邢唷> 8;7欹 餜tbjbj2xxU 1AQQQeee8e('''''''**-'-Q'QQ4'vQQ'':,爐虜G冄e}X }''0(.-X--Q # /''-^(- : D桍N1 駛噀3u鲖fN癲橯魦f The narrative text must be written in English and must meet the following criteria: All parts of the narrative text (scientific description of the project) must be submitted in 11pt type. The narrative text must be composed of: Project description: no more than 20 pages including all tables and figures with no more than 9,000 words (including headings, footnotes, captions, etc.), but not including the table of contents; Bibliography relevant to the project, including a list of abbreviations (no more than 5 pages); Academic curriculum vitae (CV; no more than three pages per person) and a list of publications for each person involved in the project (see also pp. 4 ff of the FWF application guidelines.; persons involved in the project include the applicant, research personnel [where already known] to be employed in the project and funded by the FWF, and any national research partners);The project description must include the following points: description of the added value to be expected from the collaboration distribution of work (working plan) separate budget justifications (justification of personnel costs and of non-personnel costs; please consult the respective application guidelines for eligible costs.) Literature lists must include the following information: All authors, complete titles, journal, year and page numbers. For publications with more than 20 authors, an "et al." reference can be used.  Where known project employees completed their medical studies in Austria, the corresponding CV must indicate the curriculum (Studienplan: N, O, Q, etc.) in which the degree was earned; see also the current version of "Personnel Costs and Salaries Graduates of Medical Studies in Austria" at h"68@bv~T b     0 鉞崖灺幝幝~爐o_o_o_o_Jo_)jh=eh=e0JOJQJUmH sH h=eh=e5丱JQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH hh>*OJQJmH sH hh5丱JQJmH sH !hOJQJmH nHo(sH tH$hhOJQJmH nHsH tHhhOJQJmH sH hhmH nHo(sH tHh瀓ymH nHo(sH tH"hVhV5乵H nHo(sH tH   6 $勁d^勁a$gd=e$ & F h勁勫d^勁`勫$gd=e$a$gd=e & Fd<<7$8$H$gd=e & Fd7$8$H$gd=e d<<gd=egd$a$gdgd瀓ygdV0 a u    ' 6 T Z襻裉窠瓫狁狁狁寎lO9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH!jhd*h=e0JCJUaJhh齜NOJQJmH sH hhOJQJmH sH "h=eh=e56丱JQJmH sH h=eh=e6丱JQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH )jh=eh=e0JOJQJUmH sH h=eh=e5丱JQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH  defhiklnoqrstgd=ed7$8$H$gd=eZ[%0defgijlmopst淝撫樓x莢Y窾MUMUMUMU>hh齜NOJQJmH sH jhUh9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tHU?hd*h=e6丅*CJOJQJ]乛JaJmH nHphsH tHhd*h=eCJaJmH sH !jhd*h=e0JCJUaJhd*h=eCJaJmH sH 9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH6h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(phsH tHttp://www.fwf.ac.at/fileadmin/files/Dokumente/Personalkostensaetze/personnelcosts-2014-medicine.pdf 0182P皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%癝班 惄b 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J ck噀 dと CJOJQJ_HaJmHsHtH $A`$ 貫祂=刉[SOBiB nf恏贗3縗`?/[G歿\!-跼k.搒曰..椃碼嬋?PK!ブх6 _rels/.rels剰蟡0 囷吔冄}Q頤%v/C/(h"脎O 劋秣=畫旂 毆免C?薶醰=偵叅%[xp啠{鄣_糚眩<10堎O糝瓸d焉襃E4b$q_槥6L籲R7`畯ㄉ趁0虨O,錏n7擫i鋌〃/鉙綈╡械根鑄PK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml 蘉 @醹愘7c(Eb菜CA菭覠圩邈7蕪諞K Y, 奺.埛饇,ㄚH,l崆駢x紗逫萻Q}#諓叚遞 值+!,較$j=婫W櫨)釫+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xml靁MoE#F{oc'vGuh覨盵糟x=逎zvg53Nj廐H垈z飴昛 $石I)*E阓酀欇鮊&IA!裎>秣羌3緓镹男>掤擱U蟇L0斈屵嚦z迃rx鰾脅稔h9T8奣/魁煜?鍃Y雒'蟸3S琦棌~蜩鶅O_|w)馉鎘圚t=乤+d NG1-Rl苼1諶J鴚T锠疢1Kc柩"o he浪撣幝絇L-憒%絎臙甴Y7'qP.\L姼=岟薲穛炷3I爋fi墸.帽墘BRb-J款P_p蒅 茛▍i㎏鷗郿訉h汧梚櫷o7;7Q嫵2染媱珼>a/銐翾>嶺厭W 藬霱卂膗H剄)薶 胺+:Vi豾4r態裶汐橌"r嫃!帓2l徠a麃C奲此U|嚮!8^顩8>軤仯,A魶壭眲V韙鄨讕厏ls囔14犁_=,澀返o聻TV 跥陲"苧鎎H唼灮'.4熯x薜躻-戲蹺鮸褾;氕衯躑`嘼3"G 'e\昮H柊O 話ㄩ恬愪'$劘i_wp伬 >*靺8魂i&丩Y%\鋁,楎謝視=矚伭壵阱綔 r6f 提3儲淭厥厰)橗:陋ZK誏玸ゅ&C 鏜兣軟0 [浪玴@註醏j扣7 媺耏咹唜Hi葷cT5A蕆跑@顢腍驇馴AZC硙i' RQ\m伕,zo,僩Q襲{Y\,Nψ/=溷ら嵿L _.跆嘫7C6韽-fS宄h62密"5咍麥罭H凾[X65太4X%Y龡豚殖2纅鷎h輩紳痠~tCKF#猥b +趙1m鑵4`眹!:U翞!昿5a:倊{4韒笫m蝘o 萎c杽8m泛D矹秔S槍姍豓1鋣?#S奿?3E'pS2疳W`る甸q]( ┻08樲w別 n撏A鯴[s枃)k8皓= Aa?R d趻刪c楿詠瞬d)#換ueb恾滿捷C!ず&i0福>4魫S7鋥z蟣 F箎 4sKvUKo瘸椒h垀1砵YU奧V蠬塔5U8錠k;譁潘鮈9堚寂皹D 荀 ?*|FL 迪鳡"A3兇伂>g類dm2iV值殍そ杕謌<殞r8[kv抶熞蠃p鎶sj,潩z傴礭[鑚堨叆Qv11縤u鈨-高0%M2羙J描3u舘%覎PK! 褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M 0匃倃oo雍&輬協勪5 6?$Q祉 ,.嘺緳i粭澤c21h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂8V"&A然蠬鱱}狇|$絙{朠除8塯/]As賲(⑵銻#洩L蔥漢倪PK-!倞[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! 褠煻' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] BTWB  0 Zt  t 餈  @餒 0(  饞0(  養 S  ?穱CC<*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagschmetcnv 6 0111FalseHasSpaceNegative NumberTypept SourceValueTCSCUnitName   %03446779:<=?C6>4679:<=?C33446779:<=?C 446779:<=?C*pj+) 勑剺勑`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚佛劆剺劆`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(噃圚o刾剺刾`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю凘 剺凘 `剺﨩JQJo(噃圚佛剺`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(噃圚o勦剺勦`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю劙剺劙`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚佛剙剺剙`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(噃圚o凱剺凱`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю 勪h^`勪﨩JQJo(ю+)* To%2\/3[L檋義!郕蔢hA  wY蹸磛 cS q  3 X b U 6 . 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