邢唷> QSP欹_ 餜vbjbj6Bbbj    8D$hl D%:4BBBvvv$$$$$$$$(*$-vvvvv$BB4$vBB$v$ !B 徑2p $%0D% B+:B+!B+!vvvvvvv$$vvvD%vvvvB+vvvvvvvvv , : RSF-NSFC Cooperation: Possibility for Joint Russian-Chinese Project Proposals 2024-2026 Joint Project Description Template A complete proposal in this competition consists of the joint project description (following this document) and the specific documents, necessary for both funding organizations respectively (for Chinese Scientists following the NSFC rules, for Russian scientists following the RSF competition documentation). The proposal must be written in English. There is a strict limit of 20 pages for the joint project description (font size: 11 or 12, line spacing: 1.15). Applicants are obliged to ensure that the project description contains sufficient information for evaluation. Core dataTitle of the Research ProjectTitle in English: Title in Russian: Title in Mandarin:Project PartnersName and affiliation of the Chinese Principal Investigator Name (in both English and Mandarin), title: Host Institution: Contact telephone number and E-Mail address:Name and affiliation of the Russian Principal Investigator Name (including Patronymic name), title: Host institution: Contact telephone number and E-Mail address:Research FieldsWhich best describes the fields of this project: (please select by filling v )For the Chinese Principal Investigator __ Chemistry, __ Life Sciences, __ Management sciences and economics, __ Health sciencesFor the Russian Principal Investigator __ Chemistry and materials science; __ Biology and life sciences; __ Basic research for medicine; __ Agricultural sciences; __ Humanities and Social Sciences. Key words:Project Summary: (up to 3.000 characters)Project DescriptionState of the art and preliminary work Please explain briefly and precise the state of the art in your field in its direct relationship to your project. This description should make clear in which context you situate your own research and in what areas you intend to make unique, innovative, promising contribution. This description must be concise and understandable without referring to additional literature. To illustrate and enhance your presentation you may refer to your own and other抯 publications. Indicate whenever you are referring to other researchers work. Please list up to 10 important publications in your bibliography under section. Note that reviewers are not required to read any of the works you cite.Project-related publications Please list your and your partners significant publications that relate directly to the proposed project and document your preliminary work. This list should contain no more than 10 publications.Objectives Please give a concise description of your project抯 research programme and scientific objectives. Please indicate if you anticipate results that may be relevant to fields other than science (such as science policy, technology, the economy or society). Work programme including proposed research methods Please give a detailed account of the steps planed during the proposed funding period including a description of the contributions to be made by the project partners from both countries. For experimental projects, a schedule detailing all planned experiments should be provided. The quality of the work programme is critical to the success of a funding proposal. The work programme should clearly state how much funding will be requested on both sides, why the funds are needed, and how they will be used, providing details on individual items where applicable. Please provide a detailed description of the methods that you plan to use in the project: What methods are already available? What methods need to be developed? What assistance is needed from outside your own group/institute.Data handling Improving the management and handling of research data is a priority both for national and international research organisations and for science in general. If research data or information will be systematically produced in the project, describe if and how these will be made available for future reuse by other researchers. Please regard existing standards and data repositories or archives in your discipline where appropriate.Added value of international cooperation The cooperation among the partners involved and the expected added value of the planned cooperation should be described in detail.ReferencesRequested modules / fundsChinese project part Funds requested (in RMB) No.ItemRMB Amount (Unit: 10,000 yuan)1 = 1 \* ROMAN I Total Direct Costs210Equipment expenses3purchase costs  420Experimental and Operating expenses530Labor Cost6 = 2 \* ROMAN II0Self-raised funds7 = 3 \* ROMAN III0Total costs Russian project part  funds requested (in RUB) Project requirements Composition of the project group List those individuals who will work on the project. State each person抯 name, academic title, employment status and type of funding.Other researchers with whom you have agreed to cooperate on this projectResearchers with whom you have collaborated scientifically within the past three years This information assists the funding organizations in avoiding potential conflicts of interest during the review processAdditional informationSignatures To make sure the content is identical for both sides, please include the signatures of both Principal Investigators. Signature of the Russian Principal Investigator: _________________________________ Signature of the Chinese Principal Investigator: ___________________________  PAGE  Table_R06 Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 5OPSTUXYZ~   $ % & 7 ! . / /13>?NPij~RSp56B?@tEFoJ鯢滾夙揄袞袞序鷗鷗鷗蛐蛐虼虼虼顥蛐顎蛸蛐︱佴蛸︱佴佴蛸︱袞袞 h/'66h/'65丆JaJhEeh/'65丆JKHPJo(h/'65丆JKHo(h/'65丆JaJ h/'65hEe5丳JmHnHsHtH hEe5h/'6h/'65丆JaJ<OP~  % & 7 8 s  C U $dHa$$a$   1 W j k 123>?Pij~RgdEeRSp56B?@tEFoJNS^$$7$8$Ifa$gdv$刞劆$7$8$If^刞`劆齛$gdvJMNRS]^_ghkpqrsuvw*,.BNTVX\^嬉瓤裙病摗摬繉咳瓤屓咳繉瓤瓤屓咳縯屓咳h=h.OJaJjh=h.UaJ h=h.h.B*CJKHo(ph h絰h.B*CJKHo(ph h.aJo( h.aJh=h.aJh=h.aJo(&hvh.5丱JPJ\乤JnHtH1hvh.5丱JPJQJ\乛JaJnHo(tH-^rsuZNN $7$8$Ifgdvkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣$$7$8$Ifa$gdv(*i]K]勷$7$8$IfWDd`勷gdv $7$8$Ifgdvkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣*,0PTi]K9刪$7$8$IfWD`刪gdv凥$7$8$IfWD^`凥gdv $7$8$Ifgdvkdj$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣TVZi]K]勷$7$8$IfWDd`勷gdv $7$8$Ifgdvkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣i]K]勷$7$8$IfWDd`勷gdv $7$8$Ifgdvkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣 "$&(@BDJLdfhjGX   黛遨魑髹魑魑矍黛遨魑髹魑魑塤戾鎂鎂姑久竟竟晶懨垁jh刞Uh/'65丆JKH+h/'6B*KH^JaJmH nHphsH tH#h/'6B*KH^JaJnHphtH h/'66 h/'65h/'6 h.aJo(jh=h.UaJh=h.aJo( h=h.h=h.OJaJh=h.aJ0i]]] $7$8$Ifgdvkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣 $fhi]]] $7$8$Ifgdvkd>$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣hjlTiggggggggggkd$$IfT47諪x#| t0#    44 af4yt.奣 GZ[\ Tkd$$If0G#[X#22 l4aytEe $*$1$If$If     !"stuv匋&`#$dH  "QVW]^_`deopqrtuv潢溧阪余郵余余郵余h/'65丆JKHhs3mHnHujh/'6U h/'6o(h/'6 h/'60Jjh/'60JUjh刞Uh刞41恏2P/R 皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%暗班 愋$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣$$If!vh#v#v#v= :V 47 t0#,5|55 4 af4yt.奣k$$If枖!vh#v[#vX:V #5[5X22 l4 aytEeb' 2066666668 0@P`p6888 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHD`D ck噀1$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH6@6 h槝 1$@& CJPJ5P@P h槝 2a$$$@&(5丂堹fH q \>@> h槝 3d匎a$$$@&CJ*5F@F h槝 4a$$$@&(WDd勷`勷5乗4@4 h槝 5 $@&(5乗$A`$ 貫祂=刉[SONi@N nf恏*B* ph*U`* 厤 >*B*ph"!" sub20R1R sub15h1+57>*B*CJOJQJS*\乤Jo(ph338A8 h槝 Char5丆JKH\乤J/Q s2@a@  yb鑜Fh噀,g CharCJKHaJnHtHDRrD ck噀噀,g)蹚 2VD勑^勑WD`fC@f ck噀噀,g)蹚+d橚YD29DH$凥^凥WD軋劯黗劯CJOJPJaJKH0B0 ck噀噀,gdHa$$XP@X ck噀噀,g 2d YD2a$$9DH$CJ$PJaJ@KH6@6 &0yb鑜噀W[ dhH$KHaJD @D udh9DH$ 9r  CJaJKHJT@J 噀,gWW d橚VD劊^劊UD0]0 B*ph.橜. yb鑜Fh噀,gCJaJ0>@0 h槝a$$ CJ5乗丣SJ ck噀噀,g)蹚 3 dVDK刪^刪WD凩`凩H@H u w!dhG$9DH$ 9r  CJaJKHF﨩"F p7"1$[$\$PJKHmHsHtHb﨩2b form1#dha$$9DH$<刾^刾剱鱜剱 %PJ5並H\乣C` Qxjm)屍uWLfd湑莓+5_惪4csUj-V?k3鴷蕆m}蚜惻譯鸕謟喚爨 肉梘癘s嶅殝7爯褁w隉σs葓懲R 繵*)|妭j全K馲瞳咪 dX㊣BF貒bn鉮 ( *羺'v蓷3KZ捑爥jz'c*鎿語_=}<9閣恿蒓w~磦淽8娀^~_o?鍃Y媒g縹^匂櫄簏薌}J灢0礊E鞝m祁h鈐=踉剳艘 螢a>s$-, 酧萆犂=Hp Ua/ 鞺O d*:(.媐筎鍍綿U鈔/!9$V[|h棗魊v茲s⊥-i荱秚. 窘幉6曦詎4C妿盾ebs)噽綆羈Mj孊錯跟k誴倭 u躮幉礃,渇奷垏$蛻鰗6GU摛琕f褈豣#兄衎這踧扵TW洠.宿沝)i朄巹vdq9Y岞沕>X鲪彄7倇2%恥╃Hx玟+a塔萬6]>蚮#s蘭*賤皅焣蒯丏H祦ehK稒)棁虭撆?71Ηo秅go齚:f詹e叄爲洱k歱攏2謱菋跆8肉皹D 糃B?81e>nE皰eU}H類dm1iQ6撮瑜支<殞z[[v渱0佇p妾sz4儩F貕礭j褥叆Qv11邧可鈨洂 `虜4逽 3t蕭4空h懂 PK! 褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M 0匃倃oo雍&輬協勪5 6?$Q祉 ,.嘺緳i粭澤c21h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂8V"&A然蠬鱱}狇|$絙{朠除8塯/]As賲(⑵銻#洩L蔥漢倪PK-!檗[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!閘N嵈theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! 褠煻' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  B iiilJ v  R^*Th vu2AE"晞"晞"晞 KRTYdfl!!晙晙餈 @餒 0(  饞0(  養 S  ? 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