and Its Application to Plasma Treatment of PET Fibers. $; Plasma Science & Technology.; 13(6):641-644.; Diao Ying, Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Jinzhou, Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hu Qianqian, Department of Applied Physicsa; Y刁穎, 201620. 徐金洲, 201620. 胡倩倩, 201620. 張菁, 201620. 石建軍, 201620. 郭穎, 201620.; 理學院 <|0572 <}cscd<理學院<~羅家融~ <瑜A-<%中性束註入器測試臺的中央定時系統設計.8<0王建松, 羅家融, 盛鵬, 劉智民, 胡純棟 and 肖龍江.i<aW. Jiansong, L. U. O. Jiarong, S. Peng, L. I. U. Zhimin, H. U. Chundong and X. Longjiang (2011). N<FDesign of Central Timing System for Neutral Beam Injector Test Bench. < Computer Engineering.< 37(14):245-247.< WANG Jiansong, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. LUO Jiarong, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. XIAO Longjiang, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201600, China. SHENG Peng, Institute < < 理學院 =|0573 =}cscd=理學院=~鐘方川~ =HAh=`曾龍, 高喆, 譚熠, 王文浩, 謝會喬, 解麗風, 馮春華, 劉健, 王龍, 楊宣宗, 吳彥斌, 鐘方川 and 高關羽.= Z. Long, G. A. O. Zhe, T. A. N. Yi, W. Wenhao, X. I. E. Huiqiao, X. I. E. Lifeng, F. Chunhua, L. I. U. Jian, W. Long, Y. Xuanzong, W. U. Yanbin, Z. Fangchuan and G. A. O. Xiang (2011). "Investigation of Some MHD Events in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak. "=Z. Long, G. A. O. Zhe, T. A. N. Yi, W. Wenhao, X. I. E. Huiqiao, X. I. E. Lifeng, F. Chunhua, L. I. U. Jian, W. Long, Y. Xuanzong, W. U. Yanbin, Z. Fangchuan and G. A. O. Xiang (2011). J=BInvestigation of Some MHD Events in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak. $= Plasma Science & Technology.= 13(4):420-423.= ZENG Long, Department of Engineering Physics,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. GAO Zhe, Department of Engineering Physics,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. TAN Yi, Department of Engineering Physics,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, = 曾龍, 100084. 高喆, 100084. 譚熠, 100084. 王文浩, 100084. 謝會喬, 100084. 解麗風, 100084. 馮春華, 100190. 劉健, 100190. 王龍, 100190. 楊宣宗, 100190. 吳彥斌, 200051. 鐘方川, 200051. 高關羽, 230031.= 理學院 >|0574 >}cscd>理學院>~盧洪偉~ >惐A1>)托卡馬克等離子體電流爬升階段逃逸電子行為.:>2盧洪偉, 胡立群, 林士耀, 周瑞傑, 羅家融 and 鐘方川.C>;H. Lu, L. Hu, S. Lin, R. Zhou, J. Luo and F. Zhong (2011). H>@Runaway electron behaviors in current ramp-up phase in Tokamak. ,> $High Power Laser and Particle Beams.> 23(8):2116-2120.> Lu Hongwei, Department of Applied Physics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Jiarong, Department of Applied Physics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhong Fangchuan, Department of Applied Physics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620> > 理學院 ?|0575 ?}cscd?理學院?~胡良劍~ ?竬A9?1一類具有收治率的艾滋病傳播的隨機模型及其風險分析. ?徐敏, 胡良劍 and 丁永生.<?4X. U. Min, H. U. Liangjian and D. Yongsheng (2011). W?OA Stochastic Model for Risk Analysis of AIDS Transmission with Treatment Rate. ?? 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.? 37(3):382-386.? XU Min, Business Information Management School,Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai 201620, China. HU Liangjian, College of Information Science and Technology,,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DING Yongsheng, College of Science,Donghua? 徐敏, 上海對外貿易學院商務信息學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡良劍, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁永生, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.? 理學院D{jl@wB&DIbj @@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@ @|0576 @}cscd@理學院@~王顯金@Q@IW. Xianjin (2011). "Remarks on the Operator Norm Localization Property. "@@W. Xianjin (2011). <@4Remarks on the Operator Norm Localization Property. 0@ (Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B.@ 32(4):593-604.c@ [Xianjin WANG, Department of Applied Mathematics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.@ xianjinwang@dhu.edu.cn@ 理學院 A|0577 A}cscdA理學院A~寇春海~ APA-A%分數階積分微分方程解的存在性和唯一性."A劉曉波, 寇春海 and 李秀紅.DA<L. I. U. Xiaobo, K. O. U. Chunhai and L. I. Xiuhong (2011). ]AUExistence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Fractional Integro-Differential Equations. ?A 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.A 37(3):378-381.A LIU Xiaobo, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. KOU Chunhai, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Xiuhong, College of Science,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.A 劉曉波, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 寇春海, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李秀紅, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國.A 理學院 B|0578 B}cscdB理學院B~鐘方川~ BHA&BSunist上mhd擾動測量和模式分析.,B$吳彥斌, 曾龍, 鐘方川, 譚熠 and 高喆.RBJW. U. Yanbin, Z. Long, Z. Fangchuan, T. A. N. Yi and G. A. O. Zhe (2011). FB>Measurements and Mode Analysis of MHD Fluctuations on SUNIST. ?B 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.B 37(1):120-125.B WU Yanbin, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHONG Fangchuan, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZENG Long, Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. TAN Yi, DepaB 吳彥斌, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鐘方川, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾龍, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國. 譚熠, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國. 高喆, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國.B 理學院 C|0579 C}cscdC理學院 C~鐘平~ C唷A=C5一種基於圖像強度和顏色信息的織物編織樣式智能分類方法..C&鐘平, 辛斌傑, 塗新星, 朱小龍 and 崔瑛.;C3P. Zhong, B. Xin, X. Tu, X. Zhu and Y. Cui (2011). sCkA Novel Method of Intelligent Analysis of Weave Pattern Based on Intensity and Color Information of Image. C Applied Laser.C 31(6):502-507.C Zhong Ping, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tu Xinxing, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Xiaolong, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xin Binjie, Shanghai UniversC 鐘平, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 塗新星, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱小龍, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 辛斌傑, 海工程技術大學服裝學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 崔瑛, 上海激光技術研究所, 上海市激光束精細加工重點實驗室, 上海 200233, 中國.C 理學院 D|0580 D}cscdD理學院 D~鐘平~ D唷A7D/基於機器視覺的紡織樣品圖像動態範圍擴展方法研究..D&鐘平, 辛斌傑, 周陵君, 朱小龍 and 崔瑛.=D5P. Zhong, B. Xin, L. Zhou, X. Zhu and Y. Cui (2011). eD]Research on the Extension of Dynamic Range of Textile Samples Image Based on Machine Vision. D Applied Laser.D 31(6):508-513.D Zhong Ping, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Lingjun, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Xiaolong, Science College of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xin Binjie, Shanghai UniveD D 理學院 E|0581 E}cscdE理學院E~梁誌勇~ E`s鵃!E撲翼飛行二維情形數值分析.(E 張根寶, 劉一君, 史武 and 梁誌勇.FE>Z. Genbao, L. I. U. Yijun, S. H. I. Wu and L. Zhiyong (2011). DE<Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Flapping-Wing MAVs. ?E 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.E 37(2):256-260.E ZHANG Genbao, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Yijun, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SHI Wu, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIANG Zhiyong, College of ScienceE 張根寶, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉一君, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 史武, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 梁誌勇, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國.E 理學院 F|0582 F}cscdF理學院F~童金英~ FXA"F侯振挺, 童金英 and 史定華.|Ft Z. Hou, J. Tong and D. Shi (2011). "MARKOV CHAIN-BASED ANALYSIS OF THE DEGREE DISTRIBUTION FOR A GROWING NETWORK. "+F#Z. Hou, J. Tong and D. Shi (2011). VFNMARKOV CHAIN-BASED ANALYSIS OF THE DEGREE DISTRIBUTION FOR A GROWING NETWORK. "F Acta Mathematica Scientia.F 31(1):221-228.F Hou Zhenting, School of Mathematical Science and Computing Technology, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China. Shi Dinghua, School of Mathematical Science and Computing Technology, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China. 7F /侯振挺, 410075. 史定華, 410075. 童金英, 201620.F 理學院 G|0583 G}cscdG理學院G~胡耀忠.GG胡耀忠.KGC Y. Hu (2011). "AN ENLARGEMENT OF FILTRATION FOR BROWNIAN MOTION. "GY. Hu (2011). :G2AN ENLARGEMENT OF FILTRATION FOR BROWNIAN MOTION. "G Acta Mathematica Scientia.G 31(5):1671-1678.[G SHu Yaozhong, Department of Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.G 胡耀忠, 200051.G 理學院 H|0584 H}cscdH理學院H~鐘方川~ HHA,H$SUNIST球形托卡馬克的外加n=1磁場系統.4H,姜艷錚, 鐘方川, 吳彥斌, 譚熠, 曾龍 and 高喆.FH>Y. Jiang, F. Zhong, Y. Wu, Y. Tan, L. Zeng and Z. Gao (2011). HH@External n=1 magnetic field system on SUNIST spherical tokamak. *H "Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics.H 31(1):75-80.H Jiang Yanzheng, College of Sciences, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhong Fangchuan, College of Sciences, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Yanbin, College of Sciences, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tan Yi, DepartmeH H 理學院 I|0585 I}cscdI理學院I~邢懷中~ IhA(I Si摻雜對缺陷誘導的GaN磁性的影響..I&張蕾, 邢懷中, 黃燕, 張會媛 and 王基慶.GI?Z. Lei, X. HuaiZhong, H. Yan, Z. HuiYuan and W. JiQing (2011). QIIThe effect of Si co-doping on defect-induced intrinsic magnetism in GaN. 1I )Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves.I 30(3):229.I ZHANG Lei, Department of the Applied Physics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. XING HuaiZhong, Department of the Applied Physics,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG HuiYuan, Department of the Applied Physics,Donghua University, ShaI I 理學院 J|0586 J}cscdJ理學院J~胡良劍~ J竬A#J隨機微分方程解的二次型估計.J馬洪強 and 胡良劍. JH. Ma and L. Hu (2011). OJGQuadratic Estimation to Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations. 3J +Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics.J 28(1):101-108.J Ma Hongqiang, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Fudan University, shanghai 201620, China. Hu Liangjian, Department of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.kJ c馬洪強, 復旦大學上海視覺藝術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡良劍, 恒行3平台應用數學系, 上海 201620, 中國.J 理學院 K|0587 K}cscdK理學院K~秦玉明~ KxA K秦玉明, 劉欣 and 鄧書顯.lKd Y. Qin, X. Liu and S. Deng (2011). "DECAY OF ENERGY FOR A DISSIPATIVE ANISOTROPIC ELASTIC SYSTEM. "+K#Y. Qin, X. Liu and S. Deng (2011). FK>DECAY OF ENERGY FOR A DISSIPATIVE ANISOTROPIC ELASTIC SYSTEM. "K Acta Mathematica Scientia.K 31(1):249-258.K Qin Yuming, Department of Applied Mathematics, College of Sciences, Donghua University, Songjiang, 201620. Liu Xin, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Songjiang, 201620. Deng Shuxian, College of Information Science and Tech5K -秦玉明, 201620. 劉欣, 201620. 鄧書顯, 201620.K 理學院 L|0588 L}cscdL理學院L~閆理坦~ L槞A L申廣君, 陳超 and 閆理坦.[LS G. Shen, C. Chen and L. Yan (2011). "REMARKS ON SUB-FRACTIONAL BESSEL PROCESSES. ",L$G. Shen, C. Chen and L. Yan (2011). 4L,REMARKS ON SUB-FRACTIONAL BESSEL PROCESSES. "L Acta Mathematica Scientia.L 31(5):1860-1876.L Shen Guangjun, Department of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. Chen Chao, Department of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. Yan Litan, Department of Math5L -申廣君, 200237. 陳超, 200237. 閆理坦, 201620.L 理學院 M|0589 M}cscdM理學院M~閆理坦~ M槞A!M次分數布朗運動的幾點註記. M申廣君, 何坤 and 閆理坦.*M"G. Shen, K. He and L. Yan (2011). 4M,Remarks on sub-fractional Brow nian motion. (M Journal of Shangdong University.M 46(3):102-108.M Shen Guangjun, Department of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. He Kun, Department of Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yan Litan, Department of Mathematics, Donghua University, ShaM 申廣君, 華東理工大學數學系, 上海 200237, 中國. 何坤, 恒行3平台數學系, 上海 201620, 中國. 閆理坦, 恒行3平台數學系, 上海 201620, 中國.M 理學院 N|0590 N}cscdN理學院N~羅家融~ N瑜A+N#一種基於支持向量機的人臉識別新方法.*N"舒雙寶, 羅家融, 徐從東 and 孫濱璇.1N)S. Shu, J. Luo, C. Xu and B. Sun (2011). INAA New Method of Face Recognition Base on Support Vector Machine. N Computer Simulation.N 28(2):280-283.N Shu Shuangbao, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Luo Jiarong, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Binxuan, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xu Congdong, DepartmenN 舒雙寶, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 羅家融, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫濱璇, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 徐從東, 解放軍炮兵學院炮兵指揮自動化與仿真系, 合肥, 安徽 230031, 中國.N 理學院 O|0591 O}cscdO理學院 O~謝峰~ O唳A(O 謝峰, 林萬濤, 林一驊 and 莫嘉琪.O F. Xie, W. Lin, Y. Lin and J. Mo (2011). "Disturbed solution of the El Nino-southern oscillation sea-air delayed oscillator. "1O)F. Xie, W. Lin, Y. Lin and J. Mo (2011). [OSDisturbed solution of the El Nino-southern oscillation sea-air delayed oscillator. O Chinese Physics. B.O 20(1):010208.O Xie Feng, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lin Wantao, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China. Lin Yihua, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1EO =謝峰, 201620. 林萬濤, 100029. 林一驊, 100029. 莫嘉琪, 241003.O 理學院 P|0592 P}cscdP理學院 P~謝峰~ P唳A-P%擾動厄爾尼諾/拉尼娜-南方濤動模型的解.(P 謝峰, 林一驊, 林萬濤 and 莫嘉琪.1P)F. Xie, Y. Lin, W. Lin and J. Mo (2011). RPJThe solutions for disturbed El Nio/La Nia-southern oscillation model. P Acta Physica Sinica.P 60(1):010201.P Xie Feng, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Lin Yihua, LASG, Ins titute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China. Lin Wantao, LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of ScienceP 謝峰, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 林一驊, LASG,中國科學院大氣物理研究所, 北京 100029, 中國. 林萬濤, LASG,中國科學院大氣物理研究所, 北京 100029, 中國. 莫嘉琪, 上海高校計算科學E-研究院SJTU研究所, 上海 200240, 中國.P 理學院 Q|0593 Q}cscdQ理學院Q~謝臻赟~ QAGQ?由Levy過程驅動的倒向隨機微分方程在隨機單調條件下解的存在唯一性.Q謝臻赟 and 夏寧茂."QZ. Xie and N. Xia (2011). nQfExistence and Uniqueness for the BSDEs Driven by a Levy Process Under Stochastic Monotonic Condition.  Q Advances in Mathematics.Q 40(2):215-226.Q Xie Zhenyun, Dept.of Math., Dong Hua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xia Ningmao, Dept.of Math., East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China.aQ Y謝臻赟, 恒行3平台數學系, 上海 201620, 中國. 夏寧茂, 華東理工大學數學系, 上海 200237, 中國.Q 理學院 R|0594 R}cscdR理學院R~寇春海~ RPA)R!分數階微分方程邊值問題解的存在性."R李秀紅, 寇春海 and 劉曉波.DR<L. I. Xiuhong, K. O. U. Chunhai and L. I. U. Xiaobo (2011). dR\Existence of Solutions for the Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Differential Equations. ?R 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.R 37(2):240-245.R LI Xiuhong, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. KOU Chunhai, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LIU Xiaobo, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.R 李秀紅, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 寇春海, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉曉波, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國.R 理學院 S|0595 S}cscdS理學院S~鐘方川~ SHA&SSunist上mhd擾動測量和模式分析.,S$吳彥斌, 曾龍, 鐘方川, 譚熠 and 高喆.ySqW. U. Yanbin, L. I. Fang, Z. Long, D. U. Xueyan, Z. Fangchuan, Y. Ruicheng, T. A. N. Yi and G. A. O. Zhe (2011). FS>Measurements and Mode Analysis of MHD Fluctuations on SUNIST. ?S 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.S 37(1):120-125.S WU Yanbin, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHONG Fangchuan, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Fang, State Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Non-ferrous Metal Materials,Education Ministry Key LaS 吳彥斌, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鐘方川, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾龍, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國. 譚熠, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國. 高喆, 清華大學工程物理系, 北京 100084, 中國.S 理學院 T|0596 T}cscdT理學院T~張天舒~ TA3T+參激DuffingVan Der Pol振子的混沌演化與激變. T林延新, 張天舒 and 方同.8T0L. I. N. Yanxin, Z. Tianshu and F. Tong (2011). xTpEvolution and Crisis of the Chaos Attractor in the Duffing-Van Der Pol Oscillator under Parametric Excitations. ?T 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.T 37(2):246-255.T LIN Yanxin, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Tianshu, College of Science Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. FANG Tong, Department of Engineering Mechanics Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 7T 林延新, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 張天舒, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 方同, 西北工業大學工程力學系, 西安, 陜西 710072, 中國.T 理學院 U|0597 U}cscdU理學院U~胡良劍~ U竬A,U$時滯均值自復0過程及其數值解的收斂性.U張春賽 and 胡良劍.#UC. Zhang and L. Hu (2011). dU\MEAN-REVERTING theta PROCESS WITH TIME DELAY AND THE CONVERGENCE OF ITS NUMERICAL SOLUTION. $U Mathematica Numerica Sinica.U 33(2):185-198.U Zhang Chunsai, Department of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China. Hu Liangjian, Department of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.eU ]張春賽, 恒行3平台應用數學系, 上海 200051, 中國. 胡良劍, 恒行3平台應用數學系, 上海 200051, 中國.U 理學院 V|0598 V}cscdV理學院V~張振中~ V攜A3V+帶擾動的經典風險模型中貼現罰函數的漸近估計."V張振中, 鄒捷中 and 劉源遠.,V$Z. Zhang, J. Zou and Y. Liu (2011). [VSAsymptotic Estimates of the Discounted Penalty Function in a Perturbed Risk Model. "V Acta Mathematica Scientia.V 31(2):415-421.V Zhang Zhenzhong, Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zou Jiezhong, School of Mathematical Science and Computing Technology, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China. Liu Yuanyuan, SchoolV 張振中, 恒行3平台理學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄒捷中, 中南大學數學科學與計算技術學院, 長沙, 湖南 410075, 中國. 劉源遠, 中南大學數學科學與計算技術學院, 長沙, 湖南 410075, 中國.V 理學院 W|0599 W}cscdW理學院W~張振中~ W攜AWZ. Zhang, J. Zou and Y. Liu (2011). "The Maximum Surplus Distribution before Ruin in an Erlang(n) Risk Process Perturbed by Diffusion. "W,W$Z. Zhang, J. Zou and Y. Liu (2011). jWbThe Maximum Surplus Distribution before Ruin in an Erlang(n) Risk Process Perturbed by Diffusion. 0W (Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series.W 27(9):1869-1880.W Zhang Zhenzhong, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zou Jiezhong, School of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China. Liu Yuanyuan, School of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 4>W 6zzzhang@dhu.edu.cn; jzzou@csu.edu.cn; liuyy@csu.edu.cnW 理學院 X|0600 X}cscdX人文學院X~徐澤林XU144894+X#演段考釋兼論東亞代數演算方式的演變.!X徐澤林 and 衛霞. -X%X. U. Zelin and W. E. I. Xia (2011). _XWExploration on Yanduan -And on the Evolution of Algebraic Algorithm Mode in East Asia. 3X +Studies in the History of Natural Sciences.X 30(3):318-344.X XU Zelin, School of Art,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WEI Xia, School of Mathematics,Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China.uX m徐澤林, 恒行3平台人文學院人文科學研究所, 上海 201620, 中國. 衛霞, 天津師範大學數學科學學院, 天津 300387, 中國.X 人文學院 Y|0601 Y}cscdY圖書館 YW毛莉YU034825;Y3恒行3平台學科與科研發展勢態基於Jcr期刊分區與sci數據.Y毛莉 and 陳惠蘭.#YL. Mao and H. Chen (2011). oYgSubject and Research Development of Donghua University--Based on JCR Journal Ranking and SCI Database. ?Y 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.Y 37(5):656-661.Y |Mao Li, Library,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Chen Huilan, Library,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.[Y S毛莉, 恒行3平台圖書館, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳惠蘭, 恒行3平台圖書館, 上海 201620, 中國.Y 圖書館 Z|0602 Z}cscdZ圖書館Z~董政娥ZU035118#Z黃麻改性研究現狀及前沿探討./Z董政娥, 陳惠蘭 and 郁崇文.8Z0D. Zhenge, C. Huilan and Y. U. Chongwen (2011). CZ;Status and Research Fronts in Modification of Jute Fibers. ?Z 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.Z 37(2):146-152.Z DONG Zhenge, Library,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. CHEN Huilan, Library,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Chongwen, College of Textiles Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.Z 董政娥, 恒行3平台圖書館, 上海 201620, 中國. 陳惠蘭, 恒行3平台圖書館, 上海 201620, 中國. 郁崇文, 恒行3平台紡織學院, 上海 201620, 中國.Z 圖書館 [|0603 [}cscd[現代紡織研究院[~俞建勇[U063492.[&黃麻/棉混紡織物陽離子改性及其染色性能./[王維明, 蔡再生 and 俞建勇.A[9W. Weiming, C. A. I. Zaisheng and Y. U. Jianyong (2011). R[JCationic modification and dyeing behavior of jute /cotton blended fabric. $[ Journal of Textile Research.[ 32(5):74-79.[ WANG Weiming, Department of Textile and Apparel Engineering Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China. CAI Zaisheng, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. YU Jianyong, Modern Te[ 王維明, 紹興文理學院紡織服裝學院, 紹興, 浙江 312000, 中國. 蔡再生, 恒行3平台化學化工與生物工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 俞建勇, 恒行3平台現代紡織研究院, 上海 200051, 中國.[ 現代紡織研究院 \|0604 \}cscd\信息學院 \~!\敏捷開發中相關技術的應用.\陳楠 and 陳文培.$\N. Chen and W. Chen (2011). 2\*RELEVANT TECHNOLOGY IN AGILE DEVELOPMENT. +\ #Computer Applications and Software.\ 28(4):202-204.\ Chen Nan, College of Software, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China. Chen Wenpei, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.m\ e陳楠, 上海交通大學軟件學院, 上海 200030, 中國. 陳文培, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 200051, 中國.\ 信息學院 ]|0605 ]}cscd]信息學院 ]~]xZ. Gu, J. Liu, L. Du and E. Tian (2011). "Fault-distribution-dependent reliable control for time-varying delay system. "]1])Z. Gu, J. Liu, L. Du and E. Tian (2011). U]MFault-distribution-dependent reliable control for time-varying delay system. 3] +Journal of Control Theory and Applications.] 9(4):589-593.] Gu Zhou, School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210042, China. Liu Jinliang, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Du Lilong, Department of Automation, North China ElecW] Ogzhl808@163.com; liujinliang@vip.163.com; liebherr926@sohu.com; teg@njnu.edu.cn] 信息學院 ^|0606 ^}cscd^信息學院 ^~李征~ ^0鵃3^+金精礦提金三相循環流化床系統的神經網絡建模.$^李松, 李征, 趙洋 and 李登新.0^(S. Li, Z. Li, Y. Zhao and D. Li (2011). ^wNeural Network Modeling of System of Extracting Gold from Gold Concentrate with Three-phase Circulating Fluidized Bed. '^ Computer Measurement & Control.^ 19(7):1622-1625.^ Li Song, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Li Zheng, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Yang, College of Information Science and Technology^ 李松, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李征, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙洋, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李登新, 恒行3平台環境科學與工程學院, 上海 201620, 中國.^ 信息學院 _|0607 _}cscd_信息學院_~李德敏~ __鵃)_!一種基於能量和時延的動態分簇算法. _沈玲, 李德敏 and 吳海峰.7_/S. Ling, L. I. Demin and W. U. Haifeng (2011). B_:Dynamical clustering algorithm based on energy and delay. -_ %Computer Engineering and Application._ 47(24):67-69._ SHEN Ling, Department of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LI Demin, Department of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. WU Haifeng, Department of Information Science an_ 沈玲, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 李德敏, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳海峰, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國._ 信息學院D(dl:d[9u=wS= ww(`@a@b@c@d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@y@z@{@|@}@~@@ `|0608 `}cscd`信息學院`~周武能~ `@ A`L. Pan, W. Zhou, L. Zhou and K. Sun (2011). "Chaos synchronization between two different fractional-order hyperchaotic systems. "`4`,L. Pan, W. Zhou, L. Zhou and K. Sun (2011). [`SChaos synchronization between two different fractional-order hyperchaotic systems. C` ;Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation.` 16(6):2628-2640.` Pan Lin, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, Hubei 430023, China. Zhou Long, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, Hubei 430023, China. Zhou Wuneng-` %linpandr@gmail.com; wnzhou@dhu.edu.cn` 信息學院 a|0609 a}cscda信息學院ad丁永生~ a恀鵃7a/基於協同智能的膜蛋白相互作用及其網絡特性的研究."a沈懿珍, 丁永生 and 郝礦榮.,a$Y. Shen, Y. Ding and K. Hao (2011). }auThe Study on the Characters of Membrane Protein Interaction and Its Network Based on Integrated Intelligence Method. *a "Journal of Biomedical Engineering.a 28(4):658-662.a Shen Yizhen, College of Information Sciences and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Yongsheng, College of Information Sciences and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Hao Kuangrong, College of Information Scienca 沈懿珍, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 丁永生, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國. 郝礦榮, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620, 中國.a 信息學院 b|0610 b}cscdb信息學院b~王直傑~ b郰鵃*b"Pre-boot環境下ECC的應用及性能優化.b孫小霞 and 王直傑.#bX. Sun and Z. Wang (2011). TbLAPPLICATION AND PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION OF ECC IN ENVIRONMENT OF PRE-BOOT. +b #Computer Applications and Software.b 28(1):280-282.b Sun Xiaoxia, Institute of Information,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wang Zhijie, Institute of Information,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.ab Y孫小霞, 恒行3平台信息學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 王直傑, 恒行3平台信息學院, 上海 201620, 中國.b 信息學院 c|0611 c}cscdc信息學院c~鄭建立~ c鵃&c基於Soa的光保險絲的研究和設計.c劉小林 and 鄭建立./c'L. I. U. Xiaolin and Z. Jianli (2011). 7c/Optical fuse research and design based on SOA. )c !Optical Communication Technology.c 35(6):14-16.c LIU Xiaolin, Colleage of Information Science and Technology DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHENG Jianli, Colleage of Information Science and Technology DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uc m劉小林, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄭建立, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.c 信息學院 d|0612 d}cscdd信息學院d~周武能~ d@ AdY. Xu, W. Zhou, J. Fang and W. Sun (2011). "Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with adaptive double scaling functions. "d3d+Y. Xu, W. Zhou, J. Fang and W. Sun (2011). d{Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with adaptive double scaling functions. Cd ;Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation.d 16(8):3337-3343.d Xu Yuhua, Department of Maths, Yunyang Teachers College, Shiyan, Hubei 442000, China. Zhou Wuneng, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Key Laboratory of Wireless Sensor Network & Communication,Chinese Academy of Sciences, ShSd Kyuhuaxu2004@163.com; wnzhou@163.com; jafang@dhu.edu.cn; sunwen_2201@163.comd 信息學院 e|0613 e}cscde信息學院ed吳怡之~ e W鵃1e)基於模糊綜合評價的可穿戴心電信號質量評估.e易曉霖 and 吳怡之. eX. Yi and Y. Wu (2011). VeNWearable ECG-signal quality assessment based on fuzzy comprehensive judgment. )e !Journal of Computer Applications.e 31(12):3438.e Yi Xiaolin, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Yizhi, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.ue m易曉霖, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳怡之, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.e 信息學院 f|0614 f}cscdf信息學院 f~楊義~ f鄼鵃f光等效時間采樣技術研究. f楊義, 肖中銀 and 葛華勇.5f-Y. Yi, X. Zhongyin and G. E. Huayong (2011). 5f-Optical equivalent-time waveform monitoring. )f !Optical Communication Technology.f 35(9):59-62.f YANG Yi, Donghua University,College of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai 201620, China. XIAO Zhongyin, Donghua University,College of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai 200072, China. GE Huayong, Shanghai University,Key Laboratory of Sf 楊義, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 特種光纖與光接入網上海省部共建重點實驗室, 上海 201620, 中國. 肖中銀, 上海大學, 特種光纖與光接入網上海省部共建重點實驗室, 上海 200072, 中國. 葛華勇, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.f 信息學院 g|0615 g}cscdg信息學院 g~&gLinux下網絡塊設備的研究與實現. g劉玉珍, 單丹 and 連自鋒.6g.L. I. U. Yuzhen, S. Dan and L. Zifeng (2011). TgLResearches and Implementation of Network Block Device in Linux Environment. g World Sci-Tech R and D.g 33(2):265.g LIU Yuzhen, College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, Liaoning 125105, China. LIAN Zifeng, College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, Liaoning 125105, China. g 劉玉珍, 遼寧工程技術大學電子與信息工程學院, 葫蘆島, 遼寧 125105, 中國. 連自鋒, 遼寧工程技術大學電子與信息工程學院, 葫蘆島, 遼寧 125105, 中國. 單丹, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.  *, 24 8A EG MO qs y{      g 信息學院 h|0616 h}cscdh信息學院 h~*h"基於Gps及蟻群優化的啟發式路由算法.h王安保 and 胡小明.,h$W. Anbao and H. U. Xiaoming (2011). ch[Heuristic routing algorithm based on GPS location information and ACO for Ad Hoc networks. (h Computer Engineering and Design.h 32(5):1554-1557.h WANG Anbao, College of Information Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HU Xiaoming, School of Computer and Information Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China.qh i王安保, 恒行3平台信息學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 胡小明, 上海第二工業大學計算機與信息學院, 上海 201209, 中國.h 信息學院 i|0617 i}cscdi信息學院id丁永生~ i恀鵃/i'碳纖維拉伸工藝優化的多目標動態規劃方法.0i(陳佳佳, 丁永生, 梁霄, 郝礦榮 and 王華平.?i7J. Chen, Y. Ding, X. Liang, K. Hao and H. Wang (2011). `iXCarbon Fiber Drawing Process Optimization Based on Multi-objective Dynamic Programming. i Materials Review.i 25(3下):127-130.i Chen Jiajia, College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ding Yongsheng, College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liang Xiao, College of Information Sciencei i 信息學院 j|0618 j}cscdj信息學院j~趙曙光~ j` A-j%虛擬三維服裝展示的發展歷史與研究熱點.0j(陳亮, 趙曙光, 張麗娟, 張文兵 and 姜長元.Bj:L. Chen, S. Zhao, L. Zhang, W. Zhang and C. Jiang (2011). TjLHistory and research hot spot of three-dimensional virtual garment display. $j Journal of Textile Research.j 32(10):153-160.j Chen Liang, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhao Shuguang, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhang Lijuan, College of Information Science aj j 信息學院 k|0619 k}cscdk信息學院 k~9k1基於信號量化處理的隨機時滯網絡化系統的分析與設計.*k"褚紅燕, 費樹岷, 劉金良 and 翟軍勇.3k+H. Chu, S. Fei, J. Liu and J. Zhai (2011). bkZAnalysis and design for networked systems with random delay based on signal quantization. k Control and Decision.k 26(11):1654.k Chu Hongyan, School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210042, China. Fei Shumin, College of Automation,Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China. Zhai Junyong, College of Automation,Southeast Univek 褚紅燕, 南京師範大學能源與機械工程學院, 南京, 江蘇 210042, 中國. 費樹岷, 東南大學自動化學院, 南京, 江蘇 210096, 中國. 翟軍勇, 東南大學自動化學院, 南京, 江蘇 210096, 中國. 劉金良, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.k 信息學院 l|0620 l}cscdl信息學院 l~2l*時滯依賴網絡控製系統的量化控製:分段時滯法.*l"褚紅燕, 費樹岷, 劉金良 and 翟軍勇.TlLC. H. U. Hongyan, F. E. I. Shumin, L. I. U. Jinliang and Z. Junyong (2011). `lXQuantized control for delay-dependent networked control systems:piecewise delay method. &l Control Theory & Applications.l 28(4):575-580.l CHU Hongyan, School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210042, China. FEI Shumin, School of Automation Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China. ZHAI Junyong, School of Automation Southeast Universl 褚紅燕, 南京師範大學能源與機械工程學院, 南京, 江蘇 210042, 中國. 費樹岷, 東南大學自動化學院, 南京, 江蘇 210096, 中國. 翟軍勇, 東南大學自動化學院, 南京, 江蘇 210096, 中國. 劉金良, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.l 信息學院 m|0621 m}cscdm信息學院md尚建華~ m酁鵃.m&尚建華, 趙曙光, 賀巖, 陳衛標 and 賈寧.m S. Jianhua, Z. Shuguang, H. Yan, C. Weibiao and J. Ning (2011). "Experimental study on minimum resolvable velocity for heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometry. "Hm@S. Jianhua, Z. Shuguang, H. Yan, C. Weibiao and J. Ning (2011). cm[Experimental study on minimum resolvable velocity for heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometry. m Chinese Optics Letters.m 9(8):081201.m Jianhua Shang, School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Key Laboratory Space Laser Communication and Testing Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201620, China. Shuguang Zhao, School of Information Science and TechnologSm K尚建華, 201620. 趙曙光, 201620. 賀巖, 201800. 陳衛標, 201800. 賈寧, 100190.m 信息學院 n|0622 n}cscdn信息學院nd丁永生~ n恀鵃/n'一種基於生理雙向調節機製的協同進化算法.(n 劉寶, 王君紅, 丁永生 and 夏伯鍇.4n,B. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Ding and B. Xia (2011). ZnRCollaborative evolution algorithm based on physiological bi-regulation mechanism. Mn EJournal of China University of Petroleum. Edition of Natrual Science.n 35(5):173-179.n Liu Bao, College of Information and Control Engineering in China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong 266555, China. Wang Junhong, College of Information and Control Engineering in China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong 266555, China. Xia n n 信息學院 o|0623 o}cscdo信息學院o~周武能~ o@ A+o#圖像處理在藥片視覺檢測系統中的應用.o朱銘煜 and 周武能..o&Z. H. U. Mingyu and Z. Wuneng (2011). LoDApplication of Image Processing in Tablet Visual Inspection System. )o !Intstrument Technique and Sensor.o 5):94-97.o ZHU Mingyu, College of Information Science and Technology,DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHOU Wuneng, College of Information Science and Technology,DongHua University, Shanghai 201620, China.uo m朱銘煜, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周武能, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.o 信息學院 p|0624 p}cscdp信息學院pn方建安~ p怣鵃(p 唐漾, 黃偉強, 方建安 and 苗清影.p~ Y. Tang, W. K. Wong, J. Fang and Q. Miao (2011). "Pinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed coupled networks. "9p1Y. Tang, W. K. Wong, J. Fang and Q. Miao (2011). RpJPinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed coupled networks. p Chinese Physics. B.p 20(4):040513.p Tang Yang, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Fang Jianan, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wong W K, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hon5p -唐漾, 201620. 方建安, 201620. 苗清影, 200030.p 信息學院 q|0625 q}cscdq信息學院q~唐明浩q/q'一種結合人工免疫的粒子濾波目標跟蹤算法. q曹偉傑, 童牧 and 唐明浩.6q.C. A. O. Weijie, T. Mu and T. Minghao (2011). vqnParticle filter target tracking algorithm combining artificial immune.Comput-er Engineering and Applications. -q %Computer Engineering and Application.q 47(28):195.q CAO Weijie, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TONG Mu, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TANG Minghao, College of Information Science and Tecq 曹偉傑, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 童牧, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐明浩, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.q 信息學院 r|0626 r}cscdr信息學院rd吳怡之~ r W鵃5r-基於Pareto多目標優化的工業傳感網路由協議研究.2r*吳怡之, 全東平, 許紅安, 齊金鵬 and 丁永生.9r1Y. Wu, D. Quan, H. Xu, J. Qi and Y. Ding (2011). ]rUStudy on Pareto-based Industrial WSN Multi-objective Optimization Routing Algorithm. r Computer Science.r 38(4):100-103.r Wu Yizhi, College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Quan Dongping, College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Qi Jinpeng, College of Information Sciences anr r 信息學院 s|0627 s}cscds信息學院 s~吳贇~ s饟鵃,s$基於ZigBee和CAN總線的電池組監測系統. s吳贇, 周家樂 and 蔣新華.,s$Y. Wu, J. Zhou and X. Jiang (2011). Gs?Monitoring system of battery pack based on ZigBee and CAN bus. )s !Chinese Journal of Power Sources.s 35(9):1140.s Wu Yun, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhou Jiale, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jiang Xinhua, Shanghai Aerospace Power Technology Co.,Ls 吳贇, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 周家樂, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 蔣新華, 上海航天電源技術有限責任公司, 上海 201615, 中國.s 信息學院 t|0628 t}cscdt信息學院 t~/t'基於最小故障感知器的分布式測控網絡診斷. t肖勇, 邵世煌 and 朱祥和.,t$Y. Xiao, S. Shao and X. Zhu (2011). YtQDiagnosis of Distributed Test and Control Network Based on Minimal Fault Sensor. %t Control Engineering of China.t 18(1):152-155.t Xiao Yong, College of Information Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Shao Shihuang, College of Information Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zhu Xianghe, School of Optical-Electric and Comput 肖勇, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 邵世煌, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 朱祥和, 上海理工大學光電信息與計算機工程學院, 上海 200093, 中國.t 信息學院 u|0629 u}cscdu信息學院u~郝礦榮~ u0v鵃+u#一種新的字符圖像傾斜矯正與分割算法. u黃新, 郝礦榮 and 竇易文.>u6H. Xin, H. A. O. Kuangrong and D. O. U. Yiwen (2011). SuKA New Algorithm for Slant Correction and Segmentation of Character Images. )u !Computer Engineering and Science.u 33(1):116-121.u HUANG Xin, School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. HAO Kuangrong, School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. DOU Yiwen, School of Information Science and Technou 黃新, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 郝礦榮, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 竇易文, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.u 信息學院 v|0630 v}cscdv信息學院v~周武能~ v@ A"v徐玉華, 周武能 and 方建安.wvo Y. Xu, W. Zhou and J. Fang (2011). "Modified scaling function projective synchronization of chaotic systems. "+v#Y. Xu, W. Zhou and J. Fang (2011). QvIModified scaling function projective synchronization of chaotic systems. v Chinese Physics. B.v 20(9):090509.v Xu Yuhua, Department of Mathematics and Finance, Yunyang Teachers' College, Shiyan, Hubei 442000, China. Zhou Wuneng, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Fang Jianan, College of Information Science an7v /徐玉華, 442000. 周武能, 201620. 方建安, 201620.v 信息學院 w|0631 w}cscdw信息學院w~孫韶媛~ w爢鵃-w%基於紋理特征庫的微光圖像色彩紋理傳遞.0w(許真, 孫韶媛, 代中華, 郭子乾 and 谷小婧.8w0Z. Xu, S. Sun, Z. Dai, Z. Guo and X. Gu (2011). KwCTexture Library Based Color & Texture Transferring for LLL Images. w Infrared Technology.w 33(1):49-55.w Xu Zhen, The College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Sun Shaoyuan, The College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Dai Zhonghua, The College of Information Sw w 信息學院 x|0632 x}cscdx信息學院x~孫培德~ xPh A2x*基於電壓閉環及dp/du補償的單級光伏MPPT技術.x顧雪霏 and 孫培德.0x(G. U. Xuefei and S. U. N. Peide (2011). txlSingle-stage Photovoltaic Inverter System and MPPT Technology Based on Voltage Loop and dp/du Compensation. x Power Electronics.x 45(5):7-9.ux mGU Xuefei, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. SUN Peide, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.wx o顧雪霏, 恒行3平台,信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 孫培德, 恒行3平台,信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.x 信息學院 y|0633 y}cscdy信息學院yd吳怡之~ y W鵃*y"基於Markov模型的WSN匯聚樹路由協議.*y"吳怡之, 駱彥淩, 許紅安 and 趙晨旭.JyBW. U. Yizhi, L. U. O. Yanling, X. U. Hongan and Z. Chenxu (2011). VyNWireless Sensor Network Collection Tree Route Protocol Based on Markov Model. y Computer Engineering.y 37(18):62-64.y WU Yizhi, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. LUO Yanling, College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHAO Chenxu, College of Information Science and Techy 吳怡之, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 駱彥淩, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 趙晨旭, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 許紅安, 華東師範大學信息科學與技術學院, 上海 200062, 中國.y 信息學院 z|0634 z}cscdz信息學院z~唐明浩z%z改進的返回式二進製防碰撞算法.z張航, 唐明浩 and 程暉./z'H. Zhang, M. Tang and H. Cheng (2011). 9z1Improved return binary anti-collision algorithm. -z %Computer Engineering and Application.z 47(25):208-211.z Zhang Hang, School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Tang Minghao, School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cheng Hui, School of Information Science and Technoz 張航, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐明浩, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 程暉, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.z 信息學院 {|0635 {}cscd{信息學院{~鄭建立~ {鵃#{基於符號特征的Qr碼識別算法.{張民 and 鄭建立.&{M. Zhang and J. Zheng (2011). I{ARecpgmotopm A;gprotj, pf QR Cpde Based pm Su,bp; Cjaracterostoc. { Computer Engineering.{ 37(4):278-280.{ Zhang Min, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Zheng Jianli, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China.s{ k張民, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 鄭建立, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.{ 信息學院 ||0636 |}cscd|信息學院|~唐莉萍|041081%|染色體條紋提取算法研究及應用."|趙祖雲, 唐莉萍 and 曾培峰.3|+Z. Zuyun, T. Liping and Z. Peifeng (2011). @|8Research and Application on Chromosome Band Extraction. ?| 7Journal of Donghua University. Natural Science Edition.| 37(2):215-220.| ZHAO Zuyun, College of Information Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. TANG Liping, College of Information Science and Technology Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZENG Peifeng, College of Computer Science and Tech| 趙祖雲, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 唐莉萍, 恒行3平台信息科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國. 曾培峰, 恒行3平台計算機科學與技術學院, 上海 201620, 中國.| 信息學院 }|0637 }}cscd}W紡織學院}~郭建生}U052686}聚乳酸纖維包芯紗的開發.#}樊愈波 and 郭建生. "}Y. Fan and J. Guo (2011). =}5Development of Polylactic Acid Fiber Core Spun Yarn. "} Cotton Textile Technology.} 39(12):791-793.H} @Fan Yubo, Donghua University. Guo Jiansheng, Donghua University.+} #樊愈波, 恒行3平台. 郭建生, 恒行3平台.} 恒行3平台 ~|0638 ~}cscd~W科研處~~甘學輝~U094236'~復合紡絲微孔內熔體流動特性研究.E~(甘學輝, 馬曉建, 劉強, 賈春紅 and 楊崇倡. !':~2X. Gan, X. Ma, Q. Liu, C. Jia and C. Yang (2011). J~BCharacteristics of the Melt Flow in a Complex Spinning Micropore. *~ "Mechanical Science and Technology.~ 30(8):1300-1303.~ Gan Xuehui, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Ma Xiaojian, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Liu Qiang, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Jia Chunhong, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Yang Chongchang, Donghua Univ~ 甘學輝, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 馬曉建, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 劉強, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 賈春紅, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 楊崇倡, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國.~ 恒行3平台 |0639 }cscd ~~)!漢麻一種高值特種生物質資源及應用.張華, 張建春 and 張傑./'Z. Hua, Z. Jianchun and Z. Jie (2011). B:HempA High Value Biological Resource and its Application.  Polymer Bulletin. 8):1-7. ZHANG Hua, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Jianchun, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. ZHANG Jie, The Quartermaster Institute of the General Logistics Department of PLA, Beijing 100082, China. x張華, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 張建春, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 張傑, 總後勤部軍需裝備研究所, 北京 100082, 中國. 恒行3平台D#el5_-p4@T "P@@@@@@@@@@@@ |0640 }cscd ~~'縐組織的仿製和設計方法改進研究.袁惠芬 and 王旭.$H. Yuan and X. Wang (2011). ;3Improvement of Crepe Weave Copy and Design Method. " Cotton Textile Technology. 39(5):303-306.O GYuan Huifen, Anhui Polytechnic University. Wang Xu, Donghua University.> %袁惠芬, 安徽工程大學. 王旭, 恒行3平台.    $ 恒行3平台 |0641 }cscdW紡織學院~於偉東U061339!假撚集聚紡紗線的特征分析.!付江 and 於偉東.  J. Fu and W. Yu (2011). =5Characteristic Analyses of False-twist Compact Yarn. " Cotton Textile Technology. 39(2):89-91.E =Fu Jiang, Donghua University. Yu Weidong, Jiaxing University.) !付江, 恒行3平台. 於偉東, 嘉興學院. 恒行3平台 |0642 }cscdW紡織學院~於偉東U061339#假撚集聚紡紗外觀及結構分析.付江 and 於偉東. J. Fu and W. Yu (2011). G?Appearance and Structure Analyses of False-twist Compact Yarn. " Cotton Textile Technology. 39(4):205-208.E =Fu Jiang, Donghua University. Yu Weidong, Donghua University.) !付江, 恒行3平台. 於偉東, 恒行3平台. 恒行3平台 |0643 }cscd ~~-%完善上海市飲食服務業汙染防治立法探討. 黃震.Z. Huang (2011). |Approaches to an Amendment to Local Legislation on Environmental Pollution Prevention in the Catering Business in Shanghai. ( Shanghai Environmental Sciences. 30(3):116.? 7Huang Zhen, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China.* "黃震, 恒行3平台, 上海 200051, 中國. 恒行3平台 |0644 }cscdW紡織學院~崔運花U053363!超聲波在調漿中的應用研究./柳一潔, 崔運花 and 金梁英.*"Y. Liu, Y. Cui and L. Jin (2011). E=Application Research of Ultrasonic in Blending Size Mixture. " Cotton Textile Technology. 39(7):426-429.i aLiu Yijie, Donghua University. Cui Yunhua, Donghua University. Jin Liangying, Donghua University.= 5柳一潔, 恒行3平台. 崔運花, 恒行3平台. 金梁英, 恒行3平台. 恒行3平台 |0645 }cscdW環境學院W奚旦立/'應用層次分析法評價印染廢水深度處理技術.*"馬春燕, 吳惠彪, 張軼群 and 奚旦立.1)C. Ma, H. Wu, Y. Zhang and D. Xi (2011). {sApplication of AHP to Comprehensive Technology Evaluation of Advanced Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater. - %Enuivonmental Science and Technology. 34(4):135-139. Ma Chunyan, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Xi Danli, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Wu Huibiao, Shanghai Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Shanghai 200003, China. Zhang Yiqun, Shanghai Southern Water Works Co.Ltd, Shangh 馬春燕, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 奚旦立, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 吳惠彪, 上海市環境保護局, 上海 200003, 中國. 張軼群, 上海自來水市南有限公司, 上海 200002, 中國. 恒行3平台 |0646 }cscd~信息學院 ~楊義~ 鄼鵃%圖像超分辨率重建處理算法研究.萬雪芬, 楊義 and 崔劍.+#X. Wan, Y. Yang and J. Cui (2011). ;3Research on super-resolution image reconstruction.  Laser and Infrared. 41(11):1278-1281. Wan Xuefen, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Sanhe, Beijing 065201, China. Yang Yi, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. Cui Jian, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China. |萬雪芬, 華北科技學院, 三河, 河北 065201, 中國. 楊義, 恒行3平台, 上海 201620, 中國. 崔劍, 北京航空航天大學, 北京 100191, 中國. 恒行3平台 |0647 }cscd ~~/'紗線張力檢測與控製技術的研究現狀與展望.熊秋元 and 高曉平.$Q. Xiong and X. Gao (2011). ZRCurrent Situation and Outlook of Yarn Tension Measurement and Control Technology. " Cotton Textile Technology. 39(6):405-408.] UXiong Qiuyuan, Changzhou Textile Garment Institute. 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X&中國人民大學報刊資料中心《中國共產黨》~ Yp烜 XC h0012 X管理學院 X賀衛 b084058& \發展中國家溫室氣體減排態勢分析 X 學習與實踐~ Yp烜 XC X0013 ^管理學院 ^李宏 c084172& e消費者對鞋類產品的缺貨反應研究 ^管理評論~ ]p烜 ^C h0014^管理學院^劉長奎c083529&e時尚產業發展規律及模式選擇研究 ^求索~ ]p烜 ^CE X0015X管理學院 X劉奕b216462:\2農民工保障是建立社會公正的基石--兼駁“改革代價論”X 探索與爭鳴~ Yp烜 XCE h0016X管理學院 X劉泳b084242%\基於QFD的品牌導向的定量化實現 X預測~ Yp烜 XC X0017X管理學院X盧寧文b083737&\審計質量形成機理的博弈均衡分析X審計與經濟研究~ Yp烜 XC h0018X管理學院 X沈蕾b013508$\中國男裝品牌溢價影響因素研究 X預測~ Yp烜 XC X0019X管理學院 X沈蕾b013508$\上海新生代農民工消費結構分析X消費經濟~ Yp烜 XC h0020X管理學院 X王宏b219045,\$供應商關系品質對政府采購績效影響研究X社會科學~ Yp烜 XC X0021X管理學院 X王宏b219045.\&基於產業周期理論的政府技術采購決策研究X經濟縱橫~ Yp烜 XC h0022X管理學院 X王雷b219047*\"外資嵌入影響集群創新能力的實證研究X科學學與科學技術管理~ Yp烜 XC X0023X管理學院X王麗華b084617,\                       $馬克思人的本質論與大學生思想政治教育X黑龍江高教研究~ Yp烜 XC h0024X管理學院 X吳泓b174655N\F法國借鑒及中國公共文化服務體系構建路徑——從法國音樂節和巴黎沙灘節說起X 現代經濟探討~ Yp烜 XC X0025X管理學院 X吳炯b084440<\4獨立董事、資源支持與企業邊界連結🐌:由上市家族公司生發 X改革~ Yp烜 XB h0026X管理學院 X吳炯b084440J\B董事會的功能範疇與功能定位——一個動態匹配框架及來自中國的經驗證據X經濟經緯~ Yp烜 XC X0027X管理學院 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)X0041)X人文學院)X鄧誌鋒)U144118.)\&關於我國助老服務“時間銀行”建設的思考 )X南京人口管理幹部學院學報~ )Yp烜 )XC *h0042*X人文學院*X賀善侃*c**\"文化自覺🌁、文化現代性與思想政治教育"*X人大復印資料:思想政治教育~ *Yp烜 *XB +X0043+X人文學院+X賀善侃+c(+\ 從柔性領導力開發談提高政府公信力$+X中國人大復印資料《管理科學》~ +Yp烜 +XB ,h0044,X人文學院,X賀善侃,c,\ 論統戰文化力$,X中國人大復印資料《中國政治》~ ,Yp烜 ,XB -X0045-X人文學院-X賀善侃-c&-\理想人格的認識論特征和塑造途徑-X 探索與爭鳴~ -Yp烜 -XC .h0046.X人文學院.X賀善侃.c.\論柔性領導力的文化支撐.X 學習與實踐~ .Yp烜 .XC /X0047/X人文學院/X賀善侃/c(/\ 從柔性領導力開發談提高政府公信力/X理論探討~ /Yp烜 /XC 0h00480X人文學院0X賀善侃0c*0\"復雜性科學視野下的思維矛盾運動原則&0X杭州師範大學學報(社會科學版)~ 0Yp烜 0XC 1X00491X人文學院1X黃軍甫1U144685.1\&《缺乏共識的思想界——焦慮.異見.對策》1X 探索與爭鳴~ 1Yp烜 1XC 2h00502X人文學院2X李書巧2U144729&2\完美的邊界:烏托邦政治內涵分析 2X河南大學學報(社會科學版)~ 2Yp烜 2XC 3X00513X人文學院3X李書巧3U144729 3\烏托邦思維方式與戊戌變法3X蘭州學刊~ 3Yp烜 3XC 4h00524X人文學院4X李書巧4U144729*4\"我國非政府組織參與公共危機管理研究4X理論月刊~ 4Yp烜 4XC 5X00535X人文學院5X劉慶飛5U15390765\.論“中小企業”的立法界定標準——從比較法的視角5X河北法學~ 5Yp烜 5XC 6h00546X人文學院6X劉慶飛6U153907 6\中小企業促進法的多重價值6X商業研究~ 6Yp烜 6XC 7X00557X人文學院 7X劉奕7U216462.7\&"雲"時代我國公共危機決策現狀與方法創新7X理論探討~ 7Yp烜 7XC 8h00568X人文學院 8X史偉8U144680&8\南宋詩歌地位🎈、作用、功能之變遷8X 社會科學家~ 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TX李薇TU144136$T\日本小學“英語活動”特色述評TX外國中小學教育~ TYp烜 TXC UX0085UX外語學院UX謝誌超UU144735U\克魯亞克小說與禪宗思想$UX東北師大學報(哲學社會科學版)~ UYp烜 UXC Vh0086VX外語學院VX徐風華VU144199$V\中國學習者英語進行體理解研究VX解放軍外國語學院學報~ VYp烜 VXC WX0087WX外語學院 WX楊捷WU144258.W\&基於修飾性狀語類型的動詞完成體變異研究WX 廣西社會科學~ WYp烜 WXC Xh0088XX外語學院XX楊林貴XU1449486X\.夏洛克女兒的財富——“後”學話語中的莎劇小人物XX外語與外語教學~ XYp烜 XXC YX0089YX外語學院YX楊林貴YU144948Y\唯物論與莎士比亞研究YX 外國文學研究~ YYp烜 YXC Zh0090ZX外語學院ZX楊林貴ZU144948>Z\6流行影院中的莎士比亞——以中國《哈姆萊特》衍生影片為例ZX戲劇藝術~ ZYp烜 ZXC [X0091[X外語學院[X張淑琴[U144755&[\復調理論與《男人的一半是女人》[X 寧夏社會科學~ [Yp烜 [XC \h0092\X外語學院\X張淑琴\U144755\\黃香久與苔絲形象之比較\X學術交流~ \Yp烜 \XC ]X0093]X外語學院 ]X張曦]U1437146]\.絕對暗喻——概念隱喻理論視角的龐德隱喻翻譯研究(]X 華東師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)~ ]Yp烜 ]XC ^h0094^X外語學院 ^X張曦^U143714^\生態視角的龐德譯作解讀$^X東北師大學報(哲學社會科學版)~ ^Yp烜 ^XC _X0095_Z宣傳部_Z彭這華_U014388_f 論專業異化&_Z湖南科技大學學報(社會科學版)~ _Zp烜 _ZCD.l`EaEbEcEdEeEfEgEhEiEjEkElEmEnEoEpEqErEsEtEuEvEwExEyEzE{E|E}E~EE `h0096`Z宣傳部`Z彭這華`U0143882`f*《儒家交往觀對高校和諧師生關系構建的啟示》 `Z湖南師範大學教育科學學報~ `Zl烜 `ZC aRg aPP bRg bPP cRg cPP dRg dPP eRg ePP fRg fPP gRg gPP hRg hPP iRg iPP jRg 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