邢唷>  & !"#$%'(Root Entry F鄏a埅U@SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8WordDocument.,  鄥燆鵒h珣+'遲0 , 8 D P\dltT\OxvzOS畫fN癲橯魦f蔛,gUserNormal _N/U3@Z遽@鍲埅U@銾A~轎Microsoft Office Word 脹諟.摋+,D脹諟.摋+,HPXt|  Microsoft  0t|KSOProductBuildVerICV2052-!46C55276496840B192435C9B73C6846B0TableData WpsCustomData 欹増 P<KSKS.,K K R  Tv $zh&Ta f`CL D桍N3 Joint Research Agreement Basic parts (but not limited to these parts): Title of the Joint Research ProjectPrincipal Investigators and Main Participants from Both SidesList principal investigators and participants of each side3. Research Plan, Division of Labor and TimetableBriefly describe the scientific objectives, methodologies and approaches of the research. State clearly which part is  Partner A  s work and which part is  Partner B  s. Include time frames in this part if necessary. 4. Sources of Funding and Its Use Describe sources of funding for the collaborative research and the mechanism to use it. Provide certificates or written commitment of the foreign collaborator if necessary. 5. Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual Property Clearly state who shall own the intellectual property and how to use or share it. 6. Duration, Amendment and Withdrawal Clearly state the specific dates that the collaborative research starts and ends and the process to deal with changes concerning principal investigators and main participants before the research terminates. 7. Legal Validity Effective date, period and termination.8. Signature by Principal Investigators of Participating Parties, Date and PlaceThe Agreement shall be printed on paper that contains the name of the either collaborator s institution and contact information (address, telephone, fax and email).   >@D N b f B F B F   筮憂化殩悓垍亊zvsoliea^ZWTCJCJCJo(CJCJ5CJ5CJCJCJo(CJCJ5CJ5CJCJo(CJCJ5CJ5 CJo(5CJ5CJ5 CJo(5CJ5CJCJCJo(aJ5並H_H CJo(aJ5並H_H CJo(aJ5並H_H CJo(aJ5並H_H &CJo(aJ5並HmH sH nHtH_H CJo(aJ5並H_H  "&$(FJ|:<耦腌汔葙鐘纖帕膠凍CJCJCJo(CJCJo(CJCJ5CJ5 CJo(5CJ5CJ5CJCJCJ5CJCJCJ5CJ5CJCJCJ5 CJo(5CJ5 @d pc & Fdh$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 & Fdh$If d,a$$8$7$@& d,8$7$@&d f i$$If:V 44l44l0 枖dhWD刪`刪$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 D F ~dhWD刪`刪$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 dh$If D F $i$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 dh$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖躠l)躠l)刪^刪剺剺(.凥^凥刓刓)勳^勳刓刓.剱^剱刓刓.4^4刓刓)勜 ^勜 刓刓.剕 ^剕 刓刓. ^ 刓刓)勀^勀刓刓.躠l) &666666666vvvvvvvvv666446>666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666644hH6666666666666666<666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666664666 0@P`p6(66 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pR@Rck噀 a$$1$(CJOJQJaJKHmH sH nHtH_HN@Nh槝 1dB$$@&CJ,aJ,5並H,\$A@$貫祂=刉[SONi@N0nf恏*VU@V0厤7B*phCJOJQJo(aJ56>*7S*;:\]J﨩J ck噀噀,g)蹚 2 W[&{CJOJPJQJ^JaJ\<﨩!<0yb鑜Fh噀,g W[&{CJOJQJaJKHH﨩1Hh槝 1 W[&{"CJ,OJPJQJ^JaJ,5KH,\6﨩A60u W[&{CJOJQJaJKH6﨩Q60u w W[&{CJOJQJaJKH@﨩a@h槝 W[&{CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ 5\F﨩qFoRh槝 W[&{"CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ 5KH\L>@Lh槝a$$@&ゐ<CJ OJQJaJ 5並H\.橜.0yb鑜Fh噀,gCJaJTJ@ToRh槝d8a$$@&ゐ<CJ OJQJaJ 5並H\丯@N0u w'a$$G$&dP 9r CJaJZR@Zck噀噀,g)蹚 2d\`CJOJPJaJKH\< @<0ua$$G$ 9r CJaJ<矦< Rh埖k=WD劋`劋 OJQJaJ < d F $< G噝 Times New Roman-(媅SO7$.鋥$  Calibri;WingdingsM%Times New Roman;4 N媅_GB23127$B CambriaT\OxvzOS畫fN癲橯魦f蔛,gUser _N/U 萉h柡!囦摟j' -!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[F $~ dh$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖dhWD刪`刪$If$&i$$If:V 44l44l0 枖dhWD刪`刪$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖&(xdhVD9剎^剎WDd勷`勷$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 dh$If$i$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 dh$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖HJ dh$Ifi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖 dh$If<dhi$$If:V 44l44l0 枖,皞. 捌A!#悹"$悹%癝班2P18P)$P焤2H V(峇礰 b 礠  B?"t@b焤+鮂J飉PW飤F />""瑻#x?$+'Vs)爇+ -#.豯.E//F;01駾1踛2,x2%3CA4FF4硙4669=9罳:;Rh>2B B9GBtCPF=H*MT逷UYq]YZ怉Z匢ZZ[軾[\宷]蒢^焟^旹_Z`驝`蕑aa筨b"sgjRl?#mTm譭m"jm!mGnw!oDt鋔u*xxJny泎z+}z峱{t{0y{&~(~M;56_Nq<5q1,g* j_#Hw3jK;4 86趈6y遌躆.2F1 G04s鉯tHs)3c .黅#: _e癏gp踕?B鴆=Y1羣 >,}U昳jx,(  饅0(  * 3 ?@