邢唷> UWT欹O 餜\Ebjbj叩叩8L竭奺竭奺 RRRRRfff8d$f #&&&&&nV$c"e"e"e"e"e"e"$>%'F"QRnn"RR&&H"R&R&c"c":' , &~v'S O""0 #] R:(j") :(($R "". #") : State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials SKLFPM, DonghuaUniversity Application Instructions and Regulations of Open Research Fund Revised in 2020 In order to promote domestic and international academic communication and cooperation, expand the function of SKLFPM as a center of academic communication and scientific research and improve the research level of SKLFPM in the related field, the application instructions and regulations of open research fund are set according to 揟he Administrative Regulations for the Construction of State Key Laboratories, 揟he Administrative Regulations for the Management of Special Funds for State Key Laboratories and the development plan of SKLFPM. We support the fundamental爎esearch爌rograms which are related to the present research fields of laboratory, we also encourage the application爁undamentals and interdisciplinary research.1. Brief introduction about SKLFPM Since it was founded in 1992, SKLFPM has successfully passed national assessments in 2003, 2008 and 2013 and awarded the 揈xcellent National Key Laboratory in the fourth national assessment in 2018. During these years, it has made significant achievements in many fields such as attracting disciplinary talents, promoting the development of scientific research, constructing the research platform, expanding the academic communication under the guidance of the policy of SKLFPM, "Openness, Mobility, Cooperation, Competition". The present research fields of SKLFPM mainly include:1) High performance fibers and composite materials; 2) Functional fibers and low-dimensional materials; 3) Environmentally friendly and bio-based fiber materials.2. The application object of the open project The applicant of the open research fund should at least have an associate professor position or Ph.D degree and get some teaching, research or engineering experiences in domestic or foreign well-known universities, research institutions and companies. In order to improve the growth of young scientists, SKLFPM preferentially supports applicants under 45 years old. We encourage the technicists whose research directions are related to laboratory and will be helpful to improve industrial base of our laboratory to apply for fund. The applicants should combine with our laboratory抯 research group and conduct substantive燾ooperation after funded by laboratory.3. The application procedures and management measures of open projects a) Application time According to the application guide. b) Application subject According to the research directions of SKLFPM (see Section 4 of this guide), please fill 揟he Open Project Application Form of State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials Donghua University , and submit duplicate hardcopies and electronic edition. The application form should be approved and sealed by the applicant s institute before submitting the proposal to SKLFPM. The project should be closely correlated爓ith the present research directions of SKLFPM, which contains preceding, pioneering, feasible technical route and original research contents. Each project usually爈asts爐wo years. c) Project approval Each project can be wholly or partially supported 50, 000 to 150, 000 RMB by the laboratory tentatively at the present stage. The specific amount of the funds will be first reviewed by expert group, then deliberated in the director office meeting, finally determined by the academic committee of SKLFPM. The project not supported by SKLFPM should be examined and approved by the director of the laboratory. The applicant will get a notice after the project has been approved and signed by the director of the academic committee of SKLFPM and the director of the laboratory. d) Use of the open research funds Fund books should be set up and the funds should only be used for the specific project by the applicant according to the Financial Regulations of Donghua University on Government Sponsored Research Funds. The research funds will be allocated twice. The first 80% of the total funds will be allocated once the project has been approved, while the rest will be issued when the applicant pass the acceptance of爌roject. The rest of the funds can be used in the next year of the research period, but cannot be used for other purpose. The remaining funds should be returned to SKLFPM when the project is finished. If the project is supported by other sponsors instead of SKLFPM, the remaining funds should be returned to the original sponsors. Expenditure categories of the project: R&D expenditure directly related to the supported project; Academic activity expenditure (publication expenses directly related to open project, printing and copying charges, the expenditure of attending domestic and international academic conference on behalf of SKLFPM); Business trip and accommodation expenses for the project participants coming from their home city to Shanghai; Other. e) Medium-term inspection The project carried out in the medium-term process has a medium-term inspection. Project leader should submit academic papers, research reports or stage summary according to the project抯 type and progress. If the medium-term inspection is qualified, the remaining funds will be allocated. If the project is interrupted for some reasons or the project has significant deviation from the progress plan, the financial support from the laboratory will be interrupted or cancelled. f) Rules of final research project The following materials must be submitted to the laboratory for archive when the project is finished or terminated. i. Final Research Project Report; ii. Photocopy of academic publications or patent. Final Research Project Requirements: Obtained the following academic and technical achievements: Significant results have been achieved on the basis of laboratory open project funding or higher level project funding (including jointly publishing high-level papers, jointly applying for and obtaining awards at provincial and ministerial levels and above, undertaking important projects at the national or provincial level, publishing academic monographs, obtaining international or national invention patents and their transfer and implementation licenses, industrial promotion, supporting military applications, talent plans, social services, etc.). The project leader must submit the closing report, which shall be reviewed and approved by the director's office. The specific requirements shall be subject to the project contract. The laboratory will appropriate the rest 20% funds for the applicants who finish the projects in time. The燼pplicant who has the outstanding completion of the project will be sustained funded after爃e (she) applies for fund and gets the燼pproval爁rom燬KLPFM. The duration of sustained research project normally ranges from one to two years. When the project ends, the obtained related papers, patents, appraisal or review, the economic benefits of this project should be timely informed to the laboratory. g) Notice about the ownership and transfer of project achievement The laboratory and the institute of the researcher share the achievement of this project. As for the project funded by the laboratory, the related publication or patent transfer is required to obtain the laboratory抯 agreement. As for the project funded partially or wholly by other sponsors, the research contributors from all sponsors should be signed in the research reports, papers and patents. The publication or patent transfer is required to obtain the agreement from all sponsors. 4. Main research directions of the open projects supported by SKLFPM 1) High performance fibers and composite materials; 2) Functional fibers and low-dimensional materials; 3) Environmentally friendly and bio-based fiber materials; $bT V p t v x z ~ 皴褓皴裉江湁y渒XG5G5#h_h'CJKHOJQJaJo( h_hd3CJKHOJQJaJ%h!. hwPB*CJOJQJaJphh瑀 B*CJOJaJphh1B*CJOJQJaJph%h!. h!. B*CJOJQJaJph!h!. h!. B*CJOJaJphh!. h!. 5丆J$OJQJaJ$hwPh!. CJ$OJQJaJ$h!. h!. CJ$OJaJ$hwPCJ$OJQJaJ$h!. CJ$OJQJaJ$h!. h!. CJ$OJQJaJ$d8 T x z ij 勨dhWD`勨gd_ 勦dhWD`勦gd_dhgd_ 勦dhWD`勦gd藾 $dha$gdwP $dha$gd_   W X  W X G I _ w | 鏍探偨偨vgXgXIXgXIgh稫h¦CJOJQJaJh稫h CJOJQJaJh稫h藾CJOJQJaJh藾CJOJQJaJh_h!. 6丆JOJQJaJh_hd3CJOJQJaJh L CJOJQJaJh_h'CJOJQJaJo(h_h!. CJOJQJaJ h_h!. CJKHOJQJaJ#h_hd3CJKHOJQJaJo( h_hd3CJKHOJQJaJ  $ % ) ` a g h p q z 578鐔鎘歉瑵瑵瑵瑵討觼u觰h覻Ih_h峀5丆JOJQJaJh_h峀CJOJQJaJh_CJOJQJaJo(h_CJOJQJaJh]_h!. 6丆JOJQJaJh¦CJOJQJaJh1VhvCJOJQJaJhvCJOJQJaJhvhvCJOJQJaJh顆JCJOJQJaJh_h!. 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Supplementary articles SKLFPM reserves the final right to interpret the terms and conditions of this content. These measures shall be put into effect as of the date of release. 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